You don't have to be retarded to be a top operator but it helps

Those are some crazy coincidences.

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Other urls found in this thread:üdke

It help that everyone else on the island is retarded. Also: False Flag

It helps your false flag attack when the stooge is suicidal enough to shoot himself in the back of the head, or so retarded he can't even speak in his own defense. When you have someone like Julian Knight, you actually have to forcibly silence them. Then people start to wonder why they aren't allowed to speak.

He was obvs using a aimbot he was head shotting evryone. PLS BAN the HAXER!1!!!!

That aside, I hope John Howard kicks the bucket soon along with that homo-kike Turnbull.

I guess he dindu nuffin.

I have some crazy coincidences too.

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>Bryant was named the sole beneficiary of Harvey's will and came into possession of assets totalling more than $550,000.

Let's see how the most recent shooter compares

>Nikolas Cruz, the 19-year-old suspect in last week's shooting at a Florida high school, appears set to inherit what he has said is $800,000 that would be used to hire an attorney.

If you're going to use a mentally retarded patsy you might as well go with a wealthy one.

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well guess ill one day be barred from owning guns along with rest of my kind

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>a rare condition known as autism

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If you genuinely have autism you belong in an internment camp with zero rights, period. Same goes for everyone with similar permanent mental illnesses. Literal, actual sub-humans.

Does high function aspergers get me shoa’d?

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Didn't he also cut himself after his gf broke up with him? I also clearly remember hearing that he threatened to shoot up the school several times.

He also got the cops called on him for pointing guns at people.

it's kind of weird and good luck finding me, there are 50000 students

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They specifically picked the ugliest, most goblin tier mystery meat they could find to ultimately ignore until he killed a bunch of people in his mixed breed rage.

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He's not our Martin Bryant. He is the latest in a long long line of Martin Bryants while they sit in their glass towers screaming "WHY DON'T YOU JUST GIVE UP, GOYIM?! WHY IS IT SO HARD HERE AND SO EASY EVERYWHERE ELSE?"

Back in the day simply existing as the average male didn't qualify as autism, but nowadays being even slightly organized and punctual has psychiatrists trying to shove meds down your throat.

Tell that to Florida.

It was a rare diagnosis in the 1990's, before psychiatrists decided that everyone and their dog had to have autism, depression, ADHD or an anxiety disorder.

Really activates the almonds doesn't it?

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didnt he have a fuckton of money and pussy and he lived with some mommy gf that took care of him?

Why is it so hard for some people to believe that one motivated individual can get a decent high score?

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the over-diagnosis - and worse, overpersctiption - of psych disorders is ridiculous.
and on the other end, major psych problems don't get cared for. the entire field should be scorned, and hopefully fixed, it's a joke.

If Stephen Paddock wasn't our Martin Bryant, nobody is. What did they get out of that, a reclassification of bump stocks as machine guns? Not even because it took another major shooting to get that in place. Some states pushing stricter gun laws? Most of them were shitty on gun rights in the first place. All you need to excuse another gun grab over there is a stiff breeze.

Speaking of Paddock, those feds sure are clumsy! They just can't seem to ever stop the guys they investigate from giving ordinance to bad guys, but somehow it always disappears when they come to investigate after it's used.

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It used to be unheard of.

Either you're incredibly naive or fortunate enough to have never been involved with the type of people that wouldn't think twice about murdering hundreds of innocent people and blaming it on a harmless retard if it was an order.

There has been more than one case where the FBI went after the mentally ill or retarded for easy entrapment targets and were called out in court by judges for their despicable behaviour. These victims can't defend themselves and those who are responsible for them are easily paid off to be rid a burden while the people in the community who could speak out against it are often idiots like this guy and are glad they're gone.

