Shooting at YouTube HQ

Shouldn't have demonetized Sam's videos.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is how I see this going.

gee i wonder how he got a gun in california

The shooter is female.

Samantha Hyde strikes again.


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Picture of the aforementioned Samantha Hyde with her ex-husband.

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B-b-but Commiefornia has an assault weapons ban! Shootings are illegal! How could this possibly happen?!

It must be fake news concocted by Russian hackers designed to reduce our trust in gun control. Well, I see right through your games, Ivan! CNN and MSNBC provide me with all the information I need to see past your lies! Gun control works, no matter how many shootings happen in gun free zones!

Its Ian.

proofs immediately, if so

Clearly, she was influenced by toxic masculinity and the internalized patriarchy of the blatantly misogynist tech industry.

This is mens' fault.

#SupportWomen #MarchForOurLives #ThePatriarchyStrikesAgain

Mass shootings are an outlet of patriachical toxicity in an environment of hegemonic masculinity. They are not a feminine act. We can therefore conclude that the witnesses misgendered the shooter, who while appearing female clearly identified as a man.

They're reporting it live on a CBS Log Angeles stream. The only stream with an active chat. From what they're saying on CBS anyone who wanted direct entry needed a key card, but it didn't sound like their physical security(gates/guards) was anything to speak of. They implied that there was nothing stopping someone from walking in after someone with a key card opens the door.

FOX 10 Phoenix is livestreaming on youtube atm.
I fucking hate immediate new coverage for these events. It's always a complete shitshow. Dozens of conflicting "facts"

And all we need to do is laugh, train, pepper out representatives with pro gun calls, and prepare for the inevitable american treasury bonds crash that all of this gun control is attempting to forestall by disarming the rubes and taking ALL your shit

It get's better.

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Everyone at the scene reports every noise and echo as gunshots because they're panicking, which of course some take as hard evidence of multiple shooters. Then when they only find one, it's evidence that it's all a hoax.

Hey, at least you can't, as a law abiding citizen, purchase a fully semi automatic bump stock fed baby seeking 30 round clipizene mag.

Memoryholed in 3, 2…

Also, I wonder when the shootings aren't Zig Forums related strelok is going to show up.

Just a reminder to never talk about "high capacity magazines". Insist on calling them "standard capacity".

Fairly easy for them to play though. Find some vaguely non-cucked man in her life and blame it on him. Her father left (was divorced out of his own home) when she was very young? Psychological damage from a deadbeat dad! Great relationship with a loving and supportive father? She was smothered by a domineering father who filled her mind with toxic masculinities! One or more failed relationships? She was driven to it by abusive ex boyfriends! A single long term and idyllic relationship? Use the loving father explanation with 'boyfriend' substituted for 'father'. No prior relationships and waiting for marriage? She's a self hating internalised patriarchy suffering victim of de ebil mens! Remember, your enemy thinks that words are meaningless and facts cannot exist, and lots of people treat their every word as gospel.

Yeah ok.

Would be a pretty good way to throw them off. No?

If arabs weren't counted as white in I doubt San Fran would even have its already astonishingly low 41% white demographic. I warned you of the urbanites but no one listened.

Goes against media trend. They'll be like oh this poor oppressed muslim was dominated by her husband who made her XYZ things. She's also a minority so ebin. See:
I hate how people use minority status. My parents worked their way to where they are now by ACTUAL SKILL NOT BY CRYING MUH COLONIALISM
Sage for offtopic.

is that brittany venti?

Arabs (and Jews) are of Akkadian roots, they're decidedly not white. They mixed with Africans and with Denisovan hominids. Whites (Europeans) are relatively unmixed excepting Neanderthals, mostly evolving as an offshoot due to the ice age.

it was. I deleted because i was fucking retarded and wrong and got corrected

sorry for misinfo

you forgot to sage

You the cousin of that guy in the revolver thread that also can't speak English?
Eh, I probably just didn't articulate very well. You are right. I am saying that in reality San Francisco is probably far less than 41%, I would wager it could be as low as 12% when you factor in all of the silicon valley kikes posing as white.

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US census counts North Africans and Arabs as white.

