
Any other examples of Americans totally fucking destroying priceless pieces of militaria for pure profit?

Attached: americand.jpg (1920x1080, 309.88K)

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I just read that they didn't even import this. This was a legal transferable machinegun and they blow torched it anyway.

Really? How would they do that in any profitable way? The untorched gun would have been worth much, much more, and IMA wouldn't have any way of getting non-transferables.

It says acquired from a police force. My guess is it was an unregistered GI bringback that was seized and sold through police auction on condition that it be demilled to legal standards.
If it was a transferable though somebody needs drug through the streets.

My guess is that it's this exact piece. I doubt there are two people stupid enough to bring something like this to a cop buyback.

But the weapon is pretty much ruined and getting a repro receiver would probably be a very difficult affair. this ain't like an AK.

Not likely registered, a lot of people were paranoid as fuck about that and hid them/had absolutely no idea and didn't register/died before it was supposed to be registered.

Really this is just a giant clump of useless parts - they definitely do not interchange well with other rifles without handfitting.

Can I get a source on it being a transferable?

If it really was an unregistered firearm we're lucky the Feds even let them render it into a parts kit. You aren't , with limited exception for those licensed to manufacture, going to be able to legally replace the receiver anyways. Not without significantly redesigning it into a semi-automatic weapon.

Changing it to semi only should be easier than finding or fabricating a new receiver

You can't legally convert an automatic receiver to semi-only without first cutting the receiver as shown in the photograph. Taking a complete automatic receiver and adding denial features is non-compliant, it will still be a machinegun even if it only fires semi-auto. To be legal you have to first torch cut, add denial features, then finish welding. I know it's retarded, but US laws concerning machineguns are retarded. If you can get a semi-auto receiver design approved or base your design on an already approved design you would, in theory, be free to build the receiver back up in a semi-auto configuration. The approval isn't required by law but is highly suggested as if the ATF rules your changes weren't significant enough to prevent reconversion you'll get ass fucked in court.

My understanding is that the StG's full auto features are completely embedded in the fire control housing, and all you'd have to do is mechanically deny the push pin from the "D" position, like welding it. And the replacement of the FC housing would be a major bitch.

Irrelevant. If the receiver is of a firearm capable of full-auto fire, it is, by legal definition, a machine gun regardless of whatever part influences it. For it to be legally semi-automatic, it must be destroyed in a proper manner and the parts used to create a "new" receiver.
Them's the rules in the Land of the Freeā„¢.

To add onto this - if you rebuild an StG44 receiver and attach an unmodified FCG, it will still be illegal due to the FCG managing its full auto capability.

Yeah, the laws are stupid. Remove the original FCG and it's still a machine gun. Rebuild the receiver and it's not a machine gun - unless you attach the original FCG that allows full auto fire, in which the FCG is the regulated part.

Ironic when the new semi receiver would be identical to an FA model but the FC housing would be radically different. I think what SSD did was simply change the physical width of the housing so original full auto parts wouldn't fit, but of course, the upper receivers are exactly the same as original.

I have real doubts that the receiver dimensions are the same. Are you sure? I'm not sure that would be approved. Generally the receiver inner measurements will also be changed with a "denial island" incorporated. Otherwise you could fit an original FC group and bolt and have a full-auto fun. ATF is very unlikely to let that fly.

PTR and, by extension, Century Arms modified their G3/CETME rifles by eliminating the paddle release and changing the dimensions to disallow the installation of the original FCG or housing.
Really it's the only thing you can do to guarantee it won't be converted in the eyes of the law.

Whatever happened to those StG repros?

SSD (the Marstar German ones) or HMG (the American modified ones)?

SSD still makes them, Marstar doesn't carry them any more but you might be able to special order one.

The HMG ones are being sold but you'd have to import it but it costs some money.

Has the quality on the SSD ones improved any? The 200 imported into the US were so shit nobody in the industry is willing to touch them anymore.

Yeah, they have.

At least they torched that one, quite a lot of shit IMA imports, they just permanently demill it so they can sell it to faggot collectors who want things that look like guns, but are too scared to buy real guns.

Kek, no, they're still taking preorders

They're happily taking money for them, but that's not the same as being sold.

New machineguns are not available for import and manufacture under the NFA. You can make them as a manufacturer "dealer sample" apparently though.