How do you deal with an extremely restrictive country?
How do you deal with an extremely restrictive country?
impeach the president :^)
Go the fuck back to reddit.
Fucking hell, it would be so easy…
Win a lot of money if you can. You have to work a huge lot, or you have to go rogue. I would not chose the latter.
Then move out while you still can.
I mean, the entire earth is more or less a living prison now. The more globalized the world is, the more of a prison it is, anywhere you could be (surveillance of airport, international police, unification of entire continent (european union, african union etc..) that unify the laws etc..).
Be free in your damn head. Knowledge is the most valuable asset you could ever have. And they can't extract it from your head (yet).
If you know how to *make*, no matter the time, the laws, if you still can have drills in your garage, anything is possible.
No u
Join army or police like real men do.
Commit felonies
Luty boasted and bragged about his illegal subgun and it still took UK cops ages to catch him.
Do not comply
Besides the high risk involved in anything like that, you still wouldn't be able to buy anything from gun shops, not even ammunition.
You take to the highlands and champion the jacobite cause to drive out the windsor niggers
For the vast majority of people just get on with life. That's true even down to the crazy countries like Saudi Arabia if you've ever spoken to someone from one of those. Humans are terrifyingly adaptable creatures and once the initial shock of something, good or bad, wears off they ignore it and move on. You could show someone the most beautiful sight in the universe and after a few minutes they'd get bored and want to go home.
Half of the highlands are still the most hardcore form of Presbyterian they aren't going to back a Catholic monarch even now.
If a revolution comes to any European country it isn't going to be about Catholics, protestants or Presbyterians you are fighting yesterday's war m8
I would expect nothing less from Brazil
Can you get casings?
Can you get a hydraulic press?
I will also like to add the prince married a Jewish African so I really don't think anyone gives a shit anymore. Polite sage for double post
She married a jew and converted in her first marriage. For what it's worth I believe she is being baptised protestant now.
It ain't worth much when you're literally
Step 1, then, Steal service arms, light up on the fuzz.
Step 1. Don't.
If that doesn't work, just do it illegally. In oppressive countries the government isn't interested in catching criminals, they are interested in controlling law abiding citizens. If you are a criminal, they will ignore you, because it's too dangerous and resource consuming to go after you.
tl;dr if you're a brit you can have a full auto machine gun as long as you rape 1000 little girls
But you can have guns in SA unlike in EU.
You're the one who brought up the Jacobite cause nigger. Do you actually know what the hell it was about? It's inherently a Catholic vs Protestant thing though granted the Protestant angle is complicated with Anglicanism vs Presbyterianism (Anglicanism is closer to Catholicism than Presbyterianism but hardcore Presbyterians as you're likely to find in the Highlands & Islands would rather it than Papism).
The EU really doesn't have a unified policy on guns and you're rather missing the point. To the bulk of the population restriction in any area of life is at first an injustice and then a week or two down the line merely a fact of life. The % of people willing to resist on what is essentially a matter of principle rather than one of life and death is vanishingly small unless you can organise them against a specific - and recent - incident. Revolutions happen because of a catalyst even when people have that feeling deep down that something is wrong.
It was a joke but your autism got in the way.
Well my bad.
Deal as in? What do you do for fun if you still like guns? Or politically?
You know, the 56% meme still kind of works for the UK. They're 100%, mostly, but they are some ugly fuckers. I think it's an anglo thing.
Flee to burgerland. If you get a green card before me tell me how you did it.
Pakis and other shits make up at least a third of their population while 56% whites in America just live in the southwest and urban areas.
>I think it's an anglo thing.
I just have the strangest feeling the main perpetuators behind this meme are British for some odd reason, like it's projection.
100% what, anglo? Saxon? Norman? Jutes? Celt? Roman mognrels?
fuck off we're full
I love how Eurofags give the US shit for using non-metric units when the UK is using even more archaic measurements.
A stone is 14 pounds, retard
In the last census, white British made up 87% of the total population.
Imagine being so inbred that you can't tell the difference between these two.
t. the extra inbred Anglos who had to get sent to quarantine on an island
94% up her in haggisland, 96% white if you count the poles.
97% in my county tbh
I don't think there's anything more british.
Australia's way more inbred than UK
if you dont count abbos the population of Australia started with a few thousand brits, how more inbred can you get?
As I said, an even more archaic measurement. It's so autistic you chose to explain to me what it was by converting it to yet another outdated system of measure. A pound is 2.2 kilos, bongistani.
And that somehow makes it less archaic?
Wait until he starts explaining that a stone is 49,000 grains and 1 clove, 15,855 pennyweights, 5,000 scruples, or an eighth of a hundredweight.
