Trump backed Gun control passed in Florida

Florida passes gun control, raising the legal age to buy firearms.
You have Zig Forums thank for this. Jeb Bush and ted Cruz could’ve stopped this.

Other urls found in this thread:

Waiting for the T_D ?Fag to come in and start screaming about 4D chess

No, his line will probably be more

Jeb Bush was governor of Florida though.

I like how his only argument eventually became "It hasn't passed yet, so it doesn't count"

It's all so tiresome. I'm from a shit state so I am used to suffering, but seeing my country slide toward being like my state is a sort of soul crushing experience no one deserves.

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At best, this seems like some 2d chess move to turn the 2018 Mid-Terms about gun issues, and to get gun owners to come out and vote out anti-2A republicucks, but realistically, Trump is probably going to continue the same old left-right kike march; it sure would be a shame if politicians and reporters get killed.

it's okay, only 公安

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At the very best, it'll be anti-bumpstock, raise the legal age, pro-gungrab, fuck due proceedure republicucks vs. AWB 2.0: You Can (Not) Have More than 10 Rounds democraps. Either way the American gun owner is fucked.
Let's face it! If this is chess, this man has the chess skills of an untrained howler monkey.

Why the fuck did you make this thread if all you are going to do is talk about anons from other boards as though they are all one person? This is the same as just making a thread about antifa guns to shit on Zig Forums. Either talk about the issue and how its going to effect actual florida anons like or fuck off. There has been a large ammount of threads like these lately with no talking about the specifics of the gun laws, no talking about the specifics about how it happened outside muh trump and even the 1776 shit is mediocre compared to post quality just over half a year back when anons where thinking up anti-drone/plane anti-air missile automated traps for shtf. Just because the states is going to shit doesn't mean you shit fucks should make the post quality go down too. I'm fucking sick of you ameritard fat isreal loving ex-zogbots and wanna-be's thinking you are the center of the fucking world.

Fucking 4-shit tier OP as well. The only fucking boards left that are even remotely as good as this site used to be is /co/, /tg/ and Zig Forums and the later is quickly falling off the list. Also, friendly reminder to only use grass-roots mouvements for any actual operating and to never use any site/frequency posted on here ever. I would wish you luck on taking back america but maybe it might be best to just take over canuck land as the military here is so much a fucking joke and all the competent guys would join in. Though we would never be able to keep it and if it isn't america then you can bet your ass china would just shoop in to take over the country officially.

There has to be a good reason as to why he would do such a shitty fucking move and I doubt trump just got the IQ of a child all of a sudden. Its a very good topic to ponder and investigate but I bet this thread will just end up with a ton of muh trump shitting and just cramp up the catalog like all the others.

hate when that happens, that's why i put birth control in every concoction i make

Why didn't the canadian CIA equivalent kill trudeau before letting the chink government take over the real estate through the "totally private owned bank"?

Wrong guy to ask buddy, I know about as much as my father does about politics in canada which is basically: The PC's are represented by a feminist that praises marxist values, the liberals are represented by trudeau multi-cultural man that upholds marxist values and NDP are marxists that are represented by the guy in pic related.

I do know that the oil company is ultra-corrupt, we have our own rothschild like super-rick family that is rich as fuck, pedo's are so big a thing there are youtubers that hunt the low tier ones, all the governement utilities are being replaced by private (((companies))), major companies now only care about profits and throw R and D and competent staff out the window for a slight increase in profits, gun crime is lowering as Trudeau is too incompetent to make gun laws and generally the west coast is owned by china and toronto is literrally over 60% of gun homocides in canada. I'm not much into canadian politics as what I do know is so bad I don't really want to look any further. Our last chance at any future at all layed with mad max yet since shear got in I can only hope the guys taking over the governement in SHTF will take in any kid with an SKS.

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the oil companies are ultra-corrupt*

I'm starting to think that one strelok who said ? flags are just canucks was right.

So the legal age raise will be repealed, but the training and arming of school staff will be kept.

Come on guys this isn't 4D, or even 3D chess, it's painfully 2D.

Nah mate, you and your fag girlfriend are wrong about everything. Always were.



No, it will stay, SCOTUS has refused to hear any further 2A cases, they just refused to hear a 2A case in February, they'll do the same in this case.

