This is gonna be long…
So we've taken a blow chaps. Youtube decided to go full cuck and ban guns (unofficially, but we all know how it'll play out). Trump turned into a massive traitor (I'll admit, I believed he would be better than the alternative) and there are child-filled astroturf organizations all over the country screeching to steal your shit. In addition to this, many of our Zig Forumsomrades are feeling aimless and demoralized (especially on 4chan, where they're getting fucking ravaged by leftypol).
Don't you even think of giving up yet. Now is the time we need to move forward beyond this. Redpill your family and friends, take them shooting and get them involved. Educate people on the constitution.
Key point to remember: you cannot convert a zealot, but you can convert the moderates who are undecided. If you encounter a zealot grabber, make them look dumb and less credible so you can play to the normies and win them over.
Drop the desperate autist act: This was funny and great earlier but now you and I are on the frontlines and have to be something more than internet clowns. Our rights are at stake and this is going to be a tough slog.
Civil prep: Self-improvement should be your #1 goal in all areas. You need to be the best possible representation of our rights and views that are humanly impossible. Workout, eat right, maintain your morals and gain the admiration of your peers. Be strong, date girls and get married so you can make clones of yourself (watch your back and avoid thots at all costs).
Hard Prep: This is 1776 territory. Should the boundaries be overstepped, none of you should be caught flat-footed. This is a last resort but you should be prepared for all contingencies. Logistics and equipment (protection, food, comms and med supplies) are a must. Location and networking are also essential. I believe there was a map on here showing Zig Forums's locations and contact info. Get a protonmail account ASAP and hop on it with other Zig Forumsommandos so you can network on a local level.
Every last one of you should be feeling a cold rage fill your veins. A harnessed, slow-burn that's going to chemically alter you into a new being you didn't know existed. Those spindly, androgynous fucks out there think that their fee-fees are more important than your God-given rights and they want you stripped of all of them so you can be preyed upon by criminals and thugs.
Finally, don't you stop and say to yourself "I'm not a leader, I'm not a revolutionary, I'm just a sperg-burger with a Mosin". My ancestors were Swiss-German Mennonites who decided to take up arms against a superpower to defend a country they'd only recently moved to. It's gonna take balls to hold your ground these days. Hell, read 1776 and remember that Georgie-boy himself was constantly racked with uncertainty and doubt but pulled through. We're all gonna make it, Zig Forumsomrades.
Now stack on me, faggots. We've got work to do.