>The move does not require congressional approval, allowing the administration to side-step what could have been insurmountable pressure from pro-gun groups such as the National Rifle Association that have worked to erode changes in firearm laws in the wake of mass shootings in Florida and Nevada.
BREAKING: DOJ Reclassifies Bump Fire Stocks as Machine Guns
Already posted in the Florida thread, famalam. Thanks for looking out, though.
Be sure to give the NRA more money to fight this goys!
>we have supported
I know who we're dealing with but this is trash
So are we back to 'the string is also a machine gun' yet?
That is not in accordance with NFA definition of machinegun. But since when kikes bother with abiding laws they write themself.
Remember, Daddy Trump will protect us.
I mean if there's a silver lining, it's that semi-auto didn't get banned due to legalise.
tfw I didnt bought bumpski before Las Vegas hoax
No the only silver lining is that it will still take quite a while for the ATF to deal with this by rewriting the definition of full auto to "shooting boolits out of gun at really high speed"
Submission means a slow death under heel of the State. Don't turn in anything and limit yourselves further.
It's a long interview and you can find the transcript online. What he says next is unrelated.
Regretting it yet?
1 term president
the NRA is really fucking useless isn't it if it couldn't convince Drump to change his stance.
The NRA were the first to call for this, kek
Still pissed though.
Would've been fun to turn the entire world into the zone though.
I warned Zig Forumsaks in 2015. They didn't listen. They told me that I'm kike shill and Trump will gas the kikes.
That's not the problem genius, the problem is that a 80s democrat is more right wing than any republican that was running for the office.
Who the hell was your alternative? Jeb? He'd have folded and sent the national guard to start confiscating guns after the Vegas thing. Not to mention that none of the GOP candidates were even electable, and we'd have ended with Clinton if Trump hadn't ran.
Slippery slope
Who the hell was your alternative?
You must understand that "elections" are smoke and mirror. If you think that you can beat system by playing their rules, you already lost.
Just another step closer to rooftop voting and manhole IEDs.
Regardless of what you say about Trump, it is factually True that he is the most right-wing president since Reagan.
That's 30 years of cuckoldry. Trump being a candidate none of those previous ones liked, in fact going so far as to break laws to try to get him out, was good enough for me.
These were the choices:
1. Elect trump.
2. Elect clinton.
3. Elect jeb, which helps #2 happen.
4. Don't vote, which helps #2 happen.
5. Secede, which does nothing if no one else does it with you.
No state picked option 5, a few picked 2-4, and most picked option 1.
How is this legal? Does anyone have the breakdown of caselaw that prevents the ATF (or other executive branch institutions/agencies) from re-interpreting the letter of the law? They started from the position of:
to now
My understanding is that final change is unconstitutional.
pic related, its what jews are doing to themselves right now.
You rang?
Even if Trump followed his campaign promises and prevented the bump stock ban, the major reforms need to come at the congressional level and they're just as spineless. They could've railroaded the Hearing Protection Act but they chose not to, and then shitlibs pretended suppressors were the enemy in Las Vegas and sunk the whole thing. They could've railroaded universal conceal carry but they chose not to, and then shitlibs pretended bump stocks were the enemy in Florida and sunk the whole thing. Not trying to defend Trump here but it needed to be said.
Why are you under the impression that the rule of law matters in this country? The constitution has been largely irrelevant since 1795, regardless of how much bullshit was garbed in constitutional drag.
Hello Tedo
This will literally create a shitload of criminals overnight. Hopefully this doesn't go through, but if it does we have to make it a prohibition level of mistake for the government.
Hello Tedo
Thankfully slidefire keeps great records of their customers so they can hand over the database to the ATF.
You could've voted for Jim Webb.
Yeah, I can see the similarities.
Case law supersedes constitutional law despite that being unconstitutional.
The case law that authorized the use of case law was "Marbury v. Madison".
The only branch of the government that has mattered since has been the judicial branch. Protip: All non-amendment federal or state laws enacted unconstitutionally are the result of circular logic.
Webb was basically the Democratic Party's Trump. They share damn near the same ideological points. Whether that's a good thing or bad thing is irrelevant.
It's a super majority of Republicans in government currently.
It's like the people in these agencies want to be killed.
So realistically is the ATF going to be doing housecalls for the bumpstocks based on the customer info? I know I should say I lost it during a boating outing but what if they decide to search my entire house and tear out the walls etc?
Yes they will be and if you don't give them up you will be charged with a felony and sentenced to 10 years to life.
Pray to jebus the supreme court will hear your case within the decade
Remember what the one fucking leaf that stopped automatics from being logged in nacuckistan did.
So is this how it starts? I could imagine a few Ruby Ridge type events happening over this and that might just be enough to send people over the edge.
So is this for real yet?
How long are you going to use Clinton to shield Trump from criticism? It's lazy and getting tiresome. Just because ebola might be better than the plague, do you have to enthusiastically shout "Go ebola! Ebola will make [insert applicable country] great again!"
