Battle of Singapore

How did the Brits get rekt so hard at the battle of Singapore? From what I understand it has mostly been chalked up to incompetence and indecision by the British command and an inability to form a coherent defense line.

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There you go.
Next time read a book instead of making shitty threads.

Jews America didn't save them like they always do

Brits run into real enemy. Brits dead.

There was a section from the British "World at War" documentary series, where they discussed the use of bicycle infantry in Malaya (note that there wasn't dedicated military production of bicycles. Intelligence knew that there would be enough bicycles in Malaya, so they requisitioned bicycles from the civilians it was all part of the keikaku). This allowed the IJA to rapidly advance through the jungle, while also being slow enough for the support battalions to chase up. Furthermore, the Commonwealth forces strategy of retreating and blowing up bridges would have been effective if it wasn't for the Engineer corps being able to bike with the infantry, and fixing destroyed bridges, while the rest of the infantry could fell trees to make primitive bridges to continue the advance.

While the Japanese landing forces were outnumbered 1-2, they also had 200 tanks and fielded 568 top of the line aircraft, while the Commonwealth forces had no tanks, and 253 aircraft, most of which where outdated inter-war designs. The combination of fast advances, and surprise attacks by smaller sea borne crafts, rapidly demoralised the mostly ill-prepared Commonwealth force. Percival concentrated troops on the North East of the island, where the Japanese had sent troops as a deceptive measure, while putting the undermanned/under-equipped brigades to the North West, which was where the Strait of

However, the success of the IJA in Malaya added to the myth of Japanese invincibility, and overrode the grave concerns apparent in the IJA structure. For example, the Japanese Army had not taken into account the need for a proper logistical structure due to the availability of supplies abandoned by the enemy, and supplies available in the locality; this mindset contributed to the horrible cases of malnutrition and starvation the IJA faced in more remote battlefields, like in Papua New Guinea and Guadalcanal.

forgot the video

Im sick of you eurokikes and your faux "european brotherhood but fuck the anglos" shit.
The next time either of your failed states needs help i'll make sure to write to my MP and ask that you be left to be raped by slavs.

God I hate the parliamentary system.
tbh I'm in it for the bants because I'm for the most part anglo on my white side

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Oh boy, a HAPA.

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Brits get really autistic about their flanks. The Japanese managed to flank the Brits so they had an autistic meltdown instead of fighting back.

spic pls

This is fact
I'm not a Brit btw but instead of 8ch giving the various countries in the UK their own FLEGS they give us all the Union Jack. I'm Norn Iron

heavy guns pointed out only to sea is a myth, they could and were in fact used to provide supporting fire on land. the real problem with them was that they only had stocks of AP and none of HE because of their anti-ship role and were therefore quite useless against troops.

you also forgot the japanese use of tankettes in the jungle that the brits claimed would be impossible and impracticable. japanese tankettes basically massacred the british indian army divisions and put them to flight in almost every action.

the bicycles were only the half of it. the japs had better tactics (flanking, etc) and better morale and will to execute them. only the aussies were equal or better in this regard.

need to remember that it wasn’t exclusively the brits that defended malaya and singapore, it was mostly indians and australians that did the job and they were let down by poor british planning from on high.

t. eternal anglo

good, at least you won't ruin the world again like in the previous 100 years.

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I think the EU is doing a good enough job of that.

Yeah, we're eternal because unlike you, we're not going to be wiped out by Turks.

Yeah, you're gonna be wiped out by pakis instead.

we wouldnt be "eternal" then would we? hans you retard

Why did you treat POWs so horribly? I have family friends who never made it back from one of your camps. Have you no humanity?

northern irish are british you brainlet
british isles

Surrendering is cowardice to japs so they made them die a warriors death.

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Ya belong to Eire, ya fookin cunt.

Please don't respond to D&C shills they've been messing up /v/ as it is.

Defending it was focussed on a possible naval invasion and the japs had been observing what was going on in the med and realised unprotected capital ships were easy prey to aircraft. Also the original plan was for the Frech to cover the med (the RM were a surprisingly competent foe easily the best branch of the Italian armed forces) while the UK dealt with Asia but once the Battle of France went tits up that was out the window and the med got priority. Complacency sealed the deal.

Obviously that doesn't cover the issues on land but that's not something I know a huge amount about, actually I don't know a huge amount about Commonwealth land operations in Asia as is other than a certain American general shitting on the Aussies for being cowards when they were fighting harder than anyone else.

Because you pretty much gave up fighting in the span of a few months, why can't you be more like your autistic cousin?

Well they did joined in a short-lived (only a few weeks) combined Allied command that consisted of 4 countries, you could guess how well that went.

I'm over 56% Irish and I cringe at the term "norn iron" - like nigga you call yourself an inanimate element. You're Irish, Anglo landed or some kind of creatura in between.

God made it happen because the brits deserve to be killed by the non-whites they love so much. Anyone who associates with non-whites is doomed, which is why Hitler lost despite being the second greatest man to ever live next to white Jesus

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Oh noes a fellow haba

Yeah, America is a perfect case study example of that

Some reasons I have for the poor treatment for POWs by the IJA are as follows

It is regrettable that the Japanese army treated the POWs so poorly, and if anything, those who had committed war crimes and those who didn't were sentenced in a military tribunal; about 1000 officers and soldiers were executed. My Great Uncle on both my Japanese and Australian sides of the families were involved with POWs. The former was a camp guard in Malaya or Singapore I've forgotten which, while the latter was held at one of these POW camps in Malaya or Singapore again, I don't know the specifics. Anyways, both of them had survived the war, but my Australian uncle had lost two fingers, and came back with a burning hatred for the Japanese, meanwhile my Japanese uncle had lost his wife, and both his children in a bombing raid on Tokyo. They both died of cancers in the late 50's, and this was only known later.

In response to your "Have you no humanity?" question, I will give you this. I don't care how war is waged, but I do care about how it can be avoided, or when it does regrettably happen, how it can be won. I may hate Curtis LeMay's fire bombing campaigns but his strategy worked; I may despise how Tojo Hideki had taught the men that dying for your country is better than living for it, but his doctrine created the most loyal soldiers seen in modern times. I prefer peace to war, as does any rational human being. But when war does start, it should be quick, brutal, and effective. Thus I personally have no qualms against the use of the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a tactic, as I would have done the same thing if I was a military planner. I, do however, hold a grudge against the American political and ideological leaders who knew that Japan was willing to surrender near unconditionally, with the sole condition being the protection of the Emperor yet utilising vague wording in the Potsdam Declaration.

On a side note, I highly suggest the TV mini-series "TOKYO TRIAL" - it's about the Far East Military Tribunal and features the different aspects of Japanese War Crimes, and the trial from the Judges points of view. I believe one of the judges was from the Netherlands, and is featured heavily in the series. You can get the torrent at nyaa

All my recorded my ancestors have fought in all wars Greece participated in since, from Orlov's Revolt to my dad volunteering for Cyprus which ended up with him not seeing action since his ship got blockaded by bong navy and forced to return to Greece except for the world wars, no male family member of mine was in fighting age during WW2 and my great grandfather was exempt from WW1 service due to distinguished service at the Balkan Wars.

It's good to not have a single drop of ZOGbot in my lineage.

Hey did any Greeks fight for the Axis cause?