If you put a long black and powerful mossberg 500 (not cock) to your mouth and pull the trigger would you die or can your survive what is the the most lethal gunshot wound
Will a gunshot to the mouth kill you
many people lose a jaw and keep living from that.
life is precious, suicide is wrong, seek god user.
Do a mass knifing on the bus while yelling allahu akbar or some shit. Make sure to kill jews too.
Do tell.
Forgot webm.
That's why you make sure the gun is facing towards the important parts of the brain, not just your jaw or frontal lobe. Or you can just use a shotgun, to make certain you don't miss
that was brutal
People have survived shot gun suicide attempts, (they aimed the blast incorrectly and blew their jaws or frontal lobes off)
But unless you aim at bad angle, you cant fuck it up,
op if you're trying to an hero use an exit bag or something, at the very least think it through you cant change your mind once you pull the trigger
Why do you have 2016 cuckchan screencaps?
Why is this getting posted fucking everywhere?
There are tons of suicide videos out there.
I would kill myself if I had a lobster claw for a hand, too.
I mean, it sure looked like it, but I'm sure he was just fine. By which I mean, I don't think it hurt on the way out. I would have killed myself too if I liked such shit anime.
That's not how the plus sign works.
Rent free
I shall explain the origins of why people call yids kikes. They have such an aversion to anything that looks like a cross that they'd sign their stuff with a circle instead of a X, the yid word for circle sounds something like kike and the name stuck. They even have a special + sign in heebland.
Yeah, but that's a new invention. Source: My adoptive parents are from Israel. Not sure if I'm a Jew myself, but the Kike thing is also not entirely a sure thing. I know that Jews used that slur against other Jews as well.
Being an hero is not worth it, after seeing that video,
Killer. Why did he even take the time to hang a tarp behind him?
Probably to keep his neighbors from calling the cops/intervening, maybe because he probably lives with his parents. Or to hide his dragon dildo collection.
Don't become a statistic. Use an exit bag. Failing that, use a rope. If you do it even semi-right, you won't feel anything past the first 10-15 seconds.
Here's a tip: there's an entire board up for idiots like you: >>>/suicide/
And yeah, don't forget to livestream it.
Christians, living rent free in every fedora's head since 30 A.D.
Probably to minimize the mess. Didn't work it seems.
Well technically you can, a man survived with a hole through his head but the round in question has to be the kind that doesn't, you know, completely destroy your brain when passing through.
Shotgun in mouth, positioned at back of throat and pull trigger. It will reduce your brain stem to pulp and this kills the human. Only (future) retards put a gun to the side of their head or under their chin, since it's hardly a surefire bet. That said, shooting yourself is only worth it if you want to go on a shooting spree and are too cowardly to suicide by cop. If you aren't planning to be an underage b& edgelord's wet dream, just do what said. You don't want to risk damaging your funs, do you?
Jews will jew other jews for their benefit.
it would be more interesting if he'd used a better camera and 60fps at least
It looks fucking goofy btw.
Fucking kek
There is a whole board just for questions like this. Two, I think.
Get a bullpup like the KSG, they're easier to put against your temple
He's a literal furfag, a cum-gulping /whine9k/ retarded mud edgy teen who unironically thinks Angel Beats and SAO are pinnacles of anime. Do you think he has enough brains to even comprehend what a good camera is or does?
I mean, the man has managed to compress so many leves of retardation in one short video and in the span of just 18 years it's not even funny on a lolcow level! It's literally makes me rage! Even Randy fucking Stair had the fucking good sense to give others a good laugh with his retardation.
It was from half/r9k/.
He doesn't have any brains.
All right you fucking faggots, here is the thing about suicide by gun:
Many people fail to do it properly and end up suffering for an hour or more.
First of all: choice of gun is important. While even a blank can crack your skull with ease and injure you brain sufficiently for some major braindamage, that's about it. Death won't follow immediately. Instead you will slowly bleed out. Sure, a round will rip a hole into your brain and cause lots of bleeding, but again, unless you do it right you will still bleed out on the floor slowly.
