Ok streloks I need your help. I’ve recently been buying more guns and I talk about guns and weapons a fair amount. This usually would not be a problem. Just a hobby. Little problem. I live in Florida and the false flag just happened. This has led to my family being on edge and thinking I will shoot up a school, I’ll be arrested for going on Zig Forums and I’m creepy. Usually this wouldn’t be a problem, but I still live with my parents because of school shit. I’m worried they’ll report me for some reason and the ATF will shoot our dog. So how the fuck can I make them not think I’m a psychopath and that I only care about my freedoms and it’s only a hobby?
Mother’s a soccer mom who wants to raise the age to buy a gun, ban high capacity clips, brags about white genocide, loves (((diversity))), ban bump stocks and loves student protests. Father’s pretty cool since he actually gives a shit but still and has non-fudd guns (ar-15, glocknade, baretta, etc.,) wants to raise the age to buy a gun and agrees with Trump’s gun grabbing. Problem is, he listens to whatever my mother says and thinks I’m crazy too for going on Zig Forums. Grandpa is a total FUDD so not much need for explanation there. Grandma is ironically the only one who doesn’t think I’m crazy and actually supports the 2A, but is on the fence about fun control.
Two reasons, for one I store my guns properly and clean them. They think this makes me a psychopath. Secondly, we have a problem with invasive species and two are huge problems. Cuban tree frogs and brown anoles. So, I go around the property with a giant metal rod I sharpened and my old airshit pistol killing them. This isn’t the main point of contention but it is a role in it nonetheless.
No job since homework n shit is fucking real and need them neetbux.
Been on Zig Forums for 5 years. They only recently figured it out since they looked at my pc and pulled up Zig Forums on a gawker report. They think streloks are using code words for secret cp using weapons as a front. Still think pizzagate is a crazy conspiracy and think JFK’s assassination had nothing to do with the feds.
In father’s gun safe and closet. Even then, they’d suspect I’m hiding them.
I’m not a fucking school shooter
Other urls found in this thread:
shoot your mother
Yeah but I don’t really want to and I don’t want to be a another statistic in some fucking libtard’s Instagram post.
stab her then or hire someone to do it
throw your guns away before you do though
Yeah but then I’d prove them right. I don’t intend on killing my mother because for one she’s my mom and two I don’t see a reason to since it really accomplishes nothing. Proving a soccer mom right is worse than removing hem for then they are a martyr for more soccer moms to spawn from. If I ever do kill a soccer it’s day of the rope/1776 only. I’m trying to convince them
cut off her nose or something then so she remembers not to fuck with you
lmao just fuck your mom bro
Only Jew in my family is my aunt so it wouldn’t have the same effect.
This is America+Florida. I may be a redneck but I don’t do incest. Besides, what do you think her body type is like?
so… tell them that.
Prove them all wrong and gas a government building.
I have. Constantly. It doesn’t work especially since everyone’s on edge since the shitting. That’s why I need help from streloks so I don’t get my guns taken away. Gunshine state no more since these damn boomer Yankees started voting and moving down near.
Tell your mother/parents to stop drinking the Kool aid, its hers/theirs generation fault that kids are shooting up schools and not the fault of guns.
Your grandmother lived in a time where schools had gun ranges inside of them, yet they never were the target of a shootout.
Equally tell your mother/parent that you are aware of the mental trapping their generation has created and you would never do such a thing, because it would only support their failing ideology/world view.
Gas is fucking expensive and I blew all my savings on nugget food, an sks and a fuck ton of ammo before the ban happened. All I want to do is just keep my funs, shoot them at ranges and physically remove invasive species anyway.
Actually that works perfectly if I execute it correctly. I’ll make sure to bring it up when I get the chance.
Your options are an hero or go be a zog bot.
There's your problem.
Ignore them and don't be such an angry sperg? I've heard that works wonders. Just don't shoot up a school for a year and they'll forget about it.
Get a job at a gunstore or some shit.
smoke some weed in front of them and tell them to 'chill out maaaaan, im all about free love' then watch big bang theory and laugh at it. Afterall, everyone knows psychos don't consume poison and watch trash; It's the societal equivalent of a gillie suit.
jk I have no idea what you should do
Easiest redpilling is to use Syria and MSM sources:
WaPo article in which Kerry openly admits the Obama admin did nothing to keep ISIS from growing ON PURPOSE:
NYT article on how the CIA is funneling KSA money to rebels (that are therefore all hardcore islamists like KSA, because if not KSA isn't giving money):
That right there is direct MSM sanctioned declarations that the US government is supporting the same people that did 9/11 and all the attacks on US soil and US soldiers abroad (don't go to far and says it's for (((them))), that one takes way more time and effort). If the government is supporting the enemies of the American people (and they are), it's logical the first thing they want is do away with the 2A.