This! Obama scared Republicans into an extremely fortified pro-gun position as they were in a "everything Obama does is bad"-mode and since he was anti-gun, they were pro-gun. Also note that during the Bush era, North America and Europe had some of the largest anti-gun movements in almost half a century, but they all died during the Obama presidency. From this anectdotal evidence, it's not such a far strech to concieve that Clinton might have really lit a fire in the belly of pro-gun citizens, organizations and politicians. Also remember that large parts of the American population were ready to start a Civil war (at least according to their (((faceberg))) posts) and I doubt Clinton would actually have started such a war just to grab guns. They main difference between Clinton and Trump is that she's predictable and corrupt but Trump is somewhat demented and will go back on his word because he's either angry or because he forgot what he promised. The 2016 election had the 2 worst Presidential candidates in history, and trying to figure out who would be the best is almost hairsplitting. I thought that Trump would at least protect the 2nd amendement, but to my surprise he went full Bradley on it. That's when I stopped understaning why some gun owners still support him. Not to forget Trump's unwaivering support for (((civil asset forfeiture))).
Last summer I linked to an (unbiased and objective) article by Jewish Telegraphic Agency about something with regards to Trump putting sanctions on Iran over bullshit reasons. I simply linked to the article with no comment, but then I was accused of being a Hasbara shill, so I linked to roughly 10 other (non-Jewish) news outlets reporting on the same story. They kept up their autistic screeching and couldn't even handle objective facts about Trump that would indicate that he cares more about Israel than peace. That was the last straw of nu-Zig Forums for me.
They didn't have to worship him, but that's what they did and so they continued to silence all critics even after he had won! Was that really necessary? Clinton lost, so we should all have gotten back to evaluating whether or not Trump was doing what is right, not declaring everything he does to be good. In all fairness I will praise Trump for pulling USA out of the TPP (Clinton only pretended to be against it after the public turned on it) and attempting to maintain normal relations with Russia. Fwiw I also don't believe in the "muh russian vote haxors" conspiracy theory. Clinton lost and is the sorest loser in World history.
It would be pretty interesting to see what happens in the event of another Waco or Ruby Ridge.
The results would tell us hands down whether or not there is any hope for the future of the people in this country.
There already was. Bundy Ranch. And guess what? Americans sent them dildos, mocked them, and rooted for them to be killed. The JewSA is dead.
Come up with a legitimate criticism and I'm on board.
Not this fake news "sources say" bullshit.
Be careful. You will trigger Zig Forums by questioning their god Empire. Trump did more damage to the second amendment than Obama. Trump probably worse than bill Clinton.
That a different situation that what this has a potential to be. The Bundy's were easy to smear as "a bunch of anti government militia nutjobs on a compound somewhere". This could involve people getting ATFed in their homes in residential areas. Maybe their kids too.
Agents will be on edge. Mistakes will be made. The wrong houses will be raided. Not to mention that they will inevitably raid a few houses that have actual criminals that will go guns blazing as soon as they see a cop. Which will in turn make the agents even more trigger happy.
Shit's going to be fucked.
The first standoff went well, the second one in Oregon was when they got infiltrated to hell and back with feds/informants.
I wish I could agree, but we all know there won't be a last stand. America's gonna go out with a whimper as statists force their cock down our throats.
Captcha: cpsukr
Wrong bucko. Every burger that stands up for his property and his family will be gunned down and ridiculed in the media. Just think about the years of programming that normalfags have been subjected to regarding gun owners. The depiction of the average gun owner to libtards and minorities is a 'demented' middle aged, brainlet, white inbred hick. You think when the city slickers see reports of "deranged white men firing on innocent black police officers in nationwide search and seizures" that they'll somehow stand up for themselves then or even sympathize with these "deranged white men"?
It won't be patriots and operators that's liable to start things up. If enough normalfags that get their doors kicked in things can spontaneously heat up without any one involved realizing it before hand or even during the event.
But what about the church ladies?
The difference being that Webb isn't a delusional chickenshit draft dodging coward.
Well then, I guess that's the end of that. Does this mean that you need a class 3 license to get bump stocks now?
I wonder if Trump has even fired a gun.
did you forget the fact that mitt romney was a lot harsher on immigration or did you forget that trump is run by his jewish masters?
fucking even mitt romney wanted to make english the official language of the united states of america
everyone was hard on immigration. it wasn't until the jews said "let them in goys" to their lackies in power did it start happening. did you just forget clinton supported border walls? slick willy supported the death penalty and EXPANDED it? sounds very republican to me. of course it's all a big idea, a new world order for them. first UK, Australia, Europe, etc. Take the guns away, flood them with muds, and then profit from it all.
Have you not questioned why the fucking secret service is everywhere involving mass shootings?
*meant this ironically since i realize some people on this board have room temperature IQ.
that AWB 1994 nonsense only happened because it was a massive bill about "crime control". basically a rider. I don't understand how you can classify grants for helping women who have been raped and needing police assistance to fucking banning scary features on a gun. those sound like two completely different committees.
he's a fraud, liar, and has no problem betraying people to further himself. mossad probably has some things on him from pedowood connections. basically a gun pointed at his head. im sure of it. doesn't excuse anything.
to hell with him.
