Unfortunately I work that day, but the bossman says I can take off part way through the day and disrupt them a bit. Here's what we need to do, Zig Forums:
>comply with police unless they try to disarm you
Here's the link to their gay website: marchforourlives.com
Learn your local laws, carry some infographics on you to debate and support your argument, and most importantly be respectful. That isn't to say "bend over and take abuse", but don't be the one to escalate unless you believe your life is in danger
Gun Control rallies all over the world
On their website it states that they're marching to"demand that their lives and safety become a priority and that we end gun violence and mass shootings in our schools today.". As many of you know, there are dozens of pro-gun solutions to this issue that have been proven to work. At first glance, this may seem like a noble cause that does not focus directly on disarmament, but we all know that isn't the case. I plan on harvesting as many infographics as possible to at least try and sway some of the smarter and cuter ones to a more logical decision, but I sure as hell can't do it alone.
For any Texas annons living near DFW, there's gonna be possible student walkouts in Coppell HS, Ranchview HS, Newman Smith HS, and possible Plano West from what I've heard. Not sure about other schools.
Remember, the Waffen SS used anything and everything they could find, so you can choose from quite a lot of rifles and still be somehow historically accurate.
Oh fuck me, GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY. We have strict enough gun la-
The fuck? The south has some of the strictest gun laws in all of Europe, why do gun control rallies there?
Feels marginally uplifting. A shame we have to purge Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra and Brisbane, but the ends justify the means.
Because they've shown weakness. They won't stop until the public is totally disarmed and incapable of defending themselves.
I'm going to try to talk some sense into at least some of the people if I can, hopefully I don't get lynched by soccer moms.
There hasn't been a single school shooting in my area, yet these faggots want to go outside and cry to da gub mint about how they aren't safe inside school. Their peers would sooner stab or shoot each other at the corner bus stop, yet they think protesting outside of their safe zones is the solution to the problem. Backwards logic at it's finest. I hope there are some of you faggots out there today to counter protest before this shit actually becomes a bigger non-problem then it already is. I have work.
With the sheer amount of diversity in LA I'm surprised you haven't had some kind of mass killing of some kind.
I'm just waiting for the next super-hurricane at this point, or a massive tsunami. Hopefully both.
Tsunami is better, blacks can't swim.
You first problem is trying to use logic against people that only think with emotions.
every day we stray further from god
How's being 13 working out for you, sport?
Correct, that would be the shooting range.
The government is making money off mass shootings they are getting paid off by a shadowy group, called the “rival assosiation” to the tune of $5000 per victem, is it me or does this rival assosiation sound russian?
is this computer generated?
I hope not. I'd expect a computer to be able to spell association. I'm a shitfaced Anglo convict and even I can spell association so I'd hope a computer generated response could do the same. I mean, if bots can't even spell better than a foreign plumber and drunk pom how will the technocrats prevail?
But these guys are training with airguns which don’t have the same safety requirements as a normal firearm, all most any old wall can stop a bb gun, its not like you need a dirt backstop like the one in a shooting range,
also air rifle shooting is an olympic event
My high school had a rifle range with .22LR bolt actions in the basement before they had to switch to air rifles a decade ago. We consistently outperformed the schools that trained on air rifles too. why must lawyers always ruin good things
the smell of astroturf in the morning
They got the fastest thief runner in mexico to steal out guns when we aren't looking.
I'm just waiting now.
I'll keep writing to my representatives, what little good that'll do, but I don't even bother with anyone who is still anti-gun at this point.
If they honestly still trust the government to disarm everyone even after all of the shit that has come to light over the past decade then there is absolutely no convincing anyone who is that delusional.
We used to have 30.06s in our troops but then BSA went on the fag parade.
Given the fact that she lives in florida she’s more likely cuban or puerto rican
no nos eches las culpa por esta
Dont the allow venture scouts to shoot them
T. Guy who wanted to shoot center fire but was to lazy to make venture crew
I feel the same way, I suppose I'm doing it mostly for myself. It's not effective to waste breath on these people, but it's not like I can simply start killing them yet.
