Zig Forumsino

Why the fuck is there almost no good Zig Forumsino?
Everything is pozzed to hell and back with women being part of special forces because muh amazons stronk!
Give me something to soothe my rage

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Sicario you'll enjoy seeing the woman and her pet nigger getting btfo.

From the dawn of time, almost universally has man ruled with an iron fist and a golden crown over everything. However, one day the woman saw, and saw some things she did not like. When the children were being raised she spoke and said "don't be like your father" and it became undone.

I have no problem with women being equal, my best friend is a woman and I only have one other person I would want to be with in a fire fight other then her. However even she hates women and what they are! Passive, undermining and cowards who hide behind people and things when they can. The only thing that can counter aggression and directness is passive behavior. When the enemy is not there you only have yourself to fight. Women cause these feels.

Tropa de Elite?
Tropa de Elite 2?
Das Boot?
The Butcher (2009) maybe, with the shootout scene?
Dredd (2012)?

Is that clipazine seriously backwards? Or is that some weird smg that's supposed to be like that?

iirc ANZACS is pretty Zig Forums-tier

It's an mp5 and clipazine is indeed backwards.

Maybe its meta-memeing on HK rounds in mags being backwards? Who am I kidding..

TV rots your brain anyway.

This is one of the woste explanation I've ever read here.
If man was superior socially, it's because he's the one who hold spirituality, and the one who hold responsability, and war responsability.
That's it. You all don't understand shit because you don't understand shit about spirituality. Because in a world when it doesn't exist, then there is no really strong reason for man to have the upper hand upon womens.

If you're a man and you don't realise yourself spiritualy, then you're not a man. You have to be spiritualy "manly". Physical strengh is actually just apparence, to cope with the inner emptyness. I'm just quoting Julius Evola, nothing fancy here.

What we're looking at in our today's society is man being effeminate, and womens being manly. Because no one actually meet its true inside, its true nature. Because no one really even know what it's all about anymore.

The true nature of women is to give herself out totaly, without any interest. The best exemple is obviously the woman raising a child. Even if it's the worste child of them all, she's still gonna give herself entirly, and without asking anything in return. It's actually the same with the husband, that hold the "spiritual torch". By holding to him, she's accessing to the same level of spiritual accomplishing.

So, to conclude, don't stand positions you don't know anything about. That's truly crazy in politics, or even in anything implying ideology/tradition. People thinks that it's just a matter of believe, without anything logical, or constructed, that take years to master.
The joke.

Stalingrad (the 1993 movie) is quite nice. While the fight scenes are a little over the top the whole hunger, and freezing aspect is quite well executed.
The 1959 movie "Stalingrad: Dogs, do you want to live forever" is also neat. At some points the acting is so good that you can't distinguish between actual war-footage and movie scenes, while in other scenes it's dying-swan-"gib me oscar"-tier retarded.
They actual mix real footage with redone scenes, and as I said at some points it gets difficult to differentiate between them, which is fantastic.

The idea of women joining Special Forces is laughable.
First and foremost, women aren't interested in that kind of shit, because they generally tend to avoid conflict altogether
Second, women gravitate towards careers that has potential social partners and are considered by society as 'feminine' or 'unisex'.
the Third and final reason is that they couldn't simply be able to match a man's physical strength and endurance.
That's how i see it anyway, i just based this on my own observations of women's social behavior. Unless its 2D, and then it gets an automatic pass
Oh and about film with Zig Forums stuff in it
-The Way of the Gun (2000), suspenseful thriller that has the most misleading trailer i've ever seen
-The Raid (2011), bear in mind, that the operator stuff only lasts about 5 minutes before chaos ensues and everyone was kung-fu fighting
-Tae Guk Gi (2004), a.k.a Gook slaughterfest: The Movie

That's some nice way of seeing things user, i can vouch that women simply can't understand a man's feeling like other men could. I sure do hope that you'll get a partner that can understand your deepest desires and service them accordingly :^)

Yes, krautfugger here is spot-on about films set in stalingrad. Though i must say that the fact that some snowniggers (((coincidentally))) speaking german when confronted with said soldiers is abit breaking the suspension of disbelief. No offense, but the word kino has forever been tainted by /tv/ so i refrain from using it, i'm sorry user

Attached: Real operators use airshit.webm (1440x1080, 11.42M)

Exactly 0% of this is operator tier. Inverse-Pooland sucks.

Leave it to the German to have a sense of humor.

Goblin memes incoming

I don't really care. That only triggers faggots.

Theirs is the glory was made using people directly involved in the battle of Arnhem it's portraying and was filmed about a year after the battle on location and weaved in original footage from the war. A bridge too far is about the same stuff, but 30 years younger.

