Greypill Thread

This is gonna be long…

So we've taken a blow chaps. Youtube decided to go full cuck and ban guns (unofficially, but we all know how it'll play out). Trump turned into a massive traitor (I'll admit, I believed he would be better than the alternative) and there are child-filled astroturf organizations all over the country screeching to steal your shit. In addition to this, many of our Zig Forumsomrades are feeling aimless and demoralized (especially on 4chan, where they're getting fucking ravaged by leftypol).


Don't you even think of giving up yet. Now is the time we need to move forward beyond this. Redpill your family and friends, take them shooting and get them involved. Educate people on the constitution.

Key point to remember: you cannot convert a zealot, but you can convert the moderates who are undecided. If you encounter a zealot grabber, make them look dumb and less credible so you can play to the normies and win them over.

Drop the desperate autist act: This was funny and great earlier but now you and I are on the frontlines and have to be something more than internet clowns. Our rights are at stake and this is going to be a tough slog.

Civil prep: Self-improvement should be your #1 goal in all areas. You need to be the best possible representation of our rights and views that are humanly impossible. Workout, eat right, maintain your morals and gain the admiration of your peers. Be strong, date girls and get married so you can make clones of yourself (watch your back and avoid thots at all costs).

Hard Prep: This is 1776 territory. Should the boundaries be overstepped, none of you should be caught flat-footed. This is a last resort but you should be prepared for all contingencies. Logistics and equipment (protection, food, comms and med supplies) are a must. Location and networking are also essential. I believe there was a map on here showing Zig Forums's locations and contact info. Get a protonmail account ASAP and hop on it with other Zig Forumsommandos so you can network on a local level.

Every last one of you should be feeling a cold rage fill your veins. A harnessed, slow-burn that's going to chemically alter you into a new being you didn't know existed. Those spindly, androgynous fucks out there think that their fee-fees are more important than your God-given rights and they want you stripped of all of them so you can be preyed upon by criminals and thugs.


Finally, don't you stop and say to yourself "I'm not a leader, I'm not a revolutionary, I'm just a sperg-burger with a Mosin". My ancestors were Swiss-German Mennonites who decided to take up arms against a superpower to defend a country they'd only recently moved to. It's gonna take balls to hold your ground these days. Hell, read 1776 and remember that Georgie-boy himself was constantly racked with uncertainty and doubt but pulled through. We're all gonna make it, Zig Forumsomrades.

Now stack on me, faggots. We've got work to do.

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Not that your post is wrong, but this whole pep talk thing is kind of cringy. Think we don't know shit's fucked already?

Cringe all you want. I refuse to allow a torrent of defeatist bullshit to dominate the narrative on this or any other page.

This board and site used to be legendary for tenacity and creativity on the internet.

The past week has felt like the Joker walking into the mobsters’ meeting in TDK. “What happened, did your balls drop off?”

Oh look, yet another thread about gun grabbing, now with armchair strategy and terrible motivational speeches instead of actual news. Reading that last line was so lame it actually hurt.

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I appreciate what you're doing Strelok, I really do, and you're absolutely right about there being low morale on the board. But you're being a little too "Saturday Morning Cartoon" about it. Drop the soapboxing and just speak plainly.

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If you understand what I’m saying, that’s what’s important.

What’s important for us all is that we need to start getting organized and serious about this.

I think most of us have viewed this is as a hobby that may never be seriously threatened. The reality is proving to be different, with real threats and opposition emerging.

That means we’ll have to change as well.

Lmao glad the soapbox got someone’s attention though.

Remember anons. Don't feel demoralized. Do what you must with extent of the resources that you have to protect yourselves and those you trust. That's all you can do. One bite at a time

welp, all I can do is spread facts about guns to the vast majority of the uninformed public here in Japan that guns are a tool, and not something that kills babies the instant you touch them.

As much as I hate our crap gun grabbing laws imposed by you guys, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies; keep fighting for your rights you lucky as fuck americans.

I hope Japan once again becomes very honorabru and allows you to be armed. Even if it takes a diminished America to catalyze that.

