some fucking fudd boomer faggot took a sledge hammer to a peice of history to fucking viture signal on the goddamn internet
Some fucking fudd boomer faggot took a sledge hammer to a peice of history to fucking viture signal on the goddamn...
I think it's manufacturing pistol from rifle. It would be a shame if someone informed ATF about it.
Is that an M1 carbine? If so it's a common enough piece of history it doesn't really matter.
BATFE would be doing absolutely perfect in terms of PR if they actually went after the bad guys instead of people who believe in the constitution. That Washington bitch, the other guy with the AR, this jackoff. If they murdered the families of these people instead of humans it would be much harder to hate the BATFE.
I'd still hate them, but at least I could laugh about it if they actually did their job instead of just shooting my animals/taking away my rights.
he actually sounds retarded.
You read the part about the 20 gauge and the single action for carry? The man is Fudd Jesus.
I saw the video it might be only be an auto ordinance
They do realize that they're incentivizing the creation of new weapons? Smashing one of your guns doesn't do anything to reduce market demand: you apparently already didn't want the one you had. Factor in the fact that a brand new entry level AR-15 is cheaper than a used M1 carbine…
I take solace in the fact this fat, bumbling ape will be dead within my lifetime.
If I could kill him with my own bare hands nad get away with it I would, but old age and high cholesterol will have to do the job for me.
Something tells me I will die very old and very bitter, why can't god take me now?
Because you still have work to do Strelok. When the time comes you'll know exactly what you need to do.
410,757,864,530 DEAD BOOMER
calm down, it's just a Universal. and he's a downie.
downies against frownies! socialist tard revolution!
loved how he got winded from swinging the hammer just a couple times to smash the magazine.
Is this unexpected? Boomers were hippies.
I don't know how I feel about this. I also take solace knowing these faggots will die within my lifetime (assuming they don't use more government funds to put themselves on permanent life support at the expense of everyone else like they're trying to do). On the other hand, the idea that Boomers will die relatively happy compared to how my life and eventual death will be just makes me extremely angry since I know half the shit I'm dealing with in my life is their fault.
At the same time I can't completely hate them- they drove their children and in some cases grand children out of my profession in favour of college degrees, so when they finally do die off from a heart attack or surgery complications during their seventh liver/kidney/hip replacement in another 10-30 years (closer to 10 for my profession because of lead poisoning), I'm gonna be raking in some serious cash due to a lack of trained/skilled tradesmen. Their shitty union/protectionist policies will actually help out my generation due to fucking over the last couple generations.
It;s a complicated feel, Zig Forums.
Whether it be from old age, falling from helicopters, or hanging from ropes, odds are we're gonna be there to spit on their graves. That alone is something to take solace in.
Is this a rare specimen of prot-soyboy, or just an ordinary dyke? I can't tell.
go google old photos of leftists from the spanish civil war and the soviets. most party leaders have faces like today's soyboys. physiognomy is real.
Fucking fudds.
What a faggot
I see nothing wrong with this. Get more of them to do it. Maybe it will cull their population a little.
Yeah, just think of all those murders committed by magazines…
To be fair they should be banned, especially if they are stacked.
Human Beings weren't meant to and really shouldn't live much longer than 60 years.
For every semi automatic gun they destroy and show to the world so it cannot be used again, we must create fully automatic gun and hide it so it can be used one day.
Yeah, stacks of more than ten magazines should be banned. 30 mags stacked on top of each other is clearly a falling hazard, and could easily trap a toddler or small child if they fall over on top of them.
Plus, old magazines are a fire hazard. And think of all trees killed to print a single issue of one.
weak piece of shit rifle deserved it tbh
Completely and whole-heartedly agree with you, but
That's the crux of the whole thing, not actually fixing the problem, but feeling good. Maybe he wouldn't be so fat and struggle using a 16lb sledge if he made himself feel bad more.
Dykes are Soyboys of women?
A cool grand for one in decent enough shape to actually take to the range, Dundee.
I fucking hate boomers and hippies.
I wonder what causes a man of that age to wake up one morning and decide to become a massive faggot?
I'm tempted to believe all these videos of cucks destroying their funs are staged.
i think it's desperate need for attention combined with severe retardation. like retards eating tide pods
The Gun Goblin says "U MUS GIBB GUNS!"
