School shooting in Maryland. Guy used a handgun but was under 21 so most likely purchased illegally (hope it wasn't a legal private transfer.) Two wounded. School resource officer engaged and killed the gunman. Still awaiting press conference.
School shooting in Maryland...
Watch as either
1) Media tries to cover this up and spin it into MUH DANGEROUS HANDGUNZ
2) Blame the officer for somehow not finding the shooter before it happened
and a real human bean indeed.
I'm genuinely glad hearing about this. I've been in the dumps regarding funz and politics in general the last few weeks.
Wonder how the faggots at the press conference will somehow spin it for pro-gun control.
Keep waiting.
This is a case of an armed guard stopping a school shooting, the media won't touch it.
The media likely caused this shooting by glorifying the previous one!
Male victim, 14, stable condition
Female victim, 16, ICU with life-threatening injuries. Possibly ex-gf of shooter.
SRO is also on a SWAT team.
You got that right. When everybody is allowed to do their job, rampaging spergs get put down and nobody else gets killed, but God forbid we have a good guy with a gun. That would just be pandemonium!
The funny thing is, criminologists agree that mass shootings result in a spate of copycats immediately following them, but they almost never hold the media accountable.
Shooter: Austin Wyatt Rollins, 17. Pic related.
This shows that when you hire competent people then things get done, but when "something" goes wrong it's always the guns fault. Also I agree that he probably had a connection with the girl considering that she had the worse injuries so she was most likely the first target. Though this is probably gonna be used as "the police should only have gusn" since some underage got a gun illegaly.
Jesus fucking christ no wonder he shot up his school.
What is with School Shooters and (((bowl cuts)))?
Cause of death: overdose of autism
He looks weird; not entirely human.
Can someone help me narrow it down?
The ears and eyes seem fucked up.
Wondering if we can use the Texas bombings to counter leftists using this to push gun control by pointing out how ridiculous it is?
Just a thought. I dunno. Didn't think it was worth another thread
I'll bet CSIS wasn't expecting an armed security guard.
Ears look like they're placed too far back on his head.eyes look like an adult's eyes while the rest of his face looks like that of a child.
I'll place a bet that he was literally retarded, like most of the stooges for these kinds of attacks. They're the easiest to set up, can't defend themselves in a court of law and can be put down with ease. As said, he has a baby face, his ears are too far back on his skull, and appear to be fanned forwards, while his eyes are dead. The kid had something wrong with him and I'm betting it was chromosomal.
They will push for all possible bomb components to be labeled and tracable like in China
Maybe he stole it from his dad?
He should have gone for a higher score.
Creepyness is mostly caused by the fucked up eyebrows and enormously thin top lip. His face looks childish because it's short and narrow, also anguli mandibulae with chewing muscles lack size. Ears with nose here look only funny, albeit front shots reveal more of their intimidation.
At least Dylan had a nice bowl cut.
Wake me when the proper shitposting starts.
I think CIA was too busy
Which is weird, white privilege should've given him a priority for schoolshooting training (^:
Daily mass shooting.
I'm surprised the kid had the balls to go through with it, a shame he won't even be remembered or mentioned by the (((media))) though I suppose the FBI did waste a lot of resources with the florida shooting so you can't blame them for not making another big one.
Could he has been cucked by a underclassman?
Overpen, ricochet or a missed sound fare more likely to me.
Barely half a point
will have 1 if the girl dies.
Why are Canadians so fucking pathetic?
I didn't realize Yanks were such cucks that they'd call a state "Mary's Land," but that just makes it even worse! No wonder the Mexicans are taking over.
Media won't pick up on it then, it's against their narrative
La creatura…
It's like warning colors with tumblrinas.
Only mentally ill turbospergs and maybe a lot of slavs have bowl cuts past the age of 8, always keep your eye on them.
skull looks like one of those deflated wojacks
Yes, but it was a TRAINED PROFESSIONAL! And only TRAINED PROFESSIONALS should have guns.
It'll just be swept under the rug and largely forgetting. Just like the Texas church shooter that was fucked up by a church attendee and his ar-15.
No, the anti-gunners didn't ignore that. When they saw it on the news my parents were outraged that that mad vigilante hadn't been arrested.
how many layers of cucked
Your shitposting is kind of weak for an aussie. You feeling alright today, mate?
Just another positive reason to go ahead with the Day of the Rake.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?
Ya know, I'm glad that the Coward County sheriff didn't go into that school just because it shows how fucking retarded that argument is.
He's a lizard person, they don't have ears so they always overcompensate in their disguises
Does he have fetal alcohol syndrome maybe?
