Surplus investments

So Zig Forums, school me on a surplus purchase I may make.
I've been interested in surplus guns for a bit now but the only ones I have are basic Russkies (Makaraov/SKS). I've been thinking about an older gun as an investment, since none of these will get any cheaper, I see it as an investment, too.

My choices are either a "good condition" M48A Yugo Mauser or a CMP Service Grade Garand. I would love to shoot either of these and ammo prices suck for both so that's not a big point of comparison for me. I'm also aware the Garand needs mods for commercial ammo.

This was sparked by me kicking myself for not buying a Finnish Mosin when they were still available.

Attached: mauser_1.jpg (1350x900, 77.98K)

My three picks for you, user.

Attached: CZ-52.jpg (600x708 198.77 KB, 132.51K)

Kongsberg mauser

If you don't shoot it, before replacing the rollers and firing pin, sure.

if youre not stockpiling millions of bullets RIGHT NOW youre not ready for the uprising.

also nugget dude, cmon now easy choice.

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How many mags?

If you don't have every round in your possession loaded in a mag that's duct taped to another mag you're not ready for the uprising.

Garand only needs an adjustable gas plug and that is fairly cheap to get.

Would this be a worthy investment?

Attached: Japanese-Rifle-Arisaka-Type-38-Full-2k.jpg (2000x1070, 844.72K)

Arentt here like 3 different caliber Arisakas?

youd need to make a lot of ammo for em.

6.5x50 and 7.7x58. Good luck ever finding factory loaded ammo for less than the price of a safari round. 7.7 seems easy enough to load though.

'Investment' implies that you're only buying it because it's expected to increase in price, and your sole intention is to sit on it until such a time you can flip it to make a quick buck.
That's acting like a kike. Don't act like a kike.

However, there's a difference between the above, and wanting to buy a collectable before the supply dries up and the price becomes prohibitive.

Are you an autist like me and enjoy the shit out of handloading and making 7.7 brass out of old .30-06 brass then sure its a good investment.

OP here

My intention is the second of your paragraphs. I want to own these rifles and shoot them, but preserve them. I think these rifles are wicked-hawt. However, surplus is rapidly disappearing and it’s no secret the prices will only go up. Buying guns that increase in value is always a plus.

People who buy tons of CMP Garands and immediately flip them at markup should be castrated.>>561701

it's a 6.5x50mm Jap and it's over two dollars a round. Will this horribly affect the price?

We have IDs here.

If you're looking to shoot it with commercial stuff your wallet is gonna hurt.

FR8. CETME in the front, Mauser in the back. 7.62x51, so shooting it does t break the bank. They go for about $300-$350 locally and are tons of fun.

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I'm not planning on shooting it too frequently, I was mostly wondering how the ammo price will effect the price of the weapon in the future. Will it be an irrelevant gun that people are not willing to collect due to the high price of ammo?

People tend to buy shit they can shoot and such, even collectors take their funs to the range for some noise.

So how do guys like us get rich?