Zig Forumsome on, lads, pull yourselves together. It's humor thread time!
Humor thread
You have to go back
pocket sand always a classic
Also, let's get some more humor and optimism going on in general. Too much doom and gloom about gun control lately.
You don't have to go back to cuckchan but you can't stay here.
Posting old webms from 3 years ago.
I literally have nothing to contribute on my hard drive. I lost pretty much all my files recently, so I'm sorry I'm not the OP of your dreams.
I have that one that was never properly done.
Fun and humor are verboten.
Some of the oldest shit on my phone, surprisingly.
There is no place for humor when everyone posting on this board either has no rights or is in the process of being dragged down like a crab into having no rights. 4chan might be more your speed.
That's not funny, user.
I always had a hard-on for three round burst. It upsets me that it's banned as if it were fully automatic.
Just embrace the zetsubou, user.
getting me one of these, and then learning to reload soon after as ammo for this gun is a fortune.
That's precisely why we need humor now more than ever, user. Once you see the nature of the world laughing at it is the only way to keep it from getting into your head and driving you insane.
SO much this.
That has to be legitimately one of the retardest things I have ever read. It would take a single glance at a map from 1939 and a wikipedia skim to realize how retarded that is, and the fact you have it saved you your computer in the first place makes you even more retarded.
your a right cunt m8
i guess kikki pls is Zig Forums related
lol neo pakistan butthurt
Second and third are funny cause they're true.
Yeah, cheers for that lad
Unfortunately the forefatherland has eaten up jew poison for so long that it's not an inaccurate statement. If you really want a laugh or vomit inducer look up anglo-zionism.
I fully blame the goddamn normans. 1066 worst year of my life.
wtf did I do?
You shot me in the ass!
Lol, neo Turk butthurt
Then GTFO. Stop fucking shitposting.
Get out of here stalker
aint got much
That's more an indication of women being dumb cunt sluts than a failing on Napoleon's part.
Swings both ways, Anglokike
No matter what your flag says, you can't hide your nationality from me, Serb!
Greentext aint far off. Originally the rattling sound was used for duels where they fought 1v1 with fucking war drums lol
Mlada Bosna and the Bosnians are who you're after.
At least it was vidya.
I still vote we become monolith IRL
I'd mock your haircut if we were both in a concentration camp.
Not high paced enough
I know. Want to go make a better one with me?
Sounds like you're just a whiny bitch.
Have some randy stair memes
no way this is real. How did i miss this when i saw the movie?
its real
You have to admit that ISIS is really good at propaganda, but they must be scraping the bottom of the Muslim barrel right now because that ad is clearly aimed at halal9k.
Read Spengler.
I fucking hate normalfag meme cancer. Why don't you educate yourself a bit, eh?
What's the source on the NONA image?
Is this something new I am unaware about? I've seen these somewhere else before (maybe Zig Forums as well), but never until recently.
But they brought chivalry to the Anglo-Saxons, and William the Bastard had full right to the throne, as he was blessed by the Pope.
I think it's better if we turn into the Templars of Terrence Davis
The Holy Vates Oracle-King Terrence Davis, godgifted with Divine Intellect
*I mean, obviously it's Dolan-based, but still.
My fucking sides
What do you think suicide bombers are? Better yet, what kind of person do you think drops their comfortable life in the west to die a miserable death in a dust bowl as a takfiri? They wear their neckbeards with pride for a reason, strelok.