Whaddya think Zig Forums?

whaddya think Zig Forums?

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The fuck am I looking at?



Don't forget his shit taste in anime: myanimelist.net/animelist/Shuaiby?status=1

Another gun death statistic added to he list.

Jesus fucking Christ, how horrifying!

only good meme
what a dork.

Attached: d7addf3eda4a1bd84f43a7cb87e3dabefd4d4ebb85085e814fbbe14d6a297818.mp4 (1920x1080, 15.38M)

What a tasteless faggot. I'm glad he's dead.

Also just noticed the SOA poster on the wall.


also shit taste in anime tbqh


There's others.

Attached: 1521149992472.webm (640x300 3.66 MB, 360.97K)

Attached: jojoshotguns.mp4 (1920x1080, 6.87M)

That poor boomer who will see this video

Attached: 29B7CE32-F901-408E-83FE-7604FAF0F0DC.jpeg (361x361, 42.14K)

Mom calls 911

That's not how you allahu akbar Aslan.

good riddance.
Though should've self immolated.

Why is this getting spammed everywhere? I've seen it on at least seven boards now.
I don't get it, it's just some shitskin shooting himself. It's not even in good quality or brutal.

gegged :DD

Well the show sucks, so…

Well, he's on the internet and even ED now. In a way he has achieved some form of immortality.

At least a good gun won't end up rotting away on an evidence locker

Does anyone have the part where the EMTs arrive and start laughing at his anime posters?


I think it isn't Zig Forums related in the slightest

Attached: doublesguy.jpg (244x249, 20.59K)

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Is it true he gave himself that lel kek buzz cut to show support for gun control after that school shooting?

The entire thing (50 minutes or so) is on bestgore. You can hear that they are talking, but I think you need to boost the audio to make it intelligible.

feels good to not be a weeb

SAO and kakegurui are both shitty animes, watch kaiji if you want a good gambling anime

There have been tons of live stream suicides before. I'm not sure why this one got so much attention.


rainbow six vegas 2 is petty tacticool

Attached: mywifeisdead.jpg (1024x576, 84.56K)


What's with the fag projection?

Oooh yeah it's that 4Chan fag who ended himself

I didn't watch Kakegurui the Anime, but I did watch the drama and it was pretty good.
That is to say the girl that played Jabami was a qt3.14 10/10

Attached: hamabe minami na cute.jpeg (2500x1668 71.5 KB, 1002.36K)

Fugg. Why are Jap girls so damned cute?! I mean, they're the only 3dpd that I find, to some extent attractive. Honorary 2D.

That sounds interesting. Could you post the revolver girl from that adaptation?

Because they look like children. No, really.

Recent ad featuring her and poptepipic and she's only 17, to the tune of Redgum

Pic/Vid related

Attached: Kakegurui Episode 10 Review Last Episode ドラマ「賭ケグルイ」第10話予告 ド.webm (640x360 420.16 KB, 1.41M)

Ad for an app to find part-time work?

the pushover girl and Twisted fucking psychopath look miscast.
Season 2 when?

Kakegurui isn't about gambling, it's political satire. like World Peace
Didn't you notice that all the games that matter are fucking rigged by big business/government dynasties
Notice in the webm posted by japanon where the cards have A STAR OF DAVID on them.
in Animu there was a clear shot of menorah-like candelabra

Thank you, Japfriend. Whether it be a legitimate military question, or some random offtopic question, you never let us down. You, the Frenchflag, and the few Streloks like you are the reason this place is truly magical unlike worthless shitposters like me.

Spoken like a true weeb, fag

It was babby's first live stream death.

Is a muslim name, not mexican.

So some muslim tranny suicided?


A Paki, or so I heard.

Kankerboy, ich muss kacken

Attached: 69f.jpg (796x464, 27.37K)

This video is mindblowing

When you run out of fortnite vbucks
