Well Zig Forums, It has been almost a month since we got the new boss strelok and I think it's time we had a discussion about the direction the board is heading in, specifically concerning moderation. It is difficult for a board owner to gauge how his user base feel about his efforts, especially considering his views may be easily swayed by a particularly vocal minority. With the discontent towards the volunteers of Zig Forums and Zig Forums along with the collapse of kaycee, Zig Forums has seen a steady rise in political baiting and /int/ tier shit flinging. Zig Forums has previously been very successful in avoiding both over zealous moderation like Zig Forums and /v/, and being a designated shitting street like Zig Forums where bestiality porn and brownpill spam stayed up for a day or more. Users were rarely aware of the existence of the volunteers on Zig Forums, they did their job very well and very discreetly. Unfortunately the cancer has started to spread to Zig Forums, coinciding with a shift in board ownership. I like what boss strelok has done and agree with his methods of continuing the legacy of the late boss strelok (PBUH). That being said, conditions seem to have changed and I think it's time we discuss how to best weather these changes. I'm not proposing any methods for moderating the board, however I'd like this thread to be a meta thread. Yes, I know how fucking cancerous this thread is, you've gotta kill some good cells to kill the bad ones.
needs to have the title corrected btw, it currently won't show through a catalog search.
Down the god damn toilet like it always has been. Not your fault it is just the way things go, blame Poole if you need to blame someone. Word of advice: if we notice moderation, the moderation has a big chance of being too heavy handed. Not saying you should let leftists endlessly smear shit all over the damn place, we are a bit more dignified than /liberty/, but mostly leave it to that my dude. Kill a commie every once in a while and let the actual humans scream at each other and handle their own business.
Aaron Scott
Well, good to have a meta thread to act as a shit magnet. Hopefully, we'll drain all the heavier shitposting here. Boss strelok has been alright so far, but it might be a good idea for him to visit /tg/ to talk to chrow. He's done a really good job running /tg/ and it might give our BO some ideas.
Dylan Bell
Remove leftypol, blatant shitposting, honeypot/irc shills, and similar actively and clearly detrimental posts. Don't touch anything else. You touch innocuous political banter, which is always going to be a constant if there's flags, and quality will drop even further.
Dylan Cruz
The hands-off moderation is fine but if possible I'd like a reduction in some of the blatant political shitflinging as long as it doesn't infringe on my ability to bait burgers with national stereotypes. It's generally pretty easy to spot the newfags wherever they've shown up from and what we actually need more than moderation is for anons to ignore + report the (1) and done bait. Also please quickly look into Karl's post history if he shows up again so we can find out what/where else he's been posting on Zig Forums.
This is a good idea.
Joshua Stewart
What the fuck happened to this country, you don't think its a fundamental abuse of what anonymous imageboards are supposed to be about when you try to crosslink users posts together? Corruption in the name of good only serves to corrupt good.
Jacob Butler
Not sure how you want to mod things (I've always been a fan of hands off moderation for everything apart from spam, cp, and off topic posts), but one thing you should consider is the long game: 2A is big, and will continue to be big. The left truly do want to get rid of it. The left also consider the *chans to be a place where there are dissidents that counter their bullshit (look at /v/ during gamergate, or Zig Forums on most left issues). You and I may see this place of little consequence in terms of just shooting the shit about guns and posting funny memes, but the left wing see boards like this as a threat to their power. Put two and two together, and eventually leftists will find a way to try manipulate or control here or cuckchan's Zig Forums. Mark my words, this will eventually happen. The banning of youtube gun vids is a canary. You need to somehow factor this into your long term mod outlook.
Xavier Lewis
Moderation should be kept to a minimum. What's killing Zig Forums is mods enforcing their retarded personal views on others through bans, thread removals and bumplocks. Remove only spam and if someone goes full retard then let him be punished by being mocked by others. You're on anonymous board so get used the the fact that its content is going to be different from normie gun forum.
Christian Jackson
They're already pushing their shit on other boards, the only thing the BO really needs to do is to gas the commies. Yes, I know webm related was by a commie band, the irony isn't lost on me.
