When did the term "Weapons of War" first appear?
The common sense gun people sure do love to say that term.
Weapons of War
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The bible?
1 Samuel 8:12
2 Samuel 1:27
Psalm 76:3
Probably earlier though.
Didn't mean to post that image. It's from a book written in 1633 called "A Plaine and Familiar Explication (by Way of Paraphrase) of All the Hard Texts of the Whole Divine Scripture of the Old and New Testament".
Considering Jaffa weapons have an aimed range of 100m, the P-90 actually IS a weapon of war in comparison.
As the picrel Matok staff weapon heats it actually becomes less accurate. According to line of sight positions, Teal'c aimed at Sha're's neck yet hit her lower chest, and this is only 10m away from her, due to heat after a firefight.
Zatnikatels actually have as much native accuracy as Taklukhnatagamuntoron, far more than Matok's, but because Zatnikatels are a handheld weapon there's no way to aim it at any distance.
Also they don't have much in the way of armor defeat capability. Their best anti armor weapon is the staff weapon, which on impact produces a HESH warhead effect on the target, and also lights nearby flammable stuff on fire. This makes it ok at penetrating rolled homogenous armor, and at killing humans (its like getting hit by a flaming sledgehammer), but really bad at penetrating armor designed for it.
If they got an Abrams tank through the gate, staff weapons would have no effect on it. Even powerful glider weapons would fall short of the energy needed to defeat it… only a lucky hit from an Al'Kesh would knock out an M1 Abrams tank.
The benefit of Goa'ould weaponry comes from the fact that they will work for thousands of years, and that they're scary. This is very useful for a nigh-immortal race of power tripping psychopaths, but even in comparison to Tauri civilian weapons…. they are not weapons of war.
Weapons of war? That can range from a sharp stick to a M61 Vulcan. That term makes no god damn sense when it comes to legislature. If it means weapons that are used by the military currently, then the semi-automatic AR15 isn't a weapon of war but the bolt action M24, which is just a custom job Remington 700 with a military name slapped on it, is. So if they want to ban weapons of war, then anyone with a nice Remington 700 will get their shit confiscated? I know I'm preaching to the quire here, but god damn it's so fucking stupid.
a rock flung by a bit of string was a weapon of war for fuckin ages, are they gonna get banned? its a stupid term.
Ban Assault Physics, the root of all war.
The Goa'ould relaxed.
All they faced for centuries were descendants of slaves they brought through the Chappa'ai, some of them were advanced but still very low in population size. Whenever these offworld humans went to war with each other, they almost went extinct, due to their low numbers. So they were always on the brink of total destruction, which meant they weren't fighting wars very often.
Oh they developed spaceships faster, because they knew it was possible or because they cribbed Goa'ould technology, but these other humans didn't develop very efficient weapons. Earth had enough of a population size to continually war against one another for 2000 years, so all our war tech is incredibly well developed…. we were fighting so hard that it kind of distracted us from achieving space travel.
What the hell are you talking about? This is a stargate thread, go away.
This is a good read for this topic (fucking looooooong though). It focuses a lot more on what would happen if the SGC were actually focused on winning the war/if the script had been written by some Zig Forumsommandos.
It's a pretty long lived term, used atleast as far back as America's founding and probably older than that. I think I might have heard the term when reading Common Sense, but I'm not sure.
It's meaningless for gun control nuts because anything used in war can be technically called a weapon of war. Should we ban handguns because they're used in war? What about knives? Dogs? MREs?
This site is literally the most userfriendly and easy to use imageboard I have ever seen, and yet none of you faggots make use of even the simplest features.
If we assume that 'weapon of war' means what it clearly implies anything that has ever been used in any war would fall under that category. That would include pretty much anything that can potentially be used to kill a man. Semi auto .308 rifle? That's a weapon of war. Bolt action .303, that's a weapon of war. Any kind of bow or crossbow, that's a weapon of war. Any form of bladed tool, congratulations that's now a sword or axe and thus a weapon of war. You own a few pieces of string and could, potentially, have access to rocks? Look at this warmonger trying to build a sling, which was used for millennia across the world as one of the most widespread and long feared weapons of war! Cutlery means knives, and knives are weapons of war. Wait a minute, are those hands on the end of your arms? Don't you know that hands can be used to form fists, and that fists are the most basic weapon of war possible! You surgically removed your hands huh? Well I'm pretty sure that at some time in history a soldier has battered a hostile combatant to death with a mutilated arm, so that's a weapon of war too.