They let some old mexican-american dude on the camera for like 30 minutes and when they finally asked him his name he went "oh I don't want to do that."

Stupid news


Everyone is white except when they're victims.

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Self-inflicted, I'm hearing.

gtfo newfag

omg!!! how dare they just do violence against a woman at google. Worst company confirmed.

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Should be

shit you're right

here have some more relevant shit though

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This is meme material. Need Zig Forums banner nao.

Fucking women. She couldn't even beat Randy Stair.

OP was allegedly not a fag today

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From what I've heard, it was three injured, and the fourth "victim" was the shooter killing herself.

Sounds about right.

So I know they were starting it anyway but how long do we have to save all of the shit we want before youtube scrubs all videos with any mention of guns in them

A week, best case.

After the Second Amendment is gone, the third is likely to be next. There are no socioeconomic "safe zones" in a civil war.

Week is a decent estimate, gives the diversity hires enough time to figure out how to press the delete button.

I feel they probably have a list compiled an read to go.


Supposedly one 'victim' not shot, probably fell given they have bleeding leg injury and face scratch.

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What the fuck are you doing

What an aspie. Should've shot up Greg Lansky instead.

I don't know if you guys cant read but the line under the spoiler


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These fucking reporters are all trying to figure out if the weapon that was used was semi automatic because obviously more than two shots out of a gun is too much for any civilian to be able to make. Maybe if we meme New York style reloads hard enough we can get some faggot to shoot up Google with a bag of single shot subcompacts.


Someone should remind these people that back in the day of single shot flintlocks that people would often wear multiple ones so they could get off as many shots as quickly as possible.

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Only in my dreams though. I'm afraid i've become indifferent to second amendment legislation.

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So its over for guns in the US? Full ban in the media?

If they do that then they'll have to ban depictions from vidya and movies too. That will definitely kill youtube.


It looks like future gun rights will be reserved to those i law enforcement or military. Either you commit a felony, or you become a cog in the police state.

That sounds like a good way to have a military coup.

It was probably a right wing terrorist because youtube just started pulling gun videos.
BONUS: turns out the "she" was a trap

Who will our Caesar be I wonder?


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She was wearing a headscarf. Bets are good she's peacefully demonstrating her religion, like Syed Rizwan Farook & Tashfeen Malik did a couple of years ago.

Or they'll just ignore the headscarf entirely, sort of like happened with Marc Lepine, whose real name was Gamil Gharbi. They talk all the time about his misogynist and anti-feminist motives, but rather less about his Islamic Algerian heritage.

Already happening. Allegedly she was after an ex-boyfriend.

Don't underestimate liberals. Some like to wear headscarf as a fashion statement.

And she failed miserably proving her ex once again that he did the right thing dumping her.


Manlets, when will they ever learn?

Just gonna watch this go down the memory hole.

That's awfully specific, I wonder.
Anyway I'm not breaking out Kool & the gang till someone gives em the McVeigh special.

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I listened to some of released dispatch audio. Dispatchers said 7-8 shots, and at least one eyewitness described the weapon as a large handgun. A revolver, maybe?

From all accounts it looks like the shooter is a Jewish Muslim. I fucking shit you not.

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Bitch is crazy

Huh, am I reading this right?

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I wonder where I've seen this before. The question is, will CAIR even bother with this one, and could she have picked a worse ruse to push her agenda?

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Now it looks like Youtube's got blood on their hands.

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Also this is it's site

I bet all the social media platforms are going to be in full panic mode come tomorrow.

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Confirmed crazy.

Is there any evidence it's a tranny?
I mean, the face pretty much guarantees it, but there's a chance it's just a really, really ugly female.

I really like the "deranged schizo" aesthetic in website design. has it too.

I'm pointing out it's suspiciously specific, and just so (((happens))) to be the exact same number as a commonly sold pack of firecrackers.
It's not like I doubt that they'd be evil enough to try and kill people if they're evil enough to try and disarm em (why else would they want to disarm the populous?) but the (((coincidences))) happen too often to be organic.

You can bet this is getting hidden by the (((MSM))).

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today was a good day

There are vids of it in man form somewhere.

I have no intention of looking them up.

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