Brit/pol/ #2055: Destruction Edition

#AskBarnier: Farage to Meet EU’s Brexit Negotiator and ‘Represent’ Brexit Voters

Claim Trump aide warned of UK spying absurd, says Tony Blair

PM urged to leave international students out of migration figures

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Good lass.

Haven't seen the recent episodes but I've seen most of the ones released before. It's well made and pretty good for 3 Current Year television, it's just a shame the author is a standard lefty luvvie with all the usual predilections.


For anti-Semitic art.

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Good >lad

nth for normie memmies

This is a great watch lads, found it quite eye opening. 80's documentary on the loony left.

At the end you see a load of bussed in SWP protesters arguing with parents (many being minorities) who were furious at all the lgbt shit being peddled in their schools, you couldn't make it up.

ID of the first pic?

Who is in the right in this Trump Bannon shitflinging anyway



All this in a school with one ethnic minority family, and even then they were persian. Dread to think of inner cities really

Zig Forums HQ found

The SWP is a complete joke tbh

It’s Dali’s ‘Metamorphosis of Narcissus’ edited, good isn’t it? I’d unironically have it in my house.

Couldn't they appeal for some Syrian refugees?

I remember some diversity assembly where one class had learned a song about building bridges. No idea why I still remember that.

I detest the cunts.

Nothing has changed, has it?

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Good lad


France's President Macron Wants to Block Websites During Elections to Fight 'Fake News'

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I wish I could get into the mindset of these people, just so I could understand what the fuck they are thinking, but I fear the head trauma would be irreversible.

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The debate wasn't on his channel, but the aftermath video is, and most of the comments are saying Spencer won or that Sargoy was shit. Spencer isn't even a good advocate for our ideas tbh. Feels good tbh. Sadly, a few faggots think StykCucksForNiggers did well. I haven't watched the debate because I find all of these people insufferable (Spencer's alright, actually, I guess).

Just a temporary tax, just until the war ends, not to worry.

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I honestly don't mind Spencer, listen to him quite often actually tin hat firmly on. Says some goofy shit but overall I like the bloke, 90 mins in and he seems to be doing fairly well. I think Sargons sperging out makes Styxx look even better.

Great to hear he's getting btfo on his own channel.

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Imagine living through such times as that.

The whole thing was a massive memi

Oh, and Sargon left early as "it's late so I need to go", and then decided to stay up all night recording a post-show video. Complete wanker.

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The few (tabloid titled) clips I've watched, sargon is at his very worst: talking over people (almost shouting), ad homing even worse than usual and just generally sounding like a little bitch. Good to hear tbh. Still it does irritate me that anyone can fall for Styx's (((detached))) intellectual schtick. He's a fucking mental midget tbh. Nothing he believes is practical when dealing with reality as is. He's completely pathetic. I hold him in greater contempt than sargoy tbh.

What is he playing at

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sometimes he doesn't even talk over them, he just starts LOLing

Did sargon actually say he hopes the white race disappears? He really was riled up lol. Obviously this was him being a styx-tier individualist cuckold - but seriously, to actually say those words is the ultimate 'gotcha' against mr 'gotcha'-baiter. Such a raging faggot.

I'm listening to an example right now. He's like a ten year old having a tantrum. He literally can't listen to his opposition. This is proof that MW has always been much too easy on him (to allow him any 'gotcha' moments). Woes still handles the fucker btw.

I'm only going off of other discussions but yeah this is apparently what happened, he seemed to have a massive shitflinging fit over it.
It's been a long time coming, the prick needs taking down a notch or four.

Attached: Centrism Is Very Smart.webm (500x368, 2.32M)

This lad's correct

He just laughs so much, but to be honest he always does. I've always found his laugh really fake, and it's a million times worse in the debate. He keeps asking Spencer to define what white people are, he just comes across really childish and unnecessarily smug and condescending.

Whole thing was hilarious, just a bunch of autistic YouTube Academics™ screeching at each other about the HuWhite™ race

It's really not surprising that he's a cunt, you can sense it from the smug self-satisfaction in literally any of his videos. It only really comes across prominently when he's actually being debated by people who are even slightly competent. Glad he got caught and called out on it.

He just said "Am I allowed to go now Richard?' and "I would go now but someone was bloviating' having just talked all over Richard's credible arguments. He then says 'I honestly didn't listen to what Richard just said'. He's unbelievably shit at debate when he can't just steamroll over his opposition. As I said above, Woes always takes him too much in good faith, and enters the streams as though they are a discussion - rather than a debate. Anyone could trounce Sargoy tbh. I really think I could make mincemeat Styx: his worldview being so cowardly, impractical, yank-centric and autistic. He's a muddled mess. It's really irking me that anyone's saying he did well (simply for avoiding much of the debate (when Richard was constantly being attacked) and not being as retarded as Sargoy).

