What are all the ways a person may "lose" their guns. Of course we've all heard of the classic "boating accident", but do you really think any of the alphabets will believe that after they kick down your door and/or shoot your dog. At the moment, civilians can sell to eachother without any paperwork, but, that will again lead to problems when you cant even remember basic details about the person, such as their name or how you contacted.
Are there any solid ways a person could theoretical lose a safe full of assault weapons and ghost guns before a door to door gun grab happens?
Boating accidents
I destroyed them
Are they really that smooth, no questions asked? Never been to one because I'm not a jew
At the moment the only solution I can think of is: "sell" them to a grandma or an old lady you can trust. And by old I mean real old. Senile old, and tell them about your plan.
Guys have successfully sold old plumbing taped to a sawed-off two by four at buybacks, they can't exactly keep strict records.
If they take our boats we will have no defense against the USN.
Are you saying the next gun grab will be a mass confiscation of cargo ships?
Doesn't have to be the actual buyback people, you just sold it to a guy there who was offering cash instead of gift cards.
Ban Assault Cargo Ships now!
Going by recent reports from the USN in the pacific you're talking about some absolutely devastating, civilian owned, anti-ship weapons.
How many ex gangsters would turn in their guns if it really was no records?
*if they really did have records
Nice, try FBI, trying coming up with your own list of places to investigate instead of asking Zig Forums to do your work.
The only right answer in this thread.
Sold all of my AK and AR pattern rifles during the panic.
This, just be sure to take out at least 2 of them before they take you out, streloks
Remember when some guy sold plastic shells of cases that held Javelin missiles and he got gift cards for them
Boating accidents are defeatism.
How about, instead of you having an unfortunate boating accident, the good ATF men who come for your guns have an unfortunate 'friendly fire' accident?
Damn straight.
Fucking checked.
I think the obvious solution is to make your house a boat and sail away.
Couldn't you just say the gun broke and you threw it in the trash after disabling it according to ATF specifications??
Why would the government want my "ghost guns" mr ATF!
feds grabbing guns from spineless boomers wont unrape you, once it kicks off your butthole becomes mine