The hot gases from the muzzle also cauterize some of the bleeding near the entry, leaving only the exit wound sufficiently open for easy bleed out.
Chosing a caliber that will create a big exit wound, like .45 or even some shot is key if you don't know how to place your shot properly.
See pic related.
Putting the muzzle at the roof of your mouth will lead to a shot through the frontal lobe, or even the face. The frontal lobe is responsible for thought. You will instantly become a potato incapable of logical thought or emotional feelings. Pain and motor centers will still be alive and kicking, sending signals of immense pain in the top of your head and roof of your mouth, as well as nose and face area, because your brain actually doesn't have any pain sensors (which is why brain surgery can occur with a fully awake patient and local anesthetics only).
Placing the muzzle against the back of your throat is slightly better, but no prize either. You can either hit your Cerebellum, which is soley responsible for gross motor skills and automatisms (like tying your shoes) or you hit your brainstem, which regulates breathing and sends signals to your limbs. Hit that and you will suffocate while fully conscious and unable to move.
Placing the gun near the place where your nasal cavity meets your mouth area would lead to a shot straight through the postcentral gyrus and most of the parietal lobe, which together form your sensory input area. You will be blind, deaf, incapable to interpret any sensory input and for all intents and purposes unconscious, because none of the signals your brain receives will be processed anymore. If you have bad luck your ears may not pop and you could still understand speech for a minute or two, but then it's hasta la vista, because SURPRIZE SURPRIZE: this area of your brain is also where the main blood vessels enter, and you will bleed out far quicker.
Using a mirror to aim your shot properly would help.
The standard method of putting the gun against your temple will also miss most of your brain entirely, it simply grazes the frontal lobe and ruptures the optical nerve, leaving your blind and incapable of thought while still feeling the pain. Placing the shot a little to the rear (through your ear) will mean that you hit your brain dead center, causing the sensory center too shut down, and destroy some of your brain stem.
If there is something propping you in an upright position (like a wall or a seat), that means that you will bleed out slower, because your heart would need to pump against gravity.
You want to know how you can circumvent all of these problems at once?
Cut oxygen supply to the entire brain at once. This can be done by either hanging yourself (no blood reaching the brain), cutting your wrist (no blood to transport the oxygen anymore), or by using an exit bag (no oxygen inside the blood anymore).
There is a reason people used knives and ropes for executions and suicide long after firearms were invented.
Have you never seen that video of the guy with his lower face completely missing while he gives a thumbs up?
If you shoot horizontally, at the neck, obviously you could miss the arteries on either SIDE of the neck, and the head on TOP of the neck, and just sever the spinal chord. Then you spend the rest of your life like stephen hawking, blowing into a tube to go forward.
Also when you actually shoot yourself in the head, the thing that kills you is the mixing of blood with brain tissue, which is an extremely slow way to die. If you want to suicide yet keep your face so you can have an open-casket funeral just aim at your fucking heart.
You die quicker than shooting yourself into the ball of fat that is your brain.
Why not just point to your skull instead of your mouth in the first place?
You had one job, Moishe!
Ah, the german with his accuracy and precision takes on suiciding. So neat, so german.
Hey, I don't consider myself a Jew. My parents are very nice people, but they're old as fuck. Plus, I don't see anything inherently wrong with making offensive jokes. Keep up with the bantz, Panos.
I think pretty much everyone is likely to do that. I have no faith in humanity. Also, this was before the holocaust when Jews would do this. Now if you don't love Israel and everything they do, you are a "self hating Jew".
Why not just wrap several tube sock sized sausages of black powder around your neck and blow them simultaniously?
Why not just make a suicide device that drops 100 pound weights on the back of your head while your laying down listening to soft tunes?
Why not wrap a long steel cable around your neck, attach it to your truck, and drive the truck off a cliff at 40mph?
Exit bags have their own set of problems, including not finishing the job quickly enough.
what if you hit your brainsteam you would lose conciusness. How did Hitler shoot himself?
Hitler also swallowed cyanide. All in all, shooting yourself is not a sure bet and helium seems a lot more fun.
Either way, murder suicide is the only way to go Moshe.