What should I write on my poster board, Zig Forums?
I just find it repulsive the implications gun control has. The deaths that will come from gun confiscation will make all the mass shooting incidents look like a drop in a bucket.
1st generation immigrant tacos are more likely to vote authoritarian than fucking niggers are. Si tienen la culpa.
Write "Ban Mass Murder" or "Illegalize Killing"
The fuck all reason do foreigners have to be concerned with American gun laws? I don't waste my time protesting the local laws in other countries.
You can't make this shit up. They couldn't be bigger Jews if they opened a gift shop in a holocaust museum.
Acording to slavoj zizek, the chinese rape of nanking museam, has a giftshop that sells fetish rape porn dvds of the rape of nanking.
It's part of an effort to use international pressure to get trump to cuck out even harder than he already has.
The participants themselves are mostly just virtue signalling, but the organizers and the people who are funding them are desperate for a disarmed burgerland.
They do? Last time I checked they didnt.
Maybe that's Xi's fetish?
If you’ve been anywhere near nanjing i belive you
More than, guy told guy who then metioned it off hand in a video i saw
The big problem with indoor rifle ranges is heavy metals. One of the schools in my district had their own indoor range, got around ventilation shit by just drawing in outside air which was great except for when it was -40 out.
The problem isn't lawyers though, not really. It's the fucking kiked up school admin types. When I shot in highschool we were still trying to recover gear inventories after an admin threw all the slings/gloves/handstops/rests/scopes into the trash one summer. Our team was #1 in the state, sent people to JORC every year. Never a mention at school events.
Those bad boys have a little more stoppin powah than a bb gun and are throwing lead down range. Really all that matters is having a target stand that catches the projectiles so you aren't leading up the school. We shot in one of the hallways my freshman year, practice from 530-730. Shit was so cash tbh.
Should I go? Not really sure what I can do as a nofuns cancuck though.
Wave a gadsen flag. Watch everyone call you a Nazi.
Couldn't they just use bismuth rounds instead?
Maybe there entire intent is to cause mass civil unrest or a civil war in the US in order to weaken the power structure of the US globally?
If the US went into civil war, it could potentially bring the entire planet down with it due to the economic, financial, and foreign policy ramifications. If that is their plan, they are literally retards.
If dems/CIAniggers can't have it, nobody can.
I want to doubt this but the Jews did the same with Holocaust erotica, so i maybe inclined to somewhat believe you on pure hearsay
I have to ask, is that an """"""art installation?"""""
Emotion should never be the foundation of the debate, rather it should be the extra 'oommph' to hammer down your point even further
Almost every school in my area has had a walkout, usually planned by a shitskin dyke student and the kikes. We must uncover the details about these things, of course we know the kikes are organizing them, but how specifically are they doing it?
Read some books about how the left organizes. It's an open secret. David Hines talks openly about the disparity between left and right political organization, so he's a good starting point for this kind of thing. Here's him on gun grabbers: archive.today
t. rock dweller
I await to see how much pasta pours out of your pockets.
I have. I went to a Chinese school for three years to see how they indoctrinate people
>t. Americhink who spent time in china cause the government convinced (((blackmailed))) my parents to come back for 3 years. It ain't my problem if Chinks hate the nips, I'm fine with whoever is fine with merica. Anyone who fights america is my enemy
Another japanese war crimes denial thread?
US civil war would be like collapse of the Western Roman Empire. Major realignment shifts to either EU/Russia/China/ Or god forbid South Africa/Brazil. What could possibly go wrong when every country tries to obtain tech from the US?
I looked into it and found Everytown's stink all over this event; they have at least three billionaires funding this and their site lists a $5,000 grant to anyone that works to get one of these events off the ground.
