Rhodesia 2.0


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It not gay if I noticed a guy has soft legs right?

Rhodesians have top tier legs and raifus.

Why don't we just kill all the niggers, anons? What's stopping us? They can't fight back, they don't contribute to society and they are pretty dumb.
Wiping them all out would have practically zero consequences.

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Jews and liberals. AKA "The International Community"

Ammo prices.

if whites go extinct at least niggers will follow soon after because nobody will airdrop food and medicine anymore

Nice try Gyro Debt Department.

Seems someone forgot he's in the Balkans too.

The Jews. Never ever trust a Jew. They are complete parasites!

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Quit bickering and start planning on how we can wipe Jews off this Earth and make it a White Earth full of White Nations.

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fuck off mutt

You first, ATF.

ATF/FBI/DHS pls go

If civil war happens will white foreigners join in and slot floppies?

The amount of foreigners that joined in the Bush Wars wasn't a small blurb.

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I'd expect it from the burger to be paranoid and rightly so, but Finbro I expected more of you. Help me kill all the niggers, you nigger

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When the fighting starts it will no doubt be bloody and brutal. There will be calls for international voleenteers to go and fight. So don't lie to yourself K, when the second Bush war starts will you be there? Are you a man amongst men?

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Ethnic conflicts always have droves of voleenteers.

SG Ammo is back logged a bit on shipping.
your post made me smile

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Not until there's an organized resistance instead of just some farmers prepping in self-defense. Otherwise, where would you even go if you went to SA? Just go to some random farm and offer protection?

This is because of that stupid app isn't it? The one that lets normalniggers from 4kancer post here as well?

Two white owned sugar cane farms were recently burnt, no word on casualties.
Corby Hill Estate And Donalds Saints Farm in Eshowe area.

Same thing that has always stopped white men from succeeding. Other white men, who don't care, or actively go against their own people.

See, Commies, or Conservatives. I think I hate Conservatives more than commies though, commies are open about being our enemy. Conservatives secure the existence and security of our enemy, because muh chosen.
And of course, we cant forget the docile nigger cattle that makes it happen, Die Normie
The useless creature that is incapable of thought or reason, devoid of any sentience, they will always throw their life away to stop others from escaping their slavery, who needs wardens when the slaves oversee themselves, A lot cheaper that way eh goy? A death cult centered around the Zig Forumsube sounds cozy anymore. Lets just be monolit and see if we can start nuclear war like some tom clancy novel.

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The answer is obviously nothing and I'd do it in a heartbeat. loljk ASIO Unfortunately, I trust rent seeking gyros even less than law enforcement.

Only if we get to wear edgy ballistic masks and put on airs of being something more than frustrated fun obsessed autists lashing out at society. I've always wanted to write a manifesto and it would be grouse seeing (((criminologists))) trying to decipher meaningless scribbles.

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What even was the white masks motivation? The lulz? I don't remember what their reason was. I just figured they were evil right wing gun owners, given its goobisoft.


They didn't really have a motivation, which is what really makes them analogous to streloks. I mean, if any number of people from this board did organize for violence srs pls no bully ASIO , I think it would follow the simple principle of "Will you never cease prating of laws to us that have swords by our sides?"

Trust the britbong to stay his hand due to feels for his subhuman pets. You can't even LARP as a man, can you?

Only the eternal Anglo can compete with Canada for the cuck medal

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No you shits, if some white man would just go to Africa for the sole reason of killing niggers then the whole (((international community))) would throw a shitfit for over this whole (theoretical) debacle. They'll just continue with the narrative of 'white man is keeping the poor dindu nuffin Kangz down' and double down on it, just because they can. Reminder that Rhodesia fell to this trap, despite that they were the complete opposite of what (((they))) said.

Disgusting, but typical.

So what do you suggest, inverse Poland? Sitting on our arses while they start killing, pillaging and starving every man, woman and child down there, until their cousins over here start doing the same to us? Hire actual niggers to kill the other niggers, only to backfire on us once they demand more gibs than the niggers they were founded to counter, Burger style? What?