He had a CCW license in Jew York City.
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Hillary would have cheated Webb out of the nomination easier than she did Bernie.
Jeb had all the jews, saudis, media and neocons lined up to lick his hand because of his family, and he had more money to spend than even Hillary.
Oh it's just a definition clarification… this isn't a law or a ban, it's not binding in court. In fact you can run it up through the courts if you like, all the way to the supreme. Also OMB is ran by Mulvaney, who is more pro-gun than even me.
Mitt Romney wasn't running, wtf are you talking about.
What is the United States presidential election of 2012.
are magapedes really this fucking young?
I see these threads and read the words, but all I hear is Ron Paul's smug voice, barely audible through the sound of tortured screams and raging fires, saying "it didn't have to end like this" and " it's the future you chose".
Not the election that resulted in the current administration? What the actual fuck?!
It's backdoor gun control, and your refusal to admit reality is seriously worrying. Take your meds, faggot.
Mitt Romney had begrudging support because he wasn't seen as conservative enough. Even he is more conservative than Donald Trump. This is what he meant, and you don't understand this because you're a retard.
No it's not, because it's not legally binding. ATF denied constitutionality of redefining machine guns to include bump stocks specifically, if I recall.
I said Trump was the best option we had this election, and you guys brought up Mitt Romney. Why didn't you bring up George Washington if we're reaching in the past.
Fucking whaaaat? Romney is 10x worse on guns than even Obama, that's why no one voted for him!
obama was president for 8 years. gun laws being passed requires the house and senate. we hold both. the SCJ are fucking useless and are always anti gun (to the effect of thinking it's still MUH SPORTING PURPOSE).
just 2 more years. you can't seriously keep fucking excusing his action of "4d chess 4d chess" over and over. please. for fucks sake. see that he's done harm.
Yeah, the agency in charge of prosecution of this shit making rules about enforcement is not legally binding. Hey, man it's not like they're going to arrest you for something they specifically say is against the law.
Yes, and this is them going back on it on direction from the Trump administration.
There were more conservative politicians than Trump. Even a Democrat, Jim Webb, was a better option, and Hillary wouldn't have a full fucking congress to rally behind her. Trump is literally worse for gun rights than Hillary.
Romney didn't advocate violations of the constitution to confiscate guns. Kill yourself. If the only thing you can claim is that he's at least more conservative than Romney, then you're already admitted that Trump is a shit president.
guess who else too?
Hey, only the autist is allowed to mention chess. If you reference his retarded arguments, he'll get mad and claim you're repeating the same argument.
Does this mean all bump stocks are banned, or just future sale of bump stocks?
in other words, are people who bought it before hand still allowed to use them?
If they are reclassified, there is no way of opening the registry. They will have to be destroyed.
they're machine guns. that means you get WACO'd.
i already see ATF agents (im serious) selling them online. they're preparing.
T_D are so fucking oblivious they still think you can register machine guns.
Didn't the ATF fuck up hard and sign a form 1 for a FA someone then pulled it back causing some massive asshurt?
What? Pls explain
Neither of those. DOJ doesn't have the power to change definitions of laws. The law specifically defines a machine gun.
>The term “machinegun” means any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger.
Considering bump stocks work by repeated trigger pulling, they don't fit the definition.
Does this mean I can still buy/own one?
They're $145 here (WA)
To this day when the leaffolk accidentally let their gun ticket expire the RCMP politely ask them to turn their stuff in because they don't need people getting that idea of don't tread on me. The amount of Title II guns that float around in leafland is absurd, because tell me what makes piles of 7.62TT in the woods.
The very fact they aren't even off the market is a massive suggestion as to yes.
Yeah, we're not that polite here. Shit would be covered on every channel for months. God bless that crazy loon, though.
Yep, back in 2014.
Reminder that all martian posts are made by chesscuck shills and should be filtered on sight.
Hello Tedo
To be fair Zig Forums had been flooded by foreigners glaring thing I noticed were memes I had never seen before, that ended up being memes from reddit and twitter and the rest; pic related, originally saved it because I didn't know better, but kept it for cases like this and shills by then, not to mention, after GEX the vols started working against Zig Forums.
Anyone have that picture of that employee showing he worked at Trump Tower with a time/board stamp?
The media in leafland makes Soviet censorship look like the 1A. But the reds who run leafland are beyond incompetent when it comes to anything else.
Why not ban pipes, propane tanks and trucks? They can be turn into weapons.
We may as well use every chance to demonize your average fed anyway. Not that your usual dog shooting antics arent the stuff of jokes, but every little thing to make others over react. May as well see how far accelerationism can take us.
Can't wait to see the stories and greentexts that come out of this. Will be a good laugh as everything goes up in flames.
There hasn't been a single right-wing president since Coolidge.