Improvised Munitions Project

So I'm working on a little project here I think some of you will like.

In short, I tried creating an updated version of the Improvised Munitions handbook, essentially making a collection of relevant PDFs that would satisfactorily contain all the knowledge of the book and more. While making the book, I noticed how shit the publication actually is.The explosives recipes are ridiculously dangerous (almost no safety precautions or specific temperatures listed at where some sensitive explosives would detonate if not carefully watched.) Not even going to mention the illustrations showing an ungloved hand unceremoniously handling high explosives.

The project from there evolved to encompass a slightly wider subject matter covering things like sabotage and militia building. The articles included were no longer for "macgyvering" shitty weapons out of scrap, but were now intended to be recipes for the common citizen with a reasonable amount of time, money, education, and resources to utilize. You know, the people who would need this information the most.

The one thing I keep seeing over and over again as I work on this document is that in this day and age, the information needed to create explosives, homemade guns, and munitions in general are now more available than ever to the common man with the introduction of the internet. There's a problem that I also keeping seeing in that a main chunk of PDFs out there that focus on "Anarchists Cookbook" like topics are usually:

Poorly formatted, (What's the use of your shitty infographic on making C4 in your mom's kitchen if it looks like it was scanned from a book about 25 times and can't be read when printed out?) Outdated, Dangerous, (I get that making explosives is already dangerous, but holy shit even the U.S military was guilty of peddling recipes that would have likely killed you, had you actually tried them.) Or sometimes even just contain flat out misinformation. In short, I'm in the middle of reformatting a shit ton of PDF files, fact checking, researching topics I never knew anything about, etc. and etc. Posted is the planned table of contents for version 3.0 of the document with most of the chapters being done with only a few minor tweaks needed. What I'm aiming for is a manual, sort of a combination of what the Anarchists Cookbook and Improvised Munitions Handbook intended to be, with modern day tactics and accurate information.

It would be immensely helpful if I could get some criticism, recommendations, or links to relevant PDF files. I can't create an "Anarchist's Cookbook" that actually works if I don't know what information people would actually like to SEE in a book like this, so I figured I would ask you guys. Some of the chapter names are really vague so if I need to explain exactly what information I have collected for said chapter for you guys I will if requested.

I want to give citizens the knowledge needed to be able to arm themselves should the government decides that the right to bear arms is no longer self-evident, but no one wants to sift through thousands of shady articles on how to go about making IEDs, and when the time comes to ACTUALLY do so, the common man may no longer have the ability to access said information.

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Other urls found in this thread: Press&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def!YAJzTZSb!PEPWkB9PEVa6kET_mEnFkQ Sprengmeisterreihe/der_grosse_sprengmeister.exe

Should have waited till you were finished. Enjoy your van.

It ain't 1984 just yet, man.

The ATF isn't even trying anymore.

Attached: you can't hurt me jack.jpg (703x720, 61.8K)

I'd like to remind you that a man wrote and published a book on making Biological Weapons just after 9/11 happened that was deemed by experts to be accurate enough that in their opinion it ought to have been illegal to own and read. The guy even had a shit ton of bumper stickers on his car that said shit like "I Love Explosives".

He got about one interview with federal agents and was watched by agents afterwards but was never hauled off to the Ministry of Love like a majority of Zig Forums posters would have you believe. This guy is currently in his 60s and is just fine.

Post what you have or leave mr Fed

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Okay, since you asked. Can't post a complete version since all the files are literally still being edited and are still doc files, but ill post snapshots of the titles of the stuff that I'll be using with quick summaries.


All the above were made by Professor Parabellum and are available for download pretty much anywhere. Should be self explanatory what they're about.

An excerpt from the Improvised Munitions handbook on making single shot guns of a variety of calibers. Meant to be a more "low tech" alternative the other firearms plans.


Self explanatory. Just downloaded the first basic lab safety sheet I could find. Probably will choose a different one.

An article on Wikihow I made into a pdf file on making an effective chemistry lab. At the moment it only has basic info on spill proof floors, ventilation, dedicating certain parts of the lab for storage, and some for actual experiments. Plan on listing off essential lab equipment that will be needed for the recipes presented.

Self explanatory. Sulfuric acid and nitric acid are essential for a large amount of explosives recipes so theres a article dedicated to making these to chemicals and a special distiller that can withstand the powerful acids.


