How do you feel about the new boomers?
How do you feel about nations reducing the number of missiles on their subs?
How do you feel about the new boomers?
How do you feel about nations reducing the number of missiles on their subs?
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Why the fuck would you do that? Just hit them with a damn stick. A shot gun is going to damage a lot of meat and blow holes in the nets.
Electric drive? Intredasting. Probably for the better, considering what happened to the Georgia.
Sounds pretty Jewish to me.
An electric drive won't cure general incompetence.
Maybe they shouldn't blow them up faster than I can produce them at work and we wouldn't fucking have this problem.
The fact that we have vessels named "Dreadnought" amuses my inner fa/tg/uy.
As a person who fishes this is some of the dumbest shit you can do, that will seriously fuck the meat up.
You Americans never fail to disappoint.
They look more like shitskins than Americans to me.
You should know, you Argie spic
Samefag here!
Spoke to a friend about it.
He told me he uses custom packed shells.
Low grain with multi layered paper wadding.
Supposed to stun the tuna so they don't spazz out too much making them easier to handle.
Pretty weird, roundabout, and expensive way if you ask me.
Sorry fella, they're Asian.
It's the only way to finish a foe as mighty as まぐろさま.
I decide who is American
To my dearest 56%ers, I sincerely apologise for mistaking you with the ladyboys, and take back my previous statement
Am I American?
I am lurker but I will tell you something about Japanese.
Unless we know otherwise Japanese see all whites as American, we know little about Europe besides stereotypes and WW2.
We taught you well. Im so proud ;_;
Truly pathetic. The street shitter one is three times smaller and is better armed.
Because of how they patrol and the risk of being sunk, a single ballistic missile submarine needs to be able to take out all of the enemys inland capital cities, and still have the capability to take out its ports or ships with torpedoes. SSBN should have a minimum of 16 to 20 ballistic missile tubes, in addition either 12 medium torpedo tubes, 6 heavy, or some mix thereof. That's the bare minimum, in my opinion it should be twice that per submarine, but no one listens to me.
Just club them morons.
I use to think you were cool Tojo and you decide to hurt me like this.
The only way Australia and Canada are not American is our lack of constitution affirming our rights. This is a very shitty way to be different.
It all makes sense, Canada and Australia could have ruled the world if the temperature was closer to the average than the extremes!
I'm sorry, Australia! (;>д<)
Your wine is nice.
The Columbia class is going to have nearly the same displacement as the Ohio class even though they've reduced the number of missile tubes by a third. All the technical drawings I can find omit the aft section entirely. There are older drawings from Electric Boat for something called the Marlin class, but they show a lockout chamber for deploying SEALs just fore of the machinery space, as well as a vertical tube in the bow for launching tomahawks, neither of which makes any sense on a submarine meant as a nuclear deterrent.
If you bothered to look at their faces you'd notice they're Finnish
I can tell you we won't see one Columbia or new US boomer at least not before we die of old age.
All the sub money of the USN is going to the Virginia which has become the Arleigh Burke/F-35 of the subs. Too big to kill, too expansive to do anything else.
They will keep making them until 2043 (!)
So what they will do is prolong endlessly the Ohio's. Then they will do is make smaller ICBM, possibly with a shorter range (or not depending propulsion tech breakthrough).
What are you talking about? The FOD of the turbine in 2010 or the grounding in 2015? Both those are cases of severe incompetence, an electric drive isn't going to improve anything, it may actually cause further issues concerning the incompetence of the average sailor.
Any system with an "X" in it's designation, is assured to be an abyssal failure.
My point is that they're hiding something. Something that takes the space of 8 missile tubes.
Please, at best it's been left purposefully as an unimportant ancillary space that General Dynamics can later bilk the Navy for when those missing eight tubes are added in an "upgrade" package, once the sub is accepted, but deemed by Congress as shortcoming in meeting the nuclear deterrence mission requirements. Lockheed got their pocket lining multi-billion dollar boondoggles, now it's General Dynamics turn again.
Female crew berthing.
most plausible answer tbh
why is it less difficult to build the ford carriers than it is to build a sub?
Nuclear powered submarines essentially has an entire wars worth of power and water, in terms of total deployment and submerged running time the real limit is air and food. One way to get past this limit is to reduce crew sizes, which gives more air and food per person, and results in longer submerged times and deployment times. America refuses to reduce crew sizes and automate like everyone else, because reducing personnel would cut the budgets in half, which would mean less "wiggle room" for someone corrupt to skim money. East bloc subs have 224 submerged tonnes per crewmember, whereas Ohio has 120 submerged tonnes per crewmember Ergo their only option is to cut crucial systems like weapons, to make room for extra air and food.
