IT BEGINS!: Florida Man's Firearms, Ammunition Confiscated Under New Gun Control Law


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I have the sudden urge to go fishing. On a small boat. Along with all my firearms.

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hahahahahhahah trumpcucks

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Before it's deleted by Trump and Kushner's kike shill mods.

Don't forget to thank the NRA too!


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Red flag laws have been a thing for years, I don't know why people react as if it was something new. Probably new to Florida, but this has been an issue for at least five years in the US.
It is fucked up, do we know if there is any evidence that the old man has a mental condition?

The absolute state of 8/pol/.

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You guys became more pathetic than Gamergate. A lot of them will justify being drafted to fight for Israel because muh 49 chest.

Mods work for CADRE. Which is an (((online outreach organization))) to support Trump's elections and presidency. They're bought and paid for and the equivalent of ShareBlue on the DNC side.

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What worse At least most of ex GG admit #Notyourshield and E-celebs were a mistake. GG didn’t improve. Gaming, gaming got worse industry wise and journalistic wise. All Gamergate got was give the left a boogeyman to justify more censorship without a fight and GG giving female Devs money because of Vagina thinking the mainstream media would support them.( mind you GG trying to win over CNN and BBC yet laugh at asking conservative media like Fox News even though Breitbart alone gave Gamergate fair press). Hell Gamergate faggots campaign to have Colbert cover Gamergate thinking that leftists cuck would be on GG side. I respect GG thought Colbert was real. Zig Forums just coming back for more trump cock sucking like the useful idiots they are.

Yeah GG was disgusting. It was ALWAYS about opposing Cultural Marxism, but Sarcuck types co-opted the movement and turned it into MUH ETHICS IN GAYMING JOURNALISM. They turned into a bunch of limp wristed commie faggots. /ggrevolt/ was alright and they're still the only ones who created something worthwhile from that shitshow that still lives on today:

I'd bet money that faggot's the BO.

devil's advocate time: inb4 he was about to do something
also I believe in involuntary committing someone to a mental institution for the public good

Guaranteed. They always try to pretend to be anons and when that fails and everyone calls them out on their bullshit, they go full retard.

I should add about the committing thing. I on *principle* believe in committing people. Because in a perfect world sjws, furries and trannys and people who think traps aren't gay would be the ones going to the institutions. Sadly I think it's far more likely the system would be subverted and it'd be turned against us.

It's the mods. At this point I don't think the majority of Zig Forumsacks are blindly pro-Trump anymore, but the mods control the board and they are banning tons of people for fucking nothing. It's getting hard to post on Zig Forums because all the VPN IP's are banned for weeks for being critical of Trump.


involuntary psychiatric commitment already voids you of being able to own or purchase a gun. how did the new laws even come into play here? also, what were the circumstances of the seizure? did he talk about plans to shoot up a school or some shit?

i need to know the facts before i get out the torch and pitchfork.

We haven't had involuntary commitment in the States since like Truman Leaf-kun

He believed in 70%+ of what Zig Forums does.

I got ban on Zig Forums for pointing out we can use WE WUZ kangs against Jews. If blacks start thinking was black. Nazi germany was trying to take back Europe for the blacks. And allied forces were racist whites. You start seeing the mainstream media stop promoting we wuz kang myths.

It's next to commit someone against their will these days, even if you are the parents. This new laws allow the police to confiscate your guns, put you in front of a judge for due process and the judge then has the power to send you to get mental help.

next to impossible*
these new laws*

I bet even if Trump began AWB 2.0, argued for sterilisation of all cis white males, forced all married men to hand over their wives to Tyrone, supported Germany-tier hate speech laws and gave amnesty to all spic illegals while DPing Benjamin Netanyahu, giving double peace signs, Zig Forums's mods would ban anyone even questioning the validity of his Kasparovian chess moves.

72 hour psych holds are pretty common, and during the 72 hours they evaluate you to determine if you should be involuntarily committed. these are pretty well established laws that weren't changed by the new florida gun laws.

Trump already reverse the ban on tranny in the military and in bathrooms.

by the way i'm actually a Texan. for some reason this site keeps giving me a leaf though. don't know why

I got Portugal.

where are you actually?

Psych holds sure. But half of them are voluntary. It's extremely difficult to do involuntary past 3 days. We used to commit people because they were just acting odd. Then the fucking New Deal shitters came along and destroyed the system.

I once got Romania.

Broward county, again?

Any lawyer could tear stuff like this unconstitutional nonsense apart, but they never do, for whatever reason. Shall not be infringed is just too complicated, I suppose. If he's that much of a danger someone, or the public, lock him up for terroristic threat after a trial with an actual plaintiff with a cause of action. After he serves time, he should get his guns back.

Nice ambiguous pre-crime excuse there, chinaman. Cue the countdown to when those with conservative political leanings are deemed a "potential risk".

Same as you.

kek I missed that. That democrat stronghold district sure has a ton of problems doesn't it?

Weird how all the problems revolve around the 2nd amendment, too.

These sycophants are going to alienate every last level headed person who supports Trump.

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The left is trying hard to paint over the fact that Progressives are just straight up demanding a semi-auto ban. That faggot Hogg who was not even in the same building supposedly is backpedaling say they never talked about banning semi-autos

bump stocks are bullshit, and banning them will only lead to "well see, you don't need a bump stock to achieve its intended effect, just a semi-automatic firearm"

Is prison magical?

no, but freedom is.

if you're free you should have your rights, if you're legitimately dangerous you shouldn't be free.

After serving time, you shouldn't continue to be punished. Parole, and parole hearings exist to determine if they continue to be a risk. If they are still a danger, they stay in prison, or go back in for violations.