Was about to suggest this exact thing.
To take this argument further, consider the Mauser bolt action and its derivatives.
It is the single most popular design of sporting rifle ever, and has been for a hundred plus years running. When the design was codified with the Gewehr 98, it was the pinnacle of military small arms technology – anybody who was anybody had the Mauser as their service rifle, or was making a domestic copy. And despite being a 'weapon of war' it was sold concurrently as a sporting rifle.
Well, they wanted their sci-fi adventure with a vaguely mythological paintjob; and their sponsors at the Pentagon wanted something exciting, fun, cool, and heroic rather than the depressing meatgrinder or skin crawlingly morally questionable spec ops shit that war with the System Lords would have turned into.
Consider the average Zig Forums design thread. With a little work and thought pretty much anything solid (not to mention most gasses and liquids) can be turned into some very lethal shit; and that's before we get to the jokes that look less and less silly every day.
Ban assault water now!
Story is a bit retarded. Humans never really mastered energy weaponry because it requires n-th level complication to produce an effect that a gun can with millions of fewer moving parts. The Mobile Attack Turret (MAT) would be a more likely thing to send through the gate. It's basically a FRED with a mountable machine gun plus armor.
Also if we just shot everything we saw we likely wouldn't have Tokra as allies, which means the Apophis/Klorel invasion would have killed us in the first season because we wouldn't have warning of it, or the Anubis naquadah asteroid because we wouldn't have the Tokra cargo ship, or any number of Goa'ould assaults because we wouldn't be under the Protected Planets Treaty. If we somehow survived all of this…. the ancients wouldn't be willing to activate their tech for us, so Anubis would have kicked our asses with his supership. If we somehow survived the Goa'ould, our lack of asgard and ancient tech would get us killed by the Ori or Replicators eventually. If we survived all the threats in our galaxy using good old howitzers, we'd have to deal with the Wraith, Asurans and Vanir.
TV show even has examples of versions of realities where humans just sent nukes through gates to eliminate threats… they got their ass kicked by a ship invasion.
Diamond dozen, doggy dog world, etcetera
Do you even Realpolitik bro?
Analogy time. It's kind of like being from a tiny island nation who is insanely good at ground combat. We stow away on a cargo ship with a brigade of all our insanely good ground combat equipment and 1000 of our best troops, and use it to invade a nation with a million battleships. No matter how many of them we kill in ground combat once we exit the cargo ship, the enemy is going to absorb those losses and our island nation will be raped by battleships.
Why are you starting a symmetric ground war in that scenario? No matter how good your soldiers are that's just asking for trouble.
Modern humanity conducting asymmetric warfare against the Gould and Replicators gets my dick hard.
SOCOM takes control of the SGC
Exactly. The best thing to do in that scenario is doing spy missions essentially, assassinations, stealing tech, forging alliances, sabotaging their plans, making them fight one another… exactly what SGC program did.
It would have been funny if there was just a half sphere of staff weapons and zats that could be lowered over the game, configured to fire as fast as possible when activated. Kind of like a deathy version of the iris. Whenever SGC wanted to clear the gate region of some weirdo, we drop the hemisphere over, dial in, and activate.
All the enemy sees on the other side is the gate EXPLODING with plasma and lightning energy weapons being fired in all directions from out of the event horizon.
That's the Atlantis team's job.
Like the time they developed a bioweapon that caused their enemies to literally cannibalize each other.
Or the time they infected the humans they were "protecting" with a different bioweapon that had a mortality rate as high as 50%.
And then there was the time they were on trial for war crimes, and their main defense was bribes and threats.
Arguably, at the very least they took their sweet time about it and didn't really seem to be putting too much sweat into killing the System Lords.
As much as they made a point of always sending the MALP through the gate (as much to check for environmental concerns as hostile presence) but I can only remember one episode where the SGC fires weapons through the gate. Even just a couple of the security team throwing a couple of flashbangs through the gate would give the SG teams a couple of moments to clear the immediate area and take control of the gate.
I always wondered why they kept the Ascension Device to a single episode. It's fairly obvious for story purposes, but for all the Geneva-busting shit that the Atlantis mission got up to they drew the line at experimenting with augmented soldiers? Even if they could only get it working half way, having soldiers with the powers of a minor deity has got to be a pretty huge advantage.
That's because killing system lords actually makes the goaould race more dangerous.
They should have killed the queens.
Nuking Goa'uld Queens would make a lot of sense, at least until you can find/arrange a way to get the majority of the System Lords to attend the same conference …