Would nuclear power tunnel borers be good delivery systems for nukes?

They move about 5 meters per hour, but if they are nuclear powered their power source could last for 50 years or more. That's 2000km range.

They could be launched as an unstoppable second strike weapon. They are undetectable, they can't be nuked from the surface and even if detected can move fast enough that nothing can bore down in time to intercept them.

Attached: Tunnel-Boring-Machines1.jpg (1280x664 85.75 KB, 316.6K)

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Think of the awesome power! The energy of the nuclear blast would be transmitted more effectively than through an elastic medium like air. We could even disturb the plaaaaanet core!


Couldn’t you just bore down somewhere you expect the thing to be?
What if in between you and the target theres rocks to weak for tunnels, why bother nuking something 50 years after you want it nuked the war will be over by then and everyone will be dead.

Why are Amerimutts even more vile than the eternal Anglo?

Attached: Amerimutt IQ.jpg (423x495, 99.01K)

The point of second strike weapons is to say "even if you win a war against us, retribution will come to you" - ergo Dead Hand complex, which is designed to act as a hand of the Russian government even if they're all dead. If you knew that if you killed me, my ghost would kill you, would you ever risk killing me?

This discourages war.

Kek, I remember drawing this idea in primary school, during the little stick figure wars my mates and I would have. We would spend a few minutes drawing fortifications, troops, vehicles etc before lining up our books and 'having' the battle, which generally consisted of endless bickering about how battles worked based off films we had seen and stories from our relatives that had been in Vietnam/Korea/WWII/Malaya.
I drew a cliche cold war nuclear bomb with a cork screw on the front and wrote 'NUKE 4 JAMES' on the side. Shit was great, though he started introducing 'bottomless cliffs' (since it's all 2d) that the bomb would fall down.
In general, the side that had drawn the most stick figures would win.
Around year five we got really into cryptography (without computers though) and we would have competitions with each both sides would make a code and the other had to try and crack the enemy code. Obviously being first would make your side victorious.
We used to also run around outside pretending to be soldiers, until a SOCJUS teacher tried to tell us not to 'play war' and told us we couldn't write about military related things in our stories. By year six I had a really nationalistic wog teacher that had a strong interest in military affairs and bitched about Italians and Turks all the time. I remember asking him about why some tanks use manual loaders and he gave me this autistic rant against them that would make any Zig Forumsommando blush. He fucking loved autoloaders. He would've fit in well here.

Attached: SS-AT-rifle-41.jpg (1600x743, 132.68K)

Fucking drunkenness has never affected my spelling but causes me to miss words out.

Only in Melbourne… I'm really fucking jelly. Almost half of my teachers were the run off the mill socjus marxist and the rest fully apolitical.

Holy shit yes. I used to draw maps of fantasy or scifi places and tell my friends :"You are here,you have X, what do you do?" and they would say stuff like "That boat over there, I take it to get to that island!" and then I would tell them that there were pirates on that boat and they would come up with ways to defeat them and every time a fight started because nobody knew how to resolve battles using dice.
It was just tabletop (war)games before knowing how tabletop games actually work.
Gathering sticks in Kindergarten and fighting with them was always fun too. We would build teams and then just run at each other swinging sticks. Only rules were to not hit anyone in the face or over the head. This one kid who wore glasses had to take them off and hand them to one of the girls who would watch us play.
I believe that glasses kid ended up with that girl as his first ever "gf", if hiding in the bushes and sharing sweets counts as having a "gf". He was generally well liked by the girls, because he always said "please" and "thank you" when they took care of his glasses for him. Then my family moved, and I never met him again. Still miss that motherfucker. He was a good friend.
The women looking over us would shout at us to stop fighting, and some of us had to "sit in the corner" for a while if the got caught, but they couldn't have all of us sit there.
In elementary school we would play cops and robbers. At first it was just sticks and beating each other, because it was fun you know. But then we had the idea to add "guns" to the mix. So cops got pistols and could shout BANG at robbers from a distance, but the robbers thought this was unfair and got their own guns, so it all devolved into big shouting matches, where you pop out of cover, do finger guns, shout BANG BANG PEW PEW a couple times and then tell Joshua that you hit him.
And of course Joshua would go "Nuh uh, I hit you first!" and then you keep shouting and it all goes back to more pew pew bang bang I SHOT YOU!.
Good times. What other Zig Forums games did you faggots play?

I was no where near that shithole, thank Christ.
The first time I heard about the holocaust I was 12 and it was with that wog teacher. I think he had to cover the holocaust as part of the curriculum but he sort of glossed over it, talking mostly about the invasion of Greece and Communist atrocities in Eastern Europe [probably not a part of it for (((reasons))) ]. He never once said the J word. I didn't learn about the ebil nahtzees, and G*d's chosen people being gassed until year seven. It came as a real shock to me as I had never heard about any of that shit. I'm still not sure if he only cared about Greeks or he just hated yids. I'm leaning towards the latter considering his hatred of Communism and the JewSSR. Talking about Communist atrocities at all is unusual here, I guess it detracts from those that really matter. :^)

Gangs of abo and islander kids used to fight each other with sling shots. Us Anglos generally avoided them for obvious reasons but there were a few small battles here and there. Abo kids basically never went to school so shit was pretty good and safe there, mostly cops and robbers, sometimes we would pretend to be soldiers in Vietnam. Inspired by relatives, no doubt. In kindergarten we would use skipping ropes as whips and play Indiana Jones.

