We all knew this was coming

Youtube has decided to shoah gun related channels. Videos are being deleted as this is posted

If you have a gun channel you value, best learn youtube-dl and save that shit because it's gonna be gone once the leftist mobs find it and report it.

Attached: Censorship is like telling a man steak baby Mark-Twain.jpg (700x817, 136.74K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Just found this, which is a nice premade setup.

Your own faults really

Attached: Policies_on_content_featuring_firearms_-_YouTube_Help_-_2018-03-21_07.09.51.png (848x679, 51.28K)

Don't worry, Pajeet from Rajajalaladingabad who'll be reviewing this has been in the US for 5 years on a H1B visa, renting a 3000$/month, 30sqft bedroom-kitchentoilet in SanFran and knows much better what American is than proles from flyover country like you.


kill them johnny. kill them all.



Threadly reminder to flag all the in-range video of them show casing and installing parts and the interview with surefire casket mag designs.
And to do so to all important guns channels that did the same.

The more popular guys get banned the more it fan the flames.

This unironically

That's not a bad idea

Yeah, these fags are just sat on jewtube bitching about their videos being taken down while refusing to even bother changing platforms at all, at least Ian uploads his F30 videos a day or so early to incentive people to watch them there instead of on YT. If these fags keep sitting on YT and bitching, all they will do is stop producing content that gets flagged, therefore letting google win, which will damage the firearms industry because certain manufacturers will no longer have any advertisement.

If they won't move, they need to be evicted. They will either then kick up enough of a storm that YT backs down, or they will be forced to move to a new freedom-loving site.
Full30 even fucking pays more per view than youtube

So basically we can flag all those videos of them shilling for Hudson/ StG repros/ Vaporware Technologies Ltd. etc?

ForgottenWeapons is soley made up of videos shilling guns sold at auctions, or in other words, private sales. Is Ian's entire fucking channel going to be taken down?

Quite possibly. But I've been using Full30 for a while now, so it makes no nevermind to me. I just want to see, first and foremost, (((Jewtube))) to burn, and second, to see InRange take a kicking because I fucking hate that faggot Karl and everything even remotely related to him. FW uploads to Full30 about a day earlier anyway.

inrange just moved to pornhub


We pornhub now

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Yes and all the auctions vids, since it's literally advertising for guns.
Hell if it's a pajeet bot doing it you can flag EVERY VID where someone is shilling a gun accessories (they clearly say it's NOT limited to simulated auto-fire thing).
Especially STORES CHANNELS§§§.

This kill the youtube.

Auctions aren't direct sales. Hicock45 might be in trouble because of their affiliates, though.

Looks like their dildo grip video's already been taken down!

Mate it's a pajeet bot doing it with a SJW supervisor.
Do you really think they will be able to tell the difference?
Besides are you sure auctions privates sales?
It isn't the auction house that is the owner of what they sell, they just advertise run the auction and take a cut.
No clue how it works paperwork-wise but there shouldn't be a need to do something else than private transfer of ownership.

Also remember that YT stupid bots works by numbers of strike per channels NO MATTER IF THE STRIKES ARE CLEARED BY APPEAL LATTER ON OR NOT.

A channel with too many strikes is suspended because it's "problematic" for YT, not because this is a fair process.

Unironically agree with you, though.

At least they admit 30-round mags aren't "high capacity".

Stop reminding me that this shithole of a country deserves every 56% amerimutt meme it gets and more.

And conveniently along with this announcement KeepVid stops offering its services.

I'm surprised they lasted so long since even fucking Reviewbrah is getting demonetized at this point. Looks like they're going to try to remove the community piece by piece, probably a strategy to avoid a large migration to a single competitor. Today it's gun sales and assembly of scary salt raifu parts, tomorrow it's video of you firing "machine guns," and the day after it's all guns.

Very tempted to be That Guy and correct that this is in no way a constitutional issue but I'll hold back.

Fuck off Karl. You have Full30 already.

Or you don't aid in the removal of content just so you can bitch more about how (((they))) ruined youtube.

Ian deserves this since compromise with extremists is fucking useless. Gun Jesus has to be crucified if he wants to rise from the dead. Entire channel deleted with no chance of restoration. Also Judas Karl has to go hang himself.

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Perfect time to start an exodus or get people to quit these fucking sites.

Abandon youtube.

That I can agree with. Most of his shit is backed up elsewhere.

Why won't you compromise about your gun rights user?

Please do not get me started on this quote either.

Because I'm an extremist.

Pornhub labels its shemale videos "transgender." He won't last long there.

It's already ruined - the idea is to speed up the process of jumping ship.


Whether you're giving up your values for a private or public institution, you still end up being a sellout.

That's horrible, and you're a bad person for thinking it up.
But it'd work.

We're the jews crucifying Jesus at this point.

If he actually said that, he's being illogical. What a fool.