But they can't because they would have a revolution on their hands so instead, it's the death by a thousands cuts.
That one is even easier.
Just download that:
print it use a marker to underline page 1:
(Remind them that anti-Castrists cubans are the guys from the pay of pigs and heavily tied with the CIA).
Remind them that the Italian mob was always heavily tied to the CIA origins, because of the Sicily invasion in WWII and latter on they were used all across Europe for anti-communism.
Make them notice how the formulation changed and how it clearly feel tacked on and out of place.
And then show them that right after saying that the page 2 is mostly recriminations against the FBI and the CIA for properly blaming Oswald… but dragging their feet and not investigating the rest.
And finally remind them that this report is the final legal report from the fucking congress about Kennedy assassination and that it does say that no, Oswald wasn't alone and the fault in not identifying his accomplices lay at the feet of the FBI and the CIA.
That's the fucking official position of the USA on the matter!
shit forgot the WaPo link
The fact that this is the only real non trell XD advice here hurts. This is close to what I would say. At the same time I would probably advice you stop removing invasive kebabs because everyone knows "tHAts thE fIrST sIgN oF a PSYCHOPATH!!!". Until you get your own place anyways. Drop all talk to them about gun control and stupid conspiracy's, you aren't going to change their mind anyways. If you truly want them to think your not going to shit up a school then don't act like someone who isn't going to. Being a responsible gun owner is the best chance you have at this point. Swallow your pride as hard as you can and move on user. If you keep non autistic friends who also like guns they are 99% more likely to not think your a retard in the making,
my mom is hot as hell. idk about you.
Surprise them by assassinating politicians or bankers.
Trust me, not a CIA agent in a blacksite.
Why the fuck do your parents know about you visiting imageboards? Why didn't you guard your computer with some kind of encryption or locked dual boot? You need to think of some bullshit like its all pretend here or you visited this place as a joke/dare.
For her hating funs, could always take your mother to a range.
Do you know any instructors who aren't autistic and actually have a bit of charm? Probably could get one to come over one day and talk her into going, that's what I did with my mother who was freaking out over me buying a lot of "scary black" funs whenever she would come over.
The only other thing I can think of is appealing to their left-wing bias, like using Orwell or other leftist quotes about keeping funs in the hands of the working/poor classes.
If you run around in the backyard killing frogs and lizards with a metal rod, your family is right for thinking that you're a psycho.
The reason this is a problem and they think you're school shooter autismo is that you act weird and you do fucked up shit. Have you ever wet the bed past age 13?
You can fix this really fucking easily, Strelok. Let me help you:
1. Stop killing animals. That's a legit reason, but your method is retarded and is the kind of textbook shit that would get you medicated.
2. Don't act like a fucking weirdo. Properly cleaning and storing your guns isn't a problem at all, it's how you're acting while you're doing it and otherwise. Just like with almost anything, it's possible to clean a gun in a way that makes you look trustworthy and makes people feel at ease with you, but it takes a tiny bit of charisma and tact. Whatever you're doing right now is making you look obsessive. You need to seem casual and friendly instead. You probably can't manage this, so at least try to appear happy and harmless.
3. Get a job and move to a free state like Arizona. You're 20 and you obviously aren't very smart, so college is a waste of time. Get a trade and get independent as fast as you can.
4. Stop coming here. Disassociate yourself from this place. How do they know you're coming here? Do you let them stand over your shoulder or some shit?
No shit, and I know nobody wants to hear this, but you'd be better off zogbotting for a few years, saving up your money, then getting out and moving to a different state entirely.
Provided you're not a complete fucking retard you should be able to choose whatever job you want when you enlist, which means you can pick a job that will teach you some worthwhile skills.
Plus, you'll have a GI bill when you get out, and it normally pays enough for you to focus exclusively on school.
Or go ahead and find a hard labor job in a warehouse or some shit.
Either way school can wait, at this point it's way more important for you to get away from your family if you're legitimately worried they'll try to take your shit.
uh anywhere you live that has invasive species people commonly and openly kill them and no one cares, what a fucking city slicker post
Doing god's work, son. Humans have ever since been far too lenient about bringing creatures from one end of the world to the other. Not only do they replace local fauna and destroy flora on unknown scales, they also bring new diseases and difficulties along with them. There is a saying over here, which translates to :"Protecting nature means protecting your home."
Keep it up. Don't let idiots get in your way. Remove the xeno-species.
