Hey everyone just got myself an AR (my first one) and don't know a whole lot about the world of upgrading it. I have a STAG ARMS STAG-15 with a Samson Star-C floating rail. Just would like to know what I can put on my hand guard rail. What can and cannot fit, what is a good quality name to look for in attachments (grips, flashlights, lasers, and sights). Anything that would really make it better for home defense. I have been shooting since I was 6 so I know a bit more than the average person just the AR platform is new to me so any other insight would be helpful. Thanks.
Recently Got An AR-15 I Could Use Some Tips On Good Attachemtns
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Get a chainsaw.
Ok lets be serious now hahaha.
If it's M LOK like in the pic look into Magpul's line of attachments. M1913 picatinny on the top. Don't buy a poorfag optic, get an aimpoint or Trijicon. You won't regret it
Oh and lights, Surefire or Streamlight. Can't go wrong with either. Inforce is OK too.
High capacity clips, silencer and bump fire stock are top tier.
Expanded fully semi-automatic-capable clipazines are great.
I think Sam Hyde attachment is better.
Attachments a shit. Pry off the rail and get a damn good pair of irons.
Yea probably should have just put an actual picture of what I have.
I love iron sights don't get me wrong but I don't like them for when some thing goes a bump in the night in my house and its dark. I feel like they would just be hard to see. Irons are great during the day though!
Magazine sir and those bump stocks don't interest me at all I feel like I would just shoot like shit moving the gun around so much to bump fire it.
I've got a Stag they are very nice, except that the gas key isn't properly staked. You can easily stake it yourself with a spring-loaded punch tool.
what issues does that cause if it isn't "staked"? I am not really sure what that means.
I'm betting he was just bating haha.
Illuminate your house so that the demons do not bother you, and if all else fails get some proper NV equipment, instead of going halfway with some stupid scope.
I like what you did there hahaha. What would you recommend?
Two screws hold on the gas key to the top of the bolt, and if they are not properly staked they can work loose. Staking just means using a hard pointy tool to smush the metal where the screw and the gas key come together, and this prevents the screw from rotating loose.
Don't sweat the damage to the key, it and the screws are easy/cheap service items.
Gtfo this board normalfaggot.
Ok i'll look into it a bit more. Thanks for the insight.
get the magpul vertical grip, the one fitting the picatinny rail
get a streamlight, 1,000 lumens preferably, which also needs picatinny
what says: don't go cheap on your optic. Get Eotech, Aimpoint, or Trijicon. Ignore the brouhaha about Eotech, unless you plan on fighting in -50 or 140+ degree climates, and all illuminated recticles drift in those conditions, eotech got chewed out just because they said their's absolutely did not, which it does, in truly extreme temperatures.
You must have 2 things: sling and flashlight. Imho best reasonably priced light is Surefire G2X Tactical and sling SOB B-Sling.
After you spend your money on them you can purchase an optic. Affordable optics with good reputation are Holosun and Primary Arms
All this recent,undoubtedly genuine,histeria over firearms has got me thinking.Community representatives should get together with 2A enthusiasts and arrange monthly field trips from their local schools to europe,so kids and teens get to learn proper firearm handling and the adults get the closest they can to combat situations without having to sign up,despite the complete disarmament of european countries,the EU,in their magnanimous wisdom,have set up some kickass urban shooting ranges,you got vehicles,moving targets and last but not least,the ability to see how you fare in a life and death situation,full experience guarenteed.
Tourism increases in key european cities,Happy meals get to learn gun safety which should please the bleeding hearts,Big macs get to blow off some much needed steam,and Burger-Yuro relationships will definitely improve,sure maybe not political ones but social relationships between the countrys populace definitely would.
Seems like an all around good move,petition when.
you can use those things, but the Eotech, Trijicon and Aimpoint are way, way nicer.
You're already spending 200 dollars, just spend a little more and get the better optic.
Yeah i have no idea about slings to be honest I will for sure look into this one thanks.
The optics are a lower priority for me until I get proper attachments for comfort and lighting. The Irons on it now do just fine for me.
Meant to sage obviously,my mistake.
Yeah I was looking at the Magpul grips. I just am not sure on if I would want a short, medium, or long vertical grip. Also what is the difference with the slightly angled ergo grips?
Yeah I agree with teaching more about guns rather than making them seems like an evil objects. We could save so many more lives with education rather than trying to get everything banned.
I recommend whatever you can find that is "closest to home". You'll get quality wherever you look, so long as it's not out of a newspaper ad. Just look to the specs, and make sure it reads solid.
Absolutely disgusting. Trashes your erogonomics in exchange for 100 attachment points you'll, at most, use 4 of (light, laser, sling point, front BUIS) all at the very front.
Light, absolute get a light. A good sling+mounts helps hold someone at gunpoint and is good for general purposes.
