Daily reminder that the 2nd is not going anywhere.
Daily reminder that the 2nd is not going anywhere
I thought that the point of the constitution was that, rather than granting US citizens rights by the power of the state, it was describing the natural liberties that were always in place and that the American government was forbidden to act against?
It's sad when a foreigner knows your nation's founding principles better than your countrymen.
Daily reminder that they don't have to repeal an amendment to get rid of it. All they have to do is decide that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms" means muzzle loaders only because that's what the army had back then. Or, you know, just confiscate whatever they want without even bothering to make up a justification for it and have their army of shillbots posting comments all over the internet about how anyone who cares is a virgin loser.
I think it's a joke, sperglime
Do I need to talk about how to boil a frog? Because I can talk about how to boil a frog.
Isn't a basic reading of your Constitution, Bill of Rights, and at least an idiots guide to the philosophy & history that lead to them a mandatory part of your education system?
The most we talked about was the preamble and that was only for a day, public education isn't designed to teach kids you should know this by now.
Literally no. We study the preamble of the Constitution and discuss the separation of powers and interstate commerce clause. The only amendments we studied to any appreciable level were the First, Sixth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Eighteenth, Twenty-First, Twenty-Second, Twenty-Fourth, and Twenty-Fifth. Basically Freedom of Speech, Prohibition, and Civil Rights. The history of the American Revolution is taught in a very brief way. If all you knew was what was in the high school textbooks then the Revolution consisted of five events: The Boston Tea Party, Lexington and Concord, Washington Crossing the Delaware, The Boston Massacre, and the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. French involvement in the war was just a paragraph about Lafayette and even then he had to share it with von Steuben.
It won't go anywhere so long as people targeted for gun grabbing don't give up their guns, and don't go quietly into mental asylums to be mentally and physically destroyed with experimental drugs forced fed down their throats by negro nurses
I'm personally more concerned about potential attacks to the "bear" part than to the "keep" part. I know there are many places around the world where gun ownership is technically legal and possible but you don't have any right to use those weapons in even the most dire cases of self defense. That is horrifying to me.
I suppose that most of my interactions with Americans has been online mostly here and most of you seem to have a much better understanding of the subject than what you're saying there would suggest, at least as far as the second amendment is concerned. From what you're saying though that would be unrepresentative of the country as a whole, which seems odd. Most of the American press would suggest that large numbers of you Burgers are very concerned with expanding, defending, or creating rights that they may or may not have - you'd think they'd take the time to read up on the ones they actually have. Particularly considering that the US Constitution is about as good as politics has gotten so far, in concept at least.
Coil hair is a black girl behind him.
Firearms people tend to have a much higher level of knowledge on US history and the Constitution than the general public. We have to in order to make good arguments for why our rights should be retained.
When you say "rights you may or may not have" you are spot on. Most of the time "rights" are brought up in public discussion it's stuff not even remotely touched in the Constitution. Living wage, medical care, contraception, LGBT issues, etc. The politically left in the US love the word "rights" but no, they don't bother to actually study what that defines. To them a right is anything they believe themselves entitled to. If pressed hard enough they may know enough to try and clumsily use the general welfare clause or one of the civil rights amendments to support their argument.
"They're pushing for this too. It's going to get to the point where it'll be a better life choice to shoot the negress cops in rainbow hijabs sent to arrest you than to throw yourself to the mercy of a Jewish judge with an all-black jury" -Abraham Lincoln
Buttresses and buttloaves. Right? Fuck off, kike.
it's a shit joke because normalfags will think it means the government grants you your liberties
Arms confiscation is what kicked off 1776. It was the last straw before some limeys got their bad teeth kicked in.
Which is why they went kicking in doors grabbing guns and shooting dogs after the 1986 machine gun ban.
Oh wait, no they didn't. They grandfathered in all the existing guns and waited for the market to dry up. Now no one except criminals and the exceedingly wealthy own machine guns.
It's all the benefit of confiscation with none of the rebellion.