Temporarily stopping that behavior would be smart considering OP's parents sound like leftist normalfags who think only psychopaths kill any small creatures.
It depends how you kill them you retarded fucking leaf. If you shamble around mumbling and hitting them with a sharp piece of metal like this shithead, people will think something's wrong with you. Normally it wouldn't fucking matter, but he still lives with his brainwashed bugman familial unit.
Essentially this OP. I'll add that money = freedom in your case, so try to find a way to make it quickly so you can leave. If your mom is such a shitlib that she would commit you to a mental institution or have your property stolen from you for simply liking something she doesn't, she's not a good mother. In a mean time, store your guns with friends.
It seems like your mother is the biggest obstacle in your life right now. If she continues to be aggressive to you, don't be afraid to fuck her over. Also stop doing pest control. Let them over run your parent's place and if/when they finally get upset about it, let them pay money to have them removed.
Or, instead of using a metal stick like some kind of technobarbarian, he could just get an airrifle and kill the xeno-species with some style, and not look like he has some anger management issues and takes them out on animals.
You and the other user are failing to understand the core issue here: his mother is a foaming at the mouth shitlib. Buying an air rifle and doing pest control will still maker her upset because she is likely against the very act of pest control. It isn't until it becomes a major problem that she (and by extension the rest of his family) will have them removed, likely by someone she overpays for.
Get a better family
t. ILfag seriously both my parents were born and raised in this craphole yet they still care about freedom more than yours that is just pathetic
I just wish he would get a new gun of his own since he only has an AR (M16A3/4 style with plastic hand guards that I legoed) and a 4th or 5th (?) gen Smith and Wesson 9mm.
I know this is mostly a shit post but don't gun shops usually only hire people they personally know since high trust is needed and all?
Burgers, not even once. By gas I mean actual poison gas, you can make quite a few ones with cheap chemicals you can buy anywhere.
Gasoline is cheap in the US, get fucked europe
Excellent blogpost. I'm sure this will get you all the upvotes you could ever want.
get a gf
Such is the price of life in new, free, democratic Poland (^:
Tell your mother that due to her concern about you being a school shooter that you've decided to drop out of school.
Maybe if you hadn't butchered thousands of German babies like the Chinese do dogs, you wouldn't have so much land to drive on burning your overpriced gas? Ever thought of that one, Pole?
I dunno strelok. I think telling them harassing people over their love of rights and hobbies is a fucked thing that they shouldn't be getting their noses in.
You could always get a job at a pest control company or start your own removal business.
Not only will you get some proper $$$ (or rather $minustaxes), but you can also keep doing what you do, learn a proper trade, and spend your own money on guns and ammo, making it impossible for them to take away your property.
Everyone knows about the aggression your jews had for whites. You should be grateful they had sympathies for their brethren.
Don't go fishing user
You should spoon up a library to prove them wrong.
I think that is the worst action OP could take. His problem is that his family are a bunch of retarded fags that fall for the kike media narrative that "there is an epidemic of cis straight white male virgin mass shooters, and it is the end of the world :OOO!! thingh of le chillens xDDD, end funs now!!!11 >:((((" maymay, and they think that because he likes guns (and spends a lot of time on the computer, on 'edgy' websites like this, as he explained) that he's 'a potential', and that it's their responsibility to 'do something about it' which basically means one of his dipshit relatives gets him swatted and institutionalized, his funs confiscated and his 2A utterly revoked for life.
What he wants is to convince them that he is not going to do anything bad, and that they have nothing to worry about. That it is normal for an American man to like guns, and own guns, and that they should fuck off and quit bothering him about it. Thus, my advice was for him to get a gf which would show them that he is normal/happy/well-adjusted/stable/whatever. Would it work? Idk, but that's my idea.
What if you showed them this thread?
How the fuck does somebody believe both these things at once?
Seriously? And you've tried explaining how important this is?
(was a mossad operation)
Listen OP, I suggest to stop being creepy and start volunteering for charities n shit. Become the friendliest gut you know, you don't want to be staged for a false flag either.
start a new hobby; nose collecting
If you're expressing that out loud it's no wonder they're worried.
You're exaggerating or lying, I can't tell which.
Fucking how? Did you tell them? Is so why the fuck would you do something that retarded?
Why isn't it locked down you fucking faggot? And don't say because house rules. Fuck that you're 20 god damn years old. Act like a fucking adult.
Let's pretend that you're right for a second about these conspiracies. Your family are Normalfags and you openly believe in Non-Normalfag things like a faggot. Why the fuck do you think they're worried.
