Holy shit Zig Forums this hilarious. Video game companies are shoehorning gun control politics in FPS games now. We are reaching marvel comics levels of over the top propaganda.
Anti-second amendment themes in a First Person Shooter game
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By the ways. Far cry 5 already spawned the worst live action video game movie. Even SJW BLM channels hate it.
Just watch the video links. Journalists are jizzing over Christian conservative killing simulator.
Of all the flavors of cult, they chose the most boring one. They didn't have to do Satanists or Muslims, they could've done the Solar Temple, who were basically James Bond villains, or UFO cultists, or those fuckers who gassed our sheep, but it's just the Westboro Baptist Church on a bad day. The sad part is, people are patting them on the back because "muh mecha hitler Gronald Humpf's two spooks." Fucking useless cunts.
Plus most majority of violent cults are marxists or leftists in nature. Only the Manson family could be described as a right wing or racist cult.
I think it's because Muslims are a tired fad and weird cults might seem too cartoony. Personally, I'd like to see something kind of like The Prisoner as a game, then you could fight off Rover. That's not really a cult, though, but you could have something like it. I just really miss story-dense FPS games.
Will there be a section in the game modeled after Waco?
What about Sniper Elite: Ruby Ridge?
You play as our hero Lon Horiuchi, a former Army infantry officer and 15 year FBI vet, as he tries to save the locals from the Weaver family and their accomplice Kevin Harris. Take part in one of the most exhilarating FBI missions ever, as you close with and destroy the enemy. Coming Winter 2020!
Horiuchi really did nothing wrong, though
Probably. The real question is if they're gonna be like Far Cry 3 and play dubstep over the scene where you're roasting kids with a flamethrower.
He worked for the FBI.
I find it funny that everyone has a problem with this game. These aren't even supposed to be "Christians" more like Scientologists, that in itself made others mad. But that is the world nowadays, everyone wants to be oppressed
Name a single video game that isn’t command and conquer Generals and postal 2 that portrayed Islamic terrorisrs as bad guys? Even call of duty made The middle easterner OPFOR communists. At most maybe Battlefield 2 and 3 with MEC. Even the middle of honor reboot ignores the Taliban being islamists.
IS Defense
That’s bullshit Ubisoft damage control marketing because they saw how badly politicalizing Wolfenstein 2 backfired.
1. A song doesn’t haven’t directly reference biblical stories to be considered a Christian song
2. Scientology cross was stolen from
The real question is if they're going to do the same thing they've done in every Far Cry game since 2 and have the villain be the good guy.
>FC2: The Jackal is selling arms so the armies will wipe each other out, while getting refugees out of the country; your buddies turn on you when you try to help and you have to kill them
>FC3: You're a worse monster than Vaas, who was simply insane; Hoyt was an afterthought plot-wise to extend the game and was a bad guy but killing him does nothing and it turns out Citra was just as bad as the rest and kills you in one ending; the other ending has you turning her down to go home but Daniel tries to shoot you, with Citra taking the bullet instead, signalling an end to the Rakyat
>FC4: Pagan Min was a good guy who was half insane, if you wait around for 12 minutes or so during the intro after he tells you he'll be back, he lets you put your mother's ashes next to your sister's, spoils his and your entire backstories, and then invites you to go fly around in a helicopter and shoot guns. If you don't do this and play the game normally, depending on which of your allies you side with, they'll either force children into slavery on opium farms to fund their war effort or execute a bunch of old people.
Pretty sure I saw Islamic Terrorists as bad guys in Battlefield 3, which is the last big FPS I played, but Medal of Honor had them, and they are a common enemy whenever you get a sand level. I don't think FPS really goes deep into enemy motivations. It's obvious they're Islamic terrorists, the game doesn't have to say it. Either way, I'm just saying what I think they think, not what is or isn't the case. I personally like Senran Kagura more.
And what does that have to do with a worthless chink fed who shot innocent white people for funsies?
What the fuck.
FC2 is an underappreciated masterpiece of the first person shooter genre.
Damn, responded to the wrong post. He also didn't shoot them for funsies. The bullet just went through the guy he shot and hit a woman he had no way of knowing was there. It's not the worst thing a fed has done. I also don't think he did it because they were white.
Meant for
It would be, if it wasn't 90% checkpoints with guards that respawn as soon as you kill them.
Not going to lie, you're kind of disgusting.
I'm not defending Waco or Ruby Ridge, just the individual agent on one action for which he is vilified. I really don't think he did anything wrong, and all you seem to be doing is telling me that I'm disgusting for some reason because I disagree with you.
There's a name for this kind of thing: ludonarrative dissonance.
It's when a game's narrative and gameplay directly clash with each other.
So you on the payroll or a volunteer?
That was an accident and he had no way of knowing that. He didn't aim at women or children.
I didn't say that. I said that the action of shooting at Kevin Harris and accidentally hitting Vicky Weaver isn't in and of itself evil or wrong. No jury has ever convicted him of anything, and none ever will because you can't really justify a charge.
I also did not say this. Why are you being so dishonest?