Feel bad for Hickok if it does happen, though.

use youtube-dl, my man

His latest vid was basically a big fat fuck you to (((JewTube))) anyway. Seems like he's actually trying to get people away from (((JT))).

Ian and Karl will be drafted into the race war.

They'd better keep their filthy fucking hands off of Gun Grandpa.

Not so long ago, I noticed YouTube-DL downloading slower than it did before, and it's not anything with my internet connection. Anyone else experienced this? Suppose the kikes are throttling users who use alternative methods to download?

Attached: Race War!-1.webm (1280x720, 10.73M)

I'd guess it's Youtube throttling it, but I still download at pretty manageable speeds.

yt-dl gets rate limited like a nigger for some reason, use newpipe

As commissars for ZOG, maybe.

To be honest, him and Paul Harrell are the only ones I'd miss.

I would argue that since companies like Google are such butthole buddies to such an extent with the government that it effectively makes them extensions of the government, that it indeed becomes a constitutional issue.

kikes direct communism to create alternative structures. The most powerful communist force is the CIA, which created Google.

Alternative structures is like schools and so on that are separate from the broader culture, particularly that they are insulated from governmental regulation.

Ironically, we'll be creating alternative structures of our own.

But we must live by this creed: never a kike. Not one drop.

Ghost Gunner seems to not be covered by the policy, which is hilarious. Their videos seem to still be up.

Anyway, when should we start reporting firearms videos that run afoul of the policy? I mean this as an accelerationist stance - the sooner males, manly men, are locked out of things which interest them, the better, because they will be driven to find sites that cater to guns and likely also will allow pro-Fascist content.

Start with channels that are on Full30 already, and especially those you hate hint: start with tranny-cocksucking shills that make racewar videos. Ideally, don't report channels that aren't backed up elsewhere unless they also suck tranny cock/ make racewar vids that you'd rather see burn anyway.

The only viable alternative I know of is Full30, and the last time I checked it was invite-only for content creators. Only Zig Forums-related stuff are welcome, so it's not exactly 'fashy'. But moderate communist-bashing and leftyshaming is more than tolerated, as long as the channel owners are not racewar vid-makers who (((moderate))) their comments section. As far as I know you can't go full GTKRWN/ show your powerlevel. Other than that, it has the usual amount of moderation against muh racial slurs/ muh natsees/ muh alt-kike and whatsoever that is the norm on anywhere else on the internet that is not Zig Forums.

It says direct sales or links to sites.

God save us from boomer sites like that.

And will be stabbed in the throat by a based nigger, one race the human race if they won't be ZOG commisars like said

I'd like to point out that a channel need not even break any of their rules to go down. Also, people began to notice this now, or a month ago when they started taking down relatively big, or moderately big-name Youtube channels. Actually, this random taking down of gun-related channels started long ago, starting with literally whos with less than a hundred or two subscribers.
There were a lot of these small-time channels most of them with less than even 50 subscribers, that I followed, that got taken down in the past year or so, starting with the smallest of the small to bigger ones, none of which have broken any of these rules, or any other Jewtube rules. Most of them catered to a very niche subject, like care and maintenance of SMLEs, FALs, Yugo Mausers, ect., /ak/ stuff, or just random innawoods fun. Virtually none of them even talked politics, even gun politics, featured bumpstocks, extendo mags, or could even possibly afford NFA items, but were taken down nevertheless.

Ayy if you wanna protest Youtube's new policy restrictions on firearms, start reporting literally every portrayal of firearms in media that clashes with the new guidelines.

For instance, PUBG is easy to troll due to most guns in that game having >30 rounds. All belt-feds are verboten as well. Hit rap videos and movie trailers if you can. Preferably nail some dyed-hair sperg burger doing a vidya LP.

What does this do? Wastes their mods' time and jacks up their algorithms.

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Do you have to be logged in to report? Because I don't have a Jewgle account.

Just make a throwaway account. It takes all of 5 minutes

Attached: smugass_lain.jpg (1008x720, 270.62K)

You are just communists that happen to hate niggers instead of whites

The board owner went full semi-automatic retard and deleted a post that might upset the Zig Forums immigrants? This place keeps getting worse and worse and this bullshit is part of the reason.
The board is about guns and we have a shitload of threads for barely related stuff with a re-run of what is being said at Zig Forums. Way to go BO.

You didn't do shit with the retards crapping all over the homemade firearm thread and they did that for a whole week. Then people wonder why Zig Forums traffic is so low or why the quality of the content is so bad.

Point out exactly where did I mention that I'm a socialist, National or otherwise? If anything, I'm a Right-Libertarian full blown capitalist who happens to dislikes niggers instead of whites.

The quality of Zig Forums, except for the small niche boards, has gone down in general.

Highly subjective moderation that doesn't give full priority to the actual topic of the board over someone's political preference doesn't help one bit. This encourages nigger-like behavior.

Here comes the commie running his mouth about free speech, don't you have Ukrainians to starve?