Destroying a weapon doesn't create an incentive unless the person intends on buying another gun, or intended on selling it cheaply to a person who intended on buying another. It's essentially wasted resources; destroying so that you may create is keynesian voodoo bullshit.
No matter how you look at it, it's stupid. If they wanted to make a point, they'd boycott firearms. Unfortunately for them, they've already been doing that for decades and it's not working, so they've resorted to sperging out instead.
The firearms market right now is pretty tight and light carbines like the M1 carbine and the AR-15 are in high demand. It's probably pretty safe to assume there would be a buyer if he offered to sell.
Also true. He's literally destroying wealth. It's bad for the overall economy, but it's good for gun manufacturers. So he's basically funneling resources from whatever else might have been created to the weapons sector. The exact opposite of what he intended.
Fuck, I forgot about the manufacturer's incentive, still a goddamn waste.
This does make me chuckle that these dumb cunts get the exact opposite of what they want.
My dear fellow, the man didn't turn into a faggot overnight. He's a boomer. He's born in faggotry. Molded by it. At the very best he spent the most formative years of his life in, around or under a shroud of constant faggotry. He heard faggotry from the people around him. He's seen faggotry pushed by the people he went to school with. He breathed in an atmosphere of constant faggotry. He's tried, to the best of his almost non-existent mental ability to concile the idea that he has the right to own an inanimate object with the faggotry of the new hip cool kids on the block, and he failed (predictably). His entire life was probably spent on keeping up with, and sucking up to the newest 'hip cats' in town. He kept hearing that certain mechanical contraptions are inherently evil and vile from people selling him faggotry, and although his mental ability was not up to coming up with a counter-argument even good enough to convince himself otherwise, deep down inside he had a vague, almost child's conscience-like voice telling him that even though these mechanical contraptions are somewhat evil, he can probably own one without giving in to its evil, One Ring-like nature, and it's probably not that much against the principles of faggotry that much to own one as long as he himself doesn't do any evil with it. Now come CY+3 and the newest hip kids on the block say that it the mere existence of said contraptions hits the very root of Faggotry (with a capital 'F'). What do you think the boomer faggot does?
Logically it's far more incentive to the manufacturer than one may think, since a destroyed gun cannot recirculate in the market later. The vast majority of firearms are sold to people knowing they can potentially get the same gun second hand, in effect it drives the industry which produced it to double the extent of a regular sale since it doesn't dampen its own value on the aftermarket later. It is a horrific waste though, that said they probably threw the gun in the rubbish and some hobo is busy restoring it for crimes right now.
>>>Zig Forums606763
Jews try to manipulate history daily.
>name is literally a jewish king and the word (((nose)))
That's extra heretical.
Nothing makes me angrier than the destruction of an memorial illegal or otherwise.
Time to find a Star of David on public grounds and sue to have it torn down.
I think driving a car through a graveyard is a little more disrespectful than caring about commies destroying graveyards.
What the fuck is it with anarchists? Their entire belief system is like the flat Earth of ideology.
It depends on which ones you're talking about. People stupid enough to march around on the street, demand weapon bans, etc aren't really anarchists but larpers which happens when you have something cool and edgy but not fun enough to actually look at. Anarchists, as far as I know, are more for repealing government as much as humanly possible, not no government at all. It's why the A is in the O, anarchy under order. If it is not ESSENTIAL to the group's survival then the government shouldn't have a hand in it, supposedly.
Anarcho communists (you can tell this one is ancom because of the red/black flag) aren't anarchists in the sense of any coherent ideology. They're hysterical and stuck in a daddy-issue "rebel against EVERYTHING" mindset, and as such reject anything resembling authority, tradition, and morality. Because in their minds the government is the ultimate representative of these things, saying they want to violently tear it down is them being as edgy as humanly possible. There do exist ancaps and other anarchists who don't support the government because they believe law, order, prosperity, and tradition will prosper just fine without the state apparatus, but practically speaking they don't have anything in common.
This is a more eloquent way of what I was too uneducated to say. Not every leftist is a gun grabbing bourgeoise larping with daddy's credit card, military service is respected by me and a lot of reds I know, we typically understand people are just fighting for those they love, but see their fight as being exploited by the government or corporations. To step on the graves of the brave is a gross offense and I don't stand for it.