Wait until he starts explaining the pre-decimal bong money.
It's the exact opposite you retard! A kg is roughly 2.2 pounds.
It's the mark of a true Imperialist. Your system archaic, arbitrary and inefficient, but you make all your subjects use it because your colonialist dick is big enough that they don't have a choice. Then you laugh with derision at all the outsiders that hopelessly try to grasp this arcane system, which you know just fine because you grew up learning it and just know everything intuitively. English is also the ultimate Imperial language for very similar reasons.
English is probably one of the easiest, most rational, most regular European languages. Have you ever tried dealing with German or French or Latin?
mfw get told leafland uses metric
mfw only the gas station and roads use it
I've dealt with French and Latin. In terms of rules and sentence structure, Latin is far more consistent and easier to deal with than either of the two. French has fucky spelling and seems to be in an open relationship with consonants, but the consistency in grammatical rules is still a good deal better than english. English has irregular plurals out the ass, irregular verbs out the ass, occasional irregular exceptions in conjugation to otherwise-regular verbs, and laughably inconsistent spelling and pronounciation rules because English has been pilfering vocabulary from other languages for centuries. It's a fucking gangbang bukkake section of linguistics.
It's literally the exact same system of measurement but using a larger unit within that system you utter mong. You don't measure everything in inches, do you? No, you use feet and yards when the number gets too long to use offhand in inches.
I never said it did you autist, I'm merely pointing out that it's just the exact same system as you use, you can't criticize people for using the imperial system when you yourself use the exact same imperial system.
t. uses the imperial system and speaks English too
Not for long I guess once Spanish takes over
You can only pick one of those.
The only consistent grammatical rule in french is that every rule has an exception.
English is piss easy (which is why everyone can learn it), the number of irregular verbs is minimal and easy to remember by heart and there is only 2 tense…
Because if there is actually no exception to that particular rule it means that even that rule is inconsistent.
Welcome to French 101.
I'm not gonna lie, even a monkey could learn english. If high british aristocracy and high tsarist aristocracy used to learn french and even use it nearly as their main language, there is a reason…
Another thing is that filthy gaijin constantly complain about Americans having no culture but the moment we try to do anything the slightest bit different they start crying about it.
Easy doesn't mean "most rational".
Actually, the more complicated a language is, the more diverse it is, the more "powerful" it is.
That's why it is said that for exemple, chinese people are better in maths, just because their language actually allows them to express calculus with less letters, and so they can pass less time actually expressing the calculation, making the calculation faster.
People are talking about roots.
No one cares about your metric system, which is very recent when you look at history.
The USA will never ever be anything else an European colony.
Peoples complains that we have to use US technology, and so use your standards.
Standards is not culture.
Tomorrow, the general standard would likely be imposed by China.
*anything else than
Pre-decimal money was great and it needs to make a comeback. It was an actual part of a real national identity, instead of just being shitty little labour tokens that Mr. Toilberg sometimes gives you if you work extra hard. Every currency is fucking decimal these days - it's the same shit everywhere. Just another step on the road to a one-world currency, followed by discontinuing the smaller coins, and turning the notes into colourful plastic pieces of shit that you'd be embarrassed to even look at. Next stop is (((cashless))), and then it's game over.
Norn Iron?
t. 1848
>Next stop is (((cashless))), and then it's game over.
But digital money is great if you want to run a war economy, as long as it is a closed system where only the government can create new money. You could come up with new and creative forms of taxation, and you wouldn't have to take up any loans.
"the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"
Where do you get the idea that Chinese is "complicated"?
100% Jewish.
A language express the inner spirit of a race. I would not say that there is a total linguistic determinism, especially when you start to learn different languages, but there is a certain reality about that. I'm against linguistic relativism, as I'm against any relativist approach, which are all signs of intellectual degeneracy. From my point of view, the quality of a race is specifically expressed in the language, and so that's your inner racial spirit that actually determine how you take the world. Language is only a subsequent consequence. Ideas can be approached from different paths, and be exalted differently, according to what is the inner qualities of your race. But that doesn't make you wrong, neither anyone else. It's like art, like architecture, it's like nearly anything else actually. The only difference you can make between qualities, is their developpement. For exemple, you can't define a language as superior to another in itself, but you can rank them as how they're developped in litterature, philosophy etc…That's general. You can't isolate language from everything else.
I never said that mandarin was complicated. Mandarin have actually very simple grammar, easy to learn. But the huge power of Mandarin, is that fact that each word, each ideas is represented by one "letter". So actually mandarin is very compact, and by just look at one "letter", you can get an entire concept; when in other language, you have to compose words with a set of letters, so it takes a little more time. That's why mandarin is very hard to learn, because you have to start to being like a middle school student, and that's why I'm saying that some people are explaining the relative chinese superiority in maths calculus as coming from what I just explained.
