Are bullets the be all-end all in handled weapons? Think about it. hat would come after them...

Are bullets the be all-end all in handled weapons? Think about it. hat would come after them? Lasers/plasma/insert other form of DE. The only way you could match the performance of a firearm with a handheld laser would be to have a little nuclear reactor that be held in our hands. I;m not a nuclear physicist, but that's pretty much impossible. Not to mention kinetic energy is superior to thermal energy when it comes to killing macroscopic organisms. In order to kill something with heat you have to burn most of its body, or burn something important. Burning only a small part of person, or animal's body won't kill them, but shooting them can. Also thermal energy is easier to defend against than kinetic energy, for example a .50 BMG has a muzzle energy of about 18 kJ and it can smash though concerte, brick, metal, etc, but a laser with hat kind of energy would only scorch the surface without doing any real damage. We have tons of ceramics that could easily withstand the heat from a high powered lasergun, but would get shattered by birdshot.

Attached: round.png (615x351, 14.71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's like you don't even want to dream.

Nuclear micro shaped charges that can blast a 7.62 mm hole through the moon. Think an Orion Project shaped charge, but small enough to fit inside a rifle. Any living tissue around the entry path of a 10 000 C nuclear jet would instantly vaporize and expand, and so any person shot by it would blow up like he was hit by the fucking Fist of the North Star.

That's the future. Everything else is just beating around the bush and not a really a massive improvement on the current technology.

We might just get rail guns. If we can have a down scale of something that 1500 feet a second to 2000 feet a second, that's a lot more power all because of speed.

What's with all the EU stuff being posted lately?

The truth always boils to the top user.
Kike space magic doesn't work

The math supports it

You're still for all invents and purposes still using bullets, just changing the method of delivering energy to the projectile. And chemical propellants deliver energy far more efficiently than wires, not to mention also being more weight-efficient than batteries. I suppose if we can find a way to make extremely lightweight power plants, and superconductors become much cheaper and viable at room temperatures, it might be done. But that's assuming we see all these leaps and bounds in electricity and materials science without a corresponding boost in our knowledge of chemistry, which I find unlikely.

In answer to OP, I think the future of small arms is more advanced projectiles. Shaped charges, saboted rounds with fins and (maybe) rudimentary guidance, and the like. Perhaps gyrojets if a conventional propellant is used to get a high muzzle velocity, and the rocket motor is only ignited after that conventional charge.

Then everything else than electromagnetism or other physical phenomena is a bullet, including plasma.


The biggest problem with man portable lasers it that the batteries are just too damn heavy and bulky but even if we had super light and dense batteries we probably still wouldn't use them because lasers are fragile and must be finely tuned to work properly. Also a laser can be easily defeated with smoke or even inclement weather and as you mentioned its easier to make armor that can absorb thermal energy.

Actually if we did have these super batteries portable railguns/coilguns might be a thing rather than energy weapons. Even ignoring the benefits of greater muzzle velocity it would still be worth it since you could have much larger magazine capacity and carry more ammo. Not to mention a solid iron slug is cheaper and easier to manufacture than a standard rifle cartridge and you can literally store them forever so long as you keep them dry.

Very feasible but not as small arms and it wouldn't be a glowing ball of light traveling through the air like in Fallout either. It would basically function like a HEAT round where a shell or missile with a plasma warhead gets close then unleashes a superheated jet of plasma.

Light gas guns and voitenko compressors are probabbly a better alternative to rail memes. As for handheld firearms cased telescopic rounds with improved chemical propellants will be used.

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None of the things you said.
We're maybe 2000 years away from using directed energy or electromagnetic propelled projectiles in hand held firearms. The power requirements and capacitor requirements result in too much weight for a person to carry even with downrated kinetic energy… power density just isn't there yet.

We are more likely to see chemical propelled gyrojets, followed by airbreathing ramjet and scramjet ammo, then possibly CLGG.

Oh and in 2000 years when we finally get a power cell small enough to serve? We're going to go with particle beams, not DEW, plasma, or railguns. Particle beams are impossible to shield against, even a dozen yards of lead wouldn't stop it…. and if you somehow found armor which could stop it, the beam itself would transmute the armor into radioactive material, which would kill the crew anyway.