I think it's healthier to have them hate each other openly than have (((war crime tribunals))) that just kick the loser and cause grudges to brew inside.
Wait. Would possibly filming this and sending it to the GOA work and earn some nice money on the side while I'm at it work?
I mean, the second the US collapses then its a fuckfest all over again. Think France v Germany round something.
do this.
the last several mass shootings were all deep state false flags already. the best counterattack method is saul alinsky antics. make them play by their own rules, and make it clear how stupid they are.
This is why we can't have nice things.
Why do we need to be hurt and hurt others in order to own hurt-machines, let alone any other boom stick?
Western intelligence communities have been manipulating the shit out of social media platform to force false concensuses and social engines nations for a while. They overthrew gaddafi with nothing but twitter and a few days starting shit on the streets
slavoj zizek is a great example of a highly educated moron
Maybe your internet didn't render the spoiler text, but try and read the entire post.
Very specifically
How about France v Germany v UK but this time as a free for all with Italy on the sidelines ready to join the victor near the end and Russia funding opposition parties all over Europe
Why do people in Ireland care about laws in America?
(((Why))) indeed!
OP here. Made a picket sign out of scrap wood and paper, with fantastic slogans as per suggested. Plan to bring my AK, mag in my back pocket, chamber clear. I'll be in Washington so I plan on keeping it cautious and safe. Wish me luck as I do for all of you.
make "no more dead black children"
You better not fuck up and give them even more emotional ammunition.
Washington state or DC? No open carry long gun in DC.
Cyka blyad where
Washington state. I've never done anything like this before I turned 18 this year but I've been lurking since Dorner. Is there any proper way to conduct myself? Obviously don't threaten them or be obscenely annoying, I hope to have others there with me who can film any interaction so I can't get soccer mom'd and have the cops arrest me.
follow the state laws.
and local ones as well. It is best if research is done.
Not poster, but I did some reading. There is state preemption so local laws shouldn't be an issue. Open carry of handgun with permit is legal. I can not find much information on open carry of long guns. Open carry of loaded long guns in an automobile is illegal, but you already said it was going to be unloaded so I guess you're fine there. Still not sure about open carry unloaded long gun outside of vehicle without a carry license though.
He said "chamber clear" not unloaded, and frankly I wouldn't let anyone know it was unloaded because you will probably get zerg rushed the moment they find out.
He said magazine in back pocket chamber cleared. That implies completely unloaded to me.
Dubs user is right, I intend to keep a loaded magazine in my back pocket, without one in the magwell nor have a round in the chamber. I can't find anything legally to prevent me from open carrying, but I want to ensure that nothing can happen to fuck me over. Cops around here are usually nice, but there's two in particular fit the "i am the law muh dik" sterotype perfectly.
Here in Sydney the king of the communists, Richard Di Natale and the greens planned on doing a massive protest in the cbd for more gun control.
Only problem is no one showed up.
Didn't they learn anything from Howard? You need to pull off a false flag first, or else the Lib-Dems, SFFP and others will just call you a scaremongering poofter.
Anyone goto their local marches? what were the results?
Remember guys that shrilling for the state to have more power over you is “a revolution.”
Massive amount of money went into this.
Eighteen billion dollars.
This reminds me of antifa.
Came from the same source.
So much for Environmentalist Liberals.
Don’t forget about the Heroin needles.
But they want de-penalized child murder on demand, funded by state
Jesus fucking christ what a god damned mess. Can they start the civil war already because I'd rather have a mess from the collapse of civil society than shit that is 100% preventable.
And the crack pipe and spoon. It's just missing the purple drank. Wait is that a golf ball?
The gay community is also represented?
What? Don't tell me you didn't notice the condoms.
Heroin junkies use spoons too.
How would they poz?
I’m concerned about improper disposal of all the ink on all those signs. We need to protect the environment from littering liberals.
Do communists go into "biological waste" or "plastic" bins?
They belong in a museum, next to other historic relics.