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Because nothing adds up, aside from the government being determined to introduce strict gun control legislation and a widespread belief that it couldn't happen until there was a mass shooting in Tasmania. Just so happens that a literal retard who had barely any experience with firearms operated like SASR in the most lethal mass shooting in the country's history. Funny, that it also coincides with the introduction of mass importation of niggers, chinks and pajeets and muslims, but it's nothing sus m8. Go back to the footie. :^)

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Theres only a few mutts, you wouldn't be hard to spot

Well duh, the (((people))) who set these guys up don't want to come into contact with peasants.

user it is quite the opposite, I belief a really motivated individual that plans such an action would get an even better result and might get away with it.

Blaming murders on retards was a trope in 1936üdke

Why should we be obligated to foster and propagate a complete and utter negative on society? Or put up with them at all? Mental illnesses and IQ are hereditory. Retarded liberal mindset at its finest, go back to reddit.

Ever notice that when there's nothing obviously shady about a shooting, they get abysmal scores? Tranny Phantom only got 3, while the skinhead that shot up a New Mexico school only got 2. Hell, there was that kid in Kentucky in January who only got a score of 2.

Well, with a name like "L%C3%BCdke", the retardation has to be hereditary and familial.

Same thing happened in the Soviet Union of course

There is such an abundance of wealth in the modern world that their cost to society is negligible compared to the real parasites. Your irrational hatred of them and lack of empathy that helps make these people such convenient patsies is what I consider idiotic.

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What else am I to expect from someone like you, really.

so you acknowledge that retards are worthless. but you still think we should take care of them. why?

Euthanizing retards or at least forcing them into simple, manual labor isn't a bad idea. Right now, however, psychology is a fucking joke. Does your child fidget in during his government funded brainwashing sessions ie school? ADHD! Is your son kind of shy and a little awkward? Assburgers! No need for you to be a parent and help your child learn to make friends, just stuff these expensive pills down his gullet, goy.

But for people who 'communicate' entirely by screaming, or who have an IQ below room temperature? Gas em with the kikes.

Hey is it your first day here, newfriend? You don't have to try so hard to fit in here, you know.
Really activates the almonds

Is there anything that wasn't invented by those faggots?

Like it or not they're your early warning system.
You get the kind of brazen socio/psychopaths in positions of power who will waste government resources rounding up and killing otherwise harmless people, when they run out of those people to kill they WILL turn on you.

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How to out yourself as a redditor 101
Tada, you hit all three points. Grats', lad. This is not the site for you.

Your argument is that we should keep retards around because.. they act as an "early warning system" against government tyranny? Because it's now a written, doctrinal rule that they always goes for tards? You sure you're not one yourself mate?

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Except I didn't defend Jews, I said you were a kike supporter for wanting to use a Jewish invention. Are you retarded yourself? Should we gas you first?

Aw, is someone feeling a little bit in denial? You score in the double-digits, buddy? Is that why you so desperately want to dismiss it? Doesn't matter if it was made by a kike or not, it's objectively provable with objective science behind it. I suppose since transistors or whatnot were partly made by a kike I shouldn't be using a computer. Don't be sad, little man, as long as it wasn't

Also where did I use ad hominems and where did I get angry?


Kek. The lad sees insults around an argument and thinks he can dismiss it. You know what is an ad hominem?
Feel free to put forth an argument any time.

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That wasn't ad hominem, though. Do you not know what ad hominem is?

Here's that double-digit IQ in action again. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just baiting at this point, and kindly refer you towards google.

Again with the kike supporting

yeah, because we didn't recognize it. The people were still there, they were just the weird faggots nobody bothered to deal with.

Don't play stupid, we're talking about retards currently though it can be easily expanded to other things.
There's also the issue of attacking otherwise harmless people.
Do you not have any forethought that would allow you to see what's wrong with this?

You can tell what's a false flag and what's a legitimate mass shooting by what comes before and after it.

Prior to Port Arthur the government wanted gun control but it had no support, after Port Aurthur the government quickly implemented the gun control the had been planning.

