We all comes from different walks of life. I just had the unlucky roll of the dice to happen to be born in one of the most violent and poor city's in America.
Where am I Zig Forums?
Also ask me anything
We all comes from different walks of life. I just had the unlucky roll of the dice to happen to be born in one of the most violent and poor city's in America.
Where am I Zig Forums?
Also ask me anything
fucking move you dumbass
Can't afford to without putting myself in debt
I should also add that I'm tied here taking care of my parents and I can't won't leave them behind in this shit hole all alone.
Sell their house and move fgt, no excuse.
Sage for blogpost
Bomb their house and move
This is my home, I'm not surrendering this town to the niggers that ruined it years ago.
Keep shooting niggers in self-defense?
This is why we eat Pączki for fat tuesday. I'll do my best
Can you open carry a long arm? I'd take a SMLE if I could, though being a yank you could get a nice autoloader more easily than here.
Probably but open carrying a long arm is incredibly unpractical in a metro area
Oh well. Take a chance, OP.
Some things will never come back
Fuck I just realized I put 100,00 instead of 100,000 fuuuuuck
The thing I really would like to know is how do we stop this from ever happening again. Money was always there for this city but instead of using it to build more infrastructure our corrupt politicians pocketed it for profit secretly for years, until they were audited but the state and came up $32,000,000 in debt.
No one has even tried to guess it yet but here’s a few hints. It’s in MI, it’s in one of the only counties that voted blue in 2016 and it’s going through a crisis of some sort.
Move anyways you dumbass.
I'm tied to my parents, but I wouldn't risk my own life for them. Let's be honest, OP. You're probably some UniFag who doesn't want to pay for dorms or an apartment. I doubt you're "taking care" of your parents so much as they're taking care of you.
You said yourself there's only four cops. "Impractical" or not, long guns scare the shit out of niggers. Some 16 year old twink OC'd in his neighborhood picking up trash for three months and it reduced that neighborhood's crime rate by damn near 80%.
No one cares. Do you think your pet abandoned city is spu-spu-special or something? Eat shit and be an attention whore somewhere else, faggot.
Okay, so the chances of you, a presumably white kid, being harassed by the cops is approaching zero, correct? So just carry a fucking handgun anyways. Learn to CC properly and nobody, not even the cops, will know.
The law is not as omnipotent as they like you to think. Your chances of being caught are pretty fucking low. Kill a nigger and no cameras saw you? They'll chalk it up to gang violence or drugs and case closed. Wear a hoodie. Most surveillance cameras are absolute shit, a hoodie is pretty good at hiding your features without being as suspicious as a balaclava, and if it's obvious on video that it was self-defense the police (who are likely tired of niggershines) won't bother working too hard to find the young man who offed a multiple offender.
There is a surprising number of shitskins posting under American flags. There is a chink and at least two spics here on Zig Forums posing as Americans.
Hi Michigan
i love the constitution though
Let me guess, before it became predominantly black?
So your chances of being frisked by cops are likely higher, but four cops for 100,000+ is still more work than they can handle especially since they're probably pulling traffic duty or fucking with whatever retardation the niggers are up to that day. Get a gun and carry it. It is better to be tried by twelve than carried by six.
"where am I Zig Forums"
Faggotville just across the border of Shitpostville
At least you won't be contributing to the ghettoization of your neighborhood if you obliterate your former house
Sounds like you're meant to be a real life DEATH WISH. Go kill your local heroin dealer
That's but one problem solved, if you poison the heroin you could solve dozens of problems.
Dad has terminal brain cancer and is close to death can barely even get up on his own let alone walk around the house. Mom has lupus and arthritis from all the years of hard labor in the factories.
Guns don't scare people here if anything when they see a gun they see a target or a free meal
That's not the point retard. Besides my city is special, we put the world on wheels. During WW2 we contributed 2 billion worth of war production and provided 10,000 factories for the war effort. We were the industrial capital of the US but like I said that's not really the point.
I'm white yeah
Flint to be exact
Before the factories started leaving but yeah then a bunch of black peopled from the north end moved all over. Back then black people weren't really a problem, it wasn't until around the early 2000s that niggers started showing up.
Which one? The one who lives across the street from me or the one who lives down the street from me? :^)
I like the sound of that
Detroit nobody gave a shit OP
Nevermind then then
You could literally move an hour or even less in any direction around you and your condition would drastically improve. I assume Frankenmuth isn't terrible, and I've been to Lapeer and it isn't bad either.
And now it's becoming more special due to the lead in the water and niggers drinking it :^)
You can't move forever.
There is no saving that god forsaken land. A nuclear bomb going off would be a step in the right direction.
Its called fentanyl
How much worse than Detroit can it be?
Also what's the worst area in Chicongo?
What do you even mean by illegally entered the war? You don’t need a valid casus belli to enter a defensive war :^)
Also providing lend lease =/= entering the war and neither does sending volunteers.
I literally cannot move but Frankenmuth is pretty neat. I’m pretty sure it’s like the most bavarian place in the whole US. Lapeer on the other hand has a apartment complex literally dedicated for child molesters next to a school that place is fucked. The only reedeming quality of Lapeer is that is the only public hunting grounds in S/E MI
idk If we could ever get industry to come back to the US all of the rust belt is prime territory
Flint and towns like this have been eating out of the palms of industrial hands for 100 years
Flint is Detroit just smaller. Except they have drinkable water, the benefits of being a large metro area like sports stadiums and various touristy type things and they also have the wealthy metro Detroit areas like Troy and Rochester. Troy is where you go to buy a Ferrari and spend your daddy’s money on blow
The south side of chiraq is the worst
Oh I know that feel, I have the old copper collar on the wall from the heyday of Anaconda. Honestly if people want business back China is going to need to get embargo'd or tariffed to hell and back.
Oh and the currency needs to get some teeth back too, axe the federal reserve while we're at it.
You're a cry-baby retard.
Don't be pissy, Murrrrca has many
Mad-Max zones……mainly occupied by
and you’re a low T gook retard. Watch it nip or we’ll pull your funding and let China bully you
We need a governer who will go full philippines and start offering bounties for drug dealers and commies
We don’t even have to do that but it certainly helps. Most of GM packed up and moved to Mexico. All we really need to do is either
or all the above
Well if you want to save infrastructure, yet get rid of the drug and crime problems, do one or more of the following.
1. Flood the place with vx gas, or at least the crack houses.
2. Start circulating drugs in the city laced with potassium cyanide. Not like niggers will be able to tell any difference.
Of course only bad people would kill drug dealers without asking for the police first. :^)
Is it Wilmington Delaware? That place is sketch.
fug I cant read
Keep on crying, faggot. You're no better than your average nigger.
this thread need a chill
and OP need to just carry
We can really get rid of a lot of crime by just bulldozing old forclosed houses. A lot of these crack dens are just some old family home that was let go to the bank. Unfortunately we had to waste several million dollars trying to poison our water.
I’ve heard that the areas around dc are either really really sketchy or pretty nice.
You’re just mad that we built the planes that sunk the Yamemeto.
You don’t even have to deal with niggers except for weebs that travel there to steal your women. So why even bother
idk what that even means hommie but i’m down for that
yes but with the qualification that "nice" refers to wealthy (because of graft from govt teat) as opposed to pleasant or having culture.
the "nice" shopping and residential areas immediately out of D.C. are notably soulless
"if a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." - Thomas Jefferson
policing is nonexistent, just don't stick around if you actually have to use it. doing the right thing is the right thing if there's a blue shirt around or not.