I want to buy a 1911, not a super custom one like Les Bauer, but a very high end one from the major manufacturers. Who's the best? I'm leaning towards this Colt. It's a little over 1,000.
I've heard Dan Wessons are excellent for the money.
t. Know two fifths of sweet fuck all about pistols
You should avoid Colt on principle. They don't (usually) make shit-tier guns, but they're going to be highly overpriced. Their guns are like the Air Jordans of firearms, fudds will pay top dollar just because a gun has the Colt rollmark on it.
sage for QTDDTOT
Springfield makes excellent 1911's, much less than overpriced Colt's.
I can't help but agree. SA was shitty just like RRA in Illinois getting exceptions to trash state laws, but SA makes good 1911s. Ruger is good too if you want to avoid SA.
Also pic related applicable to thread content.
Delta replaced their 1911s with Glocks. Just sayin'
Coonan made them in .357 Mag. Would love to own one. Best prices are around 1400.
Remington R1 has 100$ mail in rebate. The R1 enhanced is a good 1911 for around 8-900
SA makes outstanding 1911,
- Would recommend Springfield Loaded operator approx $1100
What are your intended uses for it?
Also would highly recommend wilson combat mags regardless of which model you decide to go with. 1911's can be really finicky with mags
I just want to own the ultimate American gun before they're all banned. Nothing would be sweeter than shooting pic-related in the face with a .45acp 1911.
Don't get cucked into buying overpriced handmade pistol. They won't be banned at least for a long time. For that money you can buy a quality rifle instead, either AR or AK. Those are the ones that are first in line to be banned.
Buy an AR-18, goddammit. They're cheap as shit, compared to the regular stuff. If full autos get banned, then that's what you want off the shelves, before it's too late. You can only shoot someone in the face if it's self-defense.
why want 357 mag when we have 357 sig?
.357 sig can't compete against .357 Magnum. Besides that, .357 1911's are a physical shitpost.
Wilson Combat mags are good. I've also had good luck with Check Mate Industries and Chip McCormick mags in my WWII edition SA. I've only had trouble with SWC reloads when I've seated the bullet too deep or too shallow. FMJs, LRN and JHPs no issues at all.
With the recent Remington's bankruptcy Happening I've noticed their 1911's have dropped price. Would that be a good investment or are those shit too?
They're built on slightly refurbished Para tooling by drunken hunstville monkeys. I wouldn't touch one with a hundred foot pole made from glawk brand glawks.
Darn, well inn that case I'lust save my shekels for a mid tier Ruger instead.
Why has no burger ever checked out the kike made Bul 1911s?
The Desert Eagle 1911 is what they're usually branded in the US. Surprisingly nice fit and finish, but fuck IMI.
If only I could.
Whatever you buy put a commander hammer on it, spur hammers bite and yes it draws quite a bit of blood. Doesn't happen to everyone but it's avoidable. Try to get a double stack 22TCM, expensive but it's worth every penny. Outperforms the FN 5.7
Picked up a Springfield 1911 RO Compact today used on the cheap. Looks like it was a safe queen with virtually no wear, but there IS a three digit electropencling on the inside of the slide and seems to be greased up rather than normal lube that I'm used to.
Anyone able to clear up the whats and whys with this?
Might have been sent back as a warranty claim at some point or it was put in there sometime during its build. Does the three digits match up with the frame serial number?
Yeah, actually it does match up with the last 3 digits now that I'm looking. Should I be concerned?
I wouldn't be. More than likely it was stenciled in there to keep everything together in the factory. Matching parts are happy parts.
Whoever had her last ran perhaps a box or two of ammo and just left her filthy. I'm pretty sure what I thought was grease is just burnt powder and factory lube. What kind of monster does not care for their girls?
Is Wilson Combat Hunter .460 Rowland decent?
All australian IP's should be rangebanned from weapons discussion, friendly reminder.
I recently bought a RIA 1911 and it has functioned flawlessly for the 300 rounds I have shot through it.
I heard they had some accuracy issues.
I'm not looking for some match shooter, I mean more along the lines of too high or too low and such. Also, how's the fit 'n' finish?
that's nothing tbh
it's a budget gun. you get what you pay for.
Let me rephrase that.
Along side a basic bitch GI model, history and such aside, can it compete?
What do you mean by compete? Against the GI Springfields, R1's, etc, it will probably function just as well. The main thing you have to worry about is accuracy. Cheapo guns looking to run the gamut on an industry will shoot fine, unless it's horrible garbage like Taurus, it's the accuracy that is the problem because they're off spec because they're simply not made with the same level of care because they want the price to be as low as possible.
The only difference in cheapo guns these days is AR-15's. Certain cheap AR-15 parts can still be really good because that market has been so insanely competitive.
I kind of have difficulty explaining what I want out of it, since I've never had one. To put it simply, when I mean compete, I don't mean some super accurate super duper "high quality" gun. I want something reliable, inexpensive, and powerful. Something I can use and abuse for years, and not be absolutely fucked if I lose it. (Eg, used in self defense and ruined/never returned by police, or stolen by someone.) Reliability, simplicity, and rugged. Like muh Ayy Kays it'll be paired with. I plan to use it and abuse it. Innawoods/survivalist conditions. Not some bench queen chris kyle approved punisher skull goatfucker supershooterâ„¢ 1911 with rails and custom pieces. Only 3000 Mcbucks, includes free 563%er, oathkeeper, and I
I would just get a GI Remington R1 then. They were going for $400 this past black Friday, may still be that low. They're good. Very accurate for a budget gun, I've shot one a good deal. Only downside is that the finish runs off a bit easily, but that's how it is with budget guns.
Looking about $500 right now, which isn't bad. I'll look into getting one, thanks strelok.
Just to give you some info on the 1911. Its a good gun, just finicky. You will need to care for it a bit more than a Glock or some other wonder 9. Lubing it is very important as are quality mags. You're going to want to test every hollow point round you plan on shooting through it (HP ammo can have issues with the feed angle).
Other than that have fun bro, home you end up liking that Remington.
Magazine recommendations.