
Let's say that 5,000 Boko Harambes invaded Uganda. How would you eliminate them with the one rule being that you cannot leave evidence that you were fighting them personally.

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Id sneak into their camp while they sleep and ill gas their tents with nerve gas. When the bodies are found, Russia will be blamed.

Who? The Boko Harambes? The Ugandans? Both?
In either case my response would be nuke 'em all till they glow.
It's just a bong VPN.

Just like shooting fish in a barrel

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Mass firebombing campaigns.

Deep cover operatives to infiltrate, disarm, and assault.

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Blackface bro. Africans are that dumb. Picture related

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buy some surplus cargo plane through a couple double blinds, and napalm the fuck out of em.

I was hoping someone would explain how they would turn the ugandan military into a well trained army and let them take care of it. It seems that people still want to fight directly but discretely.

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Weaponized echidnas.

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LGBTPQWTFBBQAYYLMAOQWERTYEX+alpha & Knuckles, Featuring Dante From The
Devil May Cry™, and introducing AKB0048

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but are they as dumb as left wing journalists?

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I like this idea.

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He looks like a guy in blackface, how could anybody fall for this?

Nobody did and people on the Independence march last year were pointing and laughing at him for being a kike retard with blackface, which he wrote as "real racism experience"

As opposed to a jew who is of a different color, like brown.

Then use the term "albino semite".

Ask the West for help, let them send their sons to die like an assholes. In return exploit your people for wealth.

I tell the US that there's a massive oil well and the niggers are going to use the pound instead of the dollar to sell it.

i wouldnt because i dont give a fart about some african shithole with no whites in it

if that's the case I'd just give who was fighting a bunch of AKMs along with ammunition with no stampings, anything would be to risky

Sell them weapons and let them do all the work for us.