Snekman minarchist here. The only government that can be held to be moral is one where it is both able to be formed and left freely by the people by hiring it- your property is your own little country, and you hire the government to protect you and your rights and provide a place for a court of law. Notice also that this is the barest minimum of government quite a few ancaps will accept since this is essentially an enforcement organization.
Anarcho-communists view property as theft and wages as slavery (proudhon)- trading your life and labour freely is morally wrong, strelok.
How user?
Just tell them that you want to learn a trade instead. I don't mean saying "Oh, please can I learn a trade instead of going to JC?" - I mean you tell them "I'm not going to JC. I'm going to learn a trade". They won't listen otherwise. Boomers are all still stuck in their little fantasy world where everyone can get a cushy no-effort white-collar job for life and retire at 60. Realising how badly the world is fucked up means realising how badly they fucked the world up, so they refuse. Good luck.
That is just collectorfags inflating the price, there are literally millions of them.
where's the designated funposting thread?
I have no idea where this image was taken, but I want to set it on fire.
You're welcome.
Depending on the trade you want to get into, it could be as simple as getting a job as an entry level laborer. The key is to ask the tradesmen what they are doing and why. Always try to learn everything you can. Let the foreman/boss know that you want to learn x trade. Take initiative, not many people do anymore and they will be impressed. I'm a machinist although I've moved into QA but if that is a trade you're interested in then get a job as a machine operatorbutton pusher and do the same thing as I outlined before.
Are these people genuinely retarded.
Faggotry is like heavy metal poisoning, it destroys your brain over time
Anyone got any fudd stories to tell/post?
It's not that hard to retire early. Invest what you make until you can live on dividends.
Many of them will be discarded into some dreary nursing home by their children, where they will spend their last few years becoming increasingly senile. They will be cared fortormented by the 3rd world trash that they imported, who already have been observed torturing, raping and murdering their charges.
Sure, some of them will die in relative peace, having leeched off of social security for ages, but others will be forced to lie in the bed that they made, and I'll point and laugh.
Seconding this. Also you can see ancoms at leftist marches and events advocating for greater government control, at best they are tactical anarchists. They preach the end of government but are more than willing to help perpetuate it if they think they can get leftists into power. If that leftist government fails, they claim that it's because they should have been anarchists, but they will never oppose existing ones unless they believe it is already collapsed.
Fucking sack of shit old dumb fuck. I wish this fucker here died instead of my uncle. I didn't even get to inherit any of the guns after my uncle passed away because all my cousins and laws saw it fit to spread them out to the four winds while I'm busy in another country. They ain't even gun enthusiast. One of those guns happened to belong to my grandpa who fought in WW2. The same gun that this dumb fucker of an old fart is destroying here in this picture. So you can understand how angry and pissed off I am about this shit. I wish that fucker died instead of my uncle.
This seems like a fairly accurate analysis. Having talked to a few of them at university, asking about the sort of society they hope to build, they're the sort who will call any authority of power 'unwarranted', 'unjust', and 'evil' … right up to the point where they get the chance to sit behind the big desk.
In short, they're too damn lazy and weak to govern themselves. It would be of no surprise for me if it is the same on the other end of the political spectrum. Damned parasites.
Heil hitler, faggot
You do get a fair few voices at least describing themselves as far right saying "Welfare and unlimited handouts for Whites (like me) only! The state should pay all my bills because I'm the Aryan superman!". Not as many as you'll find in the movement where the non-racial version of that is standard doctrine, but pretending they're not there is daft.
Yes, we should also throw our elderly to the bears and these lazy bum war veteran legless cripples should better find a handycraft, fucking leechers!
I have no intention of letting NEETs and lazy assholes suck the money out of my paycheck to fund their self-indulgent lifestyle, whether or not they're also white.
Enough with the NEETSoc LARPing already. Whatever charisma he had, Hitler was as economically ignorant as Bernie Sanders. Removing the welfare state in all of its forms is the quickest and most expedient way to prevent degeneracy, because there are a multitude of market incentives discouraging it.
You have to fucking go back.
Hitler is dead, he fucking shot himself. How long are you going to idolize and venerate a complete failure, a hunnic genetic reject not worth the title of Fuhrer? There are far better idols in the same damn war, Rommel is one.
