How relevant is this book still?
How relevant is this book still?
Very. But demolition man was better.
Spot on in its predictions. Meh on its actual revolutionary tactics. Read Brigade
The part where they started rounding up people was pretty spot on. He even goes into detail about how most of the people they rounded up were far from what he expected to be "Racist, fascist, etc" and notes that 4 of them were black families from white neighborhoods. Its just like the labels we get today. It has nothing to do with any race or religion, its just that we disagree with the media majority.
/r/ing pdf
Here ya go streklok i enjoyed my self the story was good. In my wannabe kubrick moments imagine making a movie about it
Thanks m88
or just listen to Will reading the book itself.
Post an emoji face again I fucking dare you, you British cock-sucking faggot.
Zig Forums is bad enough without 4chan/reddit/phonesite/popular social media cancer being posted everywhere.
Are you trying to make a List?
The Turner Diaries is a timeless classic: forty years later and it's just as retarded as the day it was released.
Politically speaking, it is still relevant. Pierce had a gift for predicting how the simplest laws passed under ZOG would negatively effect us down the road. Hell every year more of his predictions come true. How ever the tactics used and discussed in the book are largely outdated. The Northwest Front Novels are more realistic in that regard.
The turner diaries audiobooks needs to be safe from jewtube. They are gold.
It was written in 1978 and aside from a few oddities that the author couldn't account for its pretty accurate.
Heres TV tropes' little tidbit on it
"The Turner Diaries is about a group of white supremacists who are fighting a guerrilla war against the US government in a dystopian era where, controlled by the Israeli Zionists and using the blacks as shock troops, the government terrorizes the public into supporting the "mongrelization" of the white race"
Sounds an awful like everything pol has been saying for the past few years huh.
Its not because this book predicted todays racial politics in the 90s its because todays shitty racial politic are just a continuation of the 90s shitty racial politics.
Ignore that shit im retarded, 1978
It's probably the worst written shit you'll ever read, and you're really not going to get anything out of it.
Nice try, Shlomo
Good ol FedoraWiki, they got triggered hard with the Enemies series by Matt bracken, that was a fantastic read.
I take you've never read the Communist Manifesto.
I like that those cucks chose that particular paragraph. Really makes you think.
more now than ever, though I would say Hunter is even more relevant. It turns out that "Lone Wolf" style terrorism is the ultimate tactic for change.
This my fellow atomwaffen fedapedes. We need 4gw red team planners nao.
You forgot to recommend Siege, my fellow Satanist. I, for one, recommend that everyone on Zig Forums join the AtomWaffenDivision and kill someone, but only after grooming teenage girls on Tumblr and torturing animals. According to the Order of Nine Angles, the higher your kill count, the more secret magic powers you'll get, so shoot for the high score! Just read Liber 333 if you don't believe me! You don't want to be a filthy Noctualian, do you? t. definitely not a fed
Now you've fucking done it. You know who the FUCK you're messing with?
Complete extermination of all non-whites, especially Jews, is not only an excellent idea, not just feasible, but easy, if we're determined to do it. I have a theory about how society works
Was brigade the NWF fatfuck? If so, than I thought it was crap
Reed seej :^)
Epic meme, Anglin dick sucker
Epic meme
>blow your brains out for (((AWD))) goy!
What is bad with siege?
AW is an actual satanic cult that trains its members to kill white people
Read the whole thing around a week ago.
Parts of it read like a Y/A distopian novel that took liberal America as an inspiration. Then I realized I'm living the middle school liberal distopia so I started petting my gun and researching bomb mechanics.
t. TRSodomite
How relevant is this movie still?
Oh goodness, I'm utterly btfo by your ultra powerful TRS memes. Whatever shall I do! I suppose I should go put on a polo and advocate for an orderly transition to third world shithole immediately at my local Republican meetings. ;-)
Fuck you Jew
Andrew Anglin and his duck sucker's on TRS don't like it by their brand is dead
Cry moar kike. No real Whites want to come to your poz parties.
Pretty much. That and Mason shits all over their cuckservative fantasies.
Siege isn't a bad book, but its advocates are feds looking for a return to the 90's crackdown on people like us. Groups like (((AWD))) are determined to commit domestic terrorist attacks because of the book, and they shill it every chance they get in the vain hope it will galvanize disenfranchised lone wolves to do the same. Sure, an actual civil uprising could work in the US, like any country, but all they've managed to achieve is killing one another and a handful of nobodies for personal reasons. This is why Siegefags are joke; not because of what they believe in, but because they're edgy Satanic NazBol gore fetishists.
