Are nukes real?

Are nukes real?

For some these questions might seem absurd, but after watching stuff like vid related it really got my almonds going.


Other urls found in this thread:

Nukes are real; yes that matters. Kill yourself.


If our eyes aren't real how can nukes be real???

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How can do they nuclear tests to create these weapons without leaving massive holes in the surface of the flat earth which would people and water to fall into the ether?

It only makes sense that the sphere cucks would believe in (((nukes))). Fucking retards.


Are you implying that the Japanese collaborated with the United states on surrendering under false pretences; while also making it seem as if those false pretences actually happened?

I'm calling Hawking's razor on this one.

without fail

They do, and they also did air burst so….

Is Japan real?

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North Korea is definitely fake. Maybe Asians are fake too.

No. They are on the opposite end of the flat earth you dumb nigger. It's impossible for us to have fought in the pacific because the pacific goes off the rim of the earth. Ergo, WW2 is a lie, and Japan probably does not exist.

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Japan is just a puppet state set up by the CIA to gather up all the autist to make a mass massacre seem as though they were just suicidal and killed themselves, then they will disarm the civilians if they haven't done so already and turn them into mindless zombies.

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If Japan doesn't real, then Anime is western and therefore no longer degenerate!

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Are weebs fooling themselves?

I know for a goddamn FACT that the holocaust isn't real so why not nukes?

I feel as if the two are unrelated.

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Lol, but it is. You're just a delusional faggot.

Do you think that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were just two giant amrita explosions or something?

How many levels of blue pill are you on? The Holocaust never happened because "Jews" are simply a cover used by Anglo bankers & merchants to avoid criticism and shift blame on an imaginary group of people who were wiped out by the Roman Empire. Do you honestly believe there could be a breed of humanity more baleful than the eternal Anglo? Better yet, do you really believe a warrior tribe suddenly turned into pasty, hook nosed, beady eyed malevolent merchants overnight?

Learn some science sonny Jim.

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So what you're saying, is that white genocide already happened. NOOOOOOOOOO

Anglos aren't white, they're Edomites. How fucking ignorant can you be? Get woke my brother strelok.

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Okay, I'm an insider to what you know as "Japan" it's our covert cover name, I can tell you that Japan was set up by Zionist Nigerian tribes in the 14th Century to distract the Masonic Ugandan tribes from the Zionist master plan (aka building a charitable orphan's home in).

By creating Japan, our forefathers distracted the Masonic tribes with Animated tits; do note that today, we work with more than 55 government agencies and NPOs, such as the CIA, NSA, MOSSAD, the Miami Dade County School Board, and the South Korean Government. From what I'm being told, Japan is not needed anymore. Today, our goals are to purge the Uganadan Masonic influences on K-POP, and to achieve this goal, we intend to make Japan and Korea fight each other, in which we seek to see the imposition of G_DLY JUSTICE brought on these K-POP Heathens and to destroy the Masonic foothold in Asia.

Hey someone's at the doofhapfiapvabsviapifwqrfSppasppsapiudsagshfdkkfsaklksasafcmvkjcxzkjkjjvkjvkjv

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Japan collaborated even before the nukes iirc. But that doesn't invalidade the points in the video, that nukes could just be glorified MOABs, or that if not, fallout is greatly exaggerated.

Now, shitposting is fun, but it seems as this thread might have been invaded by more shilling than usual. Coincidence? I think not.

Do you even know what the word shilling means you legit

That's simple:
Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren't the result of nuke, but the result of napalm.
A third world war would destroy a shit tone of thing, but that would not be the end of the human race. The fallout is incredibly exaggerated. One of the proof is Chernobyl. It's since a certain time full of animals like there is nothing.

Now, about the reality of nukes, I would say they're real, because of the nuclear plant (even though it's extremely protected for outsiders), but they're certainly not that powerful, and a lot of video from nuclear test are incredibly fake.

From my point of view, the real technological level is extremely advanced, and what is release for us the profane is a drop in the ocean. We're just sheeps, and the whole modern life system is just a matter of ruling us. We're just in a big production farm.
Never trust anything that the government says, nor the media. It's false in the way to cover technological advance, and to cover huge vulnerabilities.

