UCF student arrested and deported for owning guns legally

So now, instead of going after illegal Mexicans, our government is focused on deporting and arresting law abiding student visa recipients based on them owning guns.

He isn't going to be allowed back in the US for 10 years.

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This creeping authoritarianism and leftist social views being enforced will certainly only end well for the west

His mistake was in not being mexican.

Holder would have given him free full autos.

>be a human (as opposed to a mystery meat mongrel) an accomplice to huwite supremacy
giving him benefit of the doubt of not being a chinese spy

I wish XIX century America returned.

How odd. If they're confidential how did the police see them?

What could have been

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But the problem are the guns, the one being owned by sane and independent cisgender people.

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Still though those fucking cops' statements are authoritarian as all hell.

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Ah he pulled the Sam Hyde look.

He was here on a student visa and in the US, you have to attend an X ammount of classes, regardless of your grade. In essence, he broke the terms of his visa. The guns were confiscated given he was no longer an authorized resident.

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One the one hand, RKBA. On the other, one less soulless fucking chink in the US.

He also joked about shooting up the school. Fake news.

I have no problem with the deportation. There are enough chinks in my university for me to know how many deserve it, for this or other reasons.
But everything the officials are saying about it disgusting. It sounds like they did the right thing for entirely wrong reasons and consider it validation of those reasons.

I'd consider the nation a cancer if that were true. It applies to citizens only; a constitution meant for all is meant for none.

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That doesn't make any sense. Do you think people visiting the country somehow give up their right to self defense and other such things?

I believe he means saying the Constitution applies to the whole world. If you can't enforce that application to more than a single country, your failure to meet the stated goals undermines their application within the nation. It goes from the basis of national law to meaningless, unenforceable, nice sounding boilerplate. It's kind of like how UN resolutions are completely toothless and unenforceable.

The only people libshits hate more than whites are east Asians.

I was thinking the same thing, really strange hair style.

I thought he was inspired by the "antagonist" of Far Cry 4.

Refusing to distinguish between citizens and foreigners is a particularly globalist (Not to mention cuckish) viewpoint.

Not yet they don't, once we're gone, maybe

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They're starting to, you'll occasionally see a post of them screeching about muh asian privilege usually by some shade of darkie. Not a whole lot right now but it does exist.
also what the fuck is that thing it looks fucking disgusting why don't you go back to posting that old guy in a cowboy hat while wearing all denim taking a selfie in the mirror but it's all squashed

How did you know it was me?

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Prominent niggers call Asians "accomplices to huwite supremacy" because they had a civilization and culture before whitey came along
and if you're not a nigger, you're clearly an oppressor (^:

I've seen plenty of them straight up calling asians white, pretty soon we'll start to see a serious push by these fucks to basically categorize them as another sub-race of "whiteness" with privilege and exploitation of others.

Poland, you may be a country full of inbred drunks but at least you have the sense to keep negros out.

Negligible amount of gibs and climate keeps them out.

Climate is not so much of an issue, tons of nigs in Jew York and their winters are brutal.

What makes me angry is that this guy is already practically an American when the Mexicans who've in California for decades are still Mexican.

On one hand it's very clear that Asians can suffer badly from SocJus infections (remember Suey Park?), on the the other it's very clear that Asians rank barely above whitey on the great victimhood and racial grievanche totem pole.

I can always count on a bong to post something I've never seen else where.

Well, I meant it just applies to people within the country. You don't suddenly lose the right to a fair trial just because you're on a visa and so on.

You can make a distinction without being a retard. For example, foreigners can't vote and so on.

That's because they get section 8 housing, while homeless whites die in the cold. Hence, it's more about the gibs.

Fucking where do they take requests? I want an m16a1 for larping pourposes

I've had professors legitimately tell everything from asia never experienced harsh colonialism, to even how the west allowed Asian people to flourish in order to denigrate other minority groups. The left oscillates between pumping us to support their niggerhorde, to chastising us for fucking up their narrative.

polite saging myself for potentially blogposting

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And that is why I've manage to convince quite a few Asians to follow the 2A trend. Nigs can't do anything if we're patrolling buildings like rooftop koreans

They already do. Black people get around in China by screaming MUH RACISIMS. Government is a afraid to touch em cause maybe that niggger goes to college, slacks off, and somehow becomes president of Ghana or some shit and decides to not send sweet trade deals. **They're mostly here illegally too."

Usually everyone in China just ignores them until someone decides to murder the local communist party official. In reality Chinese people hate blacks the most after the Russians. Since I go to a school filled with em I get asked a lot by those with young kids questions like:
>How do you deal with these retarded athlete heads I did it by being a better athlete :^)
>My kid gets bullied by some black fucks, if I get them expelled will they murder me in a drive by lol
And so on.
Honestly the reason I don't have many friends is cause everyone is piss shit scared of the niggers that tried to mess with me back in sixth grade.
Sometimes race does you wonders. Imagine what would've happened if I a white guy.

At this point I'm not too sure why the US decided to let more than one major race group in. I could understand maybe a country where'd you get two major race groups, but serriously the Muslim/Hispanic/White/Black groups are gonna fuck each other over cause nobody is ever happy cause some chucklefucks gonna be on the end of the social spectrum.

Really? Is it because of the Sino-Soviet split in the 70s, or there is more to it?
The federal government of the USA isn't run by a single group, it's a collection of agencies and groups that are constantly influenced by lobbyists. Of course it can't come up with a single sane decision.

Except he wasn't, and your post is bait. Ching chang a ding dong, hope he like communist long dong, since that's all that's going to be waiting for him in the jail back "home".

he deported a nonwhite, that's a good thing

Basically the wet dream of most chinese nationalists is to take back outer-manchuria, Tannu Tunva, Mongolia, and all of the Russian Far East.

it will happen to you, too, you idiot

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why live

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Donuts and coffee? I'd enjoy donuts and coffee with you, Strelok.

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oh shit nigger what are you doing

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Kek, nice soyboy diet leaf, try eating more kale, beats, cauliflower, beaf jerky and only drink water from now on.
Watermelons are pretty good too.

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Is that Sam Hyde's chinese assistant?

Most of them who do live there do complain about the climate.

Apply for one at your local cartel.

The CIA backed offer a lot of worker benefits, but aren't as flexible as the privately operating ones

I asumme he means something

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If he got allowed to go to USA he already is a high ranking official or a Spy.
you need a lot of good boy points to go to non Party-approved countries