Attached: Martin-NPB.gif (1650x885, 28.07K)

Compared to railguns, a bow and arrow is a more viable hand held weapon.

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How about a new type of incendiary round containing a chemical mixture so potent that the heat actually turns the round into plasma? You could turn any AR-15 into a plasma rifle.

A small nuke?

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youre responding to different people, and also i was speaking of relative idiocy. gyrojets are viable, railguns are not.

Attached: drones.webm (1280x720, 3.3M)

Probably costs a shitload, and can you EMP proof something that small?

the kike math supports it

That video was shilled a fuckton a while back, its bullshit though, wouldn't have the battery power, weight capacity or good enough sensors to be used in any real military capability. Real drones already have like a 2% casualty rate just from flipping out or hitting each other now image drones even smaller than that trying to take down someone in a building. Its just the new meme idea shilled by NATO or whoever.

Not to mention that soldiers tend to wear things called helmets, and seeing that it needs to make direct square contact with the forehead to kill; you could just put an autistic horn or toilet plunger on your forehead to deflect the drone to any direction but your face.

Ok, user; let's say you wear a helmet.
It now aims for one of your major arteries.
What to do ?

You use your military grade fly swatter to defend yourself, because those drones are a lot slower than bullets and actually allow the human to react to them.

Attached: Fly-swatter.jpg (350x265, 7.59K)

Can you explain what you're referring to? Because Mileva Maric did einsteins math if that's what you're referring to.


Did you see modern drones?
And the best part? They are not protected by 2nd. :^) Only ZOG soldiers would be having them when you be cowering in teh corner hugging your useless AR-15 when "Reeeeeeeee" sound approaches you hideout.

It's called a Tesla coil.

Attached: tesla-coil-components.jpg (568x1028, 98.65K)

but what if that drone carried a kolibri pistol?
That aims, straight for your eyes and dick. (^:

Wouldn't just holding an ordinary sheet of paper against your face take care of it? It's just face recognition.

Ordinary streetwear should take care of that. Wear
In case the fly swatter fails, that is.


Einstein was a kike. The "math" only supports the mainstream theory if you add in magic. IE blackholes, dark space magic matter, and higgs morons. Without those untestible, unmeasurable, undetectable, and unobservable magic pixie dusts the theory doesn't hold.
With EU 100% of the pixie rust isn't needed. They have been able to recreate spiral gravities, and many other space things inside the labratory using electricity and plasma. It has predicted comet interactions while the kike science was "shocked" by results.
Read a book by Wal Thornhill or watch the jewtube videos for a tldr (thunderbolt project) just glaze your eyes over when that channel starts talking about Saturn being the Sun in a distant past, they're working with old voodoo legends.


I built one a couple years back that resonated at 240KHz and blasted the paint off of a metal door frame running off of a single deep-cycle marine car battery.

As you said, kinetic is the king as far as destroying objects goes. In such small package, your only option is chemical propulsion. Nuclear reactors never ever for the simple reason of needing 5 feet of solid concrete shielding around it. plutonium reactors need basically no shielding but output is pitiful too. Plasma never ever because it needs to stay together and being extremely hot it will try to fly apart instantly. If your propulsion system vaporizes the projectile, that's technically a plasma bolt but basically it's a shittier version of a normal kinetic projectile anyway, and it's reasonable to assume it's going at a significant fraction of the speed of light. You can create pretty powerful lasers using explosive illumination (nuclear too) but that'll be projectile-less cartridge of some sort. Will be susceptible to optical aberrations of the medium and easily deflected by polished surfaces.

His wife, Mileva, who actually figured out the math, was not. So it's (mostly) not kike math, which is why nukes work.

There is nothing magical about black holes. There is nothing magical about the higgs particle, although a Jew (lederman) did attach himself to the research and called it the "god particle" to piss off christians.

Dark energy/dark matter is a jewish invention, it results from a miscalculation in relativity where gravity is treated as a constant. Likely the kike Albert should have let Mileva finish his math before divorcing and beating her half to death for it.

Tesla coil is a funny shaped high voltage transformer with a built-in resonator to get the AC going from DC. Output voltage is high so it arcs easily, but power is grand fuckall.