Anyone saying otherwise are brainlet that don't understand what is really at stake. The world is nowhere near how 99% of the people imagine it, including the "genius". If you're a genius, but don't acknowledge that there is anything superior to reason, then all of your brainceels are literally useless. In fact, the more you're promoted by the society, the more attached to status you are and so the more easy it is to manipulate you, or at least to make you shut the fuck up.

And no I don't believe in flat earth, or in aliens. These are psyops made to destroy any resistance against them, by aggregating these bullshit with real reflexion and questioning.

I'm going to go with nukes exist but are greatly exaggerated as well. I don't attach any huge conspiracy to it, rather the anti-war cuckolds so greatly exaggerated the dangers that they've convinced western society that nukes=Armageddon. Between WWII and Korea, when we were still pretty gung-ho about dropping bombs, the military and government established a robust Civil Defense system because they had determined that nuclear war was not only survivable but winnable. Then we get into the Vietnam era and the anti-war peaceniks managed to convince the world through their autistic screeching that dropping the bomb would kill us all.
The radiation from a conventional nuclear bomb subsides to safe levels in as little as three months. The only reason Chernobyl is still radioactive is because it produced different isotopes from its meltdown than a Uranium or Plutonium bomb does. Even with these longer-lived radionucleides much of the zone is pretty habitable at this point.
Also, somebody is probably going to make a joke about duck and cover being useless. It wasn't useless at all. The blast wave travels much further than the fireball resulting in flying debris, shattering windows, and building collapse. Being underneath a sturdy table would provide a fair degree of protection for those in the outer rim of the blast zone from these hazards.

Give any citation at all for anything you have just said. Considering we have a myraid of video evidence, pictures, hard stats backed up by thousands of papers, and the simple fact that people could literally fucking watch nuclear tests all speaks to the contrary. Not everything in life is a conspiracy dumbfucks.

Don't fall for the "conspiracy" newspeak. That's crazy how people always justify themselves as no conspiracy theorists each time they start to question anything related to governments.

There is truth, there is false, there is lies. That's it. If there is a conspiracy, then there is. If there is not, then there is not.
There is a shit tone of conspiracies that have been confirmed through time, and that were considered crazy before. One, for exemple is the MK Ultra project. Clinton president that excused himself publicly for the experiments. There are publicly known experiment the CIA have done directly on USA cities. Another one is the RFID implants used to track people, that is now talked about everywhere; there is even companies that now use them.
The globalist project of a world government is public, there is even a president adviser in france that said that he would love to see Jerusalem as the capital of a world government. He said too that all of the institution to build such a government are already ready, and that a switch would take only 24 hours. David Rockfeller in his Memoirs admit openly that he works with other capitalists to the set up of a world government.
Cut off, please, this constant justification. Fuck this fucking psyops. I saw it emerged from nowhere, I can't wait to see it sink.

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Everyone can see the 9/11 towers going down, so it must be Bin Laden. There is thousands papers stating that Bin Laden was the attacker of the THREE towers that fell down. We were right to attack Irak. Not everything is a conspiracy dumbfucks. I trust my government, as they never lied ever.

Btw, about Chernobyl:
http ://21sci-tech. com/articles/chernobyl.html

Very interesting read.

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You can verify the official document online. I have downloaded it and verified it.

The fact is I don't give a fuck about what you believe. I don't search for any attention. I was just stating where I was in my studies.
All I want is if possible, to talk with people that are conduction the same search.
if you still believe in the holocaust, in 9/11, in daesh not being american mercenaries, then simply scroll down and don't bother us.

Your studies? What are you studying? The wall? There is nothing to study on this topic because it supported by nothing. Zero. Nada. I once talked to a russian flat earther who was a flight attendant and said he could see ships past the horizon. That's an extremely personal, unprovable and anecdotal experience, and it's still more to support it then what supports the non-existence of nukes. If you cannot discern the difference between holocaust denial or acknowledging the weird shit around 9/11 and believing in any random conspiracy you can think up, I really don't know what to say. I don't know what to say anyways, because it is legitimately boggling to me how someone can be this functionally retarded and still have access to the internet. Tell, for real, straight up, do you have a mental illness?

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Why are you still here? Since I'm a retard, why do you bother to talk to me?
You seem to be right in line with the government pravda. When follow the pravda Мои друг.