I wasn't even aware there had been a handover. Anyway as far as moderation goes I'd agree with the consensus so far that a hands off/bare minimum approach is preferable. Ideally Zig Forums is somewhere you can post about weapons and related topics in a fairly casual manner without also having to deal with undesirable spam threads, bestiality etc. mentioned in the OP. Dealing with political baiting I suppose is a bit touch and go. I think that action should only be taken against leftards when it can be identified as a raid. The occasional debate with an anti-gunner that's wandered in is beneficial as I think it's best to engage with the enemy every now and then lest you forget how to fight them. That's all I think really needs to be done.
Communists may be disgusting but I'll be damned if they haven't made some good tunes, particularly the Russians. Can't say the same for that particular webm though.
Andrew Butler
Oliver Wilson
It's extremely rough but that's an very important song in music, it was one of the first true industrial songs. If you like Nine Inch Nails, Death Grips or late-era David Bowie you partially have that song to thank. I picked it because >Zyklon B
Was that really only a month ago? Feels longer.
Aiden Jenkins
God I'm fucking daft. Thanks.
Cameron Sanchez
Talking to all Streloks here not just Boss, I'd honestly like a straight up ban on any clickbait titles, you know the ones: OMFG DRUMF FUCKED US HARD or GET IN HERE FAGGOTS ITS A HABBENIND and of course IM A LITTLE AUTIST WHO SHOULD HAVE STAYED ON POL
I hate the screaming post titles. We don't need that here. We don't need sensationalism and clickbait post titles, that only attracts low effort baitposting and while I'm fine with a lulthread or DOR thread every now and again, I think that encouraging clickbait threads is a sure way to devalue this board. Let's keep the discussions informative and fun, not sperging out every time things don't go our way. Addition to that: Keep posting legislation that doesn't go our way, it's good to keep up on current events. Just keep the ragecomic style posting down to a dull roar?
/tv/ is an example of how quickly a board can go to shit if it's not moderated correctly. So many meme and clickbait threads.
Cameron Sanders
Seconding this. Half the time I can't tell if it's reddit shitstirring/COINTELPRO or some recently redpilled idiot doing backflips over shit that happened a week ago.
Daniel Parker
i think race/countrybaiting should warrant a temporary ban(inb4 le mad monkey) most threads go fine but then along comes one of (((them))) and starts a fight between us all and there goes the thread
Maybe certain streloks should grow thicker skin and stop chimping every time some faggot posts a goblin picture, or calls Europe a caliphate.
Hunter Hall
Why not just have flagless fridays or something? sounds like a fun experiment imo.
Sebastian Harris
Also, learningcode just showed up so prepare for board quality to take an even bigger nosedive. Funny how he shows up after the chesscuck martian got b&.
Thomas Brown
The board isn't fast enough for that.
Jack Watson
If your board is (((politically))) targeted, you either fight or get conquered. There's a reason why cuckchan Zig Forums is nothing but cuckery. They were conquered by kikes. Bitch about Zig Forums if you want, but every shill resource that exists has been thrown at it, and the catalog remains high quality.
Levi Mitchell
Gas yourself.
Thomas Ramirez
Jacob Moore
I use this board to discuss skills/DIY stuff and share books. So long as PDF trading and discussion of tactics are left undisturbed things should be fine. Moderators are supposed to prevent spam, remove unrelated topics, and prevent the government from killing our fun. Overstepping boundaries on moral reasons is usually what cancerifies communities so light-touch moderation should be key. As far as shitposting about flags goes, it's on the individuals to stop acting like 5 year olds and take the amerimutt jokes with a grain of salt. If it offends you it probably applies to you, and that's YOUR problem not the moderator's.
Robert Gonzalez
or just git gud.
Brayden Ortiz
Don't you have a flag to go plant, marvin?
John Garcia
I'd second taking a look at how /tg/ does things, Chrow's been alright so far. Light-handed moderation is best moderation; and never make an "apolitical" rule unless it explicitly targets lefties. "apolitical" communities pretty reliably get overrun by lefties sooner or later unless they make it clear that lefties are unwelcome.
