Another Kraut autism thread.
First of all, let me point out that anyone who wants to make "shitty" jokes should probably leave now. Yes, this thread will be ripe with opportunities for such childish fun, but please attempt to keep it to a minimum.
We all know that humans do five things in life: Drink, Eat, sleep, shit and wash.
We also know that humans regularly go to war, where they must still eat, sleep, shit and wash regardless.
In this thread we discuss how water, food, sleep, shitters and hygiene tools are provided to troops on the battlefield in the past, present and future.
The importance of food and sleep are obvious. Certain foods and drugs can reduce the need for these two drastically, but a minimum is always required to stay alive and sane.
Taking a dump, or a leek, is a logical consequence of food and drink. MREs constipate you a lot, the but the material has to go somewhere, same goes for any drink you consume.
If your troops are in the same area for a long time (either during trench warfare, urban warfare, or inside of a vehicle) there is an obvious need to separate the troops from the feces, or face serious health issues.
Personal hygiene becomes much more important in long term operations. Not only did soldiers in WWI suffer from diseases such as the Spanish flu, or pox , but lice and other parasites were also very common. The same is true for the soldiers of WWII. Who would have though that a person who lives in the woods like an animal will eventually be as dirty as an animal?
To preserve the health, and thus combat readiness, of the troops regular personal hygiene procedures must be performed, such as washing of clothes, brushing of teeth, and a simple scrub with water and soap.
Shaving is also extremely important, since a clean shaved face not only makes NBC protection much easier. A clean shaved head doesn't allow lice to spread unnoticed as easily. Powders and poison gas can be used to remove the parasites from the clothing reliably. Before such means were available infantrymen tied their uniforms to rocks and threw them into a river or shallow lake. This would, so they hoped, drown the lice.
However the eggs of said lice were still there, and would hatch as soon as the clothes were put on again.
It becomes clear that providing food, time to rest as well as regular hygienic checks for your troops is an extremely important part of warfare and planning military operations. As the old German saying goes "Ohne Mampf, keinen Kampf.", no food, no fight.
But infantry is not the only branch of the military. During long distance flights pilots must occasionally use the toilet, or have a snack. Sleep becomes an important factor during long distance strategic missions as well. The Su34 features an on-board toilet, as does the GTK Boxer. Catheters can be used to extract urine from the bladder during long operations, but there is no catheter for shit, and diapers must still be changed or you risk skin infections.
Women in the military complicate this issue further, being unable to pee standing for one, they also have a tendency to bleed once a month, which can only be suppressed with tampons, pads, or the pill. And since no major military of the world is actively stockpiling any of these three items I can't see a future where women will be used for any long term military missions.
Would female only companies or even battalions solve this issue, or further complicate things? Are on board toilets truly necessary? Why are you always short on toilet paper when you are innawoods, and what would be a low tech option for the average strelok in the field to get rid of parasites and their eggs effectively? How fucked are you, if you have to take a dump in an NBC contaminated area? How many razor blades does Zig Forums pack when they go on an exercise? Shaving foam, or gel?
While this thread does bear potential for faggots to ruin it, I am convinced that it's topic has a great importance in warfare, and should be discussed.
Pls no poo in loo jokes, no fart fetish shit, no MUH WOMYNZ IN THE MILITARY bashing (the physical capabilities of females in combat has already been discussed to hell and back). Just keep flag-retardation out of this thread. I want to have a serious dicussion about the industrial output of the ottoma– erm… human factors in warfare and weapon design
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