Napoleon is a criminal, that have been pushed at command because of pure circumstances. He didn't win anything, he just, as a lot of chiefs, expressed the spirit of his people at the time.
He participated in the monstrosity of the french revolution. French revolution which is a made up revolution done by the bourgeois and the masons, to take other France.
The reality is that France is occupied by free masonry since more than 2 centuries.
Napoleon is rotting in his grave. Naming him is really not understanding anything about history. He is the one who engaged war with europe, he is one of the responsible of the mass murder of millions of people. He is party responsible of the mass murder of all of the french young at the time.
He just ended the total destruction of my dear country.
19e century have been the murder of France, and since 20e and today, it's just a rotting corpse moved by strings, hold by free masonry after a very long disease that killed it at the end. Free masonry was just the final blow that ended this dying corpse.
There is sparkles of life, but the body is dead (the spirit long time ago), and will not come back before the end.
I'm not nearly educated enough to comment on French history, so I'm not sure when her decline actually started but I think what dealt the finishing blow to your country was WWI. I don't think France ever recovered after that.
This really is the dumbest of dumb shit comments I've ever seen. If it were the case that Chinese allows faster calculation in its natural language form, then mathematicians and computer scientists around the planet would be using Chinese in calculus computations, rather than fucking mathematical symbolism, since a consequence of this is that Chinese natural language has faster algorithmic efficiency and lower informational complexity than the formalization. Pretty sure, having seen Chinese mathematics papers, it isn't even true either.
Zig Forums ought to really cut it out with the "THE SPIRIT OF RACE IS IN LANGUAGE AND RELATIVITY IS JEWISH" crap, because you guys honestly come across as the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet and do us no favors.
Does anybody under the age of 45 commonly use stone as a weight anymore? I hear it used very rarely now, people either used kilos or pounds.
no need to sperg out i just posted this picture because i liked it
New Zealand.
And he never said our system isn't just as archaic, he was pointing out you get virtually zero shit for it while the US gets mocked for it.
You just break the law man
I've never heard anyone other than Poles use Kilos and the only people who use pounds are Americanised kids brought up by the TV.
Everyone with the exception Britain and Burgerland use kilos
He's talking about people in Britain, lad
I was not talking about high research or anything in the high tier of the science. I was more talking about middle/high school calculus speed test. I don't know why you're such acid.
Why are you putting me in Zig Forums? You're talking to me, not to Zig Forums. I'm not Zig Forums, I'm just myself. You're just putting an etiquette on my head, for the sack of justifying what you think. That's cowardice.
If you want to go deep into the subject, all of these modern ideologies, existentialism, relativism, agnosticism, scientism etc.. are only describing the stat of mind of people of our time. The complete materialization and nihilism that goes through everything and more and more deeply in everything. You're gonna say that these are serious and that that's only where we can be today, and you know what, I'm not even gonna refute that. That's true. Because that's the state of our current world. Extreme materialism, and more and more chaos. The reign of pure quantity. Waiting for the New Age to appear.
But I'm just an idiot, not a philosophy teacher. Very serious people have already destroy all of these ideologies since a long time.
Believe what you want. But we're such in a obscurantist time that being right is actually a matter of pure randomness, whatever randomness means for you. The obscurantism is such strong, that people would start to say that there is no truth at all.
How you are to tell what is making favor or what is not. What is making favor to the world according to you? You know what, that's how it is: There is not progress, and the world is in a continuous degeneracy since its beginning. Nothing will ever be good again. Tomorrow will always be worst than yesterday. So there is no favor to nothing. The faster we fall, the faster all of this monstrous game will end. And that's not cynicism. Because you're the first to call the believe in god being a placebo for not being strong enough to understand the world of how it is.
The faster the better. Some would even say that resisting will actually just make the process that will happen no matter what longer.
Why are you hiding your flag?
I assumed that you meant to, since you expressly wrote that the "more complicated a language is, the more diverse it is, the more 'powerful' it is" and in the context it seemed as if you were putting forward an example to substantiate that claim. If you say it isn't so, then the whole Chinese thing is just seems out-of-place.
Anyway, Chinese isn't really as powerful as you think you are, and neither is compactness in character strings.
Well fuck him over that then, but he still has a point that you never get mocked for it.
It likely has more to do with memorization. Chink kids are taught to memorize their entire shit language from birth, and they work like slaves just to manage to use it. Our children know to speak and write english by age 8 because it's a simple language that makes sense. Chinese kids have only a rudimentary grasp of the language at age 16, and most of them never fully learn the full alphabet. I know adult Chinese people who don't know their entire alphabet, and only use a few dozen symbols.