Trump is just another politician. He used people like this to reach the top and now he doesn't need them anymore. I don't know why anyone thought he would be different.

Trump is heeb-owned and make no mistake it is kike capital that wants to take the guns no matter how many street level menshevik rabble rousers they try to put in front of you. The lubavitcher puppets want a war and they want to go after anyone who is opposed to it. Trumpstein was a massive, massive mistake and if there is anyone in the US military with any brains they will coup this retard and execute his cabinet full of glow in the dark nigger-yids.

Reminder that >>>/zenpol/ is the new breakaway board.

Zig Forums Outright openly censoring threads questioning trump
Second thread
If you think Zig Forums a friend of Zig Forums. You a moron.

Does anyone else think all these breakaway boards like /polpol/, /polk/, /zenpol/ ect are just part of (((their))) plan to break up the Zig Forums community into tiny pieces incapable of cooperating like Zig Forums used to do?

Zig Forums died when imkikey started banning literature and culture threads.

What was the point of /polpol/ and did /polk/ ever even get any traction?

>Does anyone else think all these breakaway boards like /polpol/, /polk/, /zenpol/ ect are just part of (((their))) plan to break up the Zig Forums community into
Mods will ban you for questioning or calling out trump. Not blindly following trump = shilling now.

Correct. The board is a heebed out shithole.

It wasn’t tumblr that killed Zig Forums. It was Trump. Some day Zig Forums have to come in terms they are behind Alt-right/liberalists faggoty by MEMEing trump into the White House. Jews played Zig Forums like a damn fiddle. It will be 8 years until most of them will realize this.

Much of the traffic was not organic, especially during the campaign. There were tons of posters on the board calling out Trump and detailing his history but they were systematically banned by purchased moderation teams. The management of the board is carried out by Renaissance Technologies as part of a greater social media and internet message manipulation campaign.

Why contain it?
Get ALL the vpn's banned from nu/pol/.

No lol. Imkikey made that board. We realized this when he the BO would refuse to ban rachposter and allows that mentally sick faggot to shit up every thread. That's why it went from #11 board to dead overnight.

lol if he takes it to court he's going to basically come out with a cool 10 million, because it's blatantly unconstitutional.

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Why did he let them take his guns and haul him to an asylum? They can only take your shit and arrest you if you let them

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It's funny how the best solution to crime escapes you
physical punishment, including amputations and the death penalty

Can someone explain to me how to put them in the water safely and recover them because I didn’t read that thread.


It won’t matter to the feds if they know where to look. I’m in fucking Florida I need to know this shit before that damn glow in the dark and his 56% sidekick start grabbing my guns.

peacefully protesting this new law and only doing only non-violent things to

Were any of you surprised by this. Republicans have been grabbers since there inception.

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holy fuck

I sincerely hope you posted that picture only for the right half

Deleted, kek. The absolute state of 8/pol/. Just sit down and shut up, you don't need those (((rapid-fire guns))).

He probably has a sister or a daughter, maybe a soyboy relative that made some shit up because they disapprove of firearms.

Indeed. I remember when President Karl Marx lead the first mass gun confiscation in the United States. Twas a grim time.

This pisses me off. The statements of:

He won't even be "serving time," far as I can tell he didn't break any laws, but they've put him into treatment. He'll just get out. Whether he has to petition the court for the restoration of his rights afterwards is a question though. Once he's certified sane they should just automatically give him his rights back imo

You're a fucking kike to think it's okay for man to be held against his will based on the opinions of a small handful of men, not even a jury. The psych system in America is fucking Hell. Kill yourself

Put these words in the mouth of a felon and you'll realize how stupid they sound

Take a full bottle of Tylenol

This just confirms to me that Zig Forums was never pro-fun. Just like the commies on Zig Forums, they only want firearms when it's convenient for them. The minute either of them feel safe, they'll gladly throw away their rights for their undying "God Emperor" who is incapable doing any wrong doing.

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There will always be shitters around, but that doesn't matter if there are honest people in charge of the justice system. You can have the best law system in existence and it'll be useless if there is a crook in the judge's seat.

You sound mentally disturbed user

You mean nu-Zig Forums. Trust me most hate those spammers and shills

Allowing schizos to wander the streets is why we're in the situation we are you fucking asshole. You're no better then the Left who caused this in the first place.

You mean jew, right? They are the demographic that takes up the majority percentage of the insane, unlike whites.

I hope you guys are ready to make them fight for your property.

No, old Zig Forums was pro-fun and that picture rang true at one point. Nowadays, nu-Zig Forums are a bunch of neo-Cohens who are probably at best civnats.

hi Zig Forums

Sorry, I forgot to make that clear. Nu-Zig Forums was never pro-fun.

Well of course not, they're neo-cons.

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Ya'll read what the dude was saying right? Just want to check, because he's legit crazy.

Literally all it takes for you to be designated a schizo and locked up is for some rando to make a false complaint against you that you're going to kill yourself. You'll get out in a few days but your 2nd amendment rights won't come out with you.

The reason why we're in this mess is that FL allowed the person to walk the streets after having the cops called on him 30 times, because the Democrats had the crime version of no child left behind for budgetary reasons.

He committed many crimes such as stealing jewellery.

Well I'm glad Broward county took the time to involuntary commit this guy because he SAID some crazy stuff, instead of doing it to Cruz because he actually DID stuff.
I love the kiked Broward county now.


Boating accident is a euphemism. You don't actually have to put them in the local lake.

I dunno who's jewing who anymore.

Leftypol Zig Forums fags seem to be sincere, but there are a lot of gun grabbers that even now argue that nobody should have ARs because apparently rednecks love them and it's justified to make it hurt us.

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only if you own a stretch of land along the CV line.


Trump didnt confiscate them though?