The male form is more than the shoulders lad and homos don't get to steal that beauty and ruin it with disgusting lust and perversion. Trust me on this as a man who has be sexually accosted by gays twice; it doesn't matter what you're wearing.
American cities really should be made into quarantine zones for the half breeds that hate us but can't live outside of western culture. They'll all have been sterilised of course.
They'll use this defence and he will probably get let off lightly. Sick cunt indeed.
David Thomas
Jesus Christ.
Jose Jackson
rather extraordinary that a small band of men managed to travel that distance across indian territory and still win tbh tbh its oddly satisfying to see that there were towns in the american west in the 17OOs tbh, albeit french
Apparently an Iberian sneaked in somewhere or they're giving her dodgy results. Either way 1% Dago
Aiden Clark
ive read a few stories about what the injuns did to some of the hwites during the colonial era they tied ones hands to a rope, which in turn was tied to a pole, and they kept prodding him with hot sticks until he died, this seemed pretty common too tbh, they loved to torture
they honestly deserved to get btfo
Luke Brooks
just the small little stores are the best there is a story about these lads coming up from ohio to build cabins and basically paying poor taigs to come and live (get typhus and die) there and they could not cross this one river I fish on in the summer sometimes and had to build a log float but some guy was trying to be tough and he drown will all his kit. and then they had to go out and kill all the wolves before women would come to the hamlet. now its just a basic bitch town with niggers and 56 percent shitskins who would die in 3 days without white man infrastructure
Carter Lopez
yeah they were very cruel and the mormons showed up and essentially went full crusader on them.
Ryan Young
They intentionally put in up to 1% nonwhite to piss off white nationalists
Fucking hell Hanging is too good for them tbh. I mean the politicians. They need to be gaoled with their pets and put on display in public squares so the public can watch them getting enriched on a daily basis
Colton Ross
it was william crawford and they tortured him to death and the indians showed zero sign of mercy in any capacity, psychopathic shits tbh
It's gonna get as bad here if we don't stop it This thot for example should get a choice of fucking off and blandering up Africa or death if she refuses to go