ITT: We discuss how to ensure YT never gets another dime from us.
1. Adblock
2. Browsers such as Brave
3. Downloading the best videos and then leaving forever.
Any other good ones?
ITT: We discuss how to ensure YT never gets another dime from us.
1. Adblock
2. Browsers such as Brave
3. Downloading the best videos and then leaving forever.
Any other good ones?
Other urls found in this thread:
Use Hooktube or Full30.
Watch Inrange TV
There was is a Zig Forums thread on this subject that was started shortly after the James Damore drama. Read it over.
Imagine the harm we could do to Google if we convinced every single normalfag gun owner and conservative to install Adnauseam and just abandon Gmail outright. That last one is really important, too. Most conservatives should understand that there's no such thing as a free lunch, and that you're the product with these free services. Convincing them to move over to a paid email service like fastmail, startmail, or others shouldn't be hard–especially in the wake of the #DeleteFacebook drama that's taken over the lefties. People are primed right now for reliable information on how to avoid being spied upon.
We should do our part to bleed Google dry with a million pin pricks.
Go to bed Karol, you're embarrassing.
Thoughts on protonmail and other similar services?
I’d shill ProtonMail all day errday. I have 1 paid account for amrron and now I use a free account in place of my old gmail. I know nothing is sacred, but jewgle literally allows anyone and everyone to comb through your shit.
Right now I'm using both protonmail and jewgle mail. Unfortunately some uni-related shit requires me to use google services so for the time being I can't kill it completely.
ublock origin, brave, use something like "alternate dns" the ad blocking dns to all connections on your network, I set it as my routers pass through.
Just a few basic ones for starters.
Yo I think hooktube has changed my life. Thank you.
Shit thread, OP
Last I checked, Protonmail still didn't support IMAP/POP3, which is a deal killer for me because I use the Clawsmail email client. Everything else about them sounded great, though.
People use the web without this? People that browse here use the web without this?
Also, use NoScript as well, you pleb.
What the actual fuck?! Just what the fuck is wrong with those teeth?! I mean, I smoke 2 packs a day, the occasional cigar, and a pipe or two whenever the mood strikes, and my teeth aren't even half as bad as those! I've seen 3 packs a day meth addicts with better teeth than that!
Seriously! Does he use his teeth to treat raw sewage or something, or did he just do a mud test on them?
repeat after me, "uBlock Origin"
even if you're just saying adblock as a generic name for the type of software, nubs reading your post are still going to google for "adblock" and end up with spyware.
Coke. Refined sugar will fuck your shit up if you're not careful. Though it might just be the lighting making his teeth look darker than they are
Psychiatric medications. Antidepressants.
It's a fresh kind of hell.
Could be the case, since most of them dry up your mouth. But I was on psychiatric meds before, and I used to smoke four-five packs a day and drink four-six mugs of tar-thick coffee, and even my teeth weren't fucked up that bad. I admit, they got dirty faster than usual, but not to this extent. Mostly my tongue suffered.
Listen to this guy, there's also Ad NAuseaum which not only blocks ads for you it virtually clicks them for you fucking up their analytics and costs them money.
Use youtube-dl (
1) If you're a student at a university: Invite someone from YT to speak at your university on any topic related to YT, especially content policies.
2) Give them an introduction, then just as they're about to speak, kill the mic.
3) When they ask about technical difficulties tell them that YT policies are discriminatory and hurtful, and for that reason you have placed the speaker in a "limited state" by cutting off the feed from their mic.
4) Record the whole thing and upload to YT, BC,, vimeo, etc.
5) ???
6) Profit.
well, im hardcore shilling
so is pale moon a good browser to use?
How many people do you communicate with that also use ProtonMail? Protip, if it's less than all of them, you're wasting money on a worthless service.
Personally, I've found NoScript as more of a nuisance that I have to constantly whitelist websites for rather than something actually helpful. Most of the time it just indiscriminately breaks html. On top of that, my browser automatically clears cookies every time it's restarted so I have to re-whitelist everything. Now that I'm thinking about it, I literally cannot recall a single time where it actually stopped a malicious script from running.
Better than the typical botnet mainstream ones, at the least. I use it as my secondary browser, Iridium as my primary.
I actually like noscript for the same reasons you whine about it. Being able to slowly pick scripts until the page actually works is more worth it to me than running them all at once.
You don't even need noscript if you have ublock origin. There is a mode in ublock origin under advanced user settings that does the exact same thing as noscript. So you have a combined adblocker with script blocker under the same add on in ublock origin.
I use Pale Moon. It's basically firefox 10 years ago, which if you ever used it back then, you will enjoy. If you haven't, it's way less minimalist.
Well pointless tedium is the entire point of it, if you don't want it why don't you just use windows 8 and run internet explorer?
Are you legitimately retarded or just being purposefully obtuse? The 'entire point' is to stop malicious and annoying scripts. Breaking every single page from every single website, and then not even actually stopping malicious scripts, and forcing you to constantly enable completely innocuous shit like page html, is not a plus. Go be a dumb nigger somewhere else
I'm using Brave right now. What's wrong with it?
But plan on using a spare laptop for some version of linux soon.
Bitchute is great but we need to be able to convince some more popular channels (((preferably ones without a large normie audiences))) to start mirror their work on Bit as a start.
Also switching from a GAYmail account to anything else and using hooktube more often like suggested will help.
Hold my beer.