IMO you should stop being a god damn autistic spaghetti lord and start living in the real world. I'm sure /pol will be along shortly to tell me how I'm JDIF or something
I'd advise gearing everything towards getting out of there, I'd even recommend getting someplace where they can't get to you.
They sound like the type of people that being around will just make things worse for you the longer you stay, though leave a letter for your grandmother since she sounds like the only nice one.
As far as "no time for work got homework" fuck that get a job with a temp company and then go to a trade school or something.
This is faggotry of the highest order. If you're worried about it, take everything you own to someone trusted who can/will secure them properly. Keep a .380 pocket for SD, retrieve your stockpile upon getting your own place.
Smoke some weed in front of them, OP. It'll make them disappointed in you, but everyone knows that school shooters are incapable of having fun so they'll drop it.
Alternatives include:
Boating Incident
Bringing a GF home and fucking her loudly in your room- your mother will shut her face about your guns because she thinks she's getting grand children.
Yeah, getting a girlfriend will shut mothers up real quick. They'll let you get away with all kinds of shit that they normally wouldn't if they think there's even a chance in hell that you'll be giving them grand children.
Tell your dad to slap his ho back to her place.
One less vote for demorats, one huge gain for the collective gene-pool.
Why would a White traitor care about grandchildren?
beat the shit out of your mom for being a cunt, and then beat the shit out of your dad for being too much of a pussy to keep your mom in line. the problem is there's too much estrogen in your house.
Mothers want to be grandmothers so they can dote on their grandchildren. Women might not give a shit about a lot of things, but if they still want kids, they want grand kids one day as well.
You know the meme about wives being easy to control? Mothers are too if you give them what they want on a stick so you can take it away from them if they don't comply. Grandchildren are the easiest way to do that though there are other methods.
OP, there was no grand CIA conspiracy involved in the JFK assassination. Maybe KGB, Oswald was a communist who had lived in Russia for a time and may have been working for the Russians when he shot JFK. We can't say fore sure if that was the case because Ruby shot him before he could get an enhanced interrogation.
And these shootings aren't false flag attacks, they are real, and the victims are really dead. The thing is that they're not at all common. If you tally up all the fatalities from school shootings over the last 20 or 30 years and average it out you get something like 10 deaths per year. Just ten. T-E-N per year. Care to guess roughly how many are killed in school sanctioned sports? About 10 per year. And about 100 per year are killed riding their bikes or walking to and from school.
School shootings, and all other spree shootings, are a tiny fraction of gun homicides. Less than half a percent of people killed with a gun are killed in a spree shooting. The vast majority are killed in gang-related violence in a handful of bad neighborhoods in a few major metropolitan areas, and never gets national attention. Why is that?
You see, news media doesn't sell news, they have no way to monetize it. So they sell ad space instead. The more eyeballs they have on their channel, their paper, their site, their brand, the more they can charge for the privilege of advertising on it. So they craft narratives and push sensational headlines to grab attention while ignoring the boring realities and mundane horrors that they know won't get your attention.
And this doesn't get any better if you take the profit motive out of the system. When governments or benefactors front the money for the operation instead of advertisers then the news becomes propaganda that satisfies the interests of the benefactors. RT, BBC, CBC, etc. They're all government mouthpieces.
Gun control is not and has never been about making society safer, it's about concentrating power in the hands a few by taking it away from the many. The total amount doesn't matter, only the gradient.
If you don't already you should come over to >>>/liberty/
we need more like you there.
OP is a typical upper middle class edgy white boy whose "guns" are in Daddy's gunsafe. Fucking lame. I bet his ass autistically ask his Dad to clean "his"(OP doesn't own any guns, they belong to his Daddy ala Alex C.) guns repeatedly regardless they're rarely shot (if at all). Your parents are still treating you like a 10 year old kid. Get a job, gf, and be a social adult. And, your parents suck. Everyone was cool with me owning a handgun at 18, but they didn't see a reason for me to own an underfolder AK47, go figure.
When I was a young man (15) I bought my own Glock 19 and Beretta 92FS, stored them in my room in the inner jacket pockets of my leather jacket. Ammo and magazines stored in hollowed out textbooks I stole from my High School. Carried them illegally about everyday (until I got my CCW at 21). Hid it from my Mom and piece of shit step Dad until I moved out; and made sure I didn't act like a weirdo. It was nobody's business about what I do or carry. I'm a normal, logical man and don't need to follow laws for prey. If you go around doing weird shit of course they'll be scared. Act cool and pretend to be normal.
If you want to load a gun quietly in a house, release the slide on a loaded magazine in a closet between jackets/shirts with the door room closed. Basically silent.
What, did you spend the next 30 minutes explaining to him the history of the malaysian llama knitting community bulletin board known as 8channel?