For non-home use, grab this stuff
off Midway
(maybe two of the last)
Then grab two of these
and some canteens (new production)
Now you can hold your gear. Look out for an ALICE pack and an under belt.
PA MD-ADS: 50k hours of battery life, fogproof, waterproof, NVG compatible $170.
Aimpoint T2 $750
Nothing rifle is fine.
I actually do have a free floating rail on there the Samson STAR-C. I agree I will need a light so I that I can determine if its the threat in my house or my mother down the hall way in a shit hits the fan type home invasion. I doubt it will ever happen but I want to be prepared.
This. I swear to god, the merchants come out of the woodwork, when you ask about attachments. A sling is of course mandatory, but I would consider that simple equipment, rather than an attachment.
What is better for home defense a two-point or single-point sling?
The Child-Shooter mod. You can mow down 867 kids per minute.
Try both on, and feel which is more comfortable for you. Single points are interesting, and I've been wanting to try one on myself. Can't go wrong with the old fashioned belt loop, though.
Two point. Single point's only advantage is it's easier to make a weapon accept, which is non-existant on modern rifles.
Single-points are largely useless outside of submachine guns, get a two point.
The only advantage single point sling has is that it's easier to shoot from other shoulder without choking yourself… something that can be accomplished with 2 point sling by wearing it like a lanyard. Soo there's really no use for single point sling
That makes a lot of sense to me. Looks like I will be looking at 2-points.
Real fucking obvious you don't belong here. Let me guess, you went /r/t_D>4/pol/>8/pol/>8/k/ ? You faggots are the reason board quality has been fucking atrocious for the last month. The new boss strelok isn't aggressive enough in his board enforcement.
How do I not belong here? No I didn't go to /r/ I asked a buddy who said to ask on here. I don't see any problem asking for advice from a community that enjoys and knows about firearms. I am new to the AR platform i'm just looking for advice and insight so you can lay off there bud.
Ignore him, user. He's just mad that he can't own it.
You're probably right. Thanks man.
I don't want to sound like a shill but I personally use Magpul stocks and handguards on my AK's and they've held up excellently, I currently have a Magpul AFG on. I recommend getting good at iron sights like the other user suggested before investing in any kind of optic, just so you know your rifle well. A2 flash hider is a pretty good all around muzzle device from what I've heard, and you can stick a suppressor on there once you pay the $200 good goyim fee. Best of luck to you user.
Yeah I like the look of Magpul stocks personally maybe ill pick one up this summer. I agree getting good with the irons too like you said to get to know the rifle better an optic is low priority at the moment. Thanks for your opinion man.
If you've never driven a car would you rather practice on one with manual or automatic transmission? When you have a rifle there are already many thing you have to practice. Why not make a life easier with optic before switching to irons?
Quad rails aren't all that shit. Yes they're heavy but are retard strong compared to the thin modular rails and also have the sharp ass rail grooves that can act as grip. With that said the classic two piece plastic handguard set with a rail section bolted on or even the magpul will be lighter and will deal with heat better than any metal handguard. but if you don't want to kludge toomuch shit on the all you really need is the sling swivel on the gas block, some kind of light mount. If you just can't live without a forward grip of some kind then another rail section on the bottom side for whatever (which most likely won't be needed with the classic handguards as it has a gradual taper making it less awkward to angle your wrist).
Fuck scopes. Only fed patsies and edgy teenagers need such worthless toys for hunting game and politicians.
You can't possibly argue that irons are as fast as red dots
I learned on a manual so I knew the fundamentals of driving, and so I knew how to drive manual if I ever needed to in the future. Same applies to firearms. If you understand how to index iron sights and use them effectively, you will be more effective with an optic, and you have the benefit of being able to pick up any rifle and understand the sights.
Iron sights and a small under barrel light. You can pick up a light and ring for it for all of 7.50 bucks in american.
If you are a leftist of any kind, attach also a dildo to the barrel, fuck yourself, and pull the trigger.
They have different uses. Single-point is for if you're actively using the rifle, two-point is for carrying it comfortably on your back. Ideally, you would get a sling that can be used as either; Fagpul makes a couple of these, the premium option being the MS4 sling. I want to get one of those, a stock with a QD mount, and a QD mount to go on the rail for full one-to-two-point functionality with quick, convenient conversion and/or detachment.
If you're low on cash and just want a sling, get a basic two point.
Shooting with irons is harder than with red dot. Accuracy may be good on the range but in actual fight speed is more important. Ready up drills > nice grouping.
Lining up iron sights vs red dot on target
how much did it cost to get it? i was about to buy an cheapass 400 dollar DPMS but then parkland happened and trump betrayed everyone. the prices on ar15s are 100 dollars more expensive now.
I'm sure if you wanted to go 26 dimensional skinwalker hunting you could attach 3 NVs on top of each other with a thermal out your peripherals and a digi-sight on your penis but we're just talking about a minimal set up here.
Don't worry about anons like that, anybody's welcome here, no need to lurk.