A version of FMX: The Revised Black Book reformatted for easy reading when printed. Currently the recipes are being cross referenced by a lab manual on creating laboratory grade explosives to ensure accuracy. Full of recipes.

Self explanatory. Lots of examples on making blasting caps that are either electric or nonelectric to set off secondary charges. Good for if you're not creative whatsoever.

Reformatted version of a magazine article created by Al Qaeda. Shows an old school way of making an alarm clock detonator.

Shows how to wire a phone to set off detonators.

A couple sections of the improvised munitions handbook that focus on making pipe bombs, napalm, scrap mortars, etc. Basically the important stuff from the book.


Reformatted version of Timothy Tobiason's book on making Bio Weapons.

A basic training manual on using Bio Weapons made by Timothy Tobiason.


Guide on creating a militia by Major George Westermoreland.

Self explanatory. Screenshot of Zig Forums post detailing how to sabotage communications.

Compilation of the /g/ wiki from half-chan that detail exactly what the title entails. Tells you what programs are currently available to remain invisible and anonymous on the interwebs and how to sufficiently wipe your hard drives beyond recovery.


Self explanatory.

Attached: compilation.png (8864x1480, 2.36M)

I want to trust you, I do. But we need all your reference sources as well. We need to be able to give this file to a actual chemist that knows this shit and get the horrified check of approval that the formula doesn't end in our deaths.
After explaining just how stupid the Anarchist's Cookbook is as a guide to an edgelord, I don't want more fucking misinformation in this day and age.

I am now pissed because I began cross referencing this entire PDF I had for explosives and the first recipe is already horribly wrong.

Still, I at least have a reliable reference book to start back to square one the correct way this time. I am currently using The Chemistry of Powder and Explosives as a reference book, since it is the one most backed up by a solid scientific backround and origin and tends to be the book looked at the most by serious forums like Sciencemadness.

This is a good start. Treat this with more respect than climate change loons do with their "science".

I have a couple pdf's that could be related to this. Will dump if needed

Surprised there isn't an improvised PPD-40 design, considering you could build it out of a Dom tube and round stock

sten mark ii is probably easier to build

What about a bd-3008? You don't need to fuck around with the mag well.

i haven't been able to find any schematics or guides on the mp 3008. If you got em post it

Stens tend to be the easiest guns to find easy guides for.

MP3008, the bd-3008 is a semi version produced by SSD

from what I've been able to collect is the mp3008 was a slightly modified version of the stem. Major differences are that it had a vertical mag well as compared to a horizontal one. also some slight modifications to the trigger group

The atf has this information already you nigger, everytime theres a thread about something cool or illegal it: a bunch if fags shout atf instead of contributing, an entrapment thread doesn’t look like that it looks like :hey guys wanna buy a machinegun, meet me at x, or hey join me in my attempt to kill a federal judge, shitthat entrapsment you into actually doing something where an uncover agent can catch you. They’re not going to tell you to saw off your rifle or even to make explosives cause they can’t catch you unless you use them.

Whats wrong with improvised munitions handbook?
Asking for a friend

Sorry, I wasn't very clear on that.

It's good for what it is, a guide on making munitions in very adverse conditions meant for people who have little knowledge on the subject matter. Now some of the chapters are pretty spot on like the sections on firearms, napalm, mortars, etc.

The 2 main problems I have with the book are the explosives recipes. They're just plain dangerous. Even in the adverse, low-resource conditions the book is meant for, I wouldn't even take a chance trying to synthesize HMTD without specific knowing the specific temperatures for runaway nitration, the chemical formulae, etc. Which are, if you didn't know, the very things the book doesn't tell you. It just says, "If this substance starts getting too hot (a very vague description) then pour the whole thing into a river before it blows up." The average citizen has access to more information than that, and I think that should be effectively utilized.

The second problem is more abstract and not really an issue if you don't care about this. Most citizens in 1st world countries have access to more resources than the book assumes the reader has. Sure, you CAN build the one-shot 12 gauge shotgun if you wanted, but why not build a Sten gun if the resources are available to most people at Home Depot? It's more of a gripe that I myself had, but some people are perfectly fine with it.

No idea if these are safe/real/true/operational.
As always for scientific/educational purposes lolny.>>567149

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4th and final to follow

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More fun things for gaity and entertainment

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Here's some shit.

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I like what you're doing mate. Let me know if any of this would help you with your journey and don't be afraid to ask in the thread if you need any help. I'll be checking in to upload anything you want. I've been considering writing my own but despite having more experience than the average joe I don't think it's 'enough' experience.