Didn't some anons come up with a really autistic way to represent guns with animu girls?
Very laudable but what you're trying to do probably only amounts to a drop in a bucket, if that. Traps are probably more efficient, even more efficient would be destroying egg clutches but then you would have to be very careful not to misidentify. Speaking of which please don't accidentally kill any Carolina anoles by mistake.
Do you have a reliable friend that that will let you store guns at his place? That might be the best deescalation tactic until you can move out.
There's an anime like that.
How could people be so liberal as OP parents and not understand the importance of environmental protection?
I can confirm this. I have seen far too many grandmothers put up with shit from their no good kids just so they will still have access to their grandkids.
why worry?
This is the most bluepilled fagtalk I've ever seen on here.
Figures that libertarians would see this as a good post. Don't forget to tell him to cross-post to >>>Zig Forums as well.
For ze moment of zurprise my fren
That's what he said. What he was disagreeing with was the crisis actor nonsense where people claim there was never a shooting at all.
That the feds let them happen is entirely compatible with them actually happening.
You couldn't take literally half a second to lock the computer?
You deserve what you're getting if you're honestly that stupid.
I know the feel, OP.
My entire family thinks guns should be 100% banned, no exception. No bolt actions, no break action shotguns. Goes bang, gets banned. Only the army and the police should have access to guns. They also think that, even though lethal self defense can be justified, it is never okay to use a gun in self defense. They think if it's that bad, you should call the police, since "they'll only take at most three minutes to get there". That would be retarded even if we lived in a city instead of n the country, and on top of that they think the cop in Florida was entirely justified to stay out of the school.
They genuinely want me to "see someone" about my "obsession", since I'm very "high-risk". They were literally asking each other "what went so wrong?" It doesn't help that my dad monitors what sites are connecting to the house internet to check for "suspicious sites", so right around the time I started talking about getting a firearm license, he learned both that I go to Zig Forums and that I "spend all day watching Japanese child porn" (read: watch a moderate amount of anime). On a related note, he considers government surveillance perfectly acceptable since "if you have nothing to hide there's nothing to worry about."
Like you I didn't move out because student -> no income, and since I lived 30 minutes from the university it's not worth tripling my debt. Now that I'll be starting my MSc in September and getting a salary I'll be moving out, but the apartment I'm looking at (and likely every other I might consider) bans guns. That hasn't stopped my family from telling me they've become apprehensive about the idea of me moving out, since apparently I'm a massacre waiting to happen. They've also told me that they'd refuse to visit any home with a gun, including mine, as if that would discourage me.
finns > poles
The way you redtext makes me think you're a spergy little nerd and judging from how your parents look at you i'm certainly right. Mommy and Daddy don't love you anymore so get over them already, stop being a whinny faggot and put yourself out of your misery because you probably wont be great at living as a loner.
Or just follow the slide forward and push it until you're sure it's in battery.
I want to see this
Very nice
He might be talking about upotte!!, which is a show about animu girls who are guns. The show itself isn't that good but the girls are cute and that's what matters.
Chuckle patronizingly at them. Just be patronizing overall, they don't know what they're talking about and you want to plant that seed of doubt in them. If they persist, act hurt that they thought you'd do such a thing or turned out to be a bad person - after all, they raised you, right?
That attitude is the reason anime went to shit in the 21st century
TFW my mom won't stop nagging me to get a pistol and my CWL. I really do need to get a pistol, but funds are kind of low right now. I own ten guns, and all of them are long guns. It feels good coming from a firearm friendly family.
absolutely fucking degenerate.
First step to unfucking your life and breaking the power your parents have over you is finding a paying job- only way out. Some people get a bit funny in the head when they know that you depend on them for a roof over their head, and you become something of a pet. Having even 12-16 hours of work (two shifts) changes the balance of power drastically. Consider that from a subconscious point of view, your parents probably froze you at a young age and your university for them is still just high school with another name- having regular earnedmoney means you force them to deal with you as an adult.
Deal with it faggot, stop being a welfare scum leech.
The brown lizards are driving the green lizards out of their homes.
what if you have conditioned social anxiety user?
Well, there's a first time for everything, I suppose.
You're better than a Greek. Even Greeks have been known to work on occasion. Get a job you lazy bum.
This is as magical as that Pomppufiilis song.
Absolute strawman. That's not what the burgerbro is saying, ameribro.
Cyber8 is probably a socialist of some sort. He is polski jej
Reason I say this is that he banned racial slurs on a Jewtube stream chat, yet uses nigger all the time. Fake edgelord nigger faggot, that goy.
shoot your mother