Nice try abbo, but the Anglos still isn't off the hook. Its still their fault for having Isreal existed in the first place.
Then why haven't you gassed (pun intended) the Abbos yet? They're literally useless and you put their art into your museums

Its easy
Starve them to death, no need to kill, just don't let em eat. So cut off any UN food supplies. This way they'll either cannibalize or maybe even try and actually get some shit done (impossible IMO) Also evacuate any white people left before the niggers ravage their farm. Coloureds can stay and die with them.
IF they somehow survived this whole ordeal, then they'll theoretically revert back to their primal tribalism mentality and ripe for another colonization under the guise of economic help (see China)
Yeah i think i got it sorted out.

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Because they're hilarious, draw in tourists, are harmless and breed below replacement level. Seriously, the only times they ever fought anyone seriously, it was local farmers in the 1800's and they got their asses kicked. The bigger problem in Australia is the chinks and pajeets moving in, not the dole bludging abos.

So how do you actually plan to get the (((international community))) who feed these creatures in the first place, and would actually recoil at the thought of taking any measures against them, even in self defence, to stop the aid? And supposing you actually managed to accomplish this herculian task, wouldn't (((they))) screech even harder at the thought of starving poor little Apefricans to death?

kill politicians.

Simple, find a Kenyan or a Nigerian in a western university, convince him to become a negro warlord in any african shithole with his guerillas (trained by whites) capturing food and medicine before niggers get to it
and destroying those supplies so that UN needs to stop it.
bonus points if you get another negro to speak that (((whitey))) continues oppression by sending aid to warlords.

stop it, as in wasting money on sending shit to be destroyed or captured by warlords.

Say! Actual Poland may be on to something.
The trouble, of course, is finding said sympathetic/ greedy enough negroes, and actually preventing him from becoming an even bigger problem than the original ones, again, Burger style.

>get another negro to speak that (((whitey))) continues oppression by sending aid to warlords.
Now that's an idea that has some substance to it! I suppose it could work if we refine it a little bit. Perhaps actually turning it into a coherent narrative, that would force the ebil yt to at least take some measures.

Why does this sound so familiar? Oh well, I'm sure it will be easier to pull off than simple genocide - something that even Hutus were able to pull off.

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hutus don't have human rights courts or war crime tribunals.
unless you kill those two before moving onto niggers things are very hard.

Not white, but I'd try to join just for the chance to slot floppies.

Say, there are less whites in here than Apefrika itself. I bet if we got together and actually invaded them, (((the media))) couldn't even find a white face among us to pin the blame on muh ebil YT. So what's the downside in actually invading?

East asians are close enough to whites in (((their))) view that they can still blame huwites.
That said, nigs are increasingly leaking into Asia and they'll soon be a problem for us as well.

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I wouldn't worry about that. I bet that wouldn't be a problem either. I bet half of them are hapas anyway. The closet thing to actually ethnically pure people we have here are halves anyway, and we're talking about a board two-thirds of whose population are argies, roaches, chinks, gooks, ayatollahs, etc., and every once in a blue moon when we get a burger or leaf, turns out he's either half-gook, half-native, half-kebab, full mud, spic or a 2nd degree Mischling anyway.
Why, we'll be the most (((ethnically diverse))) invasion force in the world. Literally more diverse than the Swedish army itself. I bet the only board more nonwhite than Zig Forums out there is Zig Forums.

Now that's some real entertainment.

It's because the great American experiment is based on creating a country that is based in shared values. Something we seem to have forgotten.
The moment whoever thought it was a good idea to promote multiculturalism instead of assimilation into the original American ideal deserves to be hung


You could say that this is some of the few 'positive' traits that black people have.
Sucks to be you, but you're bang on the money though. I once went to your land down under, and had the fortune to stay in Melbourne for 1 night, there i only saw Asians and chinks in the metropolitan areas. Not to mention that alot of the taxi drivers are non-white as well.