You know that's a good question. I really don't know why I bother to talk to you. I've even responded to Taxman, in the flesh, before and 'debated' him about leprechauns. I suppose it's interesting to see what the sick conjure up in their minds, more than anything else.

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Nowhere in my post did I say nukes weren't real or weren't dangerous. My position is that they're not the world-ending weapons that people are convinced they are. They're just big bombs that produce a curious after-effect that is largely gone in a short period of time.

I posted an article about Chernobyl describing with official documents that the Chernobyl fallout is nearly nothing. I'm going to go on the tour someday. You can to go right up to the crater of a nuclear detonation. It's not dangerous in the slightest because the decay of radionucleides contained in fallout is quick. This is also why Hiroshima and Nagasaki were reinhabited immediately after the bombings.

Get the fuck off this website.

what the fuck did i jus

You do if you believe in the six fucking million.

So you're saying that Nazism is a sham and they didn't actually kill any Jews? Hilter was a fucking cuck, all talk and no game.


I'm inclined towards your points.


Less real than Finland.

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Are you literate?

The holocaust NEVER happened. But it will.

We can't afford flags here.
t. bingo bango bongo I'm so happy in the Congo

I wish weev made more videos. His crypto videos were interesting but they either got banned or he removed them.

When did he say he was going to kill any jews? They were going to deport them to Madagascar, as killing the amount in Germany would barely make a scratch on what lies outside.

There is historical debate among professional historians, on whether the Nazis wanted to exterminate the Jews from the outset, or were more or less forced into a corner, the initial plan being expelling them from Europe. This is where the actual debate lies, not whether it happened or not. However, the intentional killing of Jews and others, did happen. What few talk about is the intention of the Nazis to also exterminate the Russian people and most of the Polish people.

"Professional historians". I'm sure you're very much deep into the 'professional historian' scene, aren't you user. These 'profession historians' also agree that Hitler likely didn't know about the extent of the death camps. Which is it?

Most of his stuff ends up getting taken down. That only validates its value.

Wasn't David a manlet that prayed that his manlet sling bolt would kill a really swole bog guy with magic?

This. Dubs confirm too.

The Mongols were manlets. And the Romans were manlets compared to most of the peoples they conquered.

There are few things stronger in this world than a manlet's insecurity.

To shut you up, it takes only one argument: there is NOT A SINGLE ONE document attesting any attempt of genocide from the Nazis. The only "proof" we got about holocaust is testimony. When you know that the "victims" actually receive money, you can't trust anyone.
Next, you should look closer to what the "historians" are saying. First, the "wrong" historian, that don't comply are in jail. So you don't hear from them. For the one that are coward enough to study a subject they'll never be able to tell what they think, one of them, Hilbert, actually said that it was organised from "an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus-mind reading by a far-flung bureaucracy". Literaly telepathy.

But seriously, who cares about what you think, You're just either a retard who can't face that he have to rewire his world view, or a chill.

So let's get back to Nuclear weapon and about the reality of this "balance of terror".
One argument we can bring here is in the book of Orwell, 1984; which is talking about a continuous war between blocs that is used to give something to chew on to the population (and to fear them), and to actually destroy the surplus of production. That's truly what seemed to be the cold war.

A consequence of nuclear weapons being not as deadly as told, is the possibility of a third world war. It'll kill a huge tone of people, but the earth will still be inhabitable. They'll be an after. And if there is an after, then it's possible. That's maybe why all the super-riches actually built a lot of bunkers since around 10 years (2011 in russia). The "mass media" obviously pass the "bunker" business as a simple business that is only fueled by a fake fear (which is what actually believe the people in the business), but the truth is that the thread is real. The oligarch actually build bunker and hidden places too, but you'll (for obvious reason) never ever heard a word from that. Don't forget that the medias are owned by them, and that the boss of these media actually have certainly a hidden place too.

That's actually pretty crazy how people that have built our world, being in Silicon Valley and big companies, give such nothing to their work that they actually build bunkers and home to protect themselves from their own doing…

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What happens if you drop a bomb on a city that has a nuclear plant nearby though? What about the problems from nuking industrial plants, coal stations, etc.?