While on topic, any other books like the diaries/Hunter and the NWF books worth looking at?
An ethnic conflict in the west is inevitable and leftists are wicked little shits which is about all the book got right
Archofuturism 1 and 2 less of a K tier book and more of a political book but still has good content
Care to elaborate?
Also anything by Faye and his contemparies dominique venner and Alan de Bennist. For the most part they are the brains behind Generation identity and the sort of pop ethnic nationalism that has been successful in Europe.
You do realize that there are lots of places that are virtually mono-ethnic states already that don't involve genocide or legal exclusion, right? Why do you feel like you have to kill people simply for being born with a different skin color? What is the point? You're just going to make everyone outside of Zig Forums and the Zig Forums that bleeds over onto Zig Forums hate you. It's bad publicity.
Gradually the character grew to hate them.
Indeed these places like china, india and africa. Each of them have over a billion people of the majority race with most diversity being driven out by local racist nationals. (and they all are having or had both ethnic and religious genocides)
Last year Japan had 20000 asylum seekers and was generous enough to accept 20 of them.
The few white countries like Poland that try to keep their borders moderately closed are under massive jewish financial and media pressure.
Somehow israel is only bit over 75% jewish and there are more jews in united states than there are in israel. How very progressive.
I'm just saying if you want to go live in a place that's all white then you have options without gassing the Jews. It's an unnecessary step that benefits no one and makes everyone around you look bad simply by associating with you on other stuff like weapons.
Are you mentally retarded?
No, there are no white countries m80, and it's because of the kikes, and as long as the kikes exist we will never have safe white countries.
Kill yourself my man.
No explicitly white countries, and anyone who says that it should be explicitly white is fired from his job and/or thrown in jail, depending on where you live.
Might want to check your brain my man.
Sounds like you're just jelly of the superior Jews and East Asians. They're a standard deviation above the norm and considering what's happening to Sweden these days I'd say your country will be in the low 80s soon, if it isn't already.
I have no idea if you're using a VPN, I'm just going to assume you are.
Go into oven Kike.
Sounds like you're just desperate and without any argument.
East Asians have an average IQ of 105, Germans have an average IQ of 105, kikes have an average IQ of 110, and kikes stand for over 25% of all mental health cases in the USA, and they have a host of unique genetic diseases, and East Asians are no where near Western Europeans when it comes to the number of patents per capita, or the discovery and development of new technologies etc. For some reason, only white people are capable of creating the societies, and social institutions where science can be properly developed. And kikestan is reliant upon American foreign aid to fund their military, and state apparatus, they wouldn't exist if it weren't for them leeching on America for resources, and when America balkanizes and falls apart Israel is going to be invaded and all the kikes are going to be exterminated by sandniggers.
Sweden still has fewer non-whites than either France, Britain, Canada, or America, and the IQ of Sweden will most likely never descend below that of the USA. Out of the 2 million immigrants in Sweden about seven hundred thousand are from other European countries.
No you don't, not for long at least. The globe was ran out of places for White flight.
If somebody published the material through Zig Forums, it would be seen as Kobe grade Larp Material.
Ethnic conflict is absolutley going to happen a large scale its already happening and soon people will run out of things to say and thats when things get real. Personally ive been waiting for this since middle school only problem is im 1/4 nig but I would love the chance to throw commies/jews from helicopters.
Sounds like you boys want my recipe.
Into the toxic waste dump it goes, too dangerous to handle
ackshually siege isn't bad, even if you don't agree with some of it. It's all kind of obvious but people like to act like it's telling you to go out and bomb your local federal synagogue
I would love to throw you out of a helicopter, jigaboo
I absolutely hate it when people half ass writing a book. Especially one that is supposed to be national socialist fiction. It was mediocre at best. His pacing was all over the place, attention to detail was lacking, it looked to me as though he was indulging in sexual fantasy for half the book. Not to mention he shilled his 88 precepts in the book, his characters were almost entirely unbelievable. In his story several characters whom had been raised and educated outside of the KD for 15-20 years were suddenly convinced of the aryan cause after reading a handful of the precepts. This does not mention his blatant historical inaccuracies regarding the decline of indo-European paganism. The Baltic pagans in Lithuania remained for several centuries longer than the last of the Nordic or Germanic pagans. And his ending had absolutely zero foreshadowing. It was forced and very much a cop out. He spends half a dozen pages rushing through how the KD rebels go from a few small scattered settlements in the Rockies to being on the cusp of final victory.
Dykes and trannies are mentally ill savages. There a reason why feminists hate gay men.
