Stop the ATFs Bump Stock Ban Mega Thread


Time to beat our highscore of 80k comments. Ok faggots, third time is a charm. We are going to repeat our previous success and flood the ATF with comments for their “Proposed Rule-Making Re-Bump Stock Type Devices.” THEY ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO READ AND REPLY TO EVERY COMMENT YOU SUBMIT. You may remember anons did this previously with other ATF rules changes under Obama, specifically, when they closed the trust “loop-hole” for registering NFA devices in non-NFA friendly states, and attempted to ban Green Tip ammo. We delayed the trust rule by one year, and they actually took some of our advise and removed the LEO signature requirement, and we stopped the Green Tip ammo ban altogether with 80,000 comments. This is proven to work so it is worth anons time.

Follow this link:

Make a comment regarding why you do not approve of the rules change. Be polite, be specific, and its best if you make it custom, and as long as possible so they have to read the whole thing. I will provide suggestions in the posts below as to what you can say, or what to bring up in your comments.

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If possible print out your letter and send by snail mail. ATF added this suspect comment to this round of rule making:

Do not make a copy a robo letter and submit the same thing over and over as they will throw it out.

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Questions and points to put in your letter to the ATF:

-How can the ATF define “Single function of the trigger” to include a finger “bumping” off the trigger repeatedly and therefore functioning the trigger each time?

-What will happen to all the current bump stocks in circulation? What about their owners?

-How does ATF plan to prevent criminals such as Stephen Paddock from making bump stocks from readily available parts at Home Depot for under $35 dollars, such at a metal bar and two screws with washers connected to a firearms grip and stock?

-Will ATF consider a metal bar with two screws and washers to be a machine gun if also present in the same dwelling as a semi automatic firearm, since they may be “readily restored to shoot” as a machine gun in ATF's determination?

-Will holes drilled in a pistol grip or stock be considered a machine gun in the same manner ATF considers holes drilled in certain areas of a receiver to be machine guns?

-Does ATF plan to regulate an individuals finger which can bump a trigger rapidly without assistance from bump stock type devices?

-Will this rule regulate belt loops, which can be “readily restored to shoot,” a semi automatic firearm in the same way a bump stock does. Will a belt loop be on the same level as a shoe string which ATF has classified as a machine gun in the past?

-Will wearing pants with belt loops be illegal while operating a semi automatic firearm under this rule?

-Does ATF or Congress plan on allowing citizens a legal method to register their previously owned bump stocks on the NFA registry?

-Will the act of bump firing a firearm be considered “making a machine gun?'

Feel free to add some points of your own. Please spread this far and wide, lets beat the high score of 80,000 comments.

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>>>Zig Forums11435097

Jesus fucking Christ.

Anons like that should be permabanned, even if its a joke or satirical post.

Anyways, who do we address our letter to. I'm writing a physical letter.


Sorry anons, this post isn't correct.


If it weren't for that comparison I wouldn't have realized it was satire.

Mail: Vivian Chu, Mailstop 6N-518, Office of Regulatory Affairs, Enforcement Programs and Services, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, 99 New York Ave. NE, Washington DC 20226. ATTN: 2017R-22.

does asking about jews count as profanity?


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Nice, but the goal is to delay. Write as much as you can while remaining coherent and on-topic, because they're required to read it all. The longer they spend on each comment the better.

Copypasta comment add what you see fit but the important part is SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED:

"Legally, set by your own precedence, the definition of a "machine gun" is as follows - "any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger."

Upon further examination of this definition, a "bump stock" fails to meet the most significant criteria.

1 - "a weapon which shoots" It does not shoot; it is a stock.
2 - "readily restored to shoot" See above.
3 - "automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger." The trigger actuates each time the weapon is fired.

Hereby, each component of the definition YOU arbitrarily created has been refuted to the point only an illogical person could attempt to rationalize."

An interesting thing I found was NBC getting salty over how the ATF can't ban bumpstocks with current legislation and also complained about hellfire triggers.

That said, a little research makes hellfire triggers look more appealing than bump stocks.

So has the federal ban effort been stalled for now due to the legal issues or what?

How can a non-burger help. Should I just use a US address, in which case do I check the "I am submitting on behalf of a third party" box, or do I use my real mailing address which I am naturally reluctant to do.

If they attempted a backdoor ban on Semi-Autos, how will the firearm industry react? Would they consider lobbying opening the MG registry at that point?

They would probably just declare bankruptcy like they are now.

Jesus Christ what the fuck is wrong with nu/pol/

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This better be on page 6 only because everyone on Zig Forums has already filled out a comment.