Easy target. Mormons won't sue or cut your head off if you insult them
Let's assume it was an accident, he still should have been charged for 2 counts of involuntary manslaughter, if not 2nd degree murder. But he didn't get neither
Yeah, because he shot at a legitimate target, and he didn't shoot in a reckless manner. This is why there were no charges.
No, you didn't. You said he did nothing wrong, which encompasses working for the FBI, partaking in Ruby Ridge and murdering innocents.
You can't be this much of a brainlet, can you?
Shooting a target while not knowing what is behind said target is reckless manner
Y-you don't own a gun, do you?
No, there were no charges because Ruby Ridge was a political stunt by the Clinton administration. They could've set those people on fire and they would've got away with… Oh, wait…
That's a common expression, and I clarified exactly what I meant. You being a disingenuous shitposter doesn't change that.
This is not an argument.
Are you saying Timothy McVeigh was forced to do the Oklahoma City bombing? This is just retarded. McVeigh was just a terrorist failure.
No, actually, it's not. You have to have a reasonable belief that there are people behind your target in order for it to be reckless. There was no way for Horiuchi to know that.
And they didn't even make them cool looking like some sort of neo-Templars or whatever. gay.
I own several, and more than you ever will.
You're going to have to provide evidence for this assertion.
Says the baitposter.
He killed 168 people as a direct result of Ruby Ridge & Waco, ya dingus. He's explained multiple times that your based chink was the reason why, too.
Volunteer it is.
The problem with Horiuchi is very simple: He obviously agreed with the actions, because he boasted about it, and bragged about it, and tried to spin his work into a consulting career. A man with a shred of conscience and moral fiber could have allowed himself to get dragged into the situation out of a misguided sense of duty and patriotism, but how exactly would someone with a soul live with themselves after knowing they followed orders and took that shot and innocents died because of it?
I'm sure you've got your personal reasons to explain away his actions, you or someone you know refuses to cut your ties with zog because a steady paycheck and benefits just makes life too comfortable. I get it, but one day you're going to have to examine yourself and your own moral cowardice and if you're very lucky it will be before the same sort of situation transpires again, but this time the other side understands how the game is going to play out.
I don't think it was bait. It was just a joke, and if it was bait, then you fell for it. Nice job, autist.
No, he killed 168 people because he was a paranoid idiot that believed in conspiracies like you.
Yes, idiot, I do. The problem with that is that Horiuchi wasn't shooting at a range. Sometimes collateral damage occurs. A reasonable person must believe there are innocents behind his target for it to be considered reckless. There was no way for him to know or predict that this would be the case, nor did he have a way of knowing the way his bullet would travel after it hit Harris. You have to show that he did know in order to find any wrongdoing. I'm still waiting on proof of what you said. I don't care how much you meme it.
Honestly, that's another issue. I was talking specifically about the shot he took, and he was vilified for it long before he tried to keep his career going, which you really can't blame a guy for trying to make a living.
I don't know about the ZOG(lol), but I no longer have any ties to the US government. I have friends who are police officers, two of them SWAT in Dallas. We've talked about this, but none of them have ever found wrongdoing in their opinion. I'm open to changing my mind, but I just don't see the justification for the amount of hate Horiuchi gets for taking a shot that nobody can see anything wrong with.
You've written a screed defending a murderer, who killed innocent civilians because he could, on Zig Forums. You're baiting.
Not according to his own words, or anyone who's written on the topic.
I demand proof. :^)
Fuck, you should've just said you're a terminal case. Fuck you for ruining this thread, you 80> IQ subhuman.
We already reached that with STD, torchwood, and numerous other shows.
Garbage like this is why EVERYONE is pirating reruns of their favorite shows, and not watching TV anymore.
No, you're misrepresenting what actually happened. He shot at Harris and accidentally hit Vicky Weaver, whom he had no way of knowing was behind that door.
How come nobody else bombed buildings because of this event? Must be because one didn't directly lead to the other if not for the fact that McVeigh was a conspiracy theorist that took things to their logical conclusion.
For one, he was never charged, and second, he would have had to have omniscience to know that Vicky Weaver was behind that door. Otherwise, you'll have to explain how he knew that she was there behind a closed door.
Hindsight is 20/20. Harris was armed and Horiuchi, as well as the rest of the snipers had orders to engage all armed males. If wrongdoing occurred, it happened with the ones giving the orders. Any sniper would have done what he did given those directives.
Cops get convicted when they are found to have been wrong. Horiuchi had his charges dismissed as everyone knew they couldn't pin a thing on him. How do you explain this?
Okay, then we'll agree to disagree, but I've told you why I believe what I believe. It doesn't matter anyway. My opinion is worth as much as yours and affects as much, which is to say not at all.
According to your own government, it was unconstitutional. :^)
That doesn't even make sense.
Refer back to the senate report. He shouldn't have shot a fleeing man. As a former ZOGbot, you should know this much.
Yeah, and he went against the rules of engagement. That's premeditated.
Cops rarely get convicted, even when they're found to have been wrong. Horiuchi is a great example of that.