That's because any of his "debates" have always been against strawmans so that he can 'tip 'til the cows come home.

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Good song tbh

What channel was it on, can't find it.

Like I said: Woes is simply too polite and, dare I say, intelligent to debate with such a fucking monkey. Styx, though. I seriously hate that guy. I know he's a nobody - but it still irks me that people consider a fucking former satanist ('We're not like the caricature, maaaaaaann') moral narcissist, who's lost up his own arse to be a bloody intelligent being. Christ, he's inane.

E-celebs…why do I let them get to me.

Andy Warski. (Think he's some sort of '90's style "libertarian" faggot)

Like Rick and Morty - in human form.
Didn't see this coming tbh

And just like Sargon, Styx will be brought down to his level, just like all the inflated entitled twats before.

Meant for

Just ignore them man it's all a load of bollocks.

On that note, why is Lauren Southern's voice so very fucking annoying?

Woes tries too hard to be tactical about it - he thinks he can win over Sargon and lead thousands of people into becoming ethnonats. He doesn't want to skewer or embarrass him, he goes out of his way to try and convince him and accommodate his points of view.

There was like 11/12k people watching it live last night. Hopefully this was the beginning of the end.

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Thanks lads.
wew, thankfully I ain't got shit to do today until my night shift anyway

Are there any Canadian women that don't have annoying voices?

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Oh god I'd forgotten about her. Are all Canadian women cancer?

did gym lad kill himself? hope he's ok

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Who's on the list of dead so far?
As far as I'm aware it's
There must have been others that I've just forgotten about.

The arguments in favour of white nationalism really are just too strong to lose, ultimately. Therefore our opposition can only ever bring knives (bullshit, PR-centred """ideals""") to a gun (actual lived reality) fight.

his story wasn't real he made it up for (You)s

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oh. i always fall for the (you) boat attacks

I'm still sure he was the same person as the one who up that story of the coworker who was clearly into him but he refused to accept it.

All the thots.

She's really fucking hot tbh. Don't know why he thinks (sort of) fucking up once is the end of the world tbh. Women don't necessarily just immediately go off blokes who seem stand-offish. In fact, my autistic nerves have been mistaken for confidence in the past. Think some lads on here really need to stop taking advice (or goading) on here so literally.

Shoe on head? Who else?
Lauren and Goldy might sort of count, inasmuch as they've basically been bullied into (sort of) compliance.

I haven't sat through it tbh (nor could I). Just watched a few "watch BASED dickie spencer DEVASTATE sargon's ANUS like you WOULDN'T BELIEVE" type videos.

Why are the highlands so beautiful lads? If I had a steady income I'd sell my shit and move up there

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tbh lads now that we've established that centrism is the supreme viewpoint, which centrism is the one true centrism?

somebody should make up a story of first love with a trad virgin, to give us all hope. The future is looking very dark. both metaphorically and for real.

I live near the moors and its the same. big, open expanse of nature for miles and miles around. splendid isolation

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The centre of the centre.

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radical centrism, of course.

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ascended centrism

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tfw you moderately purge all those centrists not as central as you

It's a defense mechanism. I've done it myself in the past (when I was a teenager mainly).

Sargon was always bound to be next after the whole thing blew up with kraut tbh

Maybe not all of them.

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>2018 started off with one of the biggest e-pundit cunts getting DESTROYED, and it's beautiful
It's been a long time coming, I've no idea why anyone ever liked the cunt; he didn't go after the low-hanging fruit, he waited for them to fall from the tree and roll to him.
>"haha those stupid christians, amirite?"
>"haha those stupid SJWs, amirite?"
>"haha those stupid alt-righters, amirite?"

This tbh

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nice memi lad tbh

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Both Dickie and Woes seem pretty hu'middle class to me.
*snorts contemptuously*


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This will be played from giant speakers when Scottish Dawn march on Westminster

He bit off more than he could chew with /aredickie/ tbh.

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Tell her there are no races in the huwite race

The highlands aren't that good lads trust me

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What's it all about, lad?

Why do some people love bagpipes? The music they make is like the soundtrack to some otherworldly hellscape.

Rip lad

Used to be about giant mushrooms. Not anymore


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they spread fear to the enemy lad

I saw a deer that had been run over by a train it was brutal

What if he knew what he was doing and had enough of this world

At funerals?

They're war instrument rather than a musical one tbh

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But my mum thinks they sound beautiful, and they're played at funerals.