Sage for double post, this sounds like it was a targeted shooting rather than an attempted mass shooting. My guess is once he offed the roastie he was going to put a few in himself anyways. A good guy with a gun just got there first.
Step right up and place your bets!
Also that hair. My dad cut my hair and it never looked that bad (He's actually gotten quite good at it over the decade he's done it).
Oh, I forgot the real long shot
I was thinking it was just a Trudeu thing
Other possibilities
Is there a repeating 3D printed handgun? All the ones I'm familiar with are single shot and take a long time to reload.
You're not poor until your mom uses a cracked plastic tupperware dish as a stencil to cut your hair.
Doesn't make it any less spergy just because you were poor and your mom was too lazy to learn to cut your hair properly.
They require metal parts, but are mostly 3d printed and the metal parts local hard ware store levels of available.
As I mentioned above my dad cut my hair. Practically the only thing he could do is a very basic military type cut, but with a thrift store trimmer and no previous experience he did way better than than the shooter has.
Also once a month hair cuts?
If he was in elementary school I would understand the bowl cut, but if you aren't able to cut your own hair with some scissors/go to a barber by yourself by 17 then you are pretty inept. Though he could've been so autistic that he thought the bowl cut looked good on him and decided to keep.
maybe he just didn’t care how he looked
The saying holds true.
Have you heard of the high elves?
Fuck off faggots, there is nothing wrong with bowl cuts. Bowl cut nationalism is going to put you normalfags in the chicken nugget mines while we get to build Swastikas in Minecraft all day. BOWL CUT POWER
El goblino…
Your whore of a mom is cheap, I fucked her for only $2 and left her vagina looking like my grandma's cooking
buzz cuts are just as cheap and not quite as shitty
Grand champion!
Blow it out your ass
Seen any elves? Ha ha ha!
wew, do you have a bit of peacock in your family tree or something? you only really need a haircut maybe once or twice a year
Man i you guys sure have alot of shooting at schools, that sucks since they can't fight back. I want to bring back interschool fights
Inshallah, how poor jewish can you be?
Looks like a faggot
Holy shit
Fuck off Poland
no Satan, elves aren't real
What the fuck
remove elf.
I agree.
t. Monaco
I think it's that he's ostensibly 17 but he looks like he's 12. No dimorphism at all, just a large child arrested in a pre-pubescent state until adulthood.
Double post, BRB heroing via chlorox
Take a look at the photo posted by BBC of the school resource officer.
It reads
>In front of the ore passenger box glovebox?? concealable, ammo capacity is dive bullets. Can be fired suppressed from inside
This guys a legit illegal smith lol. It's written in simplified mandarin and the only ones that used simplified are in Mainland China communist Very interesting as to where they got the 9mm? ammo. Because it is hard to get 9x17mm barrel in china compared from the 5.8x42mm or the 7.62x39mm (The 5.8x42 barrel can be bought from markets).
Also Makarov pistol clone wtf? This guy literally could have fucked himself with this pic cause only one or two factory produce the type 59 (626 and something else???). I'd like the source so I can figure out the story behind this.
Well the news is in he stole the gun from his dad, i might never have kids so then i can have all the guns i want with out worry about my son being either an emo fag who wants to blow his brains out with my gun or a fucking eric and harris fanboy who will try to follow in his heroes footsteps.
Also how the fuck did bowl cut autismo get a girlfriend? I’ve never had one maybe i should kill myself (but not with a gun because we dont want more gun deaths)
Also i hope the girl lives shes still in critical condition
Eww. High fade is where it's at, fam.
Rest In Peace robot-kun, you will be remembered in the beta uprising.
Normalniggers get the rope
>t. CIA nigger larping as a robot or just a giant edgelord
Ay caramba, otro goblino…
I didn't know Washington, Baltimore, Bel Air and Philadelphia were all so close to each other.
I never knew Lebanon was so close to Lancaster.
Back to Taco Bell, Pedro.
Wow it's like all the gun grabber talking points are fucking nonsense that fall apart when confronted with any criticism or real world practice.
Mas allá de la tierra del golbino hay una region que no mas se conose por las lleyendas, una zona de monstros aun mas deformados y malditos que el globlino, esta es la tierra de la hoja, con la cara de un goblino los ojos de un chino, y la barba de un demonio. Su grito also aun mas escalofriante que la del goblino, “if you kill your enemies they win.” Grita el monstro meintras te perseque, de accuerdo a las historias sobre este tierra norteña maldita, la ultima palabra que escuchas qaundo te ataca el montro, es “ xir this is the RCMP and you are under an arrest for the misgendering of a transwomyn”.
By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!