Really though, the probability of an (rich) African emigrating back to his home country is almost nil. There's a reason why they went to countries with some of the highest standards of living instead of staying in a shithole that couldn't even stop murdering each other. i bet there's other better ways of producing artificially home-grown terrorists like one of us pretending to be a nigger 24/7.
I agree with the fact that 'Black Nationalism' can be used against the UN, perhaps they could be radicalized even further that they see the UN's food supplies as demeaning? Oh who am i kidding, blacks can't resist free gibs, its been coded into their genes.

You also seem to forget that it was created for white people first.

Pic related. I used to live in that shit pit, smack dab in the CBD, and every day was like a waking nightmare.
Yeah, the Paki taxi driver who's a close brush with death and smells like a corpse has been a meme since I was a lad.

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I never said I didn't. A country, regardless of who runs it, will face great difficulty when the culture in control in conflict with the majority of the population.

I didn't know I was posting on Zig Forums, I thought the header said Zig Forums. Why has no one mentioned the past bush wars in detail, given any information regarding the makeup of their troops and tactics, their goals, their efforts and successes/failures? Why did no one mention that one mercenary group that attempted to topple the rogue government somewhere in South Africa? Why is the only thing I see here "nigger" and "muh jooz"? WTF Zig Forums?

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Is there even one country on this planet that would realistically send volunteers to fight with the Boers?

This isn't halfchan Zig Forums, now get out of here stalker

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Volunteers are folk who go on their own. Governments can't really do anything about that.

I'll give you these

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That's what I am talking about. Good job.

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I can't recall if I have the last page to that article.

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Did you seriously post ITT just to defend jews and nigs, the two groups who hold a pretty large responsibility in the fall of Rhodesia and the destruction of South Africa?
God damn I hate the fact Zig Forums has become the boogeyman for retards to use to distract from shit that is actually happening.

So will Zig Forums take a vacation to South Africa?

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Only if I get to fly my own colors and get a lifetime supply of short shorts and former SADF gear.

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When the Boers start an organized resistance, I will.

Word on the vine says NYT is going to throw out a hit piece in the future on Rhodesia/White Supremacy.
Journo has allegedly been tracking site owners down that sell rhodie gear as well as looking on imageboards/forums for discussion on Rhodesia/SA/The like.

Man, I have a feeling most of those sorts are just going to tell em to fuck off

Yeah, but I have a feeling that those sorts telling (((these sorts))) to fuck off has no effect on their ability to stirr up yet another artificial mass moral panic of the sort they have in the past few years, our sorts telling them to fuck off notwithstanding.

Selous Armory already shut down over it.

It is what it is. I mean people who supply ww2 reenactors tend to do that all the fucking time.

That guy is thin skinned.

And I by no means questioned the validity of your statement.

What I meant was, that NYT and mainstream media will, nevertheless, go ahead, write their pieces, and turn this into yet another artificial moral panic a la the current one over firearms and school shootings, or all the previous ones (especially in the past few years), complete with quote grassroots unquote protests and forced condemnations we all know and are aware of, and were and are at best entirely based on either absolute nothings, a bunch of larpers, or over-exaggerations and hyping-ups of trivial or minor incidents.

Until someone starts slotting people wearing Hugo Boss or something from the Bush Wars I can't see anything happening.




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Originally, American presidents didn't even hide their longing to destroy the European heritage of settler families on the pretext that it's "unAmerican". Now they simply use shared values and the facade of cultural respect to destroy every culture simultaneously. The few Hapas I've known are very kind hearted, but also conflicted people, with their parents having extremely conflicting values. At least that's the case with Vietnamese culture, and Minnesotan culture.

This thread is absolute shit.

Hi fbi

Could only pure whites join?

You realize the RSF were more than 50% nigger, right? Even they realized that ZAPU/ZANU commies were a shitty idea, and most were quite content under colonial rule.

Yes, which is why the question of "Are you of pure European descent?" was confusing. If you weren't 100% European descent, were you relegated to only specific roles/non-white units?

Well, the form in question is directed specifically at European immigrants, rather than the RSF as a whole, so maybe it was a census thing.