That'll certainly what will happen.
I think that in a case of third world war, there will be an immediate destruction of the "backline". And the best way is not to kill people directly, but to destroy every mean of communication, every plants, bridges, water supply, big farms etc.. It's easier to destroy these small things and starve everyone than to kill them directly.

Moreover, we're not saying that radiation is nothing; we're saying that it's manageable, and don't mean an imminent death, if you protect yourself from the deadliest isotope in the first week after the explosion. So yeah, it'll be devastating, but there is an after, and it's survivable.

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Yeah considering a lot of the worlds major powers have some degree NBC protection in front line units. And I'm assuming most states that can't directly compete with other's by military strength will resort to striking economic targets. In the modern age there are no civilians, there are only those who are targets and the people show em.

That area will end up a long-term no go zone, but a few Chernobyls won't render the nation non-functional forever. The clean-up of a full scale nuclear war will take decades, but so long as we keep level heads and maintain continuity of government we can pull through. I'm sure that anti-missile defenses, as imperfect as they are, will have a definite effect when it comes to mitigating the damage to our most sensitive targets like nuclear plants and major cities.

Except for the testimony and memoirs of Eichmann. The diary of Joseph Goebbels, and so on. There is also the testimony of Nazis who were not themselves accused of any crime and yet they provided testimony to convict others. These people went on to never recant, and the same goes for survivors.

But here is the best question, if extermination did not take place, where did all the Jews go? Because Anglo-American estimates after the war also concluded that there was about 5.7 million Jews missing. Are the Russians also lying when they say they saw their villages burned to the ground and the people remaining sent into slavery? If so, are they in on the Jewish lie too? You people are delusional and need to read an actual history book instead of infographs with shoddy sourcing.

Do we have plans to shutdown certain things that could utterly devastate the environment in the event of a war or disaster or other scenario?

They'll just blow shit up from inside though with suitcase nukes and the likes. Letting anyone become a citizen means every country can have their own people already here and in place ready to commit sabotage from within. That is what I expect to happen.

And to follow up, this only applies to countries with those laws. It's really funny that even in countries without these laws, nobody even posits that the holocaust might be made up. This is because you would have to ignore every piece of evidence to arrive at the conclusion that the holocaust did not happen.

hahaha oh lawd you actually believe in the holy hoax?

lmao you must be ignoring physics and reality then

holohoax belief is flat earth tier

What do you call proof? Direct orders? Or saying that there is a hierarchy of race and that they need to be killed?
Because I truly think that you're inferior to any race, and that you're a waste of air. But there is nothing that give out any purchase of weapon, or any train ticket to your home that can attest that I would go to your home and shoot you.

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Yeah, we're all believing in flat earth, and we're only looking at random youtube videos. You know that we even believe in leprechaun?
Us, reading books, serious studies, historians going in prison for their research, laws that punish thought, being a real thing?
No… It can't be! If your government and your official establishment approved through microsoft made common core is saying that the holocaust happen, then it must has. Government never lies. They're just inefficient, or incompetent. Not at all able to craft a real hidden plan through history.
I mean, you're yourself too limited to imagine such a thing, so why people with billions, together and 50x more intelligent than you could.
No. I can't, isn't it?
Go back to BBC.

Man, as I said, simply leave the thread. You're a waste of air.

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I don't get my history from infographs. I mean, go ahead and laugh, but I'm not the one claiming, with no evidence, that there is a massive Jewish conspiracy to fabricate the holocaust.

Memoirs, testimony, the missing Jews, the camps, the public statements of Hitler, Himmler, and Goebbels, and so on.

Maybe, but the camps do exist, and if you said you intended to kill me, and others saw you doing it, and you told others publicly that you intended to do it, and I wind up dead in a fashion that you agreed to with other conspirators, people might be led to believe that you killed me.

There is no law that will send you to prison for research in the US. Why do we not have any professional historical journal publishing this here? Why is it that no serious historian submits papers for review in the US? It's not that they're rejected. They don't even try to get a letter of rejection proving that the establishment is corrupt. Why is this? It's because they would receive a letter of rejection detailing exactly why their shit was rejected and they would have no answer for it.

If you feel confident about this, you should submit a paper in the US, then receive that letter of rejection. Also, please slow down, you are running out of English.