A carrier is basically an airtight apartment building. It's built of concrete and bolted together, uses a huge hunk of iron as ballast. As long as it floats its good.
A sub is built of specialty steels, has to be welded and then every weld scanned for any microfractures, because it actually goes to depth.
It's why the columbia class sub program is 100 billion and the ford class carrier program is 40 billion.
Food is the only limitation, oxygen is generated by electrolyzing water.
How is that not treason?
Remember when we fried 2 kikes for handing secrets to the soviets?
Right, sorry, long day.
Treason is impossible to prove if the people being traitors are also the people in charge of finding and punishing traitors. The true check and balance are the American people, and as of this moment the American people seem to be fine with being robbed and betrayed. Corruption is acceptable for the average westerner, really.
As for efficiency… I think Americans are scared of being too successful, like there's some sense of feeling guilty if you're too efficient. Also there's a deep knowledge that your way of doing things is right, and other cultures should be convinced of that instead of just destroyed the problem is that americans think your way is democracy and parliamentary law, when it actually is the exact opposite, so you're actually encouraging and prosetylizing a flawed government system globally.
Anyway, all this baggage is holding you back. With current automation technology America could theoretically build subs Ohios size with only about 50 crew, could afford to man hundreds of them, and even build them using automated factories like cars but larger. But none of that is useful for convincing third worlders that "democracy", a flawed system proven to be shit 2500 years ago, is da best.
At this rate why not just make a giant sub called uss gibmedats with an old shitty deck gun and 1 crew member per tonne and fill it with the most useless idiots in the military? bonus points for getting it rammed by a cargo ship despite being a fucking submarine
But we use our nuclear silos for that.
That's true and also safer, as it can't accidentally ram a cargo ship.
Same as why it's easier to build a B-52 than a B-2 and a seaplane version of a B-2 at that.
Carriers aren't that hard to built, WW2 ones had wooden parts remember?
Subs on the other hand have so many different complicated things to take in mind (dive pressure, temperature fluctuations, sounds propagation, limited space, wake limitation, etc…).
And remember how the dems are still bitching about it and often pretend they were wrongly accused or that it was too harsh a punishment?
There's still a production line for their parts?
I'd expect them to run on stockpiled and scavenged part for the rest of their career.
You know what this whole American military industrial complex just fucking boggles the mind, why do they even need to exist in the first place anyways? Russia had already streamlined their military industrial complex down to a tee and they're shitting out newer weapons at a fraction of the price the burger gubmint launders taxpayer's money to the (((manufacturers))).
You were on top of the game back then and suddenly you just grew too bloated, whats up with that america?
-t. zero knowledge of the whole history behind american arms procurement along with its fundamental problems
*t- user with
Defense contractors discovered they could float ridiculous bloated projects with lofty, unrealistic promises that never came to fruition, but made Congressional reps who's districts said defense contractors resided in cream themselves at the idea of more money and power, then they could buy out the bid by promising to undercut everyone else, then bilk the ever living shit out of the project expenditure, while lining the pockets of project brass with a pittance, complaining all the white they don't have enough funds to finish the job, thus being granted those funds because of the "muh to big to fail" bullshit, eventually Nunn-McCurdy is triggered and the project is shitcanned. As said defense contractor walks away with 10X the profits over initial cost estimates, having produced 1/10th of the initial amount of systems ordered, a decade behind schedule, and using parts produced in China/Turkey/Mexico, thus ensuring mission readiness up-time capability of ZERO.
Now, couple that with the DoD shitcanning all it's combat leaders gained over the past 15 years of fight goat herders for not hitting newly enacted soft policies, the hordes of trannies, womyn, nigs, and general dregs that couldn't get a job at McShits and now make up the large majority of the rank and file enlisted and moral is in the toilet. Couple that with incompetent leadership that was chosen based on skin color and gender, has been fed Marxist bullshit since the cradle, inundated from day one at ROTC/service academy with SHARP, EEO, and sensitivity courses out the ass, while being provided a sub-par curriculum centered around "open leadership" and philosophy. Mix it all together and here we are with the US Navy ramming it's destroyers into a cargo ship ever few months, subs catching fire, subs running aground, and Fat Leonard.