Tfw been sitting on this bill trying to get uncucked for a year now
>tfw we had to pass a citizen's initiative to keep faggots in Denver from getting citizen initiatives on the voting ballot to continue to take away our rights through majority vote
>tfw there are over 7 states with legal Mary Jane now, so if all the dudeweedlmaos got the fuck out we would have had the most uncucked gun laws in the USA right now
>tfw Denver consistently gets away with violating the Colorado Constitution, but the rest of the state refuses to even attempt to sue them or get shit taken to the federal level and they're continually making state law so convoluted that it's impossible to take shit to the federal level to overturn their faggotry directly
This is the result of uncontrolled immigration, Zig Forums. You get to witness it firsthand before it infects you fucking shitty Easterners. We were on the verge of becoming the biggest proponents of gun rights in the USA before dudeweedlmao turned us into a combat zone between cucked mini-Californians in Alamosa/Denver, and the rest of the libertarian/conservative state. The people in the Mountain Ranges are conservative as fuck, but because they have a mountain range/expensive housing to protect them from niggers and spics, they consistently vote as if they were gated communities, and Pueblo is so fucking overrun with illegals that they've turned into a blue county and the only thing that will change that is starting back up manufacturing in that shitty-ass town.
The only silver lining is the Colorado Senate is mostly former military or friends/family members of former military, so they shoot down all the bullshit coming out of the house.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's almost as if letting urbanites who do not own land and never will vote is a bad thing or something.

As if urbanisation in general was a governmental move to compress and increase the efficiency of socio-economical push by limiting and deluding the perspectives of their massively duplicating citizenry.

The shit essentially for constitutional conceal carry passed every fucking hurdle in Michigan, until at the last moment some soy filled state lard whale declared it "just wasn't the right time" and ignored making it reality.
Basically the majority of our antigun shit is because of behavior from our wonderful Detroit occupants, all our stupid unique single word in legislation exceptions are from nog activity.
Usually from robbin da licka sto or pullin mah gun at duh traffic stahp.

Voting for non-land owners was a mistake.

And so was Jus Soli, but what are you going to do about it?


I feel so envious of Americans when reading about them REEEEE'ing over gun laws.

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Define "land owning" i can image service in the aps store that conveniently allows you to buy small patch of teh desert with one tap.


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Yeah. It must be nice to see things happen in the present day and feel like you can put a stop to it, and turn it all around. Reading about how things used to be a few decades ago, and how your parents and their entire generation did absolutely nothing to fight back is not a good feel.

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You have to go back

You used to have some pretty decent gun rights, bong. They were arguably on par with ours up until the 80s.
Your people readily gave them up within the span of a couple of decades because of school shooter feels though.
I would literally give all of my money, and every one of my possessions, including my entire collection of firearms, if I had an absolute god given guarantee that the entirety of the US, Canada, and Britain could once again have unrestricted ownership of firearms.
I would lay down my life right this second if it was possible for someone to guarantee that wish.

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no chance as long as normalfags can take loans and masturbate all day, aka bread and circuses.

How would that even work if communists are required to disarm?

Well, one good thing happened recently.

Patience, when they actually try to confiscate is when to strike.
Now is the time for building up force(s) and the more time that can be spent preparing is more in the Zig Forumsube's favor.

Fellow Colorado bro, I think you're discounting the amount of gun owning pot smokers that say fuck gun laws as loudly as they say fuck weed laws.
There are a lot of them in this state.

And besides, enforcement is required for any law. If our cops are saying fuck you to denver, we serve the people not the politicians, we can weather the bullshit way better than a lot of other states.

I know, but shit still sucks. Hope for the best, expect the worst.

Voting PERIOD was a mistake, though I still like Ron Paul.

What if the voting requirement was that you had to kill a man and be acquitted of it in a court of law?

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Seeing all the Americans in here coming out against voting is an incredible downer.

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The problem is twofold UK.
First, you kinda have to remember where you are
Zig Forums regularly get's people from the Zig Forums boards (very high in leftist/rightist authoritarian lickboots) or if not just have generally stupid political ideas because politics aren't their interest.
This is the case for most people and in all honesty it SHOULDN'T be a concern for most people considering that there are specialized positions that people need to fill in an advanced civilization to function correctly and efficiently.

Second, our political system is screwed up to the point that it just needs to be forcefully ripped out and replaced with something better the exact what I don't know.

I will say I think that,
1.making political parties illegal,
2.making political donations illegal,
3.having a consecutive term limit of one,
4.having where a politician can be voted out at anytime (this'll need tuning to prevent abuse),
5.replace state level with county level government and electoral college,
6.having government funding ONLY come from a flat rate sales tax,
7.and expressed authorization for vigilante protection of the constitution,
would stop basically all major problems in this country instantly.

So basically spartan rite of passage type of thing, where some young lad had to go and murder some slave and not get caught?

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I can understand your first point there. It's a shame that more people don't read up on this and political history in general. I know why it'll probably never end up on most school curricula governments generally don't seem too interested in politically educated and driven electorates, not now at least but a look through the increasing political and economic instability that kicked off in Britain particularly without universal male suffrage make for a very interesting study.