How is he wrong? It's (((technically))) legal for me to have a automatic gun, but it requires a mountain of paperwork, licenses, they cost more than I make in 5 years, and it'll make me a target for the feds, so at any given opportunity they'll ruin my life and throw me in prison because I'm a white male with a machine gun. Of course they don't mind spics running around with fast and furious guns and using them to hose down playgrounds when someone doesn't give them money. The Constitution won't stop anything if no one cares about it and bypasses it with technicalities and de facto bans. If the government is too scared to do something directly they'll just do a bullshit dance till what they want has been achieved in all but name. Faggot
The second amendment is practically abolished legally. It only exists in tounge at this point. If it really was a legal right, there would not be any gun control period due to shall not be infringed. (((They))) only pretend it still exists since it means they can boil the frog without it knowing anything has changed. I’m to the point im ready to move out of the country or start recruiting people in my state via cell recruitment for 1776 2.0 if this shit doesn’t change.
That means the people’s militias have a right to sustain themselves and continue their existence.
nigger start already, this shit won't change and you know it. You should have started in 1934.
Where to? As much as you Burgers like to complain about what's happening on your side of the Atlantic I can't think of anywhere you'll have it much better than America.
Where the fuck are you going to go, your back is against the wall. Get a 40:1 KD ratio when the time comes.
That story, while fun, lacks a certain … dragon dildoey something.
There's nowhere to fucking go. Nobody else has a chance in hell of unfucking themselves if America is going the other way. The US is by far the most important battleground, and if you lose there then we lose everywhere. As far as public opinion is concerned, the RKBA in America IS the RKBA, and if you let it die it will be the end.
So if your options are move or recruit, you'd better start buying fertilizer and powdered aluminum.
Honestly, I believe this to be the case but not because there's been such a slow and gradual shift but because of the very leisurely things we have if Huxley was correct. Do people really want to pay a steep price to be free and unhappy losing all the nice things they worked so hard to get or would they want to be comfortable with friends and family in misery surrounded by nice things? It's not like the people who sunk this ship are going to get wet, they've got their contingency plans. Noones willing to give strike the match that burns the choking overgrowth when they can help themselves to all the rotten fruits that gets produced.
I think he means "the country" as in, the whiteopia of rural life. Not actually leaving the US or his state but moving to the land of socialism the cities to start talking to some boys about making trouble. Maybe he means something else i dunno
There's an image that floats around here to the effect of "Fed up? Grab your rifle and run outside. If you're the only one there, it's not time… yet."
What it fails to acknowledge is that in order for you not to be the only one out there, someone had to go out first, and it was time then even if they were the only one. Things don't start unless someone starts them.
Yeah, the Constitution, focusing on the ebil wacist 3/5th Compromise, 1A, 13-15A, 19A and 21-25A.
They already do.
Hi, Mr. Ayteef. Haven't seen you around in a while.
That ain't no Ayy tee eff posting. I have a feeling it'll be happening shortly anyway, fun times.
Jayne Herring is out here on social media trying to be the next Shannon Watts and we should be aware of her: twitter.com
Background on her (she is a REALLY nasty piece of work): swfchan.org
Put me in your screenshot, Jayne.
This is the pic, it's a desktop wallpaper.
The biggest difference between the 1980s and today is the country is less stable. Even basic government institutions are untrustworthy. There are also far more semi autos than machine guns. Close to 20 million+ guns would be prohibited. These guns are also in the hands of people who are already distrustful of the gov. Its an explosive cocktail waiting for a spark.
Delusion. As soon as this generation of goblinos comes of age the US will become another south American shithole. Liberals won the demographic war
(caliber numbers checked)
They didn't win just yet. We still can win in a shooting warnot ATF, just saying
Get the 30 mil illegals out at any cost, and you'll be back to 1960s levels of mud.
The fun thing is illegals are border hopping opportunists, they move back and forth many times a year. Meaning if you make things just a BIT more difficult for them, they will leave of their own accord, and stay leave.
Which is why axing gibs is a better solution than any fucking border wall.
Well, if you ax gibs, niggers will burn down cities and UN will intervene about racism
Not to mention enemy combatants who look white crying.
The problem is that by design any kind of "better solution" is well and truly out of the overton window. For the time being these inefficient stopgap solutions are the best we can hope for, and try to keep this sinking ship afloat just a little longer.
that's when white people ran America, then it was run the white way.
Now it's run the Nigger Jew way.
The best solution is a final solution
In public school, you spend more time learning about women's suffrage and the inventor of peanut butter, than is spent on learning the actual roots our "nation".
