Shameless selfbump.
Here's another bump for you, Grk. Happy anniversary!
Very nice
Thanks greatest ally.
I owe you one.
Reminder that we slaughtered over 40,000 Turkish subhumans in Peloponnese and the Turks are still asshurt
Keep on annihilating Muslim Scum!
We still have Turks today, looks like you missed a few.
What does this have to do with Zig Forums? Also where's the debpts payment, OP?
Come and get them fag :^)
Says the country who literally didn't have the balls to fight them themselves and had to send over a bunch of upside-downs to remove kebab and fail while they were too busy getting the best of their nation killed for the thankless frogs.
Is this a rethorical question, burger? It's like asking what does the 4th of July have to do with America.
Look, in all honesty I don't think you guys are in a position to mock people about their debt right now. I'm pretty sure your own national debt will break records what with the trillion dollar blank check handed to Trump, coupled with decreased govt. revenue and increased, senseless spending.
Well yeah, what does it have to do with America? The Delcaration of Independence wasn't officially ratified and signed until August 2nd, 1776, and the declaration was passed by the congress on July 2nd. July 4th isn't even really important in the timeline of the Delcaration's life, it's wording was just approved on that day.
Come on Swamp Germany. That's not fair and you know it. The Diggers looked like they were going to get the job done, you would have trusted them too.
What's the point of self appreciation?
Stronger nationalist movement against (((foreign))) influence
Forgive me Grecian for not knowing, but what happened?
A bunch of Greeks got bored and started a revolution with next to zero chance of success and somehow memed it into reality
Sad that you're little more than turks nowadays. Oh well, i guess the cuckantine empire is to blame.
Well said my white friend.
What's wrong with the Byzantine Empire?
All the Palaiologoi minus the last one.
Retaking and purging of Constantinople when?
It will happen when the world is ready for it. Because when it does happen it's going to be the biggest, greatest genocide ever recorded in history. 80 million Turks live on this earth, 80 million shall die
It's literally a matter of time right now (if you are a believer in the supernatural)- one very respected greek monk from Mt. Athos predicted it occurring in the not-too-distant future, and he was canonized as a Saint recently.
The future looks bright.
Looks more like someone want's to be noticed.