Justin Ortiz
I, for one, am appaled that the QTDDTOT is now cyclical. I don't mind the cyclical apsect, I mind that an American made it. It should be a Canadian as per tradition.
If us leafs can handle leafposting memes than you can handle the occasional huemonkey and >taurus shit.
Cameron Stewart
I think it's fun to have some country related bantz as long as you don't overdo it and end up completely derailing a good thread. Helps make you harder skinned to boot. Besides at the end of the day, no matter our differences, at least we're not those sheep-shagging New Zealanders. :^)
No, because he got banned from the news boards. If learningcode sticks around without being banned on sight it's a pretty huge indicator the vols are in league with the faggot (see: Zig Forums and /zenpol/). Recently he only ever shows up when a board's population isn't fully chesscucked or in full shitpost mode. Speaking of chesscucks and learningcode, what alternatives are there if this Zig Forums succumbs to subversion? Are there any, or are they all compromised by now?
Jace Young
Just curious, how exactly would you go about fixing /liberty/? Like you said heavy-handed, easily noticeable moderation isn't good, so you couldn't just ban anyone that posts lefty shit on there. Would removing all the pro-lefty flag options be enough? I feel like a fair few are on there just so they can put their contrarian flag on and LARP as an agitator.
Isaac Morgan
Thanks for the input lads, im doing what i can to try keep on the line and not go too far off.
shitposters from halfchan are like californians/Greens voters, they shit up everywhere they go. remember to report them.
Yep, report em as you see them I shouldnt have stickied the other leftypol thread cus i didnt read it properly, sorry!
Flags are staying.
Sorry user went to bed early. im surprised he hasnt run out of VPNs to jump over.
Hey! What happened to the Maddow thread? I was half-way through rebutting all his points when the thread got deleted. What is the boss strelok doing? Anyone who knows Maddow posters know that they love it when you crack down on them or give them attention and having a ban pic to wave around in the future just means more cancer. The right thing to do would be to anchor the thread and let people like me fuck his argument up before letting him sperg out to his hearts content while all alone with the Drown in Semen posters.
Poe's Law strikes again it seems. Then again it was a leafposter, so who can tell.
Lucas Young
The first two points were the gun violence numbers which where inflated due to suicides and acidental firing so of the 8% of crime in 2011 only 0.16% was gun related homocide, suicides being also unrelated to guns since places like Japan exist. The second point was bullshit as well as the number of DGUs was way to low at 0.8% due to accounting for all cases of gun violence, not if the person had a gun on/close to him or even if he owned one but all victims of gun violence in 2011 so of course the number is really low like that. But in all honesty the real DGU number is so often biased towards the researching party its hard to get a clear number anyways. The third point had to do with gun safe zones but like I said I stopped at half-way when It got deleted so I don't know what the numbers was and the fourth I don't remember.
Nathan Murphy
>>>/v/ we have a sticky for this you autist. additionally literally nothing has changed with the way the place has been moderated. youre just a shitstirring drama queen.
Xavier Gomez
For fucks sake Pedro, learn English. I know nothing has changed in the way the board is being moderated. That's the fucking point of this thread. Zig Forums has historically had lax moderation but now catalog quality is declining with a steady stream of retards coming in from reddit/halfchan (essentially synonymous at this point).
Caleb Carter
But why?
Brayden Flores
Its a piece of shit that belongs on said wall.
Josiah Jackson
Sure, it's better off in Godsreach museum, but why is it there in the first place?
Ryan Phillips
Sometimes folk like shitty museum pieces in their bunker.
Charles King
It feels soulless.
Luke Walker
Sometimes it can be funny though, but I think we should get rid of flags.
Ian Johnson
Are we being subverted/ raided? I mean, virtually every second board seems to be under some sort of subversion or raid in the past couple of days, but that could be my paranoia speaking. But the amount of activity seems to have doubled at least.
Zachary Sanders
so you admit to wanting more moderation? maybe reddit is more your thing. mods ban every off color post there.