Good luck. Add your own personal knowledge to the file as well, your own experiences with doing it. He who tries to curtail your access to free information dreams himself your master.

Recoilless because fuck eardrums
40mm reloads because why not

Thank you for your contributions.

I have some more along the same vein, just let me know what you want/need/crave. Anything from .22 zip guns to explosives to take out a tank to rocketry. .
I have nothing on remote control/drones/electronic warfare, that would be useful. Maybe make some tutorials on jamming.
Problem is that there is TOOO much information. I don't know how you plan to prioritize but I wish you the best of luck Strelok. Keep us posted.
Have a bazooka, because the ATFBCIA can't kill you if you've already blown yourself the fuck up from autistic designs like this.

I have plenty on jamming, I think they're in the dumps. Remote detonation manuals here.

Does anyone have a guide on homemade 9mm ammunition? I found one for .38 but I'm trying to keep all homemade gun guides at only 2 calibers, 12 gauge and 9mm to make it easier on the reader.

Hope this helps. I haven't read them but from the table of contents they look to be what you desire. Cheers. Press&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def

I got 90% of my boo/k/ of Zig Forumsnowledge from these three sites and's catalog of Paladin Press Pdfs. Just thought I'd share them for any passing Strelok.

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How it is going with project now

We may have scared him off with too much info at once, honestly.

/r/ing Timothy's stuff

Thanks user, I only knew about murdercube and even though I come here a lot I still don't know much about guns and have a lot to learn.

I'm not scared, I ask out of interest.

I'm not scared, I ask out of interest.

Remember you can go WWI and soak/leave your cartridges bullet-end into feces for a bit before use for potentially infectious shots. That way you don't always need a killshot for a kill.

What did it do to you?

Nyet, you don't leave shit on the bullet, but the bacteria is on there when you load it, which gets into their wound. You don't want liquid shit, definitely solid stuff.

I think they did that in the American Civil War too.

If it works, it works, though the Minie Ball was already plenty deadly.

A bit of shit on a bullet is still shit.


As an option if it's a raifu you particularly love. Soldiers were doing it with their standard issue pieces, obviously.

I've never heard of that. I've heard of wounds always getting infected because men wore the same clothes for months and musket balls would carry fragments of it into them, but I've never heard of it done on purpose.

Well it might just be me remembering something wrong, but I'm pretty confident in it.

I don't think they even knew about germs and bacteria back in the civil war so I doubt they did it on purpose t'ill the great war.

wrong again leaf

What's the book?

Alright so far. A bunch of stuff to do like adding stuff in the militia section of Tactics, reformatting the Bio Warfare Handbook, and fact checking the Explosives Guide. The last one will be a bitch to do because it's already in a PDF format and I deleted the text file version of it, so any changes will drastically change the position of the text and make it look like shit.

Nah man, keep it coming.

Scientific Principles of Improvised Warfare and Home Defense - Volume 6-A: Advanced Biological Weapons Design and Manufacture.

Made by Timothy W. Tobiason.

Holy shit thank you so much for posting this, I've been looking for a document just like this and I was afraid I would have to make it myself.

Honestly, I haven't been hard at work on the damn thing like I should be doing. I'll definitely try to get some more work done on it.

You ought to call it "Improved Munitions"

".The explosives recipes are ridiculously dangerous (almost no safety precautions or specific temperatures listed at where some sensitive explosives would detonate if not carefully watched.) Not even going to mention the illustrations showing an ungloved hand unceremoniously handling high explosives."

That's because those books were rewritten so dumb asses would blow themselves up.

Take your time with the Project.

I have a question when is it complete?

If this is still being written, you may find this useful:

That was a rabbit hole. Thanks.

This torrent is full of goodies

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This is intentional. They want kids to blow off their hands so that the media can pick up on it and scare away others from doing the same thing. Pretty much this
but more focused on the manufacturing part.

keep up the good work user

I found a interesting book for the project

Keep working user, don't be a nigger and give up before it's done.

If you know russian, there were once some guys who made and (presumably) tested many of the recipes in it. There is little info on ofrearms, but plenty of poisons, explosives, tools to get them, places to get them, some encryption stuff, etc. Kind of like cookbook but from those who actually did it. Enjoy.

I found a translation from some Bomb Manuals:

A nice find - but it is translated as is without verification of the content, the scientific formulas, illustration, and figures.