How did they get rid of that many fucking bodies that fast when modern technology can't burn them even half as fast?

How did the gas chamber operators avoid gassing themselves when the doors to the alleged chambers were usually wooden?

Why is it considered so true that it should be illegal to posit it's not true, unlike virtually every other genocide in history?

There is a massive jewish conspiracy to guilt-trip the goyim with atrocity propaganda so they are forever subservient and cucked to the jews. The jews also have a culture that sees lying as one of the best things they can do, they brag about how much they bullshit and deceive the goyim, they love to deceive the goyim, it is standard jewish culture just like cutting foreskins off.

There were concentration camps. Jews were being removed from Germany and sent to Israel. Some were executed when they caused trouble or were communists. Many starved to death (just like many of the germans themselves but who cares if Germans starve to death right they aren't even human those stupid fucking cattle ohohhoh!).

What is bullshit is: gas chambers, lampshades, zkylon b, and most of the hysterical bullshit jews made up about how they were supposedly abused.

What is not bullshit: 150,000 jews served under National Socialist Germany and many non-whites of various sorts including Arabs, Asians, Blacks, etc.

What is also not bullshit: Project Paperclip and also the whole history of abuses and experimentation of the allies (MK Ultra etc).

Fuck got to stop typing about this going to vomit (I'm sick right now) afk. Some other anons should fill you in more.

same doors were common in that era shower rooms of public swimming pools
You should be more concerned with the chimney that isn't connected to anything which the liberators built after the war

They were not funeral crematoriums. They were meant for burning larger animals and to use fat as fuel. You would know this if you bothered to do a google search.

This is simply not true, and the chambers had ventilators.

You live in the US. It's not illegal here. If you feel strongly about this, send in a paper for publication, then post the rejection letter. In it, you will find exactly why they rejected your submission.

These are not proof. Maybe you're not very concerned with historian method, but proof is actual paper, notes, tickets from the government of orders of gaz, of army hierarchy orders etc.. Logistics, order etc.. notes. You're talking about memoir, but are these not just testimonies too? You can't trust them at all.

Just give me out the single statement that can attest that Hilter gave the order to kill the jews. It does not exist. That's why Hilbert (you must certainly know him, isn't it?) said to answer the REAL historian that contest the holocaust, the orchestration be "an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus-mind reading by a far-flung bureaucracy". Just search for this quote and verify it. And contemplate the answer. He even said worst after, talking about telepathy, but whatever. You are only saying what we all learn in class in high school. Nothing more. Exactly what the government history program have been taught to us.

Isreal literally stand on the holocaust. Without it, there is no Israel. So it's in the best interest of th Zionist to support the holocaust.

Do you know the danger of Zicklon? How much bodies they had to kill? How the door of the shower was only a wooden door? How a real american gaz chamber used for prisonner execution works?

You can be happy, because in nearly every european country, you're in jail if you contest.

That's false, for the simple reason that you didn't read shit about the problem, because there have been exchange between historians about this subjects.
But you don't talk about any of this.

You don't talk for exemple about Nuremberg court rules, one being that any public truth can be attested as a proof in the tribunal.

Do you know that the russian actually accused the german of killing jews with barbels? With electricity?

You truly seem to don't know anything about the subject.

By the way, there is no jewish conspiracy. There is a conspiracy, but jewish people are just a tool. They're not at the top, like Zig Forums claims.

Do you know that there was never soap made out of jews (proved by an israeli historian)? Than the skin was never used to make lamps? That's public.

The reality about the second world war is that the american/english did so much massacre, so much damage that Hitler has to take everything on his back, and they had to prove this whole mess to be to destroy a monster. It's a huge cover up, just to redirect responsibilities of the monstrosity of this war.


articles 19 and 21 absolve War Crime Tribunals from requiring evidence.

Why would you feel guilty about something you didn't do and something your country fought against? Also, what evidence is there of this conspiracy or that the Jews are a hivemind, as they necessarily must be to coordinate this across thousands of miles and languages.

Simply not true. There is debate on whether the Nazis intended the holocaust from the begining, or if it simply became their last resort. However, you can see Germans being forced to bury the dead, and they don't seem to be starving. In fact, Berlin still carried on as normal up to the point when the Soviets arrived.