Disarmament laws would never even happen if the right-wing morons would stop supporting the armed branches of the state, you know, the very institutions that are going to put gun control in practice in the first place.
You'll lose your guns not because leftists are strong (they are, in fact, nothing but cowards and parasites who don't have the guts to take someone else's property by themselves), but because you idiots failed to play ball and destroy every tool the left has to further centralized power. In fact, your endless support and worshiping of the military industrial complex and the armed branches of the state are a key element to the state's ability to monopolize guns (or anything at all). Without right-wingers, there is no disarmament laws.
The very fact that you are calling it 'gun control', not 'disarmament law' or 'state monopoly on guns' is a testament to how hard you are losing.
This is your fault, your doing and undoing. Now you'll pay the price for worshiping the boot that threads on you.

Don't forget.
Literally the entire argument of how th government has infringed upon the rights of citizenry and state is elaborated in those papers.

well you dun goofed there because our military is actually very pro-2A.

However, I agree that the mil-industrial complex is too big and needs to take a hit. I think it will happen with the current spending and debt that has to crash eventually. We won't be able to keep up the influence as much.

You have got to be kidding me. I'll just leave this video here. Please tell me more about how relevant a soldiers opinion is when he will just follow orders anyway.

Brazilian military and police is also pro-gun. But guess what? They take order (AND OBEY THEM) from those who want to disarm me. Who the fuck do you think breaks into houses to take guns? Who the fuck do you think controls all gun purchases in Brazil?

This is why you will lose this war. You continue to support the same institutions that will kill you freedom despite anything.
You are an institutional cuckold.

ask me how i know you arent from round these parts.

only the combat arms, most of the desk jockeys, women, and diversity hires are the ones who would have no problem with outright confiscation.

Ask me why I care m80.

That's right, the useless spergs who can't perform the action support confiscation. I'm not worried about them.

lmao "watch this cherry-picked video dude, you're totally wrong." I've been around a lot of these people and I can't count more than a few that didn't own their own guns and also distrust the gov to some degree.

Already on point, Strelok. My focus these days is raising my son, setting a good example for him, my brothers, and my nephew. I’m building carbines, practicing growing food, and learning medical skills. There’s more, but you get the idea.

Relevant memes

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A lot of guys are getting spooked by the Soros monkey rally and its media support, but I'll tell you this: the vast majority of those protesters were bought and paid for and probably don't give a shit about guns, they just wanted their free gibs. When it comes time to vote, we almost always have better turnout because we actually care about the issue, and not the ZOGBux.

Why is it so high?

there were a lot of them all over, do you really think they were willing to pay people that much money? fuck do you think they had that much funds to pay anyone an amount worth a damn?

Inuit natives have a higher rate of violent crime and suicide in pretty much every country combined with a population so low a single homicide spikes the rate. i believe the majority of homicides are domestic in nature.

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It's not like every protestor gets a Sorosbux check they can cash in at the next WU, most of it is quid pro quo with activist organisations who mobilize the tardlets under their control in exchange for funding of projects like a "community center", a ratty Anachist bookstore or shit like that.

yeah but the Zig Forums types rarely word it like that. Look at the guy above. He says "vast majority" were "bought and paid for" as if there is a direct link one step link between Soros and some idiot in a pussy hat. As if all of them are paid puppets, not ideological puppets whose main organizers were the ones receiving the funding from NGOs. If you take their sentences at face value it always sounds like every single person is a direct puppet of someone else. Doesn't stop with Soros either. The more extreme ones you can find saying stuff like, "ISIS are jews" for instance. This is one thing that absolutely bamboozles me about the right wing (and black pills me about their ability to actually win): for all their talk of weapons and tactics, they have absolutely no clue how organization, administration, operational support, and financing work.

Well, Zig Forums has embraced mod-mandated anti-intellectualism and anything not using maximalist rhetoric will get you call a JIDF kike shill which puts a lie on the bitching that Zig Forums has been overrun by le based faggot xD MAGApede QLARP boomers or whatever
The wider right is led by a combination of conmen and cucks who are more interested in cushy sinecures and being "respectable" to liberals who want them destitute, replaced and their children brainwashed.

[citation needed]

We call it "Gun Control" because that's what it's always introduced as, because whether the left likes it or not we have a Constitutional right to bear arms, and "disarmament" would never fly in the Supreme Court, or probably even pass the house. "Control" will, and has, but now they won't even call it that, it's "Common Sense Gun Reform" as if it's common sense to hand over every weapon you own that doesn't use black powder to the police, who according to these exact same people are a bunch of corrupt racist Nazis who also cannot be trusted with guns.