Adrian Carter
The constant bans on Zig Forums are causing that board to bleed users and its having a chilling-effect on what people feel they can say there. it makes sense to me that it's having ripples across the website. if the same thing happened on /v/ you can bet every other thread would be FPS games.
James Nelson
You've done alright so far, cunt, but maybe you need one or two other vols with very similar views, but located in different timezones. I'll throw this out there for anyone who isn't familiar with rachposter (as if any legitimate newfags ever come here anymore), I'm not advocating for immediate banning of anyone who questions weapons. You can easily win over a logical mind, and the occasional emotional fuckwit spewing soccer mom tier arguments is easily refuted. Rachposter is neither one of those, he goes to imageboards with the specific intent of subverting and destroying them board by board, and no matter how well worded your argument is, or how sound your logic, he will always pull something out of his ass to derail the topic at hand into a nebulous shitfest with no clear goal. He's a big part of why Zig Forums went to utter shit and why the news boards are utter trash.
Benjamin Hughes
It's almost certainly refuse from political boards who know little to nothing about weapons but are more than happy to comment on politics. They are honestly interested in weapons, but they only lurk long enough for that Dunning-Krueger confidence to set in, and then they let loose with fuddlore-esque "knowledge" and bad opinions. It's been on the rise after the post-Parkland astroturfing and it's reaching a fever pitch now.
This is what killed Zig Forums and it can kill Zig Forums if we're not diligent about it. This is not directed at the board owner but rather at the people on this board: Spend less time getting indignant over gun grabbers and talk about guns. Tell us about your last trip to the range, your dream raifu, military dick measuring, anything but crisis actors and faggot politicians.
My case in point. You deserve to be bullied for believing this false crisis.
Somewhere along the line, people's brains broke and they felt the need to respond to every single bait post, no matter how obvious it is. Seeing reactions to Rachposting is a good barometer for how infested a board is by this issue.
Colton Russell
I hate to be that one faggot crying reddit, but that really is mostly a redditor issue. They're pretty much the only outsiders who bother with this site (other than the bernds who are familiar enough with imageboards to not shit themselves at the first sign of a (you) trap, and shills who stand out like a sore thumb outside of the political boards), and spotting them is pretty easy. For the most part Zig Forums has avoided their presence due to redditors generally being hoplophobic cucks, but when t_D's precious zog emperor decided to backstab his largest voter base they immediately went full damage control and one or two of them leaked over here as evidenced by the chesscuck martian and at least one leaf (assuing they aren't the same faggot) defending his blatant intent to infringe on the second amendment and the resulting cuckery of at least two """republican""" governors as a direct result of his rhetoric.
Jordan Lopez
Luke Johnson
I sincerely wish that you and your countrymen had to post everything everywhere with your country flag on. Everything. Particularly in real life.
Benjamin Smith
The vocals are too distorted and the bass isn't prominent enough to stand out on it's own.
If worse comes to worst we could host our own little Bush War in here if the underage autists keep coming.
It's your fault you don't live in a civilized country.
Just use the Argentina flag, it's the same thing.
Considering there are anons round here that never knew what /new/ was I'd say we're getting flooded by newfags.
I am not so up to date on those Zig Forumsfags but from what I grasp they have pretty much chased away anyone who isn't a burger or anyone that is trying to hold their El Presidente accountable?
So you're one of those "shills don't exist" types?
Jace Sanchez
keep it like it's been for years now. I don't know what political baiting is new, politicians are traitors or enemies and should be named as such. beast or brownpill are clearly just spam.
If you want to change the board, then you're objectively worse than old BO. I'm not saying that yet because I've been away too much, but the fact we have to keep hearing from you means you're trying too hard.
Anthony James
Shills exist but if they are shilling they are doing it elsewhere. There's no reason for shills to shill here since it is such a tiny board and their efforts would be far more worthwhile on larger boards and sites.
Justin Foster
After Zig Forums and Zig Forums this is the most active board that discusses anything remotely politically related.
Jacob Morgan
A tree for hanging or the tree you get that gets planted in israel with your name on it from "Naive JUST fuck my shit up, fam among the nations" award?