So the power output of your coil was about 1000 watts. Hmm, what other devices have 1000 watt output? What a coincidence, on the output it has a normal RF cable, so you can connect it to a high gain directional antenna so it focuses the power better. That user is right, tesla coil is a toy.

Attached: helical-antennas-500x500.jpg (350x350 11.09 KB, 23.29K)

By the way. To get axial radiation mode out of helical antenna, helix circumference must match wavelength. Too tight helix produces broadside radiation, and too wide produces multilobe hollow cone radiation.

They said no one would be able to make a functional bomb out of that description, and that's becasue the field would not be affected by the short. Pic related is elecrical schematic of the bomb as per description. Which part of it is supposed to generate any surge of current through the coil if you short it?

Attached: Unnamed.png (400x384, 14.4K)

I don't know why the military or police have not put more eggs into the development of better electrical weapons.

I'm pretty convinced that a TASER is better at quickly and reliably incapacitating a person than a handgun.

Battery technology is becoming better and better for increased capacity (and possibly adding a "lethal" option.) Well-designed probes could probably penetrate body armor. Large, squad-serviced or vehicle-mounted TASERs could be used for crowd control.

The only decent concept I can think of for a deadly direct energy weapon would be a scaled down version of pic related. Even then it'd probably be crew serviced.

Attached: fissionfragment.png (689x613, 208.63K)

the capacitor?

Trust amerilard not to have basic engineering skills. If you short the circuit like this, the coil will be free to drive current through the loop indefinitely impeded by nothing other than wire resistance. It will unwind as slowly as it possibly could, generating fuckall electromagnetic energy.

lol no

Attached: level 100 lightning resistance.webm (640x360, 1.58M)

Exactly how is the combination of "armor piercing ammunition" and "non lethal ammunition" makes for a good idea in your mind?

No love for microwave based weapons?

Evidently it's a little outside of Joe Normie's capabilities to make and use those.

am i being meme'd on? the squad automatic TASER is the step over the cliff that makes me think he's joking and not retarded. i just cant tell anymore.

you'll see rail-based small arms before reliable caseless ones

Set your iphone on top of a coil while powered and see how well it functions afterwards.
Actually anything like a tesla coil is far overkill to deal with this asinine thing. Since it seeks off of facial recognition a motorcycle helmet would frustrate it. Or you could nigger rigan extra strong piece of iron plate on your helmets forehead to block the attack. Maybe cool helmets will make a come back.
Or you know use mosquito netting.
Not to mention that if rebels captured one of these things they could reprogram it and use it as the perfect assassination weapon.
I get the impression Phony Stark there hasn't thought this shit all the way through.

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Somebody should tell him a bullet will also put a lethal hole in a persons forehead, travels much faster, is much cheaper, can't be defeated with a fly swatter, and doesn't make a really obvious buzzing noise.

Facial recognition is just SJW racial bait for AI ban propaganda.

Well in the 2008 SOCOM strapped hand grenades to the RC plane to make a perfect assassination weapon. In the year 2015 ISIS copped them strapping grenades to the quadcopters from hobbyking. in year 2018 civilian drones manufactures are pushing for all sort of AI software with potent image recognition capabilities for the drones. You know how it will end.

Shooting bullets is two way street. You can be shot back if try shooting bullets. Launching drones from the cover makes it one way street where bullets only armed soldiers are no more than targets without ability to retaliate back.


I would say explosion propelled munitions will be the norm for quite a long tome if not forever.

Lasers, Plasma, Railguns and such all have their own issues one of them being energy consumption, people say this will not be an issue in the future as energy storing technology will make leaps and bounds but it may not progress as much as would be required or far at all.

The other issue I see with such technologies is the sheer complexity of it, a rifle is just a bunch of springs, levers and such bound in a plastic or metal housing, they are not that complex. This makes them more durable, easier to manufacture, and easier to maintain. The average grunt would probably struggle with maintaining some high tech super weapon and industry would struggle to pump them out by the thousands.

You can hit running man 500 meters away with hand grenade? Extra difficulty: hit man you don't see and don't even know where his is.

Indeed. Infantry is just cannon fodder when artillery works. But it is high level assets. Drones are providing similar type of capability to the level if basic infantryman.

Lasers energy demands are easily meet with diesel powered generators, this is not an issue, lasers becomes very user full in the 100 kWt range. Google tank's engines power.