Zig Forums has a new BO in case you didn't notice

If you think Youtube throttles, you should see Dailymotion. You're lucky to get 200 kbps through youtube-dl even though the videos load instantly on their website.

Most videos affected by this rule change will stay up for a while. It takes an army of snitch faggots to find and report them. On the other hand, mass reporting will take down literally anything because Youtube has little to no countermeasures for abuse.


t. pol

RIP reloading channels

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Yes, probably the same ausie that did it for free worked as a volunteer for a year and a half or so.
What's your point?

Shut up, commie.

Too much grappa will kill the few brain cells you were born with. Stop.

That's cruel but like other streloks already said, it'd workw


Some highlights from the NYT article:

Additional from Bloomberg:

The way that these articles are written implies that more financial institutions are going to follow their lead. The only way these rules can be enforced is to force sellers of firearms and firearm accessories to provide them access to their inventory lists, sales records, and their bound books. With how entwined the financial industry is with the federal government, this is the perfect way to establish a registry of gun owners without changing any existing laws. As well, this limits the opportunities for gun manufacturers and dealers to take payments and get capital, which will further choke the industry.
I was going to make this its own thread but Zig Forums's being retarded

Attached: scheming gun grabber.png (1020x962, 496.54K)

It's about time we educate gun shops on bitcoin etc.

I'm sorry friend but I have some bad news for you
Probably try to make it illegal in its entirety within a year or two. Especially with the FOSTA bill having passed.

Any examples? So far I haven't seen any on my subscriptions.

That article is full of shit, (((they))) are just trying to throw mud at Bitcoin in the hopes that its continued growth and success are cut short. Even if Bitcoin was somehow made unusable, there are still hundreds of other cryptocurrencies that could take its place (and may arguably function better, but that's a topic for another thread).

None yet, it won't take effect until next month. OP is thinking of the past events of gun videos being taken down.

This but go even further. Report non-gun channels that don’t show guns. Then this shit will stop gen Z from being brainwashed by gun grabbers and censorship.

Fuck meant report non gun channels that do show guns.

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dammit. i love watching those autistic reloader channels. too bad it turns out they're all about to be banned for being lunatic mass murderers in the making.

Free speech
Correct, that's a favorite tactic of leftists all over the world, first clamor over freedom of speech when they still are a minority and their bullshit starts wearing on people, then if they seize power they start cracking down on dissent. It's such an old tactic it's become vintage.

Expect tobacco and alcohol videos to be next up. Reddit is already banning subreddits on those subjects. 'Want to own a firearm, smoke a pipe/cigar and enjoy the occasional whiskey/wine/beer? Fuck you citizen, we know better then you.'

I wonder what's next on the chopping block. My bet is either Video Games or Weebshit. I hope it's Weebshit, I want to see them ban Waifus and see the cluster fuck of the Weeb War. Help you local Weeb when that happens, replace his Waifu with a Raifu.

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The only thing that will remain on YouTube will be music videos, niggers, and people crying for sympathy. And they will remain the biggest cesspool. Fuck this gay earth.

That would piss off the hipsters and liberals something fierce.

It would still be the beginning of the end. Youtube would be that terminally uncool site that everyone but a few clueless grannies would be embarrassed to be associated with.
Myspace 2.0, here we come!

As a guy who enjoys smoking a pipe and the occasional bourbon/scotch, I can tell you it's pissing me off. My hobbies are dropping like flies under the nanny state.

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Do you also smoke cock?

wow maybe you should take up gardening you violent drug addict

It did piss of hipsters because Plebbit already did it.

Currently working through a few ounces of Sutliff maple walnut. It's quite enjoyable.

Vidya is next on the chopping block. The President's rhetoric has taken several turns in the anti-vidya rhetoric, and once bumpstocks are banned it will be well positioned to be the next public outrage point. Have to keep the crisis going somehow.

Reminder that collecting rainwater or cultivating food for non-decorative purpose can be detrimental to your health and has therefore been made illegal.

Whoa there criminal scum, what's wrong with Monsanto™ GMO crops at every store and water with sulfur, birth control and fluoride, are you some kind of a whackjob?
I just moved your name to a priority list for FEMA detention camp.


i doubt vidya or anime. the powers that be see guns as bad-think, vidya and anime are some of the circuses that help keep the people pacified. also, gun owners are a smaller group, every faggot teenager and manchild in america watches videogame videos on youtube.
if anything, expect them to ramp up on banning more bad-think videos talking about race, the gender pay gap myth, etc. anything that pisses off the muh feels crowd is up for grabs.

like the other strelok said, plebbit is already banning alcohol and tobacco boards. the new rules state anything that has to do with the SALE of sex, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, firearms (even airsoft lmao) is getting axed. expect them to take it further in the future. there seems to be a big (((progressive))) push recently, our only hope is that they push too far and it gets people pissed enough that it backfires on them.

camwhores should sue them for sexism (^: