We don't want to take your g-

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Californians don't let them take anymore of your shit

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What are the chances they're going to be disarming any of the illegal immigrant MS-13 members?

Ooohhhh noooo :((((((((
Quick, burn the constitution!

Why are these retards always so delusional? They will never take anyone's gun away. They can't. It would be like declaring war on a nation that has the exact same military strength as them. It's fucking suicide.

Alright then, but you're gonna get the bullets first though.

Californians want this and then some. The Californian is a natural born cuckold almost at the same tier as the Briton.

It won't stop them from trying
Cuckservatives will probably surrender them without fuss, kind of like those fags that have been virtue signaling on twitter by sawing their guns in half.

fahnny joke budy

The retards sawing guns in half usually turn out to be long time gun grabbers that went out earlier that day and wasted their money on some overpriced piece of shit just to destroy it for brownie points.
I'm sure some of the gun shops they went to were glad to finally get rid of their dust magnets though.


If MS-13 existed, which it doesn't, I'd say that those undocumented citizens of color need their firearms to protect themselves from Nazi bigots. Obama, in his infinite wisdom, saw to it that the innocent and mistreated Mexican-American community was able to defend themselves from Russia's puppet president before he left office with Fast & Furious. t. someone who will never have to live in America but will tell you how to live anyway.

This is pretty much every single American law.

*blocks your path*

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Truly the last great man Britain ever produced.

This is a new one. Mind explaining?

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Read the rest of his post you jew.

They're practically the spic equivalent of ISIS, getting funds and weapons from the ZOG of the America, you moron. If you think it's just "this one violent gang" causing all the chaos, and not shitskins in general, you are part of the problem.

When I said MS-13 doesn't exist, what I meant is that it's just one big sting operation run by the government. That's clearly an FBI agent, which is why they didn't show his face. It's well known that the government deals drugs and starts gangs to entrap young people of color. They do this to keep their communities in the gutter and perpetuate capitalist oppression of the proletariat.

Decent bantz/10

This is an actual belief of SJWs, they think MS-13 is manufactured. You can't deadpan actual leftist positions and expect people to get it over text.

To be fair you aren't wrong that the government deals in drugs

Another case of all of them have to die.

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Wew lad that is some prime Aussie shitposting right there.

I WISH a nigga would!

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C'mon, let's get this over with

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Nope. They;ll take guns and give them to La Raza

What about the New California Republic that a bunch of farmers declared?

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are they the ones trying to take my guns? If not, then there's no issue

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If you expect special forces to attack your house, why wouldn't you fortify it? And why wouldn't you expect a fortified position to send to satan hundreds of enemy soldiers for every dead trooper on the inside?

They are trying to separate California into two states so that they don't have to continue following the cucked laws that the cityfags make.

Personally, I think they should just start an aggressive drilling campaign to cut off the coast, but, more power to them.

Very nice shitpost.

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Too much work. Just drop a nuke down the San Andreas Fault and jostle it into slipping a couple hundred feet.

how can I help them?

Get cracking on that shit.

Well there has been a case where a state was split into two states, Virginia and West Virginia.

the real way to be successful is to have california secede and then have the rwds go to the north and carve out the free state of jefferson. that way admission to the union or independence is less difficult and has fewer preconditions (like west virginia staying with the union when virginia joined the confederacy)

Anyone who hands over their guns is a useless faggot

can commiefornians even fortify their houses
Because AFAIK they're built from sticks and plaster which has no bullet stopping ability.

First example is correct.
EA is long overdue for an anti-trust suit.
age of consent varies by state.
>The (((timber industry))) didn’t like hemp undercutting their profits so they ran smear campaigns until the same post-menopausal harridans that banned alcohol demanded that hemp be banned.
Fixed most of that for you.

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Guess its time to line NRA's and GOA's pockets again. Also choose which of my battle funs shall be worthy and pick them up some food

Why would you donate to negiotating rights away?

Jews and cucks are masters of bullshit

gavin newsom's a FUCKING FAGGOT. No Really he's fucking gay. I can't believe the people in that state voted for that corrupt mother fucker. He overturned the vote of the people during the prop 8 thing that was going on there. He's the reason why there are all these extra stupid gun laws in california.

>indirectly donating to the (((JPFO)))

You're pretty much just as likely to be killed by lightning as you are by a mass shooter, based on the last 5 years.

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There's only so much you can do when you live in an earthquake risk area. I'd sooner expect The Big One than a civil war situation, and if the latter happens I'm fucking Swayze. No need for a suburban castle. (And let's not pretend like anyone's building new homes en masse out of resilient material anywhere in this country.)

I can. He's a model Democrat - "outspoken," "charismatic," "tough" (spends all day virtue signaling and improving optics instead of legislating), is one of the target demographics (fag), cares only for positive "rights" of his voter base, and lines his pockets while in office. Surprised they're shilling Harris and not him.

Drumpfy needs to ban lightning,

People here don't care because they think it doesn't matter because in truth it doesn't when you have all the illegals. Both trips to my polling place I brought my wallet just in the off chance they did want to see ID and each time I committed the simple gesture of raising the ID panel on my wallet I was met with the face of a libtard giving me a look on his face like I just fucked his single mom in front of him and turned to face him just so he could see in full view that my skin wasn't nigger colored.

I didn't even have to give my name last election. I just walked in, told them the street I lived on - only because they split the area into half to expediate the process - and someone handed me a ballot. Normally they'd look me up in the registry and I'd put an initial down on my name. I don't know why you'd even bother in a state where the conclusion was foregone but there was something suspicious afoot that day.

Nobody's defending lootboxes here, just pointing out that the gov is going to use them as a justification to censor vidya.

It's never lower than 16 though. Should be at least 1-2 years lower. Aging, jealous harridans are the biggest reason for that and all these other shitty policies, but I was pointing out the rationale they used.

>The (((timber industry))) didn’t like hemp undercutting their profits so they ran smear campaigns until the same post-menopausal harridans that banned alcohol demanded that hemp be banned.

Also big pharma and the alcohol companies.

No chance. MS-13 would start a guerrilla style war against law enforcement. Because they have the organizational level to do it. And Feds know they’d lose so why bother.


Look up Sombra Negra. They were the response to MS13. MS13 gang members are terrified of those people since they aren't constrained by the law and will kill them while they sleep. Contrary to popular belief, using death squads against criminals and their supporters works, which is why Duerte is making progress against them.

Just no. Here’s a better map.

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no please take me with you!!!!
T. San diegan

Does Anyone know how to speed up tectonic plate movement?

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Isn’t San Diego more of a liberal hellhole than LA?

Kicking Orange County out

Why? Isn't OC decent?

San Diego is the least liberal and least hellhole-ish large city in California, mostly because of proximity to military bases.

oc, bakersfield, san diego, and san bernardino are okay tier considering the state of california

Because it’s filled with rich Hollywood types. Seriously (((rich people))) are very anti-gun, anti-liberty, very liberal, and pro-interventionism. And Orange County is filled with Rich people. Rich people also tend to be obsessed with Euro culture, and are ashamed to be America which is annoying.

Worst case is mexicans selling fruit. Other than that you can walk down a road without smelling piss every ten yards and as far as I know the local gov't doesn't make futile (though getting better at it) attempts to throw poz parties hoping to dethrone San Francisco. still a city though

Lower friction

San Diego is conservative by Cali standards. Big Navy and Marine town. You kick out San Diego, you lose a good chunk of your pacific support fleet, some supercarriers, and a fair amount of airfields. We're worth it.

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Good the military should be replaced by Citizen militias.

And that is how you get your ass invaded after the first few weeks of them being independent when they run out of basic needs.

Which is why you move all of that hardware out first and then leave San Diego to the wolves

the fire rises

The problem with lutys are they eat ammo like nigs eat watermelon or whites eat their cousins.

You only need a 3 feet wall of sand/rocks to stop anything bar tank shells.

Oh look! 26% of lightning fatalities are women! Lightnings are mysogynist!

Never knew that a city worse than Berlin exists.
Then I went to LA.

Okay bernie sanders

Back in the 90s? Sure. They haven't been able to elect Republicans there for years, though some of that is because the redistricted the 47th.
You can see the flip in pic related.

Used to be my second home. I enjoy the area.

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Increase the reciprocating weight to lower the rate of fire.

It works even better against formerly lawful gun owners your know. Would pigs choose way of less resistance? Make a bet.


Isn't Dana Rohrbacher's district in or around OC?