Prior to Aramoana there was no desire for gun control, after Aramoana there was pressure for a little bit of gun control which the government took years to get around to doing. It also ended with the guy suicide'ing by cop in the most metal way possible in front of lots of witnesses, unlike Port Aurthur where the 'tard was conveniently arrested at his house or Sandy Vagina where he "killed himself".

What I said expands to other things as well. The problem is that it's a completely non sequiturial thought process. The government starts a conquest against ebola. This is now an early-warning against tyranny. Hell, let's say it is, do you still want to keep ebola around? I suppose having some jews around might also act as an early-warning for if a sultanate is trying to take power, might as well keep them too.
They are harmless in the same sense that a parasite is harmless. Tards, the low iq, again, are a complete and utter negative, a drain, on society, they are literally unable to function and drag everyone else down. You pay taxes to finance and keep these people alive, or in the more indirect and moral sense, they are sub-human even if they can technically work. I take it you've never actually spoken to someone with autism before, but the moment they open their mouth it's obvious. Aspies do not deserve the right to congregate with regular people, they shit up everything they touch by nature.


So this was just a shooting right? Nothing suspicious going on right?

I tend to notice that trend too. The black Antioch shooter who shot up a white church to get revenge from Roof went without any action or coverage save for local news. But what about Eric and Dylan along with Omar Mateen? They just outliers? I can see Eric and Dylan getting the score they got cause they were a pair, but wouldn't Omar's high score be more detrimental than anything since he was a Muslim pledging allegiance to ISIS during a presidential election year? though it helped get the good goy Trump in office, so that might be it

But omar matteen had most of his victims in one room, the columbine shooters went from room to room, in a school where most people were hiding, and their plan failed misarably.

So it's the luck of location Omar got the score he did is what you're saying?

Yeah less places hide to hide in a bar that is essentially a big room. than a school with lots of rooms. I think at one point there was 30 men hiding in a bathroom when matteen found them ans wasted

Not only that, but if I recall correctly, the rear exit was barred from the outside by a faggot who was terrified that Omar "shoot a queen in the spleen" Mateen might exit through it, resulting in a pile up of people trying to escape through it. I'm sure there's a good joke to be made there. This meant that he started the shooting in an ideal location, and the only exits were barred or inaccessible. Also, everyone knows the FBI/ATF/CIA/etc. have nothing to gain from a Muslim going on a shooting spree against gays. Since it goes against the narrative so strongly, it's almost certainly real. Of course, just like the terrorist group he pledged allegiance to, he may have just been a Mossad proxy who was used to assist getting (((Trump))) into power.

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Yeah, Columbine involved them trying to lure police into the building (AFAIR there was a theory Eric and Dylan were raped and passed around; the guy who busted them for breaking into a car was later charged with raping minors and dealing meth) and then collapse the building on top of them with one of their bombs.

lel, don't forget they seated his father on a exposed spot looking right into the cameras at a Hilldawg event shortly after.

Actually Reb and Vodka killed most of their victims in one room: the library. Only three people (two kids outside and one teacher in the hallway) were killed outside it. They walked around the school and didn’t shoot at anyone for a long time, I think they got disillusioned with killing while doing it.

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Based faggot?

It could be that you are only made aware of shady shit when high scores are achieved. Aside from shooters with active online presences/manifestos like Elliot Rodger and Andrew FUCKING Blaze, you hear about them maybe once and then the news cycle moves on. No body count, no coverage. This goes double for people using something other than baby killer Assault Rifle Fifteens with large clipazines.

In cases with high body counts, the media scrutinizes each and every detail to feed people wanting to know why it happened, a desire that grows with the number of casualties. That's how you get to know exactly how the shooter got so many kills (police/school failures to identify threats, poor response times, first responders not responding at all, etc). The increased media presence also encourages news organizations and political organizers on the left to groom visible survivors to campaign for gun grabbers, which makes the corpses stink for weeks after the shooting.