Gas chambers happened. Some still exist, lampshades were presented as evidence, but there was no real drive to do this. It was just a macabre artifact, and zyklon b will kill you. If you don't believe me, feel free to test out your theory.

Jews did not serve under the Nazis. There were exceptions made specifically like Fritz Haber, but most of the ones you're describing are those that were called Mischlinge. They were not Jews according to Nazi standards and had waivers. They also were not to practice Judaism.

No, that's not bullshit. Wernher von Braun saw the slowest Jews hanged outside the factory where he worked.

I already know what they think. It's stupid, and incorrect.

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(((You didn't fight hard enoughor No strelok, you were the nazis all along)))

Jews aren't a hivemind, but there are two groups, zionists and marxists.

You have to bring proof to that statement, since every mean of communication were destroyed in 1944, causing a massive hunger across germany. Germans died in mass. Even though Berlin was still able to feed themselves, the prisonner were fed last.
The pile of corps are dead from disease/hunger. Not from direct killing.
Concentration camp did exist, and they were work camps.

No. Again, the wooden door. The incredible complexity of killing anyone with gas and not gazing yourself in the process, the monstruous number of people to kill etc… The so called gaz chambers are actual crematorium. AGAIN, just fucking get to know how it worked in the usa, to use gaz as a mean to kill death sentenced people. Protip: They don't use a wooden door.

Nearly no jews actually practice judaism. There is a fucking Gay pride in the middle of Tel Aviv dude.
A lot of orthodox jews are against Israel. Actually, if you follow the old testament text, they ARE FORBIDDEN to return to their main land before their messiah return. So zionists're actually against one of the biggest thing in judaism.


Yes they are, and if you choose to ignore these, then we can't have a conversation. You have to find a way to explain their existence or else realize that your explanation does not take all evidence into account.

There is ample evidence of the destruction of these, as well as public statements regarding the secrecy. This explains the lack of these taking the whole into account. Your theory does not explain the existence of the others. For example, we do not have William Shakespeare's birth certificate, if there even was such a thing, but we know he existed. How can this be?

No, this is why you compare them. It seems unlikely that all this testimony lines up to a single narrative with no potential coordination other than some kind of psychic shit. No, you can't trust them all, which is why some people have been outed as fake victims. This was done by actual historians and researchers, not Nazi holocaust deniers.

Eichmann saying this was the case and his writings in his diary, as well as Himmler doing the same completely disconnected from Eichmann. Two things pointing to the same fact validate that fact.

That may be, but that doesn't make the holocaust less real. It's also worth noting that terrorism and money deals also made this a possibility, so no, it wasn't the holocaust that made Israel. For the record, I think Israel is an abhorrent state with an apartheid-tier government, but that doesn't make the holocaust less real. I could even be an anti-semite, but the facts are the facts.

The wooden door claim is incorrect, and from shoddy infographs. Pic is an actual gas chamber.

Okay, so how come we don't have a lot of historians coming out and revealing the truth?

No, it's not false. That's how publication works. If not, feel free to provide a rejection letter of someone having already submitted for review.

That's cool, but the memoirs of Eichmann, Goebbels and Himmler were not written for the trial. The trial is irrelevant. Furthermore, Eichmann never recanted, even when he knew he was to be executed.

So what? This is not historically accurate and therefore not part of history, if what you claim is even true.

No, I'm just not delusional about it.

I'm sure it's the greys.

No, their ashes were used as fertilizer and one lamp did have human skin, though maybe not from a Jew. Soap was attempted from ashes because they were running out of materials, but they did not continue this practice.

The Americans didn't hit the Germans nearly as hard as the Soviets did, and we well could have. If the war had lasted longer, the bomb would have fallen on German cities instead.

What evidence do you have of this cover up? Because so far, it's just assertions from an obviously misinformed individual.

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I don't know, I've never had a Jew accuse the US as being complicit in the holocaust. There were US companies complicit in it, but the US government fought against the Nazis. The same goes for the USSR. You don't see Jews blaming them for anything other than the pogroms against them, which are also documented. They certainly aren't blamed for the holocaust.

