Sargon got eternally rekt by Mr Implicit himself on the #2 on trending livestream and as a result he is bleeding subs.
At the end of the debate he said "it's late I need to go to bed" and then ran to his safe space on his channel to livestream in a centrist circle jerk.
He won most of the start because Dick can't think of the obvious replies so I just turned off
Jeremiah Roberts
Do you know how fucking hard they have to cherrypick their bimbos to try and promote this idea of attractive jewesses? Their military has a whole PR wing dedicated to promoting it. Jewish women are fucking minging, the ones they pick are always halfies mixed with some form or European. Go to /newbrit/ if you're going to keep fetishising them.
Don't worry he fell apart and totally lost it. Spencer is the weakest link when it comes to debate and he humiliated Sargon.
After Sargon lied and said he was going to bed to escape his ragdolling he uploaded a circle jerk stream with people telling him he won. That vid has 4k likes and 4k dislikes.
He's going full Kraut.
Hudson Evans
Lad he basically started autistically screeching and then ran away.
Anthony Bailey
Why delete it? The ones I post are white Keep the European ones tbqh and breed with them
Yeah let's just breed with all halfies amirite they're basically evrvpvvn as well. Why not breed with people who've STDs as well while we're at it. Stop being a homo.
She's so much better without, it's actually quite sad. Why do that to yourself?
Dylan Price
I think I might just have to watch it, avoided it when everyone was talking about it yesterday as I don't think anyone of them has any redeeming qualities but now curiosity has got the better of me.
Hudson Gomez
Exactly, and if she stopped caking her face with chemicals and improved her diet then the blemishes that she's trying to cover up with makeup would fucking vanish.
Sargon autistically tries to push Spencer into talking in a certain way and answer questions how he wants him to and it fails. He name drops books and philosophers. Richard laughs and says "that's autistic" Sargon says "You believe in group rights and I don't. Group rights bad." Richard points out that the nation is a group and the citizens have rights that outsiders don't and that Sargon supports this. Sargon spergs and tries to move on without engaging this point, Richard doesn't let him and keeps bullying him and laughing.
At one point Richard points out that during the white only immigration policy period of the US we got to the moon so Sargon jumps in and says "Are you saying an immigration policy got us to the moon?" Richard mocks him and even styx jumps in to say "That''s a bit of a stretch Sargon"
At on point Richard just tells Sargon he isn't as smart as he likes to think he is in a brutal fashion.
The whole dynamic was Sargon demanding the convo stayed in his liberal fantasy world that doesn't consider reality while Spencer kept it in reality which made Sargon look totally lost.
Ryder Nguyen
probably my favourite Jew
Xavier Wood
Dangerfield legitimately scares me. There's something maniacal about him.
Okay, that sounds like a laugh actually. I might watch it.
Samuel Murphy
Colton Jones
I actually have no idea, I just nabbed the image from some /v/ thread a few weeks ago
Jim seems to be siding with Styx on it tbh mainly because a white state would mean he would have to stop tapping his asian waifu, quality tweets though;
When I was a spotty as fuck teen, I tried all those things and it did get better but the thing that eventually cleared my skin up for good was not using soap to wash my face anymore, just warm water and a splash of cold at the end. My skin was breaking out from all the chemicals in the soaps and shit.
Owen Hill
A youtube channel called Kronos has highlights.
The comments section for the stream and the one on Sargons main channel are a gold mine too.
Styx questions are stupid but worth asking since most people are stupid and they're the kinds of questions stupid people will ask.
What soap were you using? Also puberty is a very bad fucking example for why these things wouldn't work.
Brandon Bell
His mother (Hungarian Jew) ruined him, he had a traumatic childhood he never got over, I like him too tbh, hope he got some respect in the end
James Hill
I always use cold water and I never get spots tbh I only get spots if I don't wash for a couple of days
Joshua Hall
It's still the same for me today lad, any soaps or anything else causes me to breakout like I'm a teen again. As long as I wash my face with water when I wake up and before I go to bed then I never have problems.
Jason Reed
Eli Green
Landon Harris
Honestly anything but the basics of living a healthy life just ends up causing more problems than it fixes, can be applied to almost anything.
Christian Fisher
*clog dances in your direction*
Gabriel Morris
Key to a clean face = wash with water, shave properly, and clean your fucking pillowcase
Aiden White
It cured my acne
Brody Jackson
can't remember the last time I shaved tbh
Isaac Diaz
Apple cider vinegar lad
James Rodriguez
I didn't say it didn't work but so would sulfuric acid. I'm more on about the long term side effects, like your acne most likely would have cured it self in a couple of years when your hormones had balanced, was it worth the life time of dry lips?
Kayden Baker
Not having cystic acne, and horrible bacne that constantly bled into my white school shirts for any longer than I had to in my formative years was worth it.
Matthew Sullivan
Lad even the dermatologist that tried getting me on it was using it herself, her face was bright red and shiny (looked a bit like the Tom Cruise memi tbh). She even told me it can make you more aggressive, which was obvious from her as she seemed to be angry with me because I wasn't taking the accutane when she was expecting me to have That shit can cause all kinds of crazy shit as side effects, even kill you just so you can get rid of some acne