Plebbit goes commie

No surprise but reddit decided to full sail into communist water's.

Jewtube cancer spreads and the left dances with them

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Other urls found in this thread:

And nothing of value was lost.


Anons just ponder for a second. Where are the unwashed upboaters going to sail to? 4chin won't contain them all.

I realize this. In the end the ledditors will go there, and the exleddit cuckchanners will overflow over here. 2014 isn't coming back so it's best to just let go m80


Not saying you have to care about plebbit. But don't think them murdering what little non commies they had isn't a sign or somehow unnewsworthy.

On the upside they'll be an improvement in terms of raising the IQ on Zig Forums. It's steadily dropped since 2014 as the siegetrash WNs and natsocs drove everyone off.

To be fair….

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abbos pls go

I just want to talk about guns and worship a giant cube made of guns, while digging through my surplus collection to go camping innawoods and look for skinwalkers, while blasting Russian hard-bass and Serbian war songs out my car. Why did things have to change?

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Because moot decided to be a complete faggot and the 2016 election became memeable.

I dunno man, I do those things still and this time round I have gopniks too.

Yeah, the election was pretty fun but due to recent circumstances, I'm not laughing anymore. Zig Forums drove one hell of a propaganda run though. The sheer hype that was generated changed all the boards.

I do too, but I'm never motivated to start any threads about it because I just don't know if anyone here is interested in that kind of stuff anymore.

Innawoods threads are always welcome.

I would have said something, but at this point, with everything dead or dying around me, I just don't care.

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Funny, because I made a thread some time ago and got shat on, thinking Zig Forums to have changed into a bunch of "no fun allowed" faggots.
Well, are you cunts no fun, or not?

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Hello mr trudeau

because you have to fight to keep them the same

And the only way to fight to keep things the same is to keep pushing in the opposite extreme as hard and as far as you can.

which subreddit was it, we can't even see

op is fag

Are you being ironic or you already lost all trace of self-awareness.
Poe's law and the medium are making it hard to tell.

There's just going to be another huge mass exodus to Voat. I always love it when they get new users, because one use of the word 'nigger' and they don't know how to handle it.

He's right though.

Just stopping for one second to look around is enough to prove that theory wrong.

I thought such a foul language was banned in both Reddit and halfchan.

Not in Voat. That's my point. Voat is literally a Reddit Clone with an emphasis on free speech. Redditfags can't handle it.

I'm perfectly serious. This is why conservatism never works, even if you honestly intend to keep everything at its current state.
If you wish to keep the gun rights in their current state in the US, for example, you need to push for full autos and a complete repeal of NFA at a national, normie gun owner level, while the more "extermist" ones of us meaning the likes of Zig Forums should have pushed for private ownership of destructive devices. Then we could have prevented the recent regulations, and kept the 2nd A rights as they were pre-election.
Want to have full autos and SBRs? Have the normie gun rights activist push for private ownership of 60 mm mortars while you yourself push for recreational nukes.
What the normie right did was to push for the preservation of status quo, while the average Zig Forumsommando at best spoke of a possible NFA repeal, and look where it is taking us.

And not just gun rights, this is true of virtually everything. If you wish to preserve the CY+3 cucked society from getting any furthed cucked and jewed, push for shooting all illegal immigrants, Jews and marxists, and then you'll get something resembling tighter borders, and irrational demands of the leftists being turned into laws, etc.
As said, you have to fight to keep things the same, and that means fighting with the skin of your teeth, and that includes keeping 8ch from becoming a second cuckchan even more.

Sage for double post.


It says gundeals in the top left corner you mouth breathing faggot.