You hear about how Chinese nation has two languages, Cantonese and Mandarin? Well each of those has subdivisions that sound completely different… Cantonese has four dialects "polite speech", "official's speech", "plain speech", and "yue speech". And all of those have subdividsions, for example Yue has twelve subdividions, similar like english in australia, jamaica, wales, ireland…. Yue can also be compared to the south slavs. The entire nation of China is kind of like the continent of Europe actually. Two main writing systems, the Latin and the Cyrilic alphabet, mirror Cantonese and Mandarin. Then a dozen different languages using one of the two alphabets, like Balto-Slavic, Germanic, Romance… except China has had 5000 years to genocide everyone who even thought about nationalism for his own subgroup, and they also divide their language in "official" and "commonly used" to promote more unity in language.
This teaches them a work ethic which works with math, because math is mostly about practice and work ethic, even retards could go far in math if they just did it 24/7 for 40 years…
Basically Europe will look like China in 1000 years. Nations will be abolished. Everyone will be brown haired, brown eyed, and a shade of taupe. Everyones face will look the same. Everyone will speak a single unifying language as ordained by their government. No one will be permitted to think independently. Insect people.
Are we going to be rounded up on the occasion, and be turned into goy pies?
Kys there is no "alphabet" aside from Pinyin which is just abcs with tones. If you write that on any paper everyone will just laugh at you. It would be like writing English for the Papal See.
Mostly correct, but you are missing on critical point. Chinese has a lot of what I would call "dead end" words that have highly specific meanings you will only see once in your life time. From the usage of these types of words, you can tell the social status, city, village, and job of where someone is from. **The words originated way back in the Warring states perioid were we "borrowed" read: (((Forcibly intergrated))) ethnic minorities.
Thing is with Chinese is that you usually can't understand people in your same state if it's large enough. Nobody gives a damn because all the characters are the same. The reason the most of Han China pieces itself back together usually in a couple hundread years is due to the writing system being unchanged. There are minor variations like how grandfather is maternally and paternally, but you can guess it via the construct of the character. Our systems are actually traditional vs simplified. Traditional for more western leaning countries and simplfied for the commies.
There is a reason Chinese mathematics falls behind US once post college. Reason is simple. In the US we use calculators and what not to assist us in our calculations…. In China people have the documentaries down, but have no idea how to create new things.
Actually it's outbreeding. Case in point, Turkroaches and (((refugees))) in europe 20 years from now.
Yes, But the fundamental reasons will be different. Europe to my limited knowledge has the issue of having too much decentralized power that make the same decisions due to outwards pressure and (((them))) on in. China usually collapses due to a incompetent ruler and the empowering of enunches which is analogous to (((them))), aside from the Mongols/Manchus invading China proper, it's usally petty squabbling like Manzikert that fucks the Chinese over.
Haha, no. Calculus is three characters in Chinese. Which is ~4 Words in English\
Probably, if China is a world power they will step in. The Chinese leadership is not stupid enough to repeat the mistakes of the west although they still repeat historical mistakes in china lol
It should be possible, although I'm not certain.
That's a retarded analysis. It's like saying that modern civilisation is gonna turn like the decadence period of the Roman empire.
The modern civilisation is the decadence period of our entire world, entire time. It's a degenerated civ since the start.
"The USA is the only country that went from birth to decadence without knowing civilisation".
> Europe to my limited knowledge has the issue of having too much decentralized power that make the same decisions due to outwards pressure and (((them))) on in.
The refugee crysis is pushed by the globalist. Everything is under control. This is not an uncontrolled decadence of europe. Moreover, every european countries are slaves to the european union, which have been created by the USA themselves (shit tone of proofs, the founder of EU are actual CIA paid agents). Since the end of WW2, europe is under direct USA domination. Moreover, there is freemasonry that organize "on the ground" the globalism push everywhere. So talking about europe having any leverage in anything is wrong.
History don't repeat itself. Some period, civilisation goes through same stages, because that's how it is, it's like any human being that is gonna go through puberty, adult life, old age and death. But what is actually done, the reason that bring any of these phases are incredibly different from people to people, especially is you look at different times. So even trying to tie Chinese empire degeneracy with ours is retarded.
Never ever in the world happened to be a unique market, with a unique world government (at the certain limit that our material world can allows us to reach obviously). That's something that never existed before. Nemrod got close, with the Babel tower, unifying languages, but failed.
"History repeat itself". That's something I see everywhere, something that is incredibly wrong. But at a certain level, yeah, things can repeat themselves. But that's not an absolute rule concerning everything.
Learn martial art and HEMA I guess?