Just saying, it happens almost every time.
I'm tired of how predictable shitposting has become

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First season of strike back was pretty realistic story wise (brit operator doing what brit operator do, IE getting fucked by brass hat that are largely free wheeling and in-over their heads, getting sent to kill their colleagues instead of springing them out and realizing that the US alphabet agencies are largely still supporting the talebans) but clearly lacking Zig Forumsino wise. The actor was also much better than all those that followed (and has mostly only been seen in Hollywood blockbuster since).
The couple seasons that followed were pretty Zig Forumsino, with much better combats and firefights but story wise it went from somewhat gritty and realist to a pants on head retarded comic bullshit and villain of the week thing.
NuStrike back is 100% current year garbage with no redeeming quality whatsoever.

What about a kinovision series about amputee women who get cybernetic limbs to fight in battle and inspire the men?

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Aoharu x Kikanjuu

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Fucking krauts, go laugh at some clock jokes or something

Because Appleseed α exists

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This is what you niggers get for thinking Upotte! was anything but complete shit.

Upotte! viewed by soy and progtards would be all about how men rape the gun girls since literally every part that comes in contact with a guy is tits (hand guard), ass (buttstock, with skeleton stocks being thongs), or pussy (the trigger). And not the cheap ass fan service mango/animoo that focus's on girls who happen to be guns doing gay things to each other like 80% of all entertainment that come out of japan today.
This is just Hollywood raising women up for shekels at the cost of women's """pride""" so that when reality hits, it hits like a truck of peace.

What the fuck is inspiring about some crippled fuck who wouldn't be able to wipe her own ass were it not for synthetic shit bolted onto her. Even then what the fuck is inspiring about seeing a creature who wouldn't be able to stand toe to toe with a normal aggressor that they need tech and money wasted on them for equal footing when they could use it on non fucked up people to make them even stronger and also they're apparently so desperate for bodies that they resort to even wheel chair jockeys. That seems like the opposite of inspiring to me.
not MGTOW just wondering why the fuck you would put fish on land and have them wear an apparatus to survive or put a dog in a tree and bolt easy climb steps onto it just so you can say you have a dog that can climb a tree like a cat

At what time does a Pole go to sleep?
Never, his watch is so poorly manufactured that it's ticking keeps him awake at night.

reading this post made me watch anzacs. its fucking Zig Forumsino. top tier aussie banter, shitting on the english, good mix of serious and comic relief. id suggest all you streloks watch it

I appreciate German humor, especially when trips are involved.

I've seen Theirs is the Glory, one of my favorites movies. It's about at close to legit as you can get without it being entirely actual wartime footage.

Upotte! was meant for fanservice and cute girl, and it delivered.

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Sako is the only worthwhile character in this anime. Prove me wrong.

Augu-chan best raifu, cunt.

Pick one. Galil-chan is greatest girl and you know it.

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pick one

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Shit taste doesn't get any shitter.

Watch slav movies. 9th company has good production value, others might feel cheaper, but are interesting to watch none the less.

Reminder that Galil-chan is the best waifu
goy women just can't compete

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Also Galil is a shit and probably has a rusty gun.

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Well in his defense his country's raifu was so shit, even racemixing with pure Germanic blood couldn't save it.

What was the point in continuing to use that gun, other than dumb pride over having a shitty design that didn't work.

Eastern front Kino
Submarine Kino. Make sure to watch this in the dark, in German audio with subs and prepare to feel ;_;

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Sunk cost fallacy; I'd say that the military is prone to it due to the fact that, as an organisation, the military tends to stick to acquisition plans once they're created because they become so deeply interconnected with other plans like operational doctrine, logistics, funding, training, and so on and so forth. I don't think it's dumb pride in as much as it is an expected result of the amount of bureaucracy there is in the modern army. Case in point, the Bradley was a shit vehicle but that still managed to be made. Same with the F35, but we're yet to see how bad it is in combat

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Movies shamefully not mentioned yet, the 9th Company is on YouTube in full and follows the FMJ structure of the first half being boot camp.

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Gee, i don't know America

Got anything about the Chechen war? Prisoner of the Mountains is kino but, its not Zig Forumsino. not to mention the qt 3.14 chechen loli as well

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except that the m14 actually worked lol

Seal Team on CBS is actually pretty good.
Minus the gun sound effects because it's fucking hollywood.
A lot of real gear used and pretty non pozzed outside of 2 specific eps.
Takes more of a procedural cop show type of development though.

Oh, and it's about SEALs in case you guys didn't get it from the title.
I know some of you fags don't like them much.

Forgot my webm.

Attached: Seal.Team.S01E16.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.webm (1280x720, 3.53M)

lol thats fucking retarded

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Guess who are gonna be next CIA director.

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Okay but what anime is this kino?