And that's a serious issue! I don't trust them to have got their science 100% right.

For the bio warfare section.

Also, something for a possible chemical weapon section.

Attached: Kommando Botulism.png (1296x3862, 1.06M)

This seems legitimate enough, with my experience. Something about it seems professional and unmalicious but take caution and research the material.

May I suggest, OP, if you do decide to use explosives, to read basic chemistry. I don't have the textbooks for you but there's plenty of videos and if I can find a good one I'll come back. The reason I suggest this is because if you want to go sailing you gotta learn to tie a knot first. There are simple steps to complex things. My interest in IEDs stemmed from a failed science career personally, cytogenetics actually. Hope you're still on this project and best of luck to you. Checking in to help whenever I can.

I would recommend Chemistry of Pyrotechnics by John A. Conkling if you decide to include explosives in this book. I would also suggest pyrotechnic compositions as well - while not as powerful, they can be easier to make and source the chemicals for.

Here I have a foulder of Professor Parabellums plans:!YAJzTZSb!PEPWkB9PEVa6kET_mEnFkQ

Here is another firearm that might be worth considering for the gun section - a key chain gun.

It is cocked by pulling back the ringed piece drawing back the two strikers, which are then locked by the two button pieces with small springs on them, depressing the button will line up the hole allowing the striker to be propelled forwards through it by the spring behind the strikers, the guide rods on the cocking piece keeps them lined up.

The larger button on the second piece allows the two parts to be slid together on the dovetail after loading, and then by pushing the button forwards allows the two parts to be separated to remove the spent shells and reload both chambers.

So you have independent firing of each chamber by simply pushing each of the two smaller buttons.

There is safety but when the thing is assembled prior to cocking the two strikers although in contact with the primers don't look to have anything that could force them forwards if it was dropped so it's probably safe enough to carry loaded.

A nice neat little self defence piece for up close and personal last resort actions. It would also be useful as a modern day liberator.

And here is a video of one being built from scratch.

Attached: xx.jpg (500x397, 29.09K)


If you are that special, then you shouldn't have a fucking gun! Period!

Another version of the keychain gun. This one has a built in safety of sorts. I wouln't trust it but it is better than nothing.

So it's kinda like derringer except much simpler design that's much easier to make.

Exactly. Easy to make, easy to use, easy to discard after use.

Can anyone translate this!?

A high yield method for the extraction and purification of capsaicin

You could have a lot of fun with this!

i.e. KNO3 + Sugar + Capsaicin = Zig Forums tear gas!

Attached: jf60214a035.fp.png_v03.png (778x1035, 284.06K)

I've been reading up on chemical weapons lately, and came across a bunch of publications by Exit International. I have no use for euthanasia, or Exit International, but they have been experimenting with poison gasses for a while.

One such gas is hydrogen sulfide (H2S). This gas is easy to make from unrestricted household chemicals. It is extremely toxic, with a mechanism of action similar to hydrogen cyanide where the gas binds with and destroys the mitochondria within living cells. The gas is a toxic as hydrogen cyanide, but it has a unpleasant rotten egg smell.

Concentrations of over 0.1 percent (1000ppm) will lead to loss of consciousness and rapid death. Production of the gas in confined spaces (with levels in excess of 1 percent) will lead to certain death.

Production of H2S

The gas is easily produced by adding a concentrated acid to an inorganic sulfide. For example, adding concentrated hydrochloric acid to calcium sulfide leads to rapid production of the gas.

2HCL + CaS -→ H2S + CaCL

A common source of sulfides in the west is "Lime Sulphur" - this is used as a common fungicide and insecticide by home gardeners. The main ingredient is calcium polysulfide in aqueous solution.

Simply adding Lime Sulphur to concentrated hydrochloric acid will produce large amounts of the gas. The only issue is finding a way to this so that the operator isnt killed.

Exit International came up with devices to product toxic gases made largely from plumbing parts - but these generate carbon monoxide. That said it should be easy enough to use them for operations (the CoGen V1) or modify them for use in operations (CoGen V2).

CoGen V1 -
CoGen V2 - and

So, user, what do you think? Are these something that we should continue to research? Or should we stick with simpler methods, such as using KNO3/S smoke mixtures?

If you know German, here I have a nice program with some explosives synthesis. Sprengmeisterreihe/der_grosse_sprengmeister.exe


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