Have you thought about trying one of these bad boys out?
How many milliseconds difference are we talking about here?
Wasting your fucking gun bucks on cheap chinese flashlights and nv scopes is not par for a minimal setup. Your setting yourself up for fucking failure. That's what.
I bought it off of a friend of a friend for $725. I got three mags and 60 rounds with it as well. I shot it the other day it shot great. When I cleaned it I saw no warning signs so I got a good deal on it. I checked the website for around how much it would cost and it looks like around 1k.
to be honest I have been using iron sights my whole life with the occasional hunting rifles I have with a longer range scope. My Rugger 10-22 and my SKS are all bare bones. Now that I have my AR I was hoping to make it to where I can defend the house as comfortably and with the most advantages that don't kill the functionality of the gun.
Here you go new friend :^]!
Enough to be the difference between life and death
Thanks really needed that one hahaha!
I have heard dot sights are much faster. I recently went to a gun range and noticed if I was off just a little bit it still went to where the dot was rather if I was off on irons it would be much farther off target.
Yeah that's why every competition shooter is using them. They are way faster than iron sights.
That is most achievable by having your advantages be on yourself, rather than your gun. Instead of needing to look through the scope for vision in the night, use goggles so that you can see the night all around. That allows you to use iron sights instead of having to attach something more on to your weapon, which will only make it more of a burden.
Enough to make the other guy not just shoulder-fire you to death before you even get up to the reticle? Because he's about to do that, too.
Which is why I said that speed is more important than accuracy
Yet shoulder-fire is obviously much quicker than bothering to at least get the reticle up to eye-level. At any rate, you might as well integrate the grip and stock for hip-fiyah, which is doubly quicker.
You get this dumb cunt posting his 'hahahahaha' bullshit constantly and using exclamation marks all over the place it's clear he is from fucking reddit or god knows where else.
Look at that fucking bullshit. Thousands and thousands of upvotes on links to 8ch. You whine about Zig Forums being shit but then defend these faggots that make it shit in the first place.
The future of Zig Forums, traps and gentlemen.
It's pretty ironic that this thread is made by a complete newfag and still has better firearms discussion than half the catalog.
Chill out faggot and go get your CatD
True, but it's like saying Indians are better than Somalis, it is still a shit thread.
Do you even work for ASIO?
Forward grips all come down to shooter comfort. If you're not sure what to get, hold your rifle as though it had the different grips and see what's most comfortable.
I attached a knockoff cree flashlight to my 44 magnum rifle one day and did a day's worth of shooting. Held up fine, still using it today. Consider that the only thing I'm talking about is outlaying versus everyone else an extra ten dollars maximum for a 1000 lumen flashlight that takes common batteries and lets you see in the dark with your rifle.
Instead of putting useless shit to weigh down your rifle, you could've spent some money on an NV device that would make you look operator as fuck. Fucking think about this shit, man.
And that's not even getting into the expense of NV that has a high enough revolution to be useful, plus the expense of an NV-compatible red-dot. Flashlights are simple, cheap, and they work just fine.
Might as well argue with me how if I use a bump stock that I will automatically be incapable of burst fire.
Stick with your Fuddlight if you want, but you won't even see me, or an operator like when the time comes. Just know it's nothing personnel kid.
I am dead serious, you cunt. None of that fudd-tier "flash yer light at em and look at em go" bullshit works. You're gonna get raped. Wear NVGs, and operate properly.
You're not a real operator unless you can competently defend your property with a Dreyse needle gun.
Not choosing the chaos option:
Christ, user. You might as well use a shotgun for self-defense. Just because it's the most common does not make it the most competent.
what a shitfest of a thread
>not a total meme outside of hunting skinwalkers
smh tbh famalamadingdong
Don't forget to get the Can Cannon!
Again, if you're really afraid of the darkies, spotlight the shit out of your house like it's the last stand of humanity.
You're going to love one of these slings:
I like iron sights, magpul MBUS.
I'm building a 20 inch w mlok right now but my HD/range/everyday/SHTF is a stock colt "m4" the LE6920 I prefer simplicity over tacticool.
You'll want a light. Whatever is bright and has good reviews, lots of options with this. Just make sure it is over 1 inch in size or it won't work with the little thing that mounts it to the rail on the gun.
Good shit OP, enjoy your AR and spent lots of time getting comfortable shooting it in every position, speed and range you possibly can.
Are you telling us that you haven't turned your home into an IED showroom, Strelok?
Do you also buy Beats headphones and wear Air Jordans?
I would delete the last post and rewrite but dubs prevent me.
My diorama of downtown London doesn't cover the whole house just quite yet, but it's getting there.
If it's for home defense get a .410 upper for it. Magazine load out should be first 3 rounds 000 buck, last 2 rounds slugs. Backyp magazines with the same loadout riding in tandem. Foregrip with integrated flashlight. Iron sights. Hang on to the original upper for range days/etc.