It's either Bubblegum Crisis or Bubblegum Crash.

This is a very realistic depiction of a combat situation and reflective of my experience. Anyone who disagrees is an armchair commando and doesn't have 300 confirmed kills.

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How is this possible?

It's as retarded as american fighting communists.

Hey you niggers said you wanted Zig Forumsino.
Not pseudo-documentary like Generation Kill.

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Ya'll wack and gay.

Cmon guys, did you really forget the movie with the shootout scene that inspired literally every gun shootout in future movies?
The movie where the actors used rifle blanks and no post processing sounds whatsoever making it sound realistic as fuck?
The movie where Val Kilmer reloads like a pro and his reload was allegedly shown to us marines?
The movie that straight up inspired the North Hollywood bank robbers to rob a bank?

this scene is good but watch the whole thing beforehand and it makes this whole scene better.

It's Zig Forums, what'd you expect?

link to download:

I will never understand directors and the choices they make.

If you wanna watch real cringy shit you should check out The Long Road Home.
I'll give you some chicken tendies if you managed to stomach it past ep 2.

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I was wondering if you could help me Zig Forums.
I remember watching a movie, about 10-15 years ago (if I remember correctly, I'm bad with time/ dates) about a university professor trying to expose the truth about Waco and he gets put under surveillance. I think Timothy McVeigh gets brought up, too and I think (but don't quote me on that, I have a bad memory) they kill him in the end.

For the life of me I can't remember neither any of the actors, nor the release date, or even any further details about the plot. Could you tell me what movie was it?

Seconding this, this sounds good. There was that movie about the gov going full fema camps with guillotines that was supposed to come out a few years ago, until the director got murdered by the CIA

I doubt there can still be copies or even production witnesses of this one.

Well, there's Arlington Road. It does not fit your description 100%, but maybe this is the film you watched.

I feel like this is the best thread for this, I just started writing a screenplay and I wanted to get Zig Forums's opinion on the idea for it.

I'm trying to write a war movie set in a hypothetical near future second Korean war. The story follows a journalist sent to cover the war who gets attached to a us unit led by an eccentric and kind of insane man. While they're on a mission, the unit breaks away from the us forces without the journalist realizing they've done it, and begin to operate without jurisdiction from the us military. They do whatever they want and end up killing us troops, and from there they are chased by both the norks and the us, and the journalist discovers that the leader of the unit brought him specifically to document atrocities that they commit for the us to see.

I dunno it's basic as fuck right now but I think there's potential for it. Feel free to say it's shit and how I could make it better as an idea. I'm also not good at explaining myself.

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First of all do you have any successful writing experience?

No successful experience, but I've written plenty of shit before and I've always gotten positive feedback for my writing, that's not 100% reliable though.

What exactly do you mean by successful?

Anything with independent feedback really. Not necessary publishing. Any writing for free sites, even fanfics sites counts, if stories had popularity among readers base and feedback well above average level.

I've submitted things here and there that have been popular and well liked. There are a couple spooky stories on Zig Forums that I wrote that always get passed around when there's a spooky thread.

Men like attractive women and if robotic enhancements even the abilities of all soldiers then the pretty girls can fight alongside the men and do the same things they can do.

Yep, that's probably it, judging by the plot summary. I wonder why I thought the plot was the exact opposite though. Probably because I have the memory of a goldfish.


You like men?

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For them to be even CLOSE to men in the field, you'd have to exclusively pick flat-chested, short-haired bulldykes who've gotten their tubes tied - at which point you've just got a pale imitation of a man.

So, the real question is whether or not YOU like men.

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When it comes to 2D Zig Forumsino nothing beats Black Lagoon and Jormungand.

Why the hell would you waste robotic enhancements on women when you could've applied those to men for a substantially bigger boon to their combat abilities, compared to simply attaching women with mechanical parts just to have them be able to match normal men in the first place?
Sure, we all want our Major Kusanagi but its 2D, goddamn

1st pic looks eerily close to Putin, are you sure that's not shooped?

If girls in uniforms are your fetish just get a gf or an escort and tell her to dress up for you, don't ruin your entire fucking military because of muh dik.
Korean police women for example are there as eyecandy

We must have Kusanagi at all costs

I only like men who are the Boy next door

War Dogs is one of the five most Zig Forums movies easy. It explains real mechanisms about arms dealing to the US government, and shows how hard a Jew can jew.


Attached: War (2002)

Watch R-point in you're into spoopy jungle operating.

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Reminded me of Pentagon Wars.

Hitler dubs confirm


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cant find english subtitles, can you help me out?

Attached: Srbija do Tokija.webm (640x360, 4.22M)

Anyone like We Were Soldiers? Gooks and chinks getting blasted like no tomorrow

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