My last year of high school, the school director of my school was a literal commie, he wouldn't even hide it.
So you're saying we would get to shoot the niggers, the blue helmets, and the race traitors all in one go? Sounds like a good time.
The whiny fucks protesting 2A aren't the threat to it, they're just to get enough dumbfucks on board so that actual powers can do away with it with minimal outcry.
Immense selection bias. Having a triple digit IQ and a strong interest in upholding the 2nd ammendment are pretty much required for somebody to end up on this board.
Tell that to the Brazilians.
Yes, but it doesn't apply to non-citizens.
Of course, that's why I noted it.
My not being a citizen of the USA doesn't remove the fact as a human being I have natural rights, it just means that my government acts to suppress and deny them.
Can't lose what you never had.
The "Bill of Rights" applies to all, citizens and non-citizens alike, but can only be enforced/invoked within US territories. From the standpoint of Constitutional law, because the Constitution is more than just the "Bill of Rights", it also contains certain clauses of legal protections of enumerated privileges and immunities that aren't granted to non-citizens, but otherwise the Constitutional amendments are simply inalienable/God-given/human rights that the government is suppose to be restricted from infringing upon. For example, if out Bong friend was in the US and committed a crime, he has a right to habeas corpus as outlined in the Constitution, which protects anyone (citizens and non-citizens alike) from being held incommunicado.
Example. In NY with the un-SAFE Act, less than 1% of people registered their firearms that were required to. There's no way they can confiscate what they don't know about.
Tell this to californians or new yorkers.
Car stops.
Except that's a weak fucking argument that can be beaten easily and is on a daily basis. "The founding fathers only had muskets!" says the SJW. "So did the British who were oppressing them" says the guy who actually knows what he's talking about. The 2nd amendment was always intended for the average joe to have weapons on-par with that of the government or local militias. It was the founding father's solution to "Who watches the watchmen?"
Nope. We learned the constitution exists, were told it's why our country is so great and then we got to study only a few. We got to study the freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of assembly.
Don't even remember anything about the Bill of Rights. But given the current state of this nation I'm going to. Because when SHTF and we have to rebuild society, I hope I'm around to remind everyone how everything is supposed to be.
I would beg to differ. Gonna sound like doomsday-posting, but i think it's ultimately true.
The marchforourshekels faggots have one crucial point that is unfortunately very true: todays students are tomorrows voters. And what do todays students look like? Left leaning, anti-gun, and brown. I remember a statistic floating around on Zig Forums back years ago (and probably still, but i ditched that dumpster fire when the trump faggotry started), that once you go bellow a certain age, more children in america are non-white than white. And non-whites hate the founding fathers and everything they stand for.
This is statistically false.
Almost every statistic of newborns or teenagers has show in the US overwhelmingly it's brown people and anywhere Europeans live it has shown a decline in white people and increase in minorities.
And most of them only survive because we feed them. Cut off welfare and food aid for 20 years and four billion nogs will starve to death.
The total US population is over 300 million and it's less than 56% white. Removing 30 million, say 10% of the population, of virtually all non-whites wouldn't even make it 2/3rds white. In 1965 when the immigration law was changed to allow infinity non-whites, America was over 90% white. So no, but removing all the illegals would still be a tremendous help considering they are predominately Hispanics that have a very high birthrate and are the largest non-white demographic by far.
Where are the proofs xd
Actually US population is 355 million, 233 million are white, 40 million are niggers, 16 million are legal browns, 32 million are illegal browns, 33.5 million are natives, asians and mystery meat.
whites are close to 65%, the 56% is a meme from krautchan where "x is not white" came to put italians and such in the nigger pile.
And out of those, the illegal browns are the worst threat. They can be dealt with fairly quickly, increasing white proportion to 72%.
Niggers have aborted and murdered each other into growing only 1% every 20 years. Legal browns have adopted liberalism and are sucking the welfare teat, which is stagnating them. Natives never really bred too much, and Asians are mainly a threat due to H1B.
In other words all of this is eminently fixable.
Cut welfare and food aid, the next nigger generation will be half the size. Cut immigration and H1B, and asian population will first freeze, and then begin dropping as they leave. In 20 years whites will be 89%.
Why live?
sage for offtopic and bog worthy faggotry