I can agree wholeheartedly with your first, second, third, and fourth proposals in your second point. The fifth is specifically American (which makes sense given the rest of your post), but I can agree with moving decision making closer to the voter. I'm not enough of an economist to really get to grips with point 6, but I'd agree that government spending and revenue needs to be put under severe scrutiny; my first response would be to put any government spending above normal operating costs (printer cartridges, paper, electricity, cheap instant coffee, and the technical support needed to run a modern office) to a public vote, but there's plenty of room for 'activists' to cause havoc with that system. Vigilante justice is always something to be careful of, there's no way to ensure it won't be used for

Britain needs a fundamental bill of rights underpinning its legislation. The Magna Carta is basically only referenced in historical papers, and the Bill of Rights (1689) was mostly used as a way to formalise the 'abdication' of James II and limit royal power - the provision to keep and bear arms was weak as all hell, and specifically limited to Protestant citizens, and is (along with the rest of the bill) basically irrelevant today. There was a proposal for a 'British Bill of Rights' by the Conservative party back in 2010, but it was mostly forgotten and looking at the current parliament I wouldn't want them writing anything like that at this point.

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The 6th point is to make it both easier to follow where money is going* while preventing discriminatory tax rates/fees (tax stamps on firearms anyone?), and fine quotas/outrageous fines.
In regards to (((activists))) the electoral college prevents that.

*You'll always have governments trying to get more money than they need, but it get's hard to justify a tax rate that makes a $1 candy bar cost $5.

The vigilante justice is if someone tries to weaken the constitution (NFA for example) their John Hancock is on the bill/law which is needed for the it to be in effect and is also now their (and anyone that tries to enforce it) death warrant.
The 2A is basically an implying implication of what I'm proposing, and anyone here should know how well that implying implication has worked out for it.

Some related info/media for anyone that needs it for 2A discussion, and why the electoral college is good.

Attached: map-of-the-us-electoral-votes-no-ec-map.jpg (3012x1728 8.82 MB, 2.41M)

Colorado was doomed when Tom Tancredo was forced to drop out of the governors race by the republican establishment.

Sometimes, things need to be fixed with heavy hand than a gentile touch and given how giving the vote to the unwashed masses got to this fucking disgusting mess I highly doubt voting will fix it.

No, a tax on imported goods. It'll encourage people to actually make shit in American than export jobs elsewhere.

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Hopefully this doesn't mean the end of the few things you cunts are currently allowed.

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Ah fuck.

This is what, the fourth mass shooting Straya's had after the ban that supposedly ended mass shootings?

Oh look a leaf saying something blatantly stupid with no forethought, THAT sure is rare.

I've got a burn barrel with your name on it leaf.

Attached: the last thing your leaf eyes will see.jpg (986x555, 108.98K)

Sure thing m8, just let me give up my vote and trust that this time the revolution will definitely make everything better. Everyone knows that the best way to put out a fire is to throw a few litres of paraffin onto it.

Aside from that I'd rather not pay a flat X% on everything on top of any sales tax the state may or may not issue, the federal government itself needs to unbloat itself and actually stick to a budget instead of endless spending. It'd be nice if the dollar wasn't inflated as fuck.

Pardon me for letting auto correct do whatever, I haven't been sober in quite a while. I'm not saying to take your vote away, I'd rather have shit how it was in the early days or how Rhodesia did it, basically if you're a useless sack of shit you don't get the ballot for we all know what the majority of those sorts will vote for. Whatever happened to having standards or even pride for that matter? Its easier to grow a forest from ash than it is to salvage it from whatever disease infests it.

Attached: Ian smith on Rhodesia.webm (640x480, 7.87M)

Refer to this line,
From here
You need to have the tax be on EVERYTHING bought so ALL people ALWAYS see it and are ALWAYS grumbling about any rate increase, that keeps the government scared and therefor honest which cuts bloat.

Intelligence tests are too easily subvertable, it is like having psychological tests and would create an upper class of bureaucrats who take pride in being the ones who choose who gets to vote.
I've said this before but the easiest way to do it is have it based on land ownership and proof of birth as an ____ citizen. Maybe military service as an alternative to land ownership but the military would of course have to be overhauled. Dual citizenship is a travesty which encourages dual loyalties.

NY, IL, maybe even CA would all be red states if not for urbanites having the right to vote.

This honestly. Land ownership isn't a perfect metric, but usually if you own land, you
A) Have a vested interest in ensuring its further development/price increase
B) Have some level of intelligence (or at least your parents or grandparents did) so you will hopefully either not vote or you will be somewhat informed about at least your local issues.
Obviously the catch to this is some faggot selling 1x1 inch "patches of land" to faggots so they can vote, but you could fix this by a simple rule requiring the land to be "habitable as its own unit" (a home, business, place of worship, etc.). You could even let individual counties decide how they want to handle voting at the county level ("military service can substitute for land ownership, college degree, etc.") just make it mandated for single birthplace citizenship and land ownership at the federal level and maybe for the top state positions like state congress/governorship. I think anons forget that the senate was supposed to not be working for the interests of its constituents, but for the interests of the governor/state congress of their local state (hence why they were supposed to balance/counter-balance the house of representatives as a sort of "pseudo-aristocracy" who's interests were tied to the state rather than to the citizenry, who would have to vote new people in at the state/county level if they were dissatisfied with the senate).

So then what's stopping someone from buying an acre plot out in bumfuck nowhere, slapping down a piece of shit trailer, and playing absentee landlord while they continue to rent an apartment in urban hellhole poz-istan?
A better requirement would be owning the property on which you currently reside.

Well, nothing would stop him. Since, technically he is a proper land owner. I mean, getting super specific is only going to make it more difficult than it should be. If you want to set it up so certain people can't vote, just, don't let them vote. Let them argue with the barrel of a gun. Since, they intend to do you the same service. We also know how well "being the better person" is working out for conservative fags. Let might make right.

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If some soyboy can honestly afford to rent an apartment AND take care of an acre of land in bumfuckistan, they deserve to be able to vote. We call those exceptions to the rule. Sure one or two faggots might think up this idea, but how many do you think can/will actually pull it off? Fucking cunts with mental illnesses have the same voting rights as you RIGHT NOW user.