Here's a list, they're still banning though

Guns: /r/gundeals /r/gunsforsale /r/canadagunsEE /r/SecretSniper /r/BrassSwap /r/gundealsfu /r/AKMarketplace /r/ar15deals /r/gun_deals /r/gundealsFU /r/gunnitforward /r/airsoftmarketcanada /r/airsoftmarket

Illegal activities: /r/shoplifting /r/fakeid /r/stealing /r/shopliftingrp /r/Pickpocket

Beer / Cigars: /r/beertrade /r/scotchswap /r/cigarmarket /r/pipetobaccomarket

Drugs general: /r/danknation r/rcsources r/juulmarket /r/weeddeals /r/ejuice /r/cannaclub /r/mjseedexchange /r/CATreeExchange /r/shatterdeals /r/CBDflower

Darknet: /r/dnstars /r/darknetmarkets /r/DarkWEBforum /r/darknetdeals /r/darknetmarketindia /r/DarkNetMarketsNO /r/darknetmarketsOZ /r/darknetuk /r/DarkMarketsBrasil /r/darknetfraud /r/Darknet_Markets /r/DarkNetMarketsLinks /r/DarknetReviews /r/DarkWebMarkets /r/DeepnetMarkets /r/dnDreamMarket /r/DNJobs /r/DnmEU /r/DNMIndia /r/DNMSuperlist /r/DNMTurkey /r/DNMUK /r/DNMVendorReviews /r/DreamMarketDarknet /r/DreamMarketplace /r/MarketInvites /r/ResearchVendors /r/TheAgoraMarket /r/TorMarketplaces /r/TradeRouteDNM /r/Trade_Route_DNM /r/TradeRoute_Market /r/TradeRouteOfficial /r/ZionMarket /r/Zion_Market /r/noveldissos /r/xanaxcartel /r/MdmaMayhem /r/AbraxasMarketplace /r/AeroDNM /r/Agmarketplace /r/Agora_Market /r/Agora_Registration /r/agorareloaded /r/EU_RCSources /r/RCVendors /r/RaptureMarket /r/CanadianResearch /r/darkweb /r/DNMAus /r/HiddenService

Prostitution: /r/maleescorts /r/SugarBabies /r/Hookers /r/Escorts /r/SugarDaddy

Misc: /r/DIY_Classifieds r/DBZDokkanMarketplace r/Swapsell r/Kratomcowboys /r/DBZDokkanMarketplace /r/PDXgiftingtrees/ /r/morethanetizolam /r/clonazolam

The next one everybody expects to be next is /r/trees that has over a million subscribers and an active community for almost a decade now, the ones dealing with mail order marijiuana are being taken down one by one.

Who the fuck is the community organizer that determines how many school shootings it takes to ban it from their sites?

australia tier

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No /r/nerfmarket/ is


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I remember when reddit used to be a libertarian site, they were big Ron Paul supporters. What happened to them?

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Ah missclicked and they went private.

Toy guns of all sorts are on a watchlist now. I'm surprised knife subreddits aren't being targetted.

Seems hard to believe only a month or so ago they had a shitty flamethrower based on an airsoft rifle on the front page that everybody was hyping up cause Elon Musk was selling it.

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The founders mostly left and new users came in through places like Facebook instead of from other internet forums.
The first sub they ever banned was /r/jailbait, they said they were ONLY going to ban stuff like that.
Flash forward a few years later and they've completely betrayed the things Reddit's original creators believed it. To think Aaron Swartz died for this shit..

He is right. Fight never ends. Fight is back and forth. If you are not pushing when you are winning, you would be getting you territory conquered when you are losing until nothing left.

Even normalfags have to find this extremely suspicious by now, there's no way they're all completely fucking oblivious.


The ignorance of the public opens the door to tyranny. That has been and always be the way empires fall.

Ugh, you're being such a conspiracy theorist! There's no collusion to take your guns away, even though there should be because they scare me. Even if they were doing it because of politics or whatever, they can do what they want on their site. If you don't like it, just make your own Reddit. Or better yet, stop spending so much time on the Internet. :^)

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they where bought out by literal jews, aka, conde nast corp.


you'd be surprised how fucking retarded these "people" can get strelok

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The fire rises.

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What they see is consensus. There's nothing suspicious about everyone doing the same thing if everyone but a couple extremists agrees that that thing is the right course of action.

They're gonna go full chink, and start killing farmers, when SHTF, you know. Everyone in the city is gonna get clocked fast.

At least they missed bestgunnit.


If Mugabe was eating a cake in Rhodesia last year, you know for a fact these rootless billionaires and politicians will never experience any of the suffering they'll cause.

i hope they dont those faggots want to takeover v/watchpeopledie

8ch goes full commie too.

btw >>11358403 link is

returns 404.

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>>>Zig Forums11358403


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I wouldn't be so sure of that

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