What is the future of arctic & mountain warfare with modern day thermal optics?
What is the future of arctic & mountain warfare with modern day thermal optics?
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Same as always:
Light vehicles, load bearing animals, and lots of infantry with skis.
The only thing that changed are the maximum engagement ranges, and the importance of keeping vehicles behind cover, but what use is a thermal sight when the weather turns bad, as it tends to do in the mountains?
Maybe missiles have had some impact, especially MANPADS and SACLOS AT missiles, which greatly reduced the amount of time necessary to take down a vehicle, which made them even more useless.
Probably the same as anywhere else (urban, jungle, woodland). See the enemy faster unless there using thermal protective clothing.
Fuck all people will be issued thermals while everyone will have mk1 eyeballs, visual camo will remain relevant until you are fighting killbots.
Nearly all the population of the planet is urban, cities are coastal or near rivers (so at the bottom of any mountain), there are no reasonable reason for any reasonable army to ever actually operate deep in mountains as there is never anything important there.
Unless it's your home turf and someone is stupid enough to invade you, like invading Switzerland, North Korea, Afghanistan or Kashmir. Worse if those reasons are to quell an insurrection (which mean you need to occupy nearly every square kilometer of terrain which by nature, is impossible to do in mountains without sending millions of soldiers over a fairly small area).
Given that no-one but Russia actually maintain an arctic army and navy, I'd say a really quick bear curb stomp.
Bomb their power station and laugh as they freeze to death.
Just ask the Huthies
People who live in Mountanis areas are more prone to revolutionay and radical ideas.
Mountainous areas have high levels of mineral reserves.
No. Quite the opposite. But it doesn't matter anyway because people of the plains and cities will always outnumber and outproduce them them 100 to 1.
So? It's rocks. You can't eat them and you will have to go out of the mountains to sell them. Nothing that can't be resolved by a simple blockade.
Well there is no doubt that they're dug in like ticks… while Saudi Arabia is siphoning all of Yemen oil, which is not the mountains. The fact that KSA is even trying to attack them just prove KSA people are retarded. Nothing more. If they were smart they would have used their mech/air power to steamroll in the flat lands, take all the oil fields maybe the few cities that are pro-saudis and call it a day, instead they wanted to prove they had the biggest dick around (which is NEVER the smart move) and ventured into the worst are of the country (and couldn't even take it), leaving them with exactly what they would have had, except they would have projected an image of strength and competence instead of being a bunch of retard getting assfucked by guys in flip-flops and rags with antique weaponry.
There is almost never a good reason to go fight in mountains save maybe a one off to hold a strategic pass or something of that nature. That's why the US only has a sole unit that is really mountain trained (Russia has a couple due to the Caucasus, but not that many either). Because more than that is overkill.
As I said there is hardly a contest at this point.
Way to pick two completely different situations bro.
Arctic warfare is mostly jet propelled aerosans skimming along at 200km/h while firing tank guns at each other while trying desperately to avoid a fate worse than death delivered by coked up Finns running at roughly the same speeds.
Mountain warfare is seeing the enemy 1 mountain over, and trying to shoot them with guns designed to shoot 300m because some retard decided that gun engagement ranges based on stalingrad applied to every combat situation.
You're assuming that people are going to want to fight wars exclusively in their cities.
Again wrong, you don't need to fight in cities if you control the plains.
And controlling the plains is done via classic combined warfare.
Again, not a reasonable reason.
How do you explain the fact that the majority of warfare in the last century has not been urban warfare?
I mean we've had 2 city battles, in Baghdad and Grozny. It's so rare we have to reach past WWII to find examples of it in urban warfare courses.
Oh and Khe Sangh.
You forgot Fallujah, that was a clusterfuck of some proportion.
Napalm is the future
Yemen doesn’t have oil. KSA is fighting Yemen because some Muslims in Yemen decided to abandon Sunni Islam and convert is Shia Islam.
If KSA didn’t try to take the mountains the Huthies would just use the mountains as a base to shell KSA convoys.
Mountain valleys have enough airiblr land for substance agriculture.
Because every general know this and are therefore actively avoiding cities.
And on the few occasion they did engage in urban warfare it (always?) was to conform to political time table, not a military one.
Where the fuck did you even hear that??? Western Yemeni have been Shia since there is fucking Shias (so around a millennia).
The fighting started because the "president" (that was put there after an "arab revolution" and was a Saudi puppet to begin with), announced federalization of petrol rights leaving, the lightly populated Sunni eastern Yemen with essentially all the cash from oil income and nothing the Shia population (which is also the majority of the people living in the country).
Then Saudi Arabia invaded because they needed cash even more after the oil crash and because they consider the people in east Yemen to be largely fellow Arabs in what is nothing short of an annexation (which was the plan all along) and has now happily added yemeni oil production to it's own.
When compared to other Arab countries Yemen has very little oil. The main value in Yemen is Yeminese ports which allows Saudi Arabia to export there oil directly to the Red Sea. Also Yemen has strategic control over the straights that connect the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean.
Battle of Stalingrad, Siege of Leningrad, the battles of Kiev, the battles of Krakow, siege of Memel, siege of Königsberg, battle for Berlin, Grozny, Sarajevo, Deir ez-Zor, Aleppo, Raqqa, Mosul, Fuah, Bagdad.
Those are just WWII and Syia/Iraq (civil) wars. Cities are just as important and popular centers for warfare as they have always been.
I had a video of the thermal evasion suit I was gonna post, but now I can't find it. Enjoy this unrelated video instead.
Arctic combat generally has the home team winning since they're familiar with the terrain if we're talking a force that is mainly infantry. If air support is involved already hit the nail on the head.
Napalm never goes outa style
Live under a volcano?