Railguns asre another matter. Their energy and power demands make them incompatible with solid propellant guns for mobile application where size and weight are an issue.

One cannot carry a diesel powered generator attached to their rifle though.

If only there was a small artillery piece that could be carried and operated even by a single man if necessary…

If your enemy invents robo mosquitoes to kill you, then you invent robo dragonflies to kill those mosquitoes first and find where they are launched from.

As people said a drone is too slow, it can be literally swatted out of the air. Concealment such as smoke or fog would mess with its sensors and make it ram into things, as would a stiff breeze. Jamming could interfere with the control system. Electromagnetic pulse would shut it down. You could add more tech to compensate for its failures, make it supersonic, give it infrared and radar, shield it against EMP, give it an AI capable enough that it doesn't need to be controlled…. but that would just make the cost of the project balloon ridiculously.

Modern UCAV are effective because they're killing people who think fire is magic. UCAV are useless even against a third world country like Iran, which is about 50 years behind us in tech terms. Do you know how many potential foes of ours are closer in tech than Iran? Basically all of them.
The killer microdrone thing might be useful as an assasination method, if a civilian isn't expecting it, or as a way to kill some retard durka chieftain if he's holding american hostages and we can't bomb him.

First of all a modern diode laser is about 20% effective in converting electrical energy to photonic energy theoretically as high as 70% but this has never been achieved so a soldier would have to carry a 500kW generator. That's about 600kg, give or take. I don't know of any person who could carry 600kg into battle.

It would be more efficient to use a pulsed energy projectile, the total system weighs only about 250kg. Or an electrolaser, which only weighs about 100kg. A dazzler is actually less than 5kg in size, since it can be fired from a lithium ion battery and a simple capacitor, or even a chemical laser.

Works against bullets too.

Self guided. What jamming? Also have fun with home on jam drones and artillery strikes.

Soldiers no, but full size vehicles with a size of tank/SPG. This could be very userfull battlefield laser platform to kill swarms of drones, intercept arty rounds in the air and burn out any optical sensors of chairforce who will dare to look in the direction of the ground force. Such capabilities soon would be mandatory with proliferation of drones. Very bad news for those who can't have it and who will become just targets for drone warfare. Hillbillies with ARs BTFO.

Attached: Racing.webm (640x360, 5.95M)

So you'll just have to wait for the enemy to put their electonic equipment on top of your tesla coil.

The fuck is a EMP cannon? Pick up a book and lay off bad video games.

the kikes support u

What makes you think that the hillbillies won't be able to 3D print their own drones?

Try to strap explosives to drone and see what happens … Not protected by Constitution.

Also as i pointed out real militaries can have access to systems that can counter drones. AA systems, energy based AA, APS for vehicles (what is very short ranged AA too). Which are not protected by Constitution to.

Why would they? Drones are crap.
A pocket sized jammer can block radio, cellphone, wifi, and GPS signals in a 100 yard radius. A backpack sized jammer can do it in a half mile radius. A vehicle borne jammer can act for hundreds of kilometers.
A drone is completely useless against an educated populace, even uneducated durkas in Afghanistan figured out how to hack unencrypted TV signals that military-grade drones use to transmit their data.
I reiterate - drones are a fucking joke.

Attached: pocket cell phone blocker.jpg (370x353, 31.06K)

So is infringement of the people's right to bear arms, agent. What's your point? You gonna whine out about warcrimes when you're burning people's houses to the ground?


a car-engineer friend of mine talked idly about building one.

Start with the magnetron out of a retired restaurant (read: very large) microwave, and hang it in the large end of a gutted automatic transmission housing. Be sure to properly shield the back, and then just energize it!
The skinny end should act as a 'cannon' to disable cop cars, walkie talkies, pacemakers, what have you.

Don't need to go that far.


We're talking about making bomb carrying drones to counter the ones the government has. Legality has left the building.

Home on jam would still remove it from the area leading to a successful outcome. Optical guidance can be defeated with optical barriers such as camouflage and netting. This device was designed to look for faces. If it can't see them, it can't target them. If the previous jamming has removed the possibility of manual targeting by a human operator then the drone is out of luck on finding its target. Hit it with the fly swatter while it's buzzing around aimlessly.