I always figured it was because faggots don't give them the necessary attention and mostly keep to their faggotry
We also need to make it really easy to get targeted as individuals by the federal government.
This handbook fails to name the jew. Beware.
in its defense I don't see many jews fighting hard in the streets of the USA if RAHOWA breaks out. They will be long gone to tel aviv at that point, though I agree, the reason the west is diverse is due to the jew.
Not only that, it assumes blacks are who the race war will be fought with. Sure, blacks will be involved, but it’ll be mostly Latinos on the other side, there’s more of them and they actively want to take over the land.
Unfortunately cant seem to find these in ebook/pdf format, any help user?
Not like I could have helped it bud if I could I would but atleast im not 1/2 or worse, atleast youll have an expendable for the race war
You're forgetting the path it required to get to that in the book, since it wasn't just "everyone held hands, decided they don't like brown people and the bad guys stopped being evil". It was that it became necessary to nuke five of their own cities and nuke a couple more by getting the government to nuke some too before provoking nuclear war with Russia. You have to take into consideration that this means that over half of all of the people in the US were already dead, with a decent portion of the country being uninhabitable.
1/4 jews were classified as lesser mischlings and were allowed to procreate with aryans as it was seen that the jew could be bred out of them
1/4 nig is not even as bad as 1/4 jew. nigs are just dumb, not consciously hostile towards society. give him an infantry role where he doesn't decide anything and all is good. being a helicopter-thrower falls under that jurisdiction.
They also wanted to send the jews to Madagascar where they could eventually weasel their way back into society like every single other time throughout history they had been kicked out. NSDAP was kind of cucked in retrospect.
except the nuremburg classifications are roughly correct, as in that 1/4 can be bred out and the said mixed-raced carry a disproportionately low amount of the associated racial traits, and you're any edgy child who doesn't know what the madagascar plan was past 'deporting jews'.
When you say "white" what exactly do you mean? Does that include the slavs? Because the krauts considered them sub-humans that got the gas chamber during WW2.
Does it include people from the Iberian peninsula? Because they were conquered by North African Muslims and intermarried. Not by choice but the result is the same.
Italy is a liability in any war even when they have superior equipment and numbers. And nothing noteworthy since the fall of the Western Roman Empire on top of that.
Does it include modern Swedes? Modern Germans? Modern English? The Scots are socialists leaning toward full-blown communism. The IRA and its successor Sinn Fein are openly communist. And as for the Welsh: what do you call a sheep tied to a lamp post in Cardiff? A brothel.
Syrians look pretty white, do they count? Are Greeks white even though they're brown enough to blend in with Turks and Arabs?
I don't understand the thought process behind a "race" war. I especially don't see a single, unified white race coming out on top because there has never been a single unified white race. Or black race, or East Asian race for that matter. There is a world of difference between North Africans and Sub-Saharan Africans. And I can't remember a time when every East Asian country didn't hate their neighbors.
believe it or not laddo, your race is easily determined by your genetic makeup. how do you think shit like 23andme works, witchcraft?
Don't forget the Haavara Agreement Hitler made with Zionists.
The answer is easy, any descendant of a european who's not a jew is white, so, not you. also niggers and arabs born in europe are not european. :^)
23 and me doesn't say "white" or "black", they tell you the specific ethnicity or nationality. That is real science. What I don't buy is the idea of some pan-European monoculture. Europe is and always has been an incredibly divided place with dozens of different cultures, most of whom never got along with any of their neighbors.
And the same is true of every other place on Earth. There isn't a pan-African culture. There isn't a pan-Asian culture (Indians, Russians, and Chinese are not one race or culture).
If you want to make an argument for English culture or Slavic culture or French culture or whatever then do that. But don't give me this bullshit about Poles being indistinguishable from and interchangeable with the English. One group has terrible teeth and the other group are self-destructive morons. I'll let you decided which is which.
what is your point? that because britain, a nation, is not the same thing as france, also a nation, and they have slightly different cultures (comparative to every other culture) it means race doesn't exist? western culture developed in europe by whites. 'whites' refer to caucasians, from the caucasus mountains- also know as europids. they fall under sub-groups, correct, nords, anglos, etc. slavs, which also fall under sub-groups, are technically caucasions, but distant relatives compared to nords or anlgos and as such have a differing average IQ. for a reference, the genetic difference between a sub-saharan african to a eurasian is 0.24, while the difference between humans on average and neanderthals is
We will rise from the ashes after the great conflict between honkeys and niggers and inherit the Earth, my fellow quadroon.