So apparently a bunch of high schoolers are bringing AR-15s to DC on Saturday to smash them. Won't that lead to a bunch of free parts on the ground to assemble new rifles with? Can Zig Forums set up a gun hospital to fix the mistreated and abused weapons and return them to service with a caring owner?
Gun Hospital
I bet it till be airshit
This. Also even if they were freshly bought rifles (bought by other people not by the teens since that would be impossible) all the money already is in the hands of the manufactuers and stores.
Lel. "Assault weapons" are banned, magazines over 10 rounds are banned, firearms must be registered, and open carry is illegal.
These retards, if the law was applied equally, would all be seeing a fuck ton of prison time.
I bet they can't pick up anything heavier than a hammer, by the time they realize they can't destroy these things, we will have more than enough footage from onlookers to laugh at. Even if it's airshit they probably don't have the strength to break it, and will probably end up shooting one of their own kin since they don't know how to handle their own property, much less a gun, even if it is airshit.
If a teen can drive and has a job they can get a gun, they just have to find a private seller willing to sell one to them, though these kids wouldn't do it since big daddy government told them it isn't right.
I can't wait to see some shitty brat cut their hand open while trying to break a gun and then try to blame the gun for assaulting them.
That's why I said impossible. Plus no private party seller is gonna sell their AR to some random kid in such short notice, especially in this climate.
Won't it probably be some FBI/CIA/ATF proxy handing them out for free trying to cause an incident?
What a bunch of retards.
If they do use the guns, it isn't an argument for gun control. Its an argument for liberal control instead. At least that's how it should be framed. And God help them if they shoot at the white house. Progressives will be getting Denny'd on live TV before the TV studios are seized.
Has anyone thought to hold a pro-gun protest?
I live within driving distance of DC, and I'm willing to open carry and all that jazz for a protest.
I think I might even be able to get a couple of buddies to go along.
They've got the media to shill for them, unless Zig Forums or the NRA shows up with mass cameras.
Its illegal to OC in DC. Regardless, its pointless to counter protest. Instead of counter protesting, go to CNN's headquarters and "peacefully protest" BLM style inside. That will rattle a shitload of libshit cages and send a message at the same time. At least go to some rich antigunner's home and protest.
Media won't be able to shill fast enough thanks to cell video coming out. Remember Charlottesville? They tried the same thing and everyone figured out they were bullshitting within a few days. Even DC with all the fedniggers and cianiggers couldn't get away with it.
Should livestream the entire thing. CIA probably trying to pull a Ukraine by trying to storm the White House and getting some kids shot to cause "protests".
Strelok, I'd only be able to get away with that if I wasn't white.
Then do so just outside of city limits. Let them know there's still a significant portion of the populace right outside of their "stronghold" that is willing to pull some shit if they pull some shit.
Not to mention the massive concentration of MS13 spics that already shoot anyone and everything in the immediate area.
That's why faggots still by into that narrative amirite?
That cuck deserved it.
Faggots still buy into it, but most either don't care or see through it. Libshits will believe anything that confirms their view. Our goal should be to show others that they are the problem, not us.
Nice demonstration of throwing away your constitutional rights, but yes if it isn't airshit I'll laugh as anyone buying them will rocket gunsale profits.
Doubt they'll be able to even break them.
Best part is that blow was dealt by the same kind of person that the modern day gun grabber expects to protect them. Doublethink is one hell of a drug.
I would unironically trust a heroin addict before one of these koolaid drinking retards.
I try, but over the past few years I've seen just how influential MSM propaganda is on the average mind. How do you avoid becoming blackpilled on this shit?
I'm inches away from saying fuck it and moving to Alaska to live out my days in isolation until I either die of exposure, old age, or the faggot government finally pulls a full on no holds barred gun grab causing me to get into it with ATF agents.
I want to believe there's some hope, but this crazy, shitty clown world juts gets more and more ridiculous and bizarre day by day.
So show them MSM shit. I always start the day by asking about whatever interracial crime happened the day before and seeing if my coworkers heard about it on the local news. The libshit I'm forced to work with hates that I bring it up but the others are interested. Every time the say "No" and I reply "I wonder why." I then tell them about it. Doing this for the past few months has led to others asking about other shit. This is how I redpill people.
Is it possible to create a device that selectively jams CNN / MSNBC / etc. signals?
The people I actually work with are generally pro-gun, it's my family that I can't turn no matter what.
They come up with Trudeau tier responses for any and all kinds of reasoning that conflicts with their worldview.
The worst part is the cuck emperor has set the ball in motion where all someone has to do to deny another person their gun rights is cry to the cops. It's mostly Florida and the usual democucked states taht have to deal with it right now, but with the traitor in chief holding a majority with other traitors it's only a matter of time until the other states crumble.
I would pay all of my money for that kind of device.
Would it do any good to pass out hacksaws and bait them into making SBRs?
I have a friend who lives close to D.C. Is there any proofs that they're going to destroy AR-15s and if so, where in the protest would this happen? He's willing to rescue some rifle parts for me.
Isn't it illegal for them to smash the guns publicly?
"We can rebuild him, we have the technology"
it's probably within your rights, but it will be turned around on you
"desperate gun nuts cry in sympathy for destroyed machinery, unhinged cultists", blah blah blah
To be honest, even if it's a bit wasteful, both sides seem to be making a profit no matter what happens.
Even if recovery is unattainable, it may be possible to give birth to another murdercube
It will be illegal for them to possess them at all. But D.C. is notorious for being a lawless hell hole so the cops won't do shit.
Sounds fun. I'd drive to the shithole that is Atlanta for that. CNN would be shitting their pants and screeching on air about it for at least a week. Let's do it.
They are forced. I know it
Any of you fuckers make it to D. C. grab as many parts as you can. If you want to look the part pretend to be a gun grabber and remove "muh baby killing machine gun pieces" and watch as they magically appear on gunbroker or some other site
Where did they get them. Minors can’t legally buy weapons os it must’ve been there parents, or they bought them on the Black Market.
Claim hat you’re 1/223,454,343 part Indigenous
Even better, give them a nugget to distract them. Then, you get to see live entertainment of a bunch of soyboys and estronauts attempt to break the unbreakable in a shitty attempt to fight the power. My sides are falling off just thinking about it.
So there's a bunch of straw purchasers to find?
Everytown was giving out $5,000 to each person that started one of those gun control marches happening today.