Drone them back, if one side has access to drone making the materials the other side likely will too

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It's because this is legitimaley more interesting than what the "I fucking love SCIENCE XDD" normalfags eat up as facts. I mean, just watch this lecture about a possible structure of atoms, and compare it to one of those meme scientists telling you how life is nice because we will have quantum solar roads to save us from global warming.

Electromagnetic force alone could not explain the orbits of the planets

It's like the writer of that paper is acting retarded on purpose. EU theory claims these two things:
It doesn't claim that:

It also claims that the sun is powered by electricity, not fusion despite tons of tangible evidence pointing towards the former being true.

It's interesting as a thought experiment, but if it were true wouldn't we be able to generate direct current out of the orbit of the moon? Wouldn't radio transmission be impossible because every frequency would be loaded with wattage from the traversal of planets? Wouldn't space travel be as easy as flipping the switch for an electromagnet? Wouldn't computers be impossible???

It's an interesting thought experiment, but it doesn't have nearly enough data to even make it a hypothesis.

Indeed, we just have to ignore every piece of evidence that might contradict the current model.

It sounds like you are not familiar with Birkeland currents. You see, even NASA admits that we are constantly being bombarded by charged particles.
And indeed, they can affect our planet:
Now, not only our planet is being protected by its magnetic field, but EU claims our Sun has its own magnetic field too:
Even more:

Another bullshit Psyop by the Alphabet soup. The onlything I can Imagine would be Electro-Thermal projectile weapons for Small Arms and Railguns that fit in truck beds. The real show stopper would be some sort of Spacetime Flux projectile though.

Throw a fishing net. Balls in you court, Eurocuck.

Actually, Shape charges need dead on contact just to get the jet going and penetrating. He's in the Clear. But Eurofaghs such as yourself are more Content to let rapists and Sharper Image Drones run you life.

Looks like we Got a ZOGbot shilling for his Bond Villain kill toy. Face it the Drone is stupid as fuck and can be taken out with trash.

In an ideal future, some kind of space zweihander and power armor and force field.

for the next few decades at least, yes they are
its likely that eventually traditional bullets will be phased out for some kind of guided kinetic micro missile system that can provide vastly higher hit percentages than current firearms
after that warfare will become a game of who has the best MM guidance systems as well as the best countermeasures to stop enemy MM rounds from massacring their troops by the dozen

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (670x409, 586.27K)

tip kuk

Bud, we've actually seen them. Not to mention that's where gold comes from. There's far more tangible evidence for neutron stars and black holes than these extra galactic filaments you speak of.
Fusion does emit charged particles
So do regular scientists.

It's caseless, dipshit

Well duh? We have the Sun that constantly streams a solar wind that our planet does an okay job of protecting due to the mangnetic dynamo, a solar wind mainly comprised of protons. There's also cosmic rays aka protons zooming at relavatistic speeds and they're produced by supernovae and potentially AGNs.

I don't understand what you're attempting to claim with this EU shit. Gravity isn't a dipole. Electricity, which is carried by electrons, does not travel faster than light since electrons and protons have a non-zero rest mass unlike photons. There's no evidence that supports the EU hypothesis (not theory, you scientifically illiterate buffoon).

Attached: 640px-Atmospheric_Collision.svg.png (640x315, 13.81K)

okay now you're just fuckin with me

I was phoneposting with autocorrect. Let my faggotry be a lesson to never phonepost

Have you watched the video? Impossible is in quotation marks exactly because what they observed should be impossible according to the widely accepted theory of what neutron stars are.
No black hole was ever directly observed, they just point at random sources of radiation and claim that there must be a black hole there, because theor math says so. Here is yet another video that should try and watch instead of linking Forbes:
It's a non sequitur. I brought Birkeland currents into the conversation because that ayynon thinks computers would be impossible if there are electric currents in space, and yet there is no debate about the existence of electric currents in space.
You evidently didn't watch that video either, as it proposes a completely different electric field. NASA's own evidence suggests that their current model is wrong.

I take it's because you can't be bothered to actually spend a few hours listening to them.
Are you the pope of science? If the answer to this question is no, then you are in no position to decide if EU is a theory or a hypothesis. If anything, the standard model is a random collection of hypotheses that should have been discarded of long ago, as every new discovery leads to a host of questions it can't answer.