Cooper Morgan
we really need someone making decent 3d zardoz masks, instead of those /po/ paper ones
Andrew Roberts
we really need someone making decent 3d zardoz masks, instead of those /po/ paper ones
Connor Turner
oh well fuck me for double posting. I don't enable js very often.
Lucas Wright
I haven't been here for a few months and I mostly lurked because in a lot of cases I was just not knowledgeable enough to contribute. That has changed, and not just because I have become knowledgeable enough for most threads, but because most threads back then were highly technical where as today, there are a lot of rather stupid threads. Most of them require just an opinion and not knowledge of the subject, which is bad for the board. The worst offenders are the circlejerking threads like the one about the FAL that's up right now. is something I hoped I would never see here. As long as opinion threads like this are not killed by the community by telling these people to go back to wherever they are from, board quality is going to decline. About six months ago, this place was free of Lockheed Martin astroturfing/fanboys and one could actually discuss the F35 mostly in peace. I fear that that may not be the case any longer. I don't think this is a specific moderation issue, it is much more of a meta issue, but it has to be adressed before half of the threads are x-general. If you want one of those, go to half chan Zig Forums, there usually is no need to make a duplicate here.
Grayson Williams
The song is from the 70's, it was before people really understood how to make industrial. While I wouldn't listen to it on the regular myself, it'd be unfair to say it wasn't ambitious considering how there wasn't much before then that sounded like that.
Isaac Long
Teach me to not be a fudd oh wise one
Ayden Wood
Do you worship .45 ACP like the second coming of Christ? Do you have a hatred of polymer or “plastic” stocks and will lay your life on the line for the honor of wood furniture? If you answered no to either or both of these than you are already leaps and bounds ahead of your average Fudd.
Isaiah Evans
Zig Forums is getting better, much like death is an improvement for a man with multiple malignant tumors. They managed to chase off Kamfy, the vol/BO? That kept pushing the Trump shit, but unfortunately it was too little too late. All the posters worth a damn left a long time ago to other sites or to other boards like /polk/.
Liam Cook
Fudds worship wood. Mallninjas touch themselves to polymer stocks because they're LARPing as opr9rs. True patricians recognize the beauty of the former while acknowledging the practical value of the latter.
Are you sure they did? Last I heard (granted I haven't visited Zig Forums in a hot minute) that kampfy had either gotten possible Bo rights.
I will agree it might be too little too late at this point but I think it was infested by astroturfers long before Trump showed up, but it got a hell of a lot worse after that.
As for this board, occasional flag bantz is perfectly fine (sorry Hues and Heebs), but guns is the game of the day. If a hot opinion is shit, I say feel free to point it out, and while b8 posting is always a risk, you might actually have people showing up (as rare as it would be to seek out an extremist Finnish cave drawing board dedicated to assault spoons) to actually talk about guns and everything about them, wanting to learn and that's a chance to bring one more into the fold. As for 's comment, I do disagree with his example of circlejerk threads. In the FAL' s case although minor funposting and circlejerking there was also plenty of talk about its functions, building costs, finding parts and fully working guns, and companies to avoid. To me thats more a specific thread, rather than circlejerk.
Also don't forget to invite your antigun and on the fence friends shooting post greentexts too
Beyond that, I think the vols/BO are doing a decent job so far, but vigilance must always be practiced.
yeah it's dead. But heil is just the new name for kikey or whoever or whatever group has been running the place into the ground for so long now.
Dylan Roberts
Current Zig Forums are a bunch of obnoxious newfags that belong more on reddit than anywhere else in their circlejerk. Board may as well be called /trump/ now as it's chased away anyone who doesn't suck Trump's dick.
Not every god damn "mass shooting" incident that ever pops up on mainstream news. Just because a gun is involved with a crime or incident doesn't mean it's instantly material for a thread on Zig Forums. Sure, people here can discuss the actions that politicians take to legislate and regulate weapons and weapon related things after the fact but the board doesn't need a thread every time some retard decides to shoot up a public gathering place.
Considering that unknown flag posters such as yourself are the ones causing most of the political shitflinging I think they should stay. Nice to have a quick and easy way to filter a fag.