Zig Forums tier historical figures

Tom Horn

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> >:^)

Personally I enjoyed reading Carlos Hathcock's book and his sniping exploits.

I like how people downplay how Dart was stealing from other black ranchers. Cattle rustlers were mostly stealing from blacks and Mexicans. Yet revisionists always paint tom horn as a racist.

Bass Reeves

The original Boss Nigger

Attached: boss_nigger.webm (1920x1080, 3.31M)

You have good taste in movies and historical figures. Fuck Quentin cuckotino.

Based Tom Horn

I thought Zig Forums hated niggers?

Lol wtf? I love Zig Forums now!
t. Sweden

We do, but not enough to start incoherently screaming at the first mention of one.

Attached: Negro_Hostage_situation.webm (854x356, 500.18K)

Albert Johnson:

tl;dr: A man who went into the wilderness, alone, built a cabin with a bunker, wounded numerous police and killed one with a perfect knowledge of tracking and marksman techniques fights Mounties.
To this day, people still debate if Johnson did anything wrong or if he got Waco’d by police

Attached: 299AB08C-DD0E-4F18-A5F4-F9DADE81C9C0.jpeg (199x253 29.53 KB, 13.36K)

I don't think he did anything wrong. He came up with a fail-proof way of dealing with certain types.

Zig Forums != Zig Forums
Not every black man is a nigger.

There's blacks and then there's niggers.

Attached: dd4414ebf08f047471f25136efcf19f9f3b1599ef34d779334b25c4ae1a659cc.mp4 (900x506, 5.83M)

Reddit, please stop posting.
Kys. It's a racial predominance, lower average IQ, lower cranial development period. It's in their genes. There will always be outliers. Niggers are niggers. Fuck off back to whatever tier cesspool nu-Zig Forums is nowadays

Did he hunted And forage for his own food or did he had friends or family resupplying him?

Jesus Christ, are you a gook? You better be Korean/Japanese/Taiwanese or something and not a mainland chink.

I was named after him.

I’m surprised no one posted Ned Kelly yet. He was the Australian Ironman.

I find middle class Australian accents really hot tbh.
t. working class man

Young Aussie girls tend to be sluts, junkies, airheads, far-leftists, or some combination thereof, which is a massive shame.

>t. wog

Is that why Australia leads the world in treesomes?

The life of a young Aussie bloke can be summarised as follows:
You put the pieces together.

That sounds pretty sad.

You're exaggerating a bit, but the problem is pretty bad, yeah.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with airheads. Girls aren't supposed to be smart.

If you want to put yourself through the living hell that is associating with airhead sluts whose conversational skills are limited to parroting social media, bitching about other airheads, and talking about how drunk they are, then be my guest.

Mi amigo Ameribro was speaking about stupidity on its own, hombre. An airhead who has a strong moral character and has never touched a man other than hugs and kisses from her family is a-okay, ese.

Attached: christ chan mexico.jpg (660x825, 273.85K)

Attached: disdain.jpg (198x223, 20K)

I like smarter girls if i ever have kids its likely going to be with the smartest girl i can find, cause I want my kids to be smart too.

It's not just Australian girls, friendo.

Compared to every other ethnicity down on this giant island, Aussie girls are easily the most far-gone.

never in my life have i seen someone this new.

They have a lotta loyalty though

Hired guns are cool, but I don't give them adoration. This is what was different.
Interesting that you left out the second bit :^)

Attached: landsknecht_with_halberd_by_drawstralia-d4vdg6n.png (761x922, 298.61K)

He hunted. He had no known family or friends.


I'm pretty sure the natives were fucking with his traps too, but he didn't have a chance/want to report this to the RCMP.

Same in this country lad

Say what you will about them; they lead lives of excitement, adventure, and violence outside of a television set and that's something that's been admired from time immemorial.
