Family tree thread

Every gun has a lineage, some more storied than others

I autismed together these pics but I'm sure they can be expanded/modified, I also understand there are many prototypes/early developmental guns along the way but I tried to keep it fairly simple

Attached: MG family.jpg (2508x2208 235.48 KB, 306.61K)

The first pic is missing a quickie in a back alley with the StG-44.

Nice concept OP, definitely a lot of potential here.

Gonna be autistic myself, the M1 Carbine is not related to the Garand in any way other than looks.

So the operating system isn't identical? Okay friend.

The FG42 was a copy of the Lewis, not the MG42. The 34 used a different operating mechanism, barrel system, fire control group, etc.

It's "identical" as in it uses a rotating bolt cycled by a charging handle, sure. But then you would have to include almost every other semi-auto rifle ever made at that point.
The M1 Carbine doesn't have a gas tube and it doesn't take enblocs. The firing control group is different as well.

Attached: M1-Carbine-Animation2.gif (900x539, 1.3M)

It's a superior system, though in coming out later the designers had the benefit of hindsight.

That’s just shoddy work fam

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Could you argue the Krag influenced the Johnson M1941 in terms of its bolt shape?

FG wasnt inspired by the 42

Okay, now you're just pretending to be retarded

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (2963x703, 2.52M)

Wait, there isn't a line connecting the M1 to the AR-10

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (222x227, 37.53K)

there wasn't supposed to be a line between the two, I fucked it up

Replace m1 caravan with BM-59

Waste of dubs and time on Zig Forums

Is… Is that a Bubba'd Johnson?

Attached: serveimage.png (1280x720, 388.53K)


Are you retarded?

No but you clearly are

oh dear god I thought slightly sporterized johnsons were the only thing that ever happened to them

Have a long hard look at the image, lad

Attached: 1465226886378.png (667x615, 603.35K)

God, whoever made that deserves to have their guns confiscated

Attached: 1272004124059.jpg (1750x1150, 194.67K)


Attached: Garand's other family with Kalashikov.png (4828x2208, 2.36M)


adding on to this, give proofs. What does he pull from the garand onto the AK?


Also, John Garand was a leaf. Why would "stealing" (if that was in fact what happened) from him be stealing from the Americans?

Go back to 4chan.

you sure showed me

You showed everyone how much of an outsider you are, by posting your gay halfcuck memes. I'm sure you'll say back there that someone "stole" it.