Scott was opposed to the Guardian program being included. The requirements for arming faculty are purposefully ridiculous. It requires 144 hours of training, but only former/current LE, MIL or a current JROTC cadre may carry on school grounds.

People like you should be fucking shot.

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I sure do love putting my trust in the Jewdicial system. You know the one that slowed down nearly every good policy Trump put forward for a year and are still fucking. There's no way the 9th circuit will fuck with it, and it's not like SCOTUS refuses to hear 2a cases at all.

Time will tell who is right.

With Ginsburg about to die we are on our way to having a majority in the Supreme. With McCain and other neocon senators on their way out, we're on our way to having an actual majority in congress for the first time in almost 100 years.

People like you should be put into mental hospitals so you can learn to develop your morality.



But Daddy Trump…

>develop your (((morality)))
Go die in a hole

MUH 25802957U02D CHESS

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NFA repeal soon, magabros!

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The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed


Gun free zones on military bases are abolished, that's the only thing he had authority to do as prez.

Yeah you're fucking nuts.

Try to be less obvious, kike. Your vermin race will be exterminated for this.

Just filter martians on sight, the faggot is either a legitimate retard chesscuck, or is a shill that's so deep in chesscuck king's pockets that he might as well be a legitimate retard chesscuck.
I didn't truly understand the hatred for personality cults until Trump got elected, it's really fucking bad when these kinds of delusions are held as gospel by anyone.

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I'm not the one chipping away at your rights. Neither is Trump. So kindly get on your high horse, and ride on out of here partner.

Pffft lol, you really have nothing to say.

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I haven't brought up Trump once you retard. Neither had the other strelok, it seems the only one directly implying Trump acted against us is you.

They're going to be spouting this faggoty chess bullshit right up to the semi-auto ban. Useful fucking idiots.

Ah I see so your thing against Trump is that he is "encouraging" bad behavior. You are implying that if Trump didn't exist, if the other candidate was president, Rick Scott wouldn't have done this. That's a very interesting take.

What the hell is this? Even this guy posted it as some kind of vaginal passive aggressive insult against me, hoping I won't see it

Kind of sending mixed signals bro.

The only ones mentioning chess are you and your fag girlfriends.

He literally gave the whole GOP the greenlight to go anti-gun and they did and now there is new gun control all over the place- federally, in MN, OR, FL, maybe more. Dude, if you still support Trump after he went anti-gun, you are fucking retarded and I have nothing positive to say about you.

Everybody that said Trump was a Zionist pedo-puppet the whole time was 100% correct- we got played. Trump is clearly a Rothschild agent and paid shills clearly spearheaded the entire Trump cult of personality obsession onto imageboards. It is our best interest to move on and try to redpill, arm and train the white population for the long game, because it is clearly impossible for anything to ever be achieved through the democratic system.





I seriously hope you're getting paid to post like this.

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Retard alert. This is directly under his control dipshit. Kill yourself, cultist.

I'm going to let the yidcalling slide for now.

Trump can't control all aspects of the DOJ, Rod Rosenstein runs it. And last I checked Rosenstein was a Jew that has been trying for a year and a half to get Trump impeached. Governor of Florida is even LESS of a "subordinate" to Trump.

By the way Rosenstein also likely has blackmail on Trump, through Kushner. Trumps behavior a year ago proved it.

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>>trump not even involved
>>trump not even involved
>>trump not even involved

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How the fuck does that make RaHoWa any less justified?

chess cuck

he's a T_D idiot trying to reach out to Zig Forumsfags for support. he was a couple threads ago talking about how he hates nazis and loves jews. hahaha. typical T_D poster.

Yes, he fucking can. This is straight from him.

F-F-Fake N-News :(


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I told you last time, I have no horse in this race except my own lulz, but for fucks sakes, 18 billion burgerbux and this is the best you can muster? At least fucking try.

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go back to reddit magapede.

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Shit man, burger education really has gone down the shitter if you can't tell flags apart.

Has it ever occured to you that it's the same exact replies protip: it's not because all you can come up with is the same old "muh 6,000,000D backgammon" every time he does something his own voter base does not like?

shitter is not a word, must be the kebab blood in you.

At least remember what capital letters are, the next next time you try to correct someone, Hernandez.

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You know, he did promise that we would get tired of winning. We just didn't know what he meant by winning. Sure feels like losing.


never gave your low effort post a read. for some reason i thought you were using an adjective "shittier"


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It makes it more justified.