And why exactly? That fucking loser is dead too and he fought on losing side like a loser he was. Losers do not deserve to be idolized.
Finns lost both winter and continuation war.
Rommel wasn't the guy in charge, the responsibility for the loss of WWII rests squarely on the shoulders of Hitler and the party. They were the ones who decided to fight a war on… what? A dozen fronts? Poland, france, czechoslovakia, soviets, yugos, egypt, greece, denmark, norway, belgium, luxembourg, netherlands, hungary. Thirteen, yeah. Remind me if I missed any
Hitler didn't wait a single fucking time to consolidate a win, he just kept moving. Sure that surprised and unbalanced everyone, but it was surprising because it was dumb. You can't keep land you don't consolidate, period. If you invade and keep going all you do is turn a country into a highway - a treacherous highway at that.
Hitler failed every test of leadership, from strategy to loyalty. Even in the end when a good leader would stay alive to at least deflect some of the hatred his followers would have to deal with… he fucking took the easy way out and left the rest of the party to take responsibility.
If Hitler was brave enough to not eat a bullet, he could have stood up in nuremberg and said "it was my fault, i forced them to do it" and then the entire party would continue on and still be alive today. They might even have taken over Western Germany in free elections during the cold war, history would be completely changed.
And that's just one thing he could have done right. If he did half the things right, something a fucking parrot could statistically do, there would be a union in Europe today all right… a union of Aryans.
I am utterly disappointed in the man and can't see why anyone would lionize an inept coward.
You forgot about existence of a certain institution that's called family that does just that.
Soldiers unless dishonorably discharged should get their salary from the government until death.
If someone is a such a tremendous failure that in their entire life they didn't make anyone care about their continued existence they should just go die in a ditch
I'm not 100% sure if Ayylmaos are taught that at school, but the non-cucked Union was called the Heksagonale created originally as Quadragonale by Italy, Austria, Hungary and Yugoslavia (pentagonale with Czechoslovakia, Heksagonale with Poland being the last member) it was meant to serve as a counterbalance to Russian Imperialism and Prussian Autism and inferiority complex but out of nowhere Yugoslavia was (((balkanized))) with help of German funds as krauts just couldn't help ruining everything for everyone.
Not that it's incorrect but.
Try it, 1488 larpers, that way you could've killed 50 million of any ethnic/religious group and you'd get friend invites from top celebrities on top of free money from the West
try using something less invoking the image of death, like stars (cool thing to look at) or tools (invoke thoughts of noble workers doing their best)
Swastika was too exotic.
I thought it was called the intermarium?
>out of nowhere Yugoslavia was (((balkanized)))
PROTIP: That was done by Soros specifically to aid his 100 year plan. If Yugoslavia stayed intact, the balkans couldn't become an avenue for mass migration and crime.
Can't wait for some brain dead useless idiot or a shill to say "muh PR". The Jews conquered the western world simply by using PR, they did not use bullets or weapons of any kind. But for some reason white people shouldn't use the most powerful means of conquest….
Depends on your point of view.
>You forgot about existence of a certain institution that's called family that does just that.
Listen to the Pole, he's right.
If your ancestors 500 generations back hewed a country out of wilderness why shouldn't you get to tax some recent 0-3 generation immigrant? These fuckers are using water aqueducts, roads, and sum total knowledge about the country and the world that your own people discovered, and on top of that you pay them!!!. In what fucking universe is situation B alright but situation A some kind of sin?
Two different things, Intermarium was meant to be an ethnocentric union of European ethnic groups as part of Piłsudski's plan to get rid of minorities from Poland without getting fucked by (((League of Nations))) back into nonexistence, simply by making their countries of origin exist independently from Russia/Germany/Anglo and not be shitholes due to cooperation between member countries
Dmowski being either retarded (he was an unironic democrat in Poland) or an enemy combatant had the brilliant plan of
Because you yourself didn't accomplish any of that nation hewing but still demand payment for it from the wallets of other men who performed work themselves to obtain that money. Last I checked, Zig Forums doesn't support welfare queens and GIBS ME DAT hoodrats.
Yeah but then you get buttfucked by Germany or Russia. Your best bet is culturally invading one of those, and converting them.
My kid accomplished fuck all but I'm leaving him the guns. You're saying he has no right to them…. Are you arguing for a complete abolishment of inheritance?