No, it's worth less, since you actively refuse to face the simple facts of the case.
Tbqh, the last video game I’ll probably ever care about is Ace Combat 7. After that, there is literally nothing else in the industry I would buy. Battlefield, Mass Effect and Star Wars were the only series I really liked and EA successfully drove them all into the ground.
Burn it all, idgaf.
That's probably the most diverse group of white supremacist I've ever seen on that video
They got their models from a Zig Forums meet up
This is a video game, user.
At this point, I'm just going to assume that the "good guys" are whoever the jewdicial system is punishing the hardest. Pic related is the greatest American hero since Jefferson.
I wish there was a game where you were in one of those cult militias rising up. But the gov would ban any fps where you were fighting gov troops.
They're making another AC game, with ridiculously designed arsenal aircraft, and Jap tier political bullshit in the background. Thanks for making my day m80.
You telling me they'd have to changed them for robots, or something?
You forget that they're getting funded by the canadian government.
I feel you. The only games I've played in the last few months are World of Guns and Tetris.
There's a rather distinct difference between a game that involves shooting a fictional unit of muhreens in an alien invasion, and a scenario about separatists of any stripe actually challenging the .gov.
Doesn't every creative outlet in Canadian get government funding? I remember reading somewhere that those terrible Canadian flash cartoons like Johnny Test are basically embezzlement.
Winner of the argument based on this post with adequate proof from the DoJ.
t. objective lurker
Glad you enjoyed it. AC7 is one of a very few things I’m actually looking forward to.
People watch torchwood?
Remember when it was places like Fox complaining about vidya?
Except you've basically become a fugitive, and are actively killing not only marines, but black operative soldiers. The 90's were a quaint time to be concerned about the government, and it showed in just about every piece of speculative fiction, until the towers fell.
tbh the black ops only show up twice and have no backstory behind them before OpFor.
The swaying tits were pretty funny. Apparently they were cut in the German version of the game, which looks like an abomination in every possible way.
Even Fox News called out trump anti-video game statement. Even Alex Jones was smart enough to get off the trump train. Can’t say the same of Zig Forums. Leftists media is getting triggered by Fortnite right now.
wise man
no they wouldn't, you're a retard
The boob jiggle is also absent from OpFor, for some odd reason.
He put you limp wristed fedcucks in your place for a solid 20 years
Ayy auscunt, were you the one saying that reddit coming here would be a good thing in that other thread? Because this is what Reddit brings to the table, the defence of a man who was at both waco and ruby ridge.
I don't know why they're holding onto the "trump is baste" meme so hard.
Mods are not even trying to hide the fact people are being banned for calling out trump gun control policies and Israeli aid.
On behalf of everyone who isn't a total feminist cuck, I accept your apology for throwing adult guys in jail for banging the willing, hot-ass teeniebopper girls every guy wants. Better late than never you massive fucking faggot.
Face it, you walked right into that.
fbi sniper just doing his duty,
like posing in the middle of ruins
for a good pic.
So you are saying he should be excused for not checking what is behind his target because?
It is all the usual suspects so nothing really new.
Audibly chuckled.
They're there to cover up the failed coverup. Good luck getting a fictitious parody of American politics, after the Patriot Act.
Waco and Ruby were just more cases of the gov freely killing white people after initiating bullshit conflicts and trying to ruin their lives.
"The ruby dude had every right to shoot at the feds, not just because they tried to murder him at first sight, but because they wanted to ruin his life over an alleged gun that was a particular length they didn't like. Same principle applies to waco" -timmy turnveigh
How long will it be before some faggot behind the right desk wants you in a concrete cage for the rest of your life? btw, cucks will burn in Hell forever alongside the kikes
Didn't the ATF even pose as gun dealers and try to sell him illegal firearms at one point?
Doing it for years, they illegaly run gun shops that sell illegal firearms to unknowing customers then arrest them.
Last year one of the regional bosses while running a sting shop tried ot make a home made gloryhole in his hotel room and tried to use his power to make the hotel drop the case.
Ending is the biggest fuck you to atheists and leftists of all time!
Yeah, that about sums up Waco. They still had to force the pozzed anti-2nd message and Cod:MW inspired nuke, but at least the ending wasn't "muh based feds."
Read the comments. SJWs and the ((skeptic)) community are badly triggered.
How do you access the comments from a HookTube embed?
By going directly on the hooktube website
And how do you do that via the embed? All I can seem to get to is the video itself.
I found the thing by just going to HookTube and looking at recent videos, but I still don't know how to find comments from embeds in general.
You can’t see the comments? I could see the comments just fine by the link alone. hooktube.com
I'm on Jewgle Chrome, so that may be why.
Try bing or safari.
You can also reload the page and right click before starting the video. It should give you the option to open it in a new tab.
t. Failfox
Lmao get Brave.
Everyone in here should drop Chrome yesterday.
Holy shit, I just watched the endings on hooktube and the screeching from leftists is unreal.
I guess the irony of Farcry 4's villain being right the whole time was completely lost on them.