They're all over this board. Every time Trump completes one of his gambits - like breaking every record on economy, muzzie ban, cutting funding for sanctuaries, building the wall or btfo dreamers - they all scurry away like roaches and don't show up until the next time something happens they can blackpill about.

I ran out of big think images.

Yeah, man. I'm sure burning the constitution is 256D trans-continental hopscotch.

Shut up you fucking retard. What fund cuts? What wall? DACA is stll around. And now we're losing rights. Kill yourself.

magapede everyone.

you're not doing much thinking. i can guarantee you that if a vol checked each and every single anti trump (due to him flip flopping on the 2nd amendment) you'll see each and every single one of us is a nonbot organic contributing Zig Forums poster.

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Alright Hernandez and Pablo, I'm off to bed now, have fun cycling through VPNs. I heard the pay wasn't that great. Shit, I wouldn't put in effort or try to be creative if I was locked into some dark backroom with twenty other obese, prematurely balding virgins. Christ, imagine the smell.

Oh am I laffin
I think I'll take you up on that offer.

Don't you ever get tired of it?


Sure is majority of (((people))) in here.
Funny how posting rate on this board increases 20x over every time you fuckers come to tell us how to think.

Have a new think image.

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I'm not the one making excuses and claiming that he's making a super secret move to win for gun rights. Trump has specifically said he does not support CC reciprocity, has said he wants to ban bump stocks, and has said that he wants to ignore the constitution to take guns before anyone is convicted of things. He is anti-gun and you need to take his dick out of your mouth.

will do.
seriously. are you fucking 5 magapede?

your women look like arab girls with contacts. not much of an improvement tbh.

god fucking damn. how is it a good thing for him to do this? i thought things were fucking going to be nice and smooth for 8 years. HPA, etc. but nope. Vegas, then this, suddenly without warning

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you know what. this may be a positive thing. sure some things may get fucked up. but ultimately what will happen on all chans is similar delousing. the T_D will be exposed and BTFO. rightfully so. the 2016 election brought them here. probably because they realize accounts and reddit is fucking gay.

This is who is posting on Zig Forums in 2018

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it was a funny reference tbh. that autistic piece of shit going so far to slather cheeto dust on his face. pathetic.
reddit everybody

doesn't understand how conversations work here.


He opposed lumping it with a gun control boll, but he's been supporting concealed carry reciprocity since day 1.

You mean lipservice, because saying he doesn't want it to be part of a bill he supports means that he's against it. A standalone bill isn't going to happen, so he's either a fucking idiot or he doesn't want reciprocity. Pick one.

Its a great reaction.

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if you won't archive, i won't.

i prefer the real hitler thanks.

A reaction is a reaction.

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good choice.

you know what? thanks for this post actually. it gave me a bit of hope. because while i'm damn sure this isn't his plan it may actually be an unintended side effect.

And you want reciprocity at cost of 10x more gun control than your anal monkeys are screeching about.

Do you even bother reading your handlers articles or do you just skim the titles? This was one sentence into the article:


Except Trump is touting a bill that is just gun control and refuses to put even one thing good for gun owners in it, and has made movements to ban bumpstocks. His rhetoric has also helped fuck Floridians over.


I agree, you giant gaping vagina.

One you didn't apparently read.

Thread should be deleted, as it's fake news. It's not possible for the President to amend state law, regardless of whom he or she is.


You magapede fucks either prove Trump is progun good fucking luck after that EO or go back to Zig Forums where complaining about the treasonous bastard is a bannable offense.

They won't, they've been literally all over this site to defend their precious cuck emperor ever since his comments on gun rights.
They know he fucked up, they know he's a backstabber, and they know everyone else knows.
I want to say I'm surprised Zig Forums of all boards fell for a personality cult based around a zionist piece of shit, but much stranger things have happened.
It's all part of the cycle that is humanity.
We're on the downward slope right now, hopefully we're close enough to the bottom that we'll live to see the beginning of another upward trend.

They're kids from reddit and this is the first election they've ever voted in, they've never been lied to by a politician before
Give them a couple more elections and they'll quickly learn.

you mean how he ran a casino into the ground and consistently had businesses fail proves hes a brilliant strategist?

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Just making him look worse, here.

keep up the good work