There are earthquake monitors all over the world that detect minute vibrations, you can bet something like this will get detected.
Drill bits for excavation need to be replaced constantly, not feasible for a device that is suppose to operate independently for years.
If anything happens break down or go wrong, there's no way to fix it, reaching it would be a pain in the ass even for whoever deployed it.
In fact you wouldn't be able to communicate to with it at all due to all the rubble and earth blocking radio signals, it would have to be a fire and forget weapon, which is terrible since it had a lead time for years, maybe decades.
Unforeseen seismic activity and groundwater would fuck it up, not to mention it would have to tunnel under the ocean if you wanted intercontinental strikes.

You are a retarded child for even suggesting this idea. That machine is just the tip of the spear of an enormous logistical operation, plus it can't dig through soft soil rich in clay. The material it grinds through needs to be removed, and it will always have greater volume when crushed. On top of these problems, the drill and other parts wear out.
I won't even try to address the problems of guiding it.

The maintenance alone is a huge issue.

You can't genuinely do the previous if you don't do the later. Not only the kikes were among the most active slave traders of Greeks during the Ottoman empire but their greatest religious holiday celebrates the massacre if Syriac Greeks by their kike ancestors.

Do not bully the lizards!

I was expecting Hungarian.

I ain't afraid of no alien ghosts!

only losers will get this reference

Attached: 600px-GOM_03.jpg (600x248, 43.13K)

But thats what slbms are for.

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Who are these modern light cavalry? Looks dope as fuck.


Yeah, i think the guys in this pic are being used as light cavalry, this pic is from the iran iraq war, i think they are iranians

I do what I want.

Attached: lizards are just tape measures.mp4 (1280x720, 3.89M)

Just wall yourselves in already, holy shit. Even the Chinese are more humane than you, and they don't have souls.

Alright Chen?

If it was bothering the lizard it would be freaking out and hissing.

There were Cold War projects, the Nuclear Subterrenes, that used heated tungsten prows to melt through the bedrock.
The Soviets actually built and tested one, but the reactor blew up, and the project was cancelled.

Attached: subterrene18-забытых-изобретений-1200x675.jpg (800x522 112.29 KB, 83.88K)

Lmao, can I be blamed for loving soviet tech? Its like their brains constantly switching between ork/genius mode.

What kind of lizard is that?

Please go back to reddit, this is a place where people want the world to fucking end so we can all die.

Kill yourself.

Looks like an Argus. I wouldn't grab its tongue though that's the lizard's primary sensory organ. I'd imagine any flesh that soft hurts when pinched.

Attached: Monitor1-600.jpg (600x400, 119.51K)

The crown on the front mud guard identifies them as Iranian troops, yes.
Looks like one of those lighting mass assaults they apparently used. Interestingly enough a lot of the first gulf war is not well recorded, especially these assaults. Iran covered them up when they failed, and Iraq overstated all numbers anyways, so neither of the sides can be trusted.

Also reminds me of the millennium challenge 2002.

Did it actually malfunction,, this sounds like a Bond story

But where does the rock-poop go?

You may say that the goyim will rise upon us, arms in hand, if they guess what is going on before the time comes; but in the West we have against this a manoeuvre of such appalling terror that the very stoutest hearts quail – the undergrounds, metropolitains, those subterranean corridors which, before the time comes, will be driven under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown into the air with all their organizations and archives.

Or it might be pleasurable. My tits and dick don't hurt when pinched, neither does my tongue.

Lizards are not humans, but being a Canadian you probably got confused since you stuck your dick into one at least once already.

That lizard looks mildly annoyed at worst. Stop being an asshat.

Who hasn't fucked scalie pucci.

Bechtel corporation has been building and operating them for nigh-on to 4 decades, using them to build DUMBs. Look up Philip Schneider.

Just how fat are you Canada?

Attached: yfw you have moobs.png (1440x2560, 1.87M)

Are all canadians trannies?

So, according to my back of the envelope calculations, it takes roughly 460 days, or an year and three months for one of these to reach, say, from just across the DMZ to Seoul for example, if the norks were to launch one, as a hypothetical example (and that's not accounting for the fact that you're tunnelling innaground, and have to snake your way around sometimes because that's what the rock and soil conditions dictate, and therefore probably can't take the shortest possible route, or can't choose an optimal detonation distance at the same time, if any). Are you saying that, given such a long period of time, and taking the simple arguments other Streloks put forward against the retardation of such an argument, let alone what common sense dictates, you say this makes a valid, undetectable nuclear delivery strategy, given that at the very least, unless you're planning to bomb the borders themselves, or some remote border town, any half-competent government couldn't even evacuate a town and its assets in the years' time it takes for it to reach any meaningful distance to hit any valid strategic target within the enemy's borders?

DMZ is 55km wide? Nah boi, to get over DMZ only about a month is needed. Since North Korea has had nukes they could have bored 500km in any direction.

Russians could reach America in 1 years…. although given the nature of a TUNNEL they could send a hell of a lot more than just a nuke…

What part of
>from just across the DMZ to Seoul
did you not understand, you failure of reading comprehension?!

The Seoul capital area starts where the DMZ ends. The Seoul metro area is less than 20km from the DMZ.

Where did you get 55km from?

Aright, so suppose I got the figures in my specific, demonstrative hypothetical example wrong. even assuming they tunnel in a straight line that still makes, what, four months, not counting the 4km DMZ itself,. the central point still stands that, unelss a neutral Austria wants to surprise-nuke an unsuspecting, technologically-regressed Bratislava or something, it's quite a stupid option, especially if there are better options available.

I was just fixing your math. Also OP is clearly talking about a retaliation weapon that hits decades even centuries after it starts, and carries a nuke large enough to move tectonic plates.

IMO I disagree with OP, if you can tunnel bore as a weapon of war it would be better to deliver troops with it, than nukes. Or make bunkers.