All in due time (^:
Once milking of Poland ends, they'll need to find another perpetrator.
Germany paid a ransom of 60 billion dollars and a few submarines to become the "first victim of nazism" and to have a rhethoric surgery from "german death camps" to "nazi death camps"
After all, nazis are universal and international!
If need be 60000 can be found in warsaw in one day, then some more in a forest eating swastika-shaped candy bars.

I don't think anyone is "milking" Poland. Your country just passed a law making it illegal to imply that Polish people had anything to do with it, which some invariably did. You did have even Russian volunteers for the Germans. That doesn't mean the Polish people as a whole are responsible. Most of the Jews killed were Polish Jews anyway. Not only that, but the Nazis had explicit plans to eliminate most Poles. Surely you know about Generalplan Ost. Would it surprise you to know people who could do that could also carry out a genocide?

Anime is in fact a manipulation of the human mind in order to prepare us for our future grey-human hybrid overlords, it is propaganda on the subliminal scale.
how deep is this rabid hole?

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Is that one of Smiley's angels?
You think wrong.
Which was being consulted with Israel for years.
On top of that, the polish-speaking occupational government created a committee to look and stomp out "fascists"

So no, I'm not wrong. That's a bill introduced last year that went nowhere. It's also just the drawing up of a report.
Doesn't matter who you consulted it with. It's wrong, just like prosecution for holocaust denial is wrong. No double standards.
I also don't think this should be done other than for terrorist groups. I wouldn't like it if it was against commies either, or any political ideology.

"Fascists and antiesemites", antisemtism by the ADL definition, or any Jew pointing a finger of course.
The law is a jew setup.
Israel knew about the contents of the bill, now they act outrage so they can ensure nobody will care about "backwards antisemitic gnatzees in central europe"
Not to mention that it's humiliating that the government admitted to letting foreign officials decide law in a supposedly free and independent country.
After all, a brilliant mathematician Israel Singer calculated that Poland owes jews 300 billion dollars.
And a brilliant former Israeli ambassador Szewach Weiss created a mathematical formula for holocaust that even if only 6 million died, you need to account how many generations weren't born as a result, allowing for an exponential growth (^:

The only thing I would theoretically feel guilty about is being part of one of the countries that fought against Germany.

I am German though. My grandparents were considered as racially valuable and treated very well. They escaped (a cousin was killed by the communists though) however. I am basically a surviving remnant of the third reich in hiding.

Oh so you're going to ignore their total control of the media, banks, legislation, etc. and that America is basically controlled by dual-citizen kikes that can flee to Israel whenever they want after they're done fucking the American goyim for all they're worth?

What is disease? What is cherry picking your photographs? What is outright fabrication of fake photos?

Why the fuck would they bother to make concentration camps and do all these things they did if their goal was just to exterminate them and not move them? Everyone else who has ever committed genocides has done it with mass graves and bayonets and shovels. Just make people dig their own graves, hit them on the back of the head / shove them in, make another bunch fill it in and start the next mass grave, repeat over and over. That's how Serbs and Soviets and so on did it. Gas chambers and cremation chambers are absurdly inefficient and there's no need for camps if you're killing kikes.

Also why would so many people like me that hate jews and wish they were all exterminated say the holocaust is not real? We all wish it was real – but it's a fantasy, it just can't work.

They tested them. It wasn't made from human skin. Gas chambers are complete bullshit and also the original doors of those "gas chambers" were wooden and not air-tight. Only one person in history has ever died in a gas chamber and it was a prisoner who was executed that way in America. There is no way you can handle gassed bodies afterwards without tons of problems. Gas chambers is the most retarded way to do a mass killing. Also the "gas chambers" that exist today were rebuilt by the allies and soviets and they did not rebuild things according to the original plan.

It's better for delousing than for killing people. Completely impractical for killing everyone. Pesticides can kill you too but you wouldn't use agricultural pesticides or any kind of pesticide really for mass killings.

They were a bunch of jews to me and you also contradict yourself when you speak of "exceptions".

You know I've been to actual cremation chambers because I felt like being autistic about this all and going that extra mile and visiting a graveyard where there is a crematorium and watching and asking questions. It takes a very fucking long time for them to cremate bodies even with the most advanced state of the art cremation systems we have today. There is no way the kind of numbers that the holocaust speaks of could have been reached with cremating people. It's also weird to shove people into a cremation chamber still alive and burn them in there. If there were furnaces in the camps it was probably to burn diseased corpses and infected materials.

Electricity didn't go out until later. Berlin had been bombed, but most of the infrastructure remained intact and as a result food and other things flowed in. Germans suffered more hunger after the war than before due toe American and soviet policy.

They were worked to death, and some were also shot and so on. This is not even open to debate. You're just writing your own headcannon of WW2.

They used sonderkkomando for that. Some of them did get gassed, but the door wasn't wooden. The only source for that will always be holocaust denial sites because nobody else claimed that.

Neither did the Germans.
You could have done a simple google search to find out you were wrong.

Sure, but Zionism is just Jewish racism.

No, not back to Nuclear bomb, because the question is retarded. Nukes exist, you can look up tests, and weev is a retard on the internet, not a nuclear scientist or engineer. He doesn't know a neutron from his own asshole.

The jews have explicit plans to eliminate the entire white race including all Germans, Poles, Brits; all of us. It's called The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

We should take all the wealth of the jews, kill them, then use that wealth to fund the new golden age we'll make once we expel all non-whites from our lands and retake control of our racial destiny.

Jews need to pay muh reparations to whites for countless massacres they engineered and targeted at us. Jews should be forced to cry over the deaths of Germans… but no they hate us and laugh at us.

I wouldn't. They declared war on us first.

We wuz Aryans 'n sheit.

Yeah, the media doesn't dictate historical fact, and last I checked most historians weren't Jews.

What disease could possibly affect those prisoners that wouldn't be exposed to the soldiers and the women burying the bodies? Why is it you never see Germans with this disease? Could it be these people were being starved to death? Could it be that they were deliberately worked to death? No, obviously the Nazis were just joking around with killing them.

That's actually a good question, and the point of academic debate. Some believe that the extermination was planned from the outset, others believed that they worked themselves into a corner and decided that exterminating them was best. This is where the actual historians disagree with each other, but they don't disagree that at some point, Nazis decided they wanted to kill not just the Jews, but homosexuals, Jehova's witnesses, and so on.

They did that too. Are you not aware of the Einsatzgruppen and Operation Barbarossa? They didn't limit themselves to just Jews, though, their goal was exterminating Slavic people too.

Just so we're clear, the Nazis went with an "all of the above" plan. Gas chambers did exist, and so did mass graves. The advantage of the gas chambers and crematoria is that they could simply dump the ashes or use them for other purposes.

Because you want to convince people that your ideology is not one of genocide and totalitarianism. You somehow claim that the Nazis, who hated Jews and others, openly called for extermination, and even had these people in their power to exterminate, somehow chose not to do this, but instead relocate them. This is nonsense, and it becomes clear as soon as you articulate what you actually mean.

Again, your only sources for this are holocaust denial sites. How can you be trusted if you won't submit any of your findings for review, even as a protest?

The US and the Nazis were not the only ones to use gas chambers. Please use google.

Again, it's hydrogen cyanide. Please take a deep breath. It actually takes more to kill lice than to kill people. You would know this if you had bothered to get info from somewhere other than infographs.

Can you name a pesticide that is hydrogen cyanide under another brand name?

Fritz Haber was a German patriot who was elevated to the head of the Max Plank institute. Hitler gave him a waiver because of his service during WWI, he was later ousted and had to run away. His colleagues and family were exterminated. He is also the man who invented the process we use today for generating ammonia as well as gas warfare. Very few people were given exceptions and you had to basically know someone high up. It doesn't matter if the others were Jews to you, they weren't to the Nazis. Most Jews considered themselves Germans, Haber certainly thought so, too bad the Nazis didn't.

These were not for funeral homes, and I've already told you this ITT. These were for disposing of animal carcasses, and designed to use fat as fuel to lower energy needs. The bones could also be crushed afterwards if they still remained.

What numbers? Because chances are you've decided to calculate all 6 million with gas chambers, and that's not what happened. No historian claims that.

This is a weird claim. The crematoria was for disposing of the bodies, not for living humans.

I'm sure they used them